256.Chapter 254 Can this song still be used in this way?

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  Chapter 254 Can this song still be used in this way?
  While the two were chatting, tonight's wandering music was completely popular on Weibo.

  The topic of the most dazzling ethnic style has directly reached the top of the hot search list.

  Ranked second is my good brother.

  As for the song sung by Cheng Tianlei and Deng Qingru on the same stage, it only ranked third.

  Under the most dazzling ethnic-style pure enjoyment version of the stage Weibo, the comment area was the same as the barrage at that time, and everyone shouted that it was too hot.

  On such a stage, let alone Cheng Tianlei and Deng Qingru, whoever steps on it will die.

  The handsome and attractive group dancing also occupies a hot search topic.

  After all, this non-existent group also has fans.

  This is a big studio also posted a Weibo post after the show ended.

  "Tonight at zero o'clock, the seventh song "The Most Dazzling National Style" from Xu Ye's album "Vulgar Music" is officially uploaded to Penguin Music. This version is not a symphony version. The pure music version of the symphony will also be uploaded simultaneously." "The Most Dazzling National Style" in the

  album "Ethnic Style" is not the symphonic version, but the original version.

  After all, Xu Ye has already left a symphony version on the stage, and everyone can listen to this.

  The original version and the symphony version have a slightly different feeling.

  After this Weibo post was released, it attracted a burst of cheers from the patients.

  "There are other versions, it's cool!"

  "Why should the most dazzling ethnic song be included in Xu Ye's album? He only has a few words!" "The

  person above is right, I think the most dazzling ethnic song is "Wind" shouldn't be put on Xu Ye's album, let Xu Ye release another song!" "I

  didn't pay attention when I listened to it today, but now I think about it, Xu Ye really doesn't have a few lyrics!"

  The most dazzling ethnic style There are really few lyrics belonging to Xu Ye.

  As a result, after midnight, the most dazzling ethnic style album version was released, and everyone discovered it after listening to it.

  Well boy, less.

  The only two solo lyrics were also cut off, leaving only "Stay and I Know" and the short rap section at the end.

  "What do you call a guest singer? This is what you call a guest singer!" "

  It's so easy to make money. After singing a few words, I still get half of the money." "

  It's not half. Everyone forgets that Xu Ye also wrote the lyrics and composed the music. Is it? He wants to take away most of it!"

  "I feel sorry for Sister Chen!"

  Because of the bonus of the wandering music program, the data for the seventh song of Xu Ye's album quickly went up.

  While everyone was discussing, Xu Ye's Weibo moved.

  Xu Ye posted a new Weibo post.

  Han Ran, captain of the Huohuayuan security team, was chatting in the Huohuayuan group.

  She set a special focus on Xu Ye's Weibo and saw the prompt immediately.

  After she shouted in the group, she immediately entered Weibo.

  The copy of Xu Ye's latest Weibo post was "Episode 7 of Life Tips, teaching you a little trick on cardiopulmonary resuscitation."

  Han Ran was stunned.

  She went to medical school in college and knows cardiopulmonary resuscitation very well, which is an essential skill for every medical student.

  "Why is the dean doing this? This seems to be a life hack." Han Ran muttered in his heart.

  At this time, many patients who saw Xu Ye's Weibo were stunned.

  "Huh? Huh? Huh?"

  "Dean, you're from a mental hospital, but you know how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation?" "

  What the hell is this? Why do you still perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation?"

  "This little trick in life shouldn't be used often. "

  In recent years, as social pressure has increased, everyone has stayed up late and worked overtime, and their health has not been very good.

  People often fall to the ground online.

  Many popular science accounts also teach everyone how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

  But in fact, everyone forgets it after seeing it.

  This technology is still somewhat professional. Han Ran thought for a while and decided to take a look first.

  She clicked the video play button.

  When the video started, Xu Ye was standing in front of a table with a dummy model lying on the table.

  Xu Ye said: "In the face of cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a more effective first aid method. I will teach you how to do it today."

  After finishing this paragraph, Xu Ye made a gesture of one.

  "First of all, when we find someone lying on the ground, the first thing we do is to confirm the safety of the surrounding environment. First aid is performed under the condition of ensuring our own safety. After confirming that the surrounding environment is safe, we judge the reaction of the person who fell to the ground. ."

  Xu Ye stretched out his hand and placed it on the dummy's shoulder.

  "We slapped our shoulders and shouted in his ears on both sides."

  At this point, Xu Ye's serious tone changed and he started acting.

  He said to the dummy: "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

  Han Ran suddenly laughed.

  She seemed to be back in school when the teacher acted like this.

  Xu Ye continued seriously: "If the patient doesn't respond, call for help. Designate one person nearby to call 120, and designate another person to get the nearby automatic external defibrillator. Designating one person is the most efficient method." "Answer.

  " Next, the third step is to judge his breathing and use your eyes to look at his chest to see if there are any ups and downs caused by breathing."

  Xu Ye also made movements when he spoke.

  Overall it looks very professional.

  Han Ran estimated that Xu Ye should have learned from a specialized doctor.

  This video is not random.

  "Can this be called a life tip?"

  Han Ran felt that it was not good enough.

  "This time is five to ten seconds, we usually use counting method for seven seconds."

  Xu Ye said, began to observe, and at the same time began to count in his mouth.

  After counting seven times, Xu Ye looked at the camera and said: "If the patient is unresponsive and not breathing, we can conclude that he has cardiac arrest and needs to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately." "Next, we need to move the patient to a flat surface first

  . On a hard and safe floor or bed, if the patient wears thin clothes, we have to tie him up, and if the patient wears thicker clothes, we need to loosen the collar and belt." Xu Ye zipped up the clothes on the dummy

  . Open it and expose your chest.

  "The position of chest compression is the middle and lower part of the sternum in the center. Our two hands are crossed together, and the base of the palm is placed at the position we just mentioned for compression." Xu Ye crossed his hands and pressed them on the dummy's chest

  . .

  "The frequency of compression is one hundred to one hundred and twenty times a minute, and the depth of compression is five to six centimeters, which is about the width of an ID card. During the compression process, the arms are straightened, and the weight of the upper body is used to press down. Every thirty compressions followed by two artificial respirations."

  Until this point, Han Ran thought it was quite normal.

  At this time, Xu Ye said: "But when we really encounter this situation, it is difficult for us to control the frequency of compressions. At this time, please open "The Most Dazzling National Style"." Han Ran's eyes suddenly widened

  . Big.

  In the video, the most dazzling ethnic music sounded.

  Xu Ye continued: "After singing the four lines of the most dazzling ethnic style lyrics, it was thirty-one beats. Everyone took two artificial respirations. Let me demonstrate it to everyone." Just in time, the most dazzling ethnic style song started

  . .

  Xu Ye started to press along with Chen Yuxin's singing.

  When Chen Yuxin sang from the vast end of the world what kind of song is the happiest, Xu Ye began to perform artificial respiration on the dummy.

  Seeing this scene, Han Ran's eyes suddenly widened.

  Every time Xu Ye pressed, it happened to be on the most dazzling ethnic style beat, not bad at all.

  The most important thing is that around the 30th time, I finished singing the four lyrics.

  "What the hell? It seems to be true! Can this song be used like this?"

  Han Ran only had one thought in his mind.

  If the most dazzling ethnic song had been played during the cardiopulmonary resuscitation exam, would the frequency be stuck?

  This must get full marks!
  (End of chapter)

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