94. Why is there Xu Ye in Chapter 94? (Please subscribe!)

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  Chapter 94 Why is there Xu Ye? (Please subscribe!)

  Silk Road Song Gala, this semi-official evening, has not been followed by many people.

  Only fans of some participating singers will pay special attention.

  The ratings of previous editions of this show were not high.

  In fact, the reason is very simple. Most of the songs sung by singers on this stage are old songs, and there are also some foreign singers performing.

  Many of the singers here are unknown to the domestic audience, and the songs they sing cannot be understood.

  The performances on stage are also relatively formal.

  It’s just that the quality is very high.

  This time, after the Silk Road Song Concert released its program list, the popularity was still very low as before.

  No one paid attention to it within an hour after it was released, and many netizens didn't even bother to open the program list.

  Today, Xu Nanjia and other members of the girl group Vitality Girls are practicing singing.

  Vitality Girl belongs to Wutong Entertainment, an extremely low-key company in the entertainment industry.

  The low profile of Wutong Entertainment is different from the low profile of Sound and Light Entertainment.

  Sound and Light Entertainment is forced to keep a low profile, while Wutong Entertainment really does nothing.

  This company only does one thing, and that is to run the girl group Genki Girls.

  If you go to the official website to check the equity information of Wutong Entertainment, you will find that the actual controller of Wutong Entertainment is named Xu.

  If you continue to dig deeper into the ownership structure, you will find that this company is inextricably linked to a certain big shot in the industrial circle.

  That's right, Wutong Entertainment is actually an entertainment company that Xu Baifeng set up specifically for his daughter.

  Since you want to enter the entertainment industry, let me open a company for you.

  The whole company is dedicated to serving energetic girls.

  Xu Nanjia also knew all this, and the only request she made to her father was not to force resources on him.

  The energetic girl still wants to survive in the entertainment industry with her own strength.

  In the practice room.

  Six girls in short skirts and short sleeves looked in the mirror, dancing and singing.

  As the dance leader in the team, Xu Nanjia occupies the C position when dancing.

  Team leader Xie Qiong, the girl with long legs, is the lead singer in the team.

  "Okay, you can dance now!"

  the female music director standing on the side of the classroom smiled.

  "Everyone, let's take a rest."

  After receiving the music director's permission, the six girls ran to the corner and sat down, either picking up water glasses to drink, or taking out their mobile phones.

  Those pairs of big white legs are dangling, and most people can't control them at all.

  After Xu Nanjia took a sip of water, she picked up her phone and read the news online.

  "The program of the Silk Road Song Concert has been announced!" Xu Nanjia said excitedly.

  "Look at our first performance!" Xie Qiong urged.

  The other four girls also shouted and moved closer to Xu Nanjia one by one.

  Their vitality girls also got the opportunity to perform at the Silk Road Song Festival this time. The last time Xie Qiong and Xu Nanjia went to Ancheng TV Station, they specifically discussed these things.

  Anseong TV station naturally welcomed the girl group.

  Xu Nanjia clicked on the program list and started reading from the first program.

  In this kind of singing concert, the first few programs are all given to foreign singers to show respect.

  The first five shows all feature foreign singers.

  The sixth one is a first-line singer in China, and then he is still a foreign singer.

  The tenth one is another top domestic singer.

  There is no vitality girl in front.

  However, when she saw the thirteenth program, Xu Nanjia was stunned.

  "Xu Ye! Why is it Xu Ye!"

  Xu Nanjia was a little surprised.

  Several girls looked at Xu Nanjia's screen one after another, and everyone squeezed Xu Nanjia in the middle. This is the daily life of girls.

  Xie Qiong also said in disbelief: "It's really Xu Ye! His song is in English!"

  "Young for you! What does it mean?"

  A cute girl in the girl group with a low level of education asked doubtfully.

  Xie Qiong explained: "Because you are young, or young."

  "Is Xiao Xu a new song?"

  Everyone looked at Xu Nanjia.

  Xu Nanjia looked confused and said, "How do I know?"

  "Aren't you very familiar with Xu Ye? How could you not know?" "

  Exactly, Xu Ye did such a thing to Xu Nanjia! Hahaha!" "

  You two The relationship must be unusual!"

  Everyone joked.

  The paparazzi previously posted a video of Xu Ye and Xu Nanjia delivering milk tea at the airport. This video also caused some discussion.

  The main reason is that the title created by this group of paparazzi is too attractive.

  As a result, I clicked in and saw a lonely scene.

  This has also made Xu Nanjia a daily topic of conversation among girls.

  Xu Nanjia said angrily: "Don't be so arrogant! When you meet Xu Ye, you will feel uncomfortable!" "

  So, we have a chance to meet Xu Ye!" "

  The Internet says he is sick, I I’m very curious whether he is sick or not!”

  “I even learned that little trick in life from him!”

  The women were discussing endlessly, and they could talk about a small thing for a long time.

  Xu Nanjia was still a little happy.

  Because she can see Xu Ye again, she can ask Xu Ye to buy her milk tea.

  Since the last time we saw each other, she couldn't drink a cup of milk tea during this period.

  As for the Assam milk tea and Youmei milk tea given by Xu Ye, she couldn't drink them because they were too high in calories. They were still at home.

  If you meet Xu Ye, then you have a chance!

  "What number is our show on?" Xie Qiong asked.

  Xu Nanjia then remembered and continued to look at the program list.

  I saw the name of Vitality Girl in the eighteenth program.

  Their program is a Chinese singing and dancing song, an old song that has been released.

  I just reviewed it recently to avoid any accidents during the performance.

  "It's great. I can listen to Xu Ye singing live. Do you think his song will be the same as before?" asked a girl.

  Xie Qiong thought for a moment and said, "Probably not. This is an English song. How else can he sing it?" "

  That's right."

  The girls were a little disappointed.

  It's so boring for Xu Ye to sing seriously.

  Later, Xu Nanjia used her personal Weibo account to repost the program of the Silk Road Song Concert, with the text "Thank you for the invitation to the Silk Road Song Concert. Please look forward to our performance. There is also an unexpected singer in it. I don't know if you know it." Have you noticed?"

  Xu Nanjia has nine million Weibo fans, but Xu Nanjia herself doesn't know how much of it is true and how much is false.

  But there is no doubt that there are many true fans.

  After Xu Nanjia forwarded it, her fans immediately liked, commented and forwarded it.

  After some fans saw Xu Nanjia's caption, they began to read the program list carefully.

  In the past, they wouldn't have watched it carefully at all, they would have just looked at the programs of Vitality Girls.

  Now Xu Nanjia reminds everyone to take a closer look.

  what's the situation?
  Why is there Xu Ye?

  Or a new song?
  (End of chapter)

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