99.Chapter 99 I really can’t sing it

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  Chapter 99 I really can’t sing.
  Jing Xiyue had countless things to say in her heart. She had already decided that she would write a long music review for Xu Ye’s song!
  Xu Ye is worth it!

  If someone said they didn't understand what Xu Ye sang, she would say it back.

  Just don’t understand!

  You don’t even need to understand the lyrics to this song!
  "You sing me your melody and I feel so please."

  "I want you to want me to keep your dream."

  Xu Ye's singing voice came from the computer.

  He has broken his voice.

  It sounded like he was yelling at random.

  Jing Xiyue was completely immersed in the singing.

  If you could evaluate Xu Ye in one sentence.

  That is "no skills, just feelings."

  These two lyrics mean "I feel so happy when you sing your own melody for me" and "I long for you and want me to protect your dreams."

  The song gradually comes to an end.

  "Together we'll run wild by a summer symphony."

  "This is what we enjoyed not a fantasy."

  After Xu Ye sang the last two lines, the accompaniment did not stop.

  He waved his hands and sang "La la la la la..."

  He looked like a madman and looked out of place on this serious stage.

  At this time, everyone in the audience has been infected by Xu Ye's singing.

  If you don’t understand, it doesn’t matter.

  Hi that's it!
  Many young people can relate to the emotions conveyed in this song.

  Isn’t that what listening to English songs is like?

  In fact, it is not necessary to understand what the lyrics are singing.

  Finally, the song ends.

  The last few drum beats fell hard.

  The stage of young for you is completely over.

  There was warm applause from the audience.

  Xu Ye's song is so contagious.

  Even though no one could understand what he was singing, the emotion was conveyed to everyone's heart.

  Backstage, Yu Wei had already received the playback statistics reported by her subordinates.

  "Director Yu, when Xu Ye sang just now, the number of people we broadcast live on major video platforms has broken the historical record of this show, and it is also the highest number since the launch." A smile appeared on Yu Wei's face

  , This was all what she expected.

  "How does it compare with other shows?" Yu Wei asked.

  "There haven't been any popular programs on other platforms recently. The one that is more popular in the same time period is Orange Video's Happy Friday. Our number of people has exceeded them." The subordinate continued.

  Breaking records and surpassing the past.

  It even defeated Happy Friday, a variety show that has always dominated the charts.

  Yu Wei is already satisfied.

  With such a satisfactory answer to Anseong TV, she could leave peacefully and pursue her life.

  Yu Wei looked at the picture on the monitor. Xu Ye on the stage bowed to the audience.

  "It's great to be young." Yu Wei said softly.

  Xu Ye slowly walked off the stage.

  When he returned backstage, the energy girls immediately rushed up to him.

  Their show is still coming, and they have to wait a while before performing, so they are not in a hurry.

  For those who are experienced on stage, they are not too nervous.

  Xu Nanjia teased: "Xu Ye, you have already broken your voice."

  If other singers encountered this, they would be criticized by the audience.

  This shows that you are not good at singing.

  Xu Ye didn't care.

  Because he did it on purpose.

  Not broken, not GALA.

  Xu Ye smiled and said, "It's not a big problem. Isn't it normal for me to sing with a broken voice? I'm just an ordinary singer."

  Xu Nanjia rolled her eyes and said, "An ordinary singer who won the Tomorrow Superstar Championship, right? "

  Xu Ye didn't answer, but found a chair and sat down.

  At this time, Xu Nanjia immediately followed and begged: "Xu Ye, I couldn't even drink the milk tea you bought me last time. Can you treat us to drink it again this time?" "You?" Xu Ye

  's He looked at the other five vitality girls.

  Xie Qiong and the five others immediately cast innocent looks.

  "Do you really want to drink it?" Xu Ye asked. "Just this time, you don't have to pay, but we need you to help us buy it!" Xu Nanjia raised her index finger and vowed.

  It's not that they want to prostitute Xu Ye for nothing, the main reason is that they can't buy it.

  "But even if I buy it, your assistant will see it when you hold it in your hands, right?"

  Xu Nanjia said regretfully, "Yeah, you can only take a sip, it's such a waste."

  Xu Ye smiled and said: "It's okay, I have a way. Just wait, I'll make sure you drink it."

  Xu Nanjia said in surprise, "Really?"

  "Why did I lie to you? If you don't believe me, let's hook up."

  Xu Ye stretched out his hand.

  Xu Nanjia also immediately extended his hand.

  Their little fingers were pulled together.

  "Try the draw once to test the waters."

  Xu Ye said the draw silently in his mind.

  "Deduct 50 points and start the lottery."

  "The lottery is successful."

  Xu Ye smiled immediately when he heard the system prompt.

  Hitting the target once, Xu Nanjia's European style is unparalleled.

  If he didn't have a lot of points now, he would definitely have to draw a few more times.

  "The host has won the lyrics to "Free Flying"."

  Seeing this prize, Xu Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

  At the very least, the two songs "Lonely Warrior" and "Flying Free" are now collected.

  After the two of them finished pulling the hook, Xu Nanjia happily returned to the Vitality Girl.

  After Xu Ye rested for a while, he went to the dressing room to change his clothes and left the backstage.

  He was going to buy milk tea for the European Emperor and her good friends.


  On the other side, in the hotel room.

  Ye Zhanpeng lost interest in eating roast chicken.

  After listening to the song "Young for You" sung by Xu Ye, he almost cried.

  "I shouldn't have said that on the show! How can I sing like this?"

  Ye Zhanpeng was paralyzed.

  How many normal people can sing the song "young for you"?

  Among Xu Ye's previous songs, the most difficult one to sing was the yodeling "Swell".

  But Ye Zhanpeng thought he could sing this song if he practiced hard for a while.

  But he really couldn't sing this song "young for you".

  It's not that this song is more difficult to sing than Zhang Dao's, but it's because when singing this song, you have to sing it to death.

  But it’s not really bad, it’s just the right amount of bad.

  Ye Zhanpeng said that he could not learn this plastic English.

  All he can think about now is bananas.

  Ye Zhanpeng quickly tuned the TV channel to the program Happy Friday.

  It just so happened that the host was chatting with him during this period.

  The conversation soon arrived.

  Ye Zhanpeng saw the confident look on his face.

  "I can sing his songs, but can he act in my plays? It's like a mountain apart. Xu Ye comes to play the male lead without any acting experience. I can only say I wish him good luck." Hearing this, Ye

  Zhanpeng Covered his face.

  When the woman next to her saw this, she understood why Ye Zhanpeng suddenly lost interest.

  You said you had nothing to do and why did you say that?

  on Weibo.

  Discussions about the Silk Road Song Festival have already started.

  Many viewers who watched Xu Ye's performance immediately shared it on the Internet.

  "Brothers, I recommend a song to you. Listen to which language it is in." "

  Will Anseong University regret speaking for Xu Ye?"

  "How does Xu Ye's English teacher feel now?"

  among netizens During our discussion, the song "young for you" quickly became a hot search on Weibo.

  And there are three topics that all belong to this song.

  (End of chapter)

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