247. Chapter 245 Is this an invention that normal people can make?

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  Chapter 245 Is this an invention that normal people can make?

  "What is the dean doing? Isn't this a wandering episode? Why does it feel like the dean is on a science program?" "

  I don't understand it at all, but I'm shocked."

  "When did the dean light up this show ?" A skill?"

  The audience really couldn't understand this time.

  Xu Ye is dressed like a welding worker now.

  Xu Ye didn't speak, just silently drew lines on the steel pipe, and then cut the steel pipe.

  In the live broadcast room, the barrage was already boiling.

  The opening scene exploded.

  "Mom, I saw a singer doing handicrafts in a music show."

  "I work in a door and window factory. Dean, I can't master this craft in just a few years."

  "Xu Ye is really good at it!"

  Xu Ye's movements were obvious. Very skillful and the whole process was very silky smooth.

  After cutting the steel pipes, he started to use a welder to weld the steel pipes together.

  In fact, the whole process is very boring, but the audience enjoys watching it.

  As the old saying goes, whether something is boring or not depends on who is doing it and where.

  A singer joins a music ensemble and does handicrafts on a ranch.

  These words are quite explosive when connected together.

  After a while, the steel pipes were welded, and a square steel frame that looked like a bed appeared in front of everyone.

  But there is no bed board on this steel frame.

  "Something's wrong, I feel something is wrong."

  "What on earth is Xu Ye doing? Isn't he washing his hair upside down?" "Is

  this a prop? How can he help people wash their hair upside down?"

  In the live broadcast room, the audience was very curious.

  But at this time, the camera was turned to other people.

  Others are less interesting.

  The patients at Huohua Hospital took advantage of this time to directly enter Weibo.

  "Patients, go watch the live broadcast of Wandering Music. The dean is causing trouble again." "

  I have a hunch that the dean is unusual this time."

  As these patients communicated, this episode of Wandering Music was quickly It's getting hot.

  Many people also recorded the live broadcast room and sent the video to Weibo.

  Many viewers who had not watched the live broadcast were stunned when they saw Xu Ye welding steel pipes in the video.

  What the hell kind of show is this?
  You call this wandering music?
  Is this what I love to invent?
  For a time, Xu Ye was doing welding to the wandering music, and it went directly to the hot search.

  This afternoon, many people have entered the fishing state.

  At first, everyone was too lazy to watch the live broadcast, but now they all poured into the live broadcast room.

  After seeing this trending search, a large group of celebrities in the entertainment industry all said, "What the hell is this?"

  Is anyone still in charge?
  When did Xu Ye learn to weld?

  In the discussion among netizens, the number of people in the wandering music live broadcast room is increasing.

  From more than one million at the beginning, it has increased to three million.

  This didn't even occur to Yu Wei.

  In fact, she expected that the number of viewers of the show would not increase until the evening stage show.

  The results are already up now.

  Xu Ye is so good at causing trouble.

  In the live broadcast room, there are not only ordinary viewers, but also some up owners of small bad websites.

  The up master who had previously made Xu Ye's ghost videos was in the audience.

  After getting up at noon, he started playing games to find inspiration after having a meal.

  Yes, a video up owner also needs to play games to find inspiration.

  This is similar to the reason why some online article authors postpone updates.

  After playing the game for a while, he looked online and happened to see this hot search, so he went into the live broadcast room to watch it.

  Pi Dan was also curious about what Xu Ye was going to tinker with.

  As a result, after entering, the director didn't give Xu Ye too many shots.

  This caused a group of people in the barrage to frantically say some beautiful Chinese dialect to the program team.

  Yu Wei knew very well the reason for putting the highlight at the end, so she didn’t let the audience know.

  The live broadcast must also have a variety show effect.

  Finally, while everyone was waiting, it was time for task acceptance.

  Everyone gathered in the yard of the ecological ranch.

  The task issuing officer and evaluation officer were also present.

  Shen Qian and another female singer both changed into one-piece work clothes to avoid being exposed when they stood on their heads.

  In the live broadcast room, as the final stage arrived, the number of people began to increase rapidly.

  "Looking forward to the dean's performance!"

  "Watch these top singers stand on their heads to wash their hair in my lifetime!"

  "I just want to know what the dean has come up with!"

  A dense barrage of comments floated through the live broadcast room.

  This forced Pidan to block part of the barrage to avoid affecting viewing.

  The mission release official said: "The following is the mission presentation session. Which of you wants to come first?"

  Lin Ge immediately stood up and said: "I will come first!"

  He smiled: "End early and relax early, I want to watch you Make a fool of yourself!"

  His process was quite outrageous. He actually found a rope to hang his legs up, and then stood upside down to wash his hair.

  The so-called hair washing is just a symbolic wash, as long as it has a variety show effect.

  In the barrage, the audience said one after another: "Lin Ge must have secretly copied netizens' suggestions online!"

  This afternoon on Weibo, everyone was also discussing various methods of washing hair upside down.

  The method Lin Ge used was a suggestion that received more likes. After Lin Ge finished, the mission official said: "Let the next singer come on stage."

