230. Chapter 228 This question is very critical, so the key question

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  Chapter 228 This question is very critical, such a critical question...

  The audience applauded in the audience.

  Yu Wei in the background stared at the video images coming from various monitors, feeling very comfortable.

  For this kind of music variety show, it is inevitable that there will be some professional audiences on site.

  The role of these professional audience members is to perform when the singer sings, so that the program team can cut exciting shots into it.

  After all, if a singer sings a touching song, it would be so embarrassing if no one in the audience cries.

  Maybe Xu Ye’s song doesn’t need these professional audiences to perform at all.

  Many real viewers shed tears.

  This is all real program material.

  "No matter whether Xu Ye sings well or not, the effect is good. This man is always useful." Yu Wei sighed in her heart.

  There are many singers in the entertainment industry who rely on their funny singing to attract exposure, but some people have no real ability.

  Xu Ye is different, he is really powerful.

  Zhang Guangrong walked onto the stage. This old man almost cried just now.

  Fortunately, he controlled his emotions well.

  Just thinking about the scene with Xu Ye in the toilet, he couldn't cry anymore.

  It would be so embarrassing if I cried.

  As a person in his forties, if he cries, he has to ask a makeup artist to deal with it, so as not to be seen by others.

  After Zhang Guangrong took the stage, he first advanced the process and asked the audience to vote.

  After the voting, Zhang Guangrong smiled and said: "Xu Ye, although you said not to ask why, I still want to ask, why do you have to go to the pier to order French fries?"

  Xu Ye said helplessly: "I told you not to ask why. , are you still asking?"

  "Aren't I just curious?" Zhang Guangrong said.

  "Okay, let me explain it to you."

  Having said this, many viewers and judges also cheered up.

  When it comes to ordering French fries at the dock, some people don’t quite understand what it means.

  Everyone always feels that this sentence has some philosophy in it.

  But the two things pier and French fries are not related.

  Xu Ye is going to explain now, and he will definitely understand now.

  Xu Ye paused and showed a serious expression.

  After seeing this expression, Yu Wei in the background felt bad.

  It would be impossible for Xu Ye to speak seriously.

  At this time, Xu Ye spoke.

  "Then let's talk about why now. This issue is very critical. We need to examine this issue from beginning to end. This issue is a problem that each of us has to face, and it is also a key issue. I have gone

  through After careful consideration, I feel that I have grasped the key to this problem. So why is the key to this problem, in other words..."

  Zhang Guangrong's mouth was already wide open, and he hurriedly said: "Stop, stop, stop! Stop talking, I I don't want to know anymore."

  He never expected that Xu Ye could talk so much about just one reason.

  It really feels like listening to the leadership meeting.

  It felt quite normal at first.

  Haha, it was purely an accident.

  Never believe Xu Ye.

  He is the originator of nonsense literature.

  The audience was also left speechless.

  "This is a big studio, isn't this what normal meetings are like?"

  "I got sleepy after just listening to a few words." "

  I thought the leader was speaking, and I almost applauded just now."

  Xu Ye nodded and said, "That's it. Come here first.”

  Zhang Guangrong immediately advanced the process and asked the professional jury to start commenting.

  In this regard, the people on the jury really have nothing to say.

  This song "Old Boy" is a heartfelt piece that can touch the hearts of many people.

  If you were to comment based on music theory techniques, you would be a bit picky, and the audience would still criticize the show when it airs.

  These professional judges did not hesitate when giving scores.

  Originally, the song sung by Cheng Tianlei in the previous issue had a very strong production team, all of whom were seniors in the industry.

  The judges also have to give the songwriters some face.

  As a result, Xu Ye took out the song "囍" and amazed the audience.

  There is no way, the judges don’t dare to give random scores.

  As a result, this time, Xu Ye took out another heartfelt song.

  Many people plan to add this song to their playlist after the show is aired.

  Some members of the jury who were close to Cheng Tianlei did not dare to give Xu Ye a low score.

  If you give this song a low score, the audience will scold you for being blind.

  In the end, everyone could only say silently in their hearts.

  King Cheng Tian, ​​I’m sorry!

  Since you have failed several times, this is not the time.

  After Xu Ye stepped down, Cheng Tianlei stepped onto the stage.

  At this time, Cheng Tianlei felt a little broken inside.

  How does this work?
  Xu Ye's song is so emotionally contagious. The mood of the song he prepared is opposite to Xu Ye's song.

  This is a bit uncomfortable.

  It's okay to try to pull the audience out of the emotion of the previous song, but it will definitely have an impact on his performance.

  What's more, Xu Ye's song is not of average quality.

  Songs that show off your skills still have a chance to win, but songs that are purely heartfelt, the outcome is really hard to say.

