Chapter 21 Final Ranking

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  Chapter 21 final ranking

  of this program, the votes will be disclosed at the end.

  As for how many votes Xu Ye got, only the people in the program team knew.

  It is number one on the popularity list, but the program ranking is not number one.

  There are many discussions online.

  Yan Mi is very confident in Xu Ye's song.

  If this was a competitive stage, Xu Ye would indeed be at a disadvantage when singing this song "Little Apple".

  This song does not require high singing skills, just any ordinary person can sing it.

  It's really not good for a stage that needs to show the professionalism of the players.

  But this is a talent show.

  It’s really hard to say how many votes this kind of brainwashing song will get.

  But this song will definitely be the song with the greatest potential on this stage so far.

  "Another divine song is about to be born."

  Yan Mi was extremely curious about Xu Ye.

  The last song Xu Ye sang was "Love You at 105°C".

  He showed a very unique singing style on this song, which brought a wave of popularity to the song.

  Later, Chen Yuxin, a singer under Sound and Light Entertainment, performed a cover of the song.

  The original singer Xu Ye became popular and became popular.

  But the song that became popular was the version sung by Chen Yuxin.

  This week, Chen Yuxin's cover version has become popular on major video websites and short video platforms.

  Countless users spontaneously use this song as background music for secondary creation.

  This amount of transmission is extremely terrifying.

  Yan Mi has also been paying attention to the situation in the music industry.

  To be honest, she is also greedy for this kind of song that has a huge spread.

  You say this is a saliva song, then go ahead and write one.

  There are many popular songs, but how many are popular?
  What's more, the songs Xu Ye produced cannot be evaluated simply by talking about songs.

  As a result, Xu Ye has come up with another song.

  The spread of this song is probably even more terrifying than his previous song.

  What's more, this song actually has a dedicated dance.

  What kind of brain circuit can continuously create such a song?
  "If he could still write it, I would want him to write one for me."

  An idea came to Yan Mi's mind.

  Thinking of this, her legs involuntarily closed together, and her plump buttocks covered by the skirt moved slightly on the chair.

  It's an idea, you can wait and see.

  At this time, Xu Ye didn't know what Yan Mi was thinking. He returned to the waiting room while eating melon seeds.

  After he sat down, Dong Yukun sat down next to him.

  He looked like he was hesitant to speak.

  Xu Ye was not in a hurry, there must be something wrong with this guy sitting next to him.

  If you don’t ask, I won’t tell either.

  Li Xingchen has already started performing.

  After watching the performance for a while, Dong Yukun finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

  He turned to look at Xu Ye: "Brother Ye, do you want to win the championship?"

  Xu Ye asked back: "Who here doesn't want to win the championship?"

  Dong Yukun said worriedly: "But Li Xingchen is now the number one on the popularity list, you are very It's hard to beat him. Can your little apple really beat him?"

  Dong Yukun doesn't have strict eyesight. He is just a trainee who has been practicing for two and a half years and doesn't understand anything.

  He still hasn't realized how good the song Little Apple is.

  Why is it so popular?

  Xu Ye smiled lightly and said: "My confidence in this song is greater than my confidence in winning the championship."

  Dong Yukun's big eyes were full of doubts.

  It’s the kind of expression where the teacher tells you a question and asks you if you know it, but you clearly don’t know it but you don’t dare to say you don’t.

  Xu Ye asked curiously: "I want to ask you something, what is your ranking? You are not as good as me."

  Dong Yukun hesitated for a moment and said: "I am in a lawsuit with my company." "

  Then why did you come to this show? ?"

  "I paid for it with a favor. If I don't succeed in the end, I will go back to my hometown." Dong Yukun said a little depressed.

  Xu Ye said no more.

  He finally understood why Dong Yukun was always depressed these days.

  Participating in the draft while fighting a lawsuit is really yours. "This program may be my last performance. Let's go back to the apartment and have a meal together in the evening. I'll cook and let you taste the taste of our hometown." Dong Yukun forced a smile.

  "Okay." Xu Ye agreed.

  The two said nothing more.

  Finally, the last contestant finished the show.

  The host took the stage.

  "Every audience at the scene, as well as those in front of the TV and on the Internet, must be looking forward to the final voting ranking. Now, let us officially announce the voting ranking of this program!" "No. 2..."


  host Read it loudly.

  He spoke from the back to the front, trying to capture everyone's expectations.

  The rankings were read out one after another.

  "Tenth place, Dong Yukun, "Night", 312 votes!"

  Dong Yukun's ranking was announced.

  This result is actually very good.

  It’s just that his ranking on the popularity list is too low.

  Taken together, it is very likely that you will not be able to participate in the next round of competition.

  Xu Ye's ranking has not been announced yet.

  The host continued to announce.

  Eighth place, seventh place, sixth place.

  Still no Xu Ye.

  Every time a ranking is announced, it is displayed on the big screen on the stage.

  Finally, all other rankings were announced, leaving only the top three.

  At this moment, everyone's hearts were clenched.

  This is true whether it is the people at the scene or the audience in the live broadcast room.

  "Xu Ye actually made it to the top three! I really don't think his song is any good!" "

  It's just the top three. The number one must be my brother's!"

  "My brother is number one on both charts, kill, kill, kill!" "

  Some viewers didn't understand.

  The host also deliberately put it off and paused for several seconds.

  At the judges' table, Xu Nanjia urged: "Hurry up, I can't wait!" "

  Okay, okay, then I will announce the third place now!"

  The host smiled and announced: "The third place, Wu Yunfeng, "But Snow", 379 votes!" In

  the waiting room, a contestant named Wu Yunfeng stood up excitedly.

  "I'm third! I'm third!"

  Wu Yunfeng hugged several players around him.

  His eyes swept over Xu Ye's body.

  "Damn it? I lost to Little Apple???"

  Wu Yunfeng suddenly realized this problem.

  Li Xingchen was sitting on the sofa, with a calm look on his face.

  In fact, emotions were already brewing in his heart.

  After it is announced that he is the first, what kind of expressions and actions should he use to make him appear humble and confident.

  He didn't like Wu Yunfeng's exaggerated reaction.

  Only third place.

  As for that?
  He must be calm, tasteful, steady yet arrogant.

  Li Xingchen began to rehearse his performance in his mind.

  At this time, the host said loudly: "Second place, Li Xingchen, "Terminally ill", 395 votes!"

  Li Xingchen's ears caught his name, and he stood up slowly, with a look on his face A confident smile.

  However, other people's reactions were completely different from what he expected.

  Am I not number one?
  Why don't you look at me?
  Why are you looking at Xu Ye?
  At this time, the host's voice came.

  "The first place winner of this round of the show will be announced below!"

  Li Xingchen's face suddenly turned ugly, and his ears turned red for a moment.

  He's not number one?

   I wrote this while listening to Little Apple. All I can think about now is that you are my little Apple

  (end of chapter)

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