  After that, Shen Qian and the female singer came out on their own initiative.

  With the idea of ​​early death and early rebirth, everyone completed this embarrassing task.

  It was relatively simple for the two of them. One person held the legs of the other person to stand upside down, and then put their head into the basin for a symbolic wash.

  It would be great if the two beauties can give everyone a symbolic performance, and the audience is very tolerant.

  Now only Xu Ye's team and Cheng Tianlei were left.

  After Cheng Tianlei glanced at Xu Ye, he took the initiative and said, "I'll do it."

  His method was also very simple. He leaned upside down on the wall and then put his head into the basin.

  But Cheng Tianlei raised a hand to rub his hair.

  Stand on one hand.

  "Wang Cheng Tian is so strong! He can actually

  do a handstand on one hand!" "I give you full marks for this move!"

  "Awesome! King Cheng Tian has been working out a lot."

  The audience said in the barrage.

  Cheng Tianlei was trying to show off his muscles this time.

  Although he is older, he is still working out and his body is still very strong.

  The evaluators also applauded.

  Cheng Tianlei's behavior was the best from the perspective of strength.

  After he finished the demonstration, he wiped his hair with a dry towel and said with a smile: "As I get older, my arms still lack strength." After finishing speaking,

  Cheng Tianlei glanced at Xu Ye.

  He was very happy with how he finished.

  With such a cool move, how could he still be able to defeat the evaluator?
  In front of the computer screen, Pi Dan's face was a little solemn: "Looking at it this way, Cheng Tianlei is very likely to get the highest score from the evaluator. The dean is in danger." At this time, the camera fell on

  Xu Ye.

  "Next, please Xu Ye complete the task." The official mission announcement said.

  Xu Ye stood up calmly, while Ma Lu beside him looked proud.

  There was no trace of nervousness on either of their faces.

  Xu Ye walked to the middle of the yard and ordered: "Bring something up."

  Soon, four staff members came up carrying something.

  After seeing this thing, everyone was confused.

  It looks so weird!

  After putting the things down, Xu Ye plugged in the power and connected the water pipes. He introduced: "Viewers in the live broadcast room, let me introduce this machine to you. This is the inverted hair washing machine I made." In the

  barrage , a series of question marks appeared.

  The same is the reaction of Preserved Egg now.

  "Inverted hair washing machine? Is this what Xu Ye invented?"

  In the live broadcast room, Xu Ye began to introduce it.

  The main body of this inverted hair washing machine is a steel frame with a wooden board on top.

  On the other side, there is a transparent bucket.

  Xu Ye has A-level manual skills, making this thing is no problem. The inspiration came from a video he saw on station B in his previous life.

  "This hair washing machine is very convenient to use. We only need to lie on this board and our heads will be stuck in this position." Xu Ye began to introduce it to everyone one by one.

  "There is a water filling button on it to add water to the bucket, a lift button to adjust the height, and a rinse button to wash your hair gently and without any blind spots."

  "After the suction is finished, press the drain button to drain away the water. Then we can press the drying button to blow-dry the hair." Listening to

  his introduction, the faces of the evaluation officers became weird. .

  Damn it?

  Are you going to make such a big deal?

  This is a simple task!
  Xu Ye said: "I'll come up and demonstrate it to everyone."

  Then Xu Ye took a thirty or forty centimeter water pipe and stuffed it into his mouth, and clamped his nose with a nose clip.

  Pi Dan wondered: "Why put a water pipe in your mouth? And wear a nose clip?"

  At this time, Xu Ye was already lying on the wooden board.

  My feet got stuck on the shelf above, just stuck.

  Then Xu Ye lay down and pressed the lift button.

  When he saw the board begin to rotate and rise along the axis on Xu Ye's head, Pi Dan felt that his cerebellum shrank at that moment.

  After the wooden board was raised, Xu Ye became upside down.

  And his head just entered the bucket placed in front.

  Xu Ye pressed the water filling button again.

  The bucket began to fill with water, gradually submerging his head.

  At this moment, Pi Dan finally understood why Xu Ye was holding a water pipe in his mouth and why he was wearing a nose clip.

  If you didn't have this fucking hose to breathe and a nose clip to hold your nose to prevent water from getting in, you would have drowned yourself!
  In the live broadcast room, the barrage has gone completely crazy.

  "Holy shit! What is this?"

  "Is this an invention that normal people can make?"

  "I'm out of my mind, help me find it!"

  At this time, Xu Ye pressed the rinse button.

  The water in the bucket began to swirl.

  This principle is the same as that of a pulsator washing machine for washing clothes. The rotation of the lower turntable drives the water flow to rotate.

  Xu Ye's head and hair were washed over and over by the rotating water.

  At this moment, Pidan's eyes widened.

  He stared at the computer screen and almost stood up.

  "Wash your hair upside down. This is called washing your hair upside down! Those in front of you can only wash your hair upside down! Dean is awesome!"

  Pi Dan quickly typed this line in the barrage and sent it. go out.

   This one has an Easter egg stamp. If you don’t see it, it’s under review

  (end of this chapter)

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