  Cheng Tianlei adjusted his mood. He is a professional singer. No matter how random his thoughts are, he will not let this matter affect his performance.

  On the other side, Xu Ye returned to the lounge. After entering the lounge, Shen Qian and Lin Ge both waved to him.

  Xu Ye responded with a smile, and then sat on the sofa.

  Cheng Tianlei's performance has already begun.

  Everyone is watching carefully.

  Xu Ye took out a bottle of soda, and then took out a custom cutlery box from his pocket.

  Seeing this scene, Ma Lu immediately said: "Mr. Xu, do you want to get a hole punched? Give me one too!"

  Malu brought his soda water over.

  He still remembered the last time Xu Ye drilled holes in bottle caps.

  It tastes really different when you drink it.

  "Okay, I'll call you later."

  Xu Ye opened the cutlery box and took out the awl from it. He turned the soda bottle upside down and put the bottom up.

  Then he used an awl to poke a hole in the bottom of the bottle.

  The hole was relatively large. After it was done, he took out a straw from the cutlery box and inserted it through the hole.

  The whole process was quite silky and smooth.

  Shen Qian looked confused.

  Shen Qian started to pay attention to the situation here when Xu Ye took out the cutlery box.

  She originally thought Xu Ye was poking a hole in the bottle cap with the awl, but she didn't expect that he was poking a hole in the bottom of the bottle.

  She thought that was enough, but Xu Ye inserted a straw.

  As a result, her brain is not functioning well now.

  Every step is unexpected.

  "So what's the use of this?"

  Shen Qian's confused eyes were immediately recorded by the camera.

  If nothing else, this section will definitely be included in the final film.

  As for Ma Lu, he handed his bottle to Xu Ye with a look of anticipation.

  After Xu Ye made a hole, he held the bottle turned upside down and drank water through a straw. Not to mention how happy he was.

  After Cheng Tianlei's performance, the audience also applauded, and the jury also gave high praise.

  After all, the King is the King, and both his singing skills and his control of the scene are extremely stable.

  In fact, Cheng Tianlei wanted to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene for a chorus in the chorus, but because of Xu Ye, he couldn't mobilize the atmosphere at all and had to give up.

  After the last singer finished his performance, all the singers came to the stage.

  The next episode will be broadcast live, and the program team has also made some adjustments to the process.

  If there is a live broadcast, the singers will naturally not be allowed to stay in the lounge.

  It was still Zhang Guangrong who stepped onto the stage.

  "Let us first give a warm applause to the seven singers in this issue and thank them for giving us a wonderful performance." Zhang Guangrong said with a smile.

  The audience also applauded cooperatively.

  At this moment, what everyone is looking forward to is naturally the final score.

  Even the people on the jury were extremely uneasy.

  Their score only accounts for part of the total score, and the rest needs to be decided by the audience.

  Cheng Tianlei was okay in the first period, after all, his results were similar to Xu Ye's.

  But in the second and third period, Cheng Tianlei had already lost consecutively.

  Who would have thought that Xu Ye was too strong.

  He has a lot of stuff in his pocket, and he can handle different types of songs.

  And everyone can also feel that as time goes by, Xu Ye's personal singing skills are constantly improving.

  Compared with his performance as a tomorrow's superstar, Xu Ye's performance now is even better.

  Xu Ye is only twenty years old.

  Some singers of his age are still in school.

  While Zhang Guangrong relied on advertisements and deliberately slowed down the pace, Xu Ye whispered something in Ma Lu's ear.

  I saw Malu nodding his head again and again.

  The two seemed to be plotting something big.

  Lin Ge next to him couldn't help it anymore. He came over and asked, "What are you talking about?"

  Xu Ye immediately stopped the discussion with Malu.

  Ma Lu explained: "We are talking about Xu Ye singing."

  "Oh? Could it be that Xu Ye wants to sing unreleased songs from the new album?" Lin Ge suddenly became interested.

  He has always been curious about Xu Ye's songs.

  "What do you think?" Xu Ye said.

  Lin Ge couldn't stand Guess anymore, and his face suddenly became distorted.

  At this time, Zhang Guangrong finally finished the advertisement.

  "I believe everyone is already looking forward to the final ranking, so I won't give in. I announce that the ranking..."

  Zhang Guangrong trailed off with a long tail.

  The old man has always been thick-skinned, even if the audience in the audience started to boo.

  Why don't Yu Wei ask him to come? Yu Wei is really embarrassed to do such a thing.

  Finally, Zhang Guangrong finished speaking.

  "Third place, Malu, 89.1 points!"

  After the words fell, the audience cheered and everyone applauded.

  This result is completely acceptable to everyone.

  Malu's performance in this game was really good.

  "Then let's announce the first and second place winners."

  Zhang Guangrong looked like he could do anything to me.

  (End of chapter)

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