Chapter 36 Just say it’s not collected.

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  Chapter 36 Just say it’s not collected.

  At this time, the scene in the video changed.

  Xu Ye pointed at the clothes with his finger and said: "Let's fold a horizontal line under the clothes, then grab the intersection of the upper horizontal line and the vertical line with one hand, and grab the intersection below with one hand. "

  Xu Ye in the video also grabbed the two intersections of the short sleeves with both hands.

  This video took a long time to shoot because he had to put the camera on his head.

  No one can resist a man with a camera on his head.

  Mainly because Kunkun was not here, he had to shoot the video by himself, so it took a long time.

  Yu Ming nodded slightly, the development was exactly as he expected.

  However, the next second, the video picture suddenly changed.

  Xu Ye turned around and faced the closet, whose door was already open.

  He threw the short sleeves he was holding into the closet and closed the closet door with a bang.

  Xu Ye's voice sounded again.

  "In this way, we have completed the storage of clothes. You can also use this method to store other clothes."

  The video screen suddenly blacked out and the playback was completed.

  Yu Ming was completely silent.

  The dark mobile phone screen reflected his somewhat lifeless face.

  His brain is confused now.

  who I am?
  where am I?
  What video did I just watch?
  There were only curse words left in his mind.

  Are you fucking sick?
  You call this storing clothes?

  When storing clothes at home, you just throw the clothes directly into the closet.

  Yu Ming is now filled with the urge to complain.

  He immediately clicked on the comment section of this Weibo post.

  The comment area, which was originally empty, had hundreds of comments after he clicked in.

  "As expected of you, Dean!"

  "I'm convinced! I'm really convinced!"

  "Don't worry about whether the clothes are neat or not, just say they're not packed!"

  "I just tried this method on all the clothes at home. After reading it once, my mother asked me to reflect on it in the corridor."

  "Dr. Yang of Qingshan Psychiatric Hospital: Increase the dose of medicine!"

  In the comment area, the patients at Huohua Hospital were excited.

  Yu Ming also cursed in the comment area.

  He really couldn't bear it.

  He felt like his intelligence was being pressed to the ground and rubbed.

  The data of this video exploded after the first wave of netizens watched it.

  Netizens retweeted and commented on it, making this video spread even wider.

  Xu Ye's original Weibo followers have reached one million after three performances.

  Tonight, it actually rose rapidly again.

  Ten minutes later, a netizen’s comment was pushed to the top.

  This netizen’s ID is called “Captain of the Security Team of Huohua Academy”.

  [Captain of the Security Team of Huohua Academy: I watched the dean’s video thirty times, and finally I saw something. Everyone said that the dean did not respond. I think this video is the dean’s response. These clothes It’s the abuse directed at the dean himself on the Internet. The dean’s collection of clothes is actually a response to these abuses.

  The dean seemed serious at first, but in the end he threw the clothes directly into the closet. This means that the dean accepted criticism, but he did not change his attitude. This is also the most charming thing about the dean.

  He never cares what others say to him or what he is asked to do. If each of us could be like him, that would be so cool!

  This comment received more than a thousand likes in just ten minutes after it was posted.

  Netizens were dumbfounded when they saw it.

  "I don't think you should be the captain of the security team, you should be the director."

  "My respected director of the logistics department, why are you still sitting in the security room?"

  "Listening to what you say, I understand!"

  " In this world, it turns out that the person who understands the dean best is the security guard!"

  During the heated discussion among netizens, someone noticed something.

  Xu Ye's personal profile has been changed again.

  Xu Ye's personal profile originally read "You can't hit me." This introduction has been in use for a long time.

  Now, Xu Ye's personal profile has been changed.

  "Ah, yes, yes!"

  Just four words.

  It seems to be responding, but it seems not to respond.

  Someone once said on the Internet that no one can use triple affirmation to mean negative.

  Then the number one hot comment was "Ah, yes, yes, yes".

  Since then, the phrase has become popular.

  Xu Ye used this sentence in the introduction, which was really troublesome.

  Yu Ming looked at the two Weibo posts he posted during the day, and then looked at the popularity of Xu Ye's Weibo.

  "No, it seems that what happened during the day has no impact on him."

  Yu Ming was a little strange.

  When an ordinary celebrity encounters something like this, he will definitely have to find a way to defend himself.

  But it seems to have little impact on Xu Ye.

  The popularity of Xu Ye's Weibo post is higher than before. On the contrary, it seems that today's discussion is still attracting traffic to Xu Ye.


  Yu Ming didn't quite understand.

  Jade Bird Entertainment, in the conference room.

  Song Zhengqi and a group of company executives were listening to the work reports of their subordinates.

  In the program "Tomorrow's Superstars", they regard Li Xingchen as their trump card. Recently, Song Zhengqi has transferred some of his energy to it.

  This group of senior executives in suits and ties all nodded their heads after listening to various data analyzes and data feedback from some platforms.

  Song Zhengqi's female secretary was still dressed in professional attire today, with a pair of riveted speed shoes on her feet.

  After listening to various data, Song Zhengqi asked slowly: "Has there been any response from Sound and Light Entertainment?" The

  female secretary shook her head and said: "There is currently no response from Sound and Light Entertainment. Only Xu Ye sent a Weibo tonight. But it has nothing to do with this matter."

  Song Zhengqi raised his eyebrows and said, "Nothing to do with it? Open his Weibo and let me take a look." The

  female secretary looked embarrassed and said, "Mr. Song, it really has nothing to do with it. You should stop reading it, right?" "

  Humans are definitely the most peculiar creatures in the world. The more you don't let them see it, the more they insist on seeing it.

  Song Zhengqi said without any doubt: "Open it."

  The female secretary had no choice but to operate on the laptop.

  Soon, Xu Ye's Weibo appeared on the conference room's projection.

  After a while, the video playback ended.

  The atmosphere in the entire conference room was very anxious.

  The female secretary stood aside, looking down at her chest and not daring to speak.

  I already told you not to watch it, but you still have to watch it.

  It's okay now.

  Silent and defensive.

  Song Zhengqi was embarrassed and wanted to tear something apart.

  This was what he proposed, and other senior officials were also nearby.

  Song Zhengqi coughed a few times and said, "No response is actually a kind of response. They have acquiesced." "In the

  next game, it's time to clear the field."

  The so-called clearing means to remove those who have not been selected in this draft. Everyone in the background is kicked out.

  The entertainment industry is a complex fishing net, and major companies are related to each other due to interests.

  After kicking out these people who are not in the circle, what is left is competition among major companies.

  Sound and Light Entertainment was not in their circle to begin with, so it was time to leave.

  Everyone understood that if Song Zhengqi could say such things, he must have discussed it with other companies.

  The real drama of this game has just begun.

   Have a great holiday everyone!

  (End of chapter)

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