254. Chapter 252 How about doing some work in the underworld? (Additional update)

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  Chapter 252: Would you like to live in the underworld? (Additional update)

  Xu Ye and the other three raised their right hands and twisted their buttocks to the melody.

  When the melody reached the next section, they switched to raising their left hands.

  After the singing started, the three of them started to twist.

  You have to say how difficult their dance moves are, it's not difficult at all.

  But when you see them dancing, it’s so funny.

  There is a sense of clumsy agility.

  "It's so funny, you just twist it casually."

  "Don't tell me, I should have rehearsed hard, otherwise I wouldn't dance so neatly." "

  Strongly request the Broken Love Front Alliance to join Dong Yukun's fitness playlist!"

  The audience was all excited Laughed at it.

  The melody of the Lost Love Front Alliance is already very cheerful, and coupled with the dance of the three people, it gives people a happy feeling.

  The minute was over quickly.

  When the time is up, the music stops immediately.

  The three people on the stage were still twisting.

  Huo Zhou hurried up and said: "Okay, okay, you dance really well, don't dance again next time."

  Who would have thought that you thought you were showing off your skills, but in the end you came to show off your embarrassment.

  You guys have figured out this song-making session.

  When it was Cheng Tianlei's turn to sing, he was already a little exhausted.

  He even had the urge to quit the game.

  But he knew this was impossible.

  At this point, even if he really wanted to withdraw from the competition, the company would not agree.

  This battle must be fought.

  After Cheng Tianlei finished, Huo Zhou invited Xu Ye to the stage.

  "Xu Ye, what are you singing this time?"

  Xu Ye said, "This time it's still a children's song."

  Xu Ye turned around and walked towards the pile of musical instruments. He took the bow from the erhu and took out a guitar.

  Huo Zhou was stunned by this scene.

  "What are you doing?"

  The erhu's bow is used to play the erhu. Why don't you just use the bow to play the erhu?

  "Just watch." Xu Ye said.

  Then, Xu Ye walked to the piano, placed his guitar and bow on the ground beside him, and then sat in front of the piano.

  In the barrage, the audience also raised a lot of questions.

  "I have a bad feeling."

  "Although I don't understand what the dean is going to do, it must be outrageous." "

  I have a bold idea."

  At this time, Xu Ye played a few notes on the piano, and then Said: "Then I'll start."

  After the words fell, Xu Ye pressed down on the keys with both hands.

  It's still the kind of pleasant melody that belongs to children's songs.

  Soon, Xu Ye started singing.

  "La la la, la la la, I'm a little expert in selling newspapers." "

  I won't wait until dawn to wait for newspapers to be delivered. I will scream as I go." "

  Today's news is really good. I will buy two newspapers for seven copper coins. "

  While singing these lines, someone on the barrage raised a question.

  "What does this mean? An expert selling newspapers?"

  Someone quickly answered him.

  "This is when we used to read newspapers, and there were many children selling newspapers on the streets. You should have seen some TV series about the Anti-Japanese War, and there were newsboys in them." "This children's song by the dean does not seem to be about us

  . Times."

  Although the patients in Huohua Hospital are epileptic, they are all talented people.

  This children's song is called Newspaper Selling Song, and the lyricist is An'e.

  Her works include poetry, operas, fairy tales, novel lyrics, etc. She is also a soldier on the revolutionary front.

  As for the composer, I can only say two words.

  Nie Er.

  This song was written by Nie Er, who met a "newsboy" when he was working in Shanghai. He wanted to write about the miserable life of the newsboy, so he asked An'e to write the lyrics, and this song was born.

  This piece is at the level 3 piano level, so it’s not too difficult. Xu Ye continued to sing.

  "La la la, I am a little expert in selling newspapers."

  "Running all over the street in the heavy wind and rain, I can't walk well and I slip." "

  The mud and water all over my body makes people laugh, but I am the only one who knows how to be hungry and cold."

  Because it is a children's song. , so the lyrics are still very simple.

  There were only these two paragraphs, and then Xu Ye repeated the content of the song.

  By the time the whole song was sung, the time was less than two minutes.

  At this time, Xu Ye stood up and picked up the guitar and bow on the ground.

  After tuning the guitar strings, he said: "This song is called "Newspaper Selling Song." Now let me play this song on the guitar." A lot of question marks floated in the barrage


  "What? Isn't the guitar meant for playing? Why is it called playing?"

  "No way? Can you still play?"

  "The dean doesn't want it!"

  Everyone can already imagine what will happen next.

  Xu Ye carried the guitar on his back and fixed it on his body. He placed his left hand on the guitar, and then placed the erhu bow on the strings of the guitar.

  The audience in the audience was speechless when they saw this scene.

  Good guy, one instrument can no longer satisfy you.

  "I'm starting."

  Xu Ye pulled the bow.

  A special kind of music came out.

  Although it is still the melody of the newspaper selling song, the taste is completely different from what was played on the piano just now.

  I don’t know if anyone has heard the music of Sakura Country. Their music has a spooky feeling.

  At this time, the melody played by Xu Ye on the guitar gave people this feeling.

  After the music started playing, the barrage immediately increased.

  At this moment, no matter which singer's fans they were, they actually reached a unanimous opinion.

  "Someone give Xu Ye a beating! Can you please stop it!"

  "Good guy! I was watching a video with the lights off, and when the music started, I felt numb." "

  That's almost it, can you fix it a little bit? Live!"

  "Whoever is in Hangzhou, go to block Xu Ye outside the studio immediately and beat him up!" "

  Brothers, I can't stand it anymore,

  it's too gloomy!" "What kind of newspaper are you selling? Jifu Daily Right?"

  There was a cry in the barrage.

  This song by Xu Yela is really evil.

  Is this something a human can do?

  Backstage, Yu Wei was also speechless.

  I'm used to it, but I still can't accept this advanced art.

  If the children knew this version of the newspaper song, they would probably have a shadow on their souls.

  Finally, the two minutes are up.

  Xu Ye also stopped playing.

  He put down the instrument in his hand and said with a smile: "Don't you feel very uncomfortable, because the style just now is the minor style of Sakura Country. This is the difference between our Chinese music and Sakura Country." After saying this

  , , Xu Ye smiled slightly and walked towards the stage.

  The audience who had been tortured by him all laughed after hearing this.

  "Forget it, I just said that to you Sakura. I can bear with the harm you just did to me."

  "Indeed, Sakura is not very good."

  "Dean, are you desperate for your life? Are you saying this publicly?" "

  Of course we are different from Sakura. We are a big country, so we have to sing grand songs."

  Some fans are worried It started Xu Ye's personal development.

  After all, what Xu Ye said was somewhat aimed at Sakura.

  Backstage, Yu Wei smiled helplessly.

  "I dare to say anything. I really can't do anything to you."

  But Wei Wei is not worried. Chinese singers do not necessarily have to go to the Cherry Blossom Country to develop. Xu Yeguang is already very popular by virtue of the domestic market.

   The updates I owed last month have been paid off, and I wish everyone a happy National Day!

  (End of chapter)

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