218. Chapter 216 Can this thing be called a musical instrument?

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  Chapter 216 Can this thing be called a musical instrument?
  Not to mention the audience, even Du Chonglin was confused.

  They had no idea that Xu Ye would do this!

  Du Chonglin recalled that this afternoon, he and Xu Ye had a laugh.

  Xu Ye said that he would use several instruments to play this song, including piano.

  At that time, Du Chonglin thought this was great. The lead actor was a musical genius and he could do whatever he wanted.

  There's nothing wrong with you playing the piano or playing the piano.

  But why are you playing the piano with lemons?

  Zhou Yuan and the others had the same reaction as the audience.

  Everyone's eyes widened with questions on their faces.

  The audience was also happy to see their reaction.

  "Xu Ye didn't tell them in advance, did he? If he had, I guess this wouldn't have happened!" "

  I want to hear what it sounds like when you play lemon music!"

  "Dean, hurry up, I really want to hear you play music with lemon That’s a song that’s playing!”

  In the barrage, the patients at Huohua Hospital began to urge.

  That's what they want to see.

  At this time, the viewers who clicked into the live broadcast room saw this scene and stayed in the live broadcast room driven by curiosity.

  Xu Ye smiled at the camera and said, "Then I'll start."

  After he finished speaking, his left arm moved.
  His left forearm was placed horizontally on the piano, with two lemons pressed underneath.

  As he pressed hard with his left arm, a note sounded.

  Xu Ye moved his left arm to the left, and the lemons under his arm began to roll.

  The black keys on the piano were pressed, making a sound.

  When these notes are connected together, they form a piece of music.

  Xu Ye just pressed the lemon and rolled it on the piano.

  Although the notes are not particularly coherent, everyone can tell that this piece of music sounds good.

  "He really played it? Is he really a genius?"

  "Lemon can play it, why doesn't she talk to me?"

  "Get out of love and shake your hands!"

  "Don't say it, I think this song is pretty good. Yes, dean, put down the lemon and give it a good performance for everyone!"

  In the barrage, the audience made various barrages, including many exclamation points.

  Everyone thought that Xu Ye came out to play the piano with a lemon just for fun.

  Unexpectedly, he really popped out.

  Everyone has never heard this song before.

  Du Chonglin had heard the song "Canghai Yiyixiao", so he was the most surprised when Xu Ye played the song.

  "Exactly the same! Can lemons play the piano?"

  Du Chonglin's facial features were now a little distorted.

  He didn't understand, but he was shocked.

  Tang Siqi's mouth opened slightly, and she was also shocked by Xu Ye.

  She also plays the piano, professionally.

  How could it be possible for a child star to debut without a few talents?

  Her piano skills are more than enough to perform in a music hall.

  But Xu Ye's way of playing still made her a little nervous.

  "So the piano can still be played like this?"

  Tang Siqi felt that her mind had been opened.

  She was worried about not knowing what to post on her Doushou account recently, so here it comes.

  But this piece of music felt strange to her, but she didn't realize why it was strange for a while.

  In the live broadcast room of My Youth Is Not Ended, Ye Zhanpeng and others were still interacting with the host and chatting about what happened during filming.

  Taking advantage of his free time, Tian Ming left the camera and asked the staff about the situation in the One-Armed Sword live broadcast room.

  The staff immediately picked up the phone and showed it to him.

  When he saw Xu Ye playing the piano with lemon, he almost spit out the water he just drank in his mouth.

  "What are you doing?" Tian Ming asked.

  The subordinate explained it to him.

  "Isn't this funny?"

  Tian Ming shook his head and decided not to pay attention to the one-armed sword.

  This crew has been ruined by Xu Ye.

  Xu Ye was fooling around, and Du Chonglin actually followed suit.

  What publicity effect does this have?
  Finally, Xu Ye's playing ended.

  He looked at the camera and smiled: "Do you think it sounds good to you?"

  In the barrage, a patient sent a message.

  "It sounds good, but it's a bit unpleasant."

  Then this message was quickly upvoted by everyone, and all the comments became this sentence.

  Du Chonglin coughed; "Xu Ye, why don't you stop playing the piano and change an instrument."

  Xu Ye smiled and said: "Since Director Du asked me to change an instrument, I will change it and play it again for everyone. Yesterday I also It took me a lot of effort to make an instrument with my own hands, so I can show it to everyone."

  "Make an instrument with your own hands?" Tang Siqi said in surprise.

  "Yeah, wait a minute, I'll get it."

  Xu Ye left the live broadcast screen, and he came back not long after, his hands hidden behind his back.

  At this moment, everyone's curiosity was aroused again.

  Can musical instruments be homemade?

  Du Chonglin suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. "I'm riding a horse, I feel like I shouldn't let him change instruments!"

  Just as he was thinking this, Xu Ye showed the thing in his hand on the live broadcast screen.

  It was a medicine box, the most common rectangular medicine box in people’s homes.

  But there are eight rubber bands tied to this medicine box.

  There is a certain distance between these eight rubber bands.

  Under the rubber band, there is a gel pen stuck diagonally on the rubber band, raising the rubber band in the air.

  "This is the musical instrument I'm talking about." Xu Ye introduced.

  The barrage turned into a lot of question marks again.

  "Medicine box, rubber band, gel pen, do you call this a musical instrument?"

  "It's so good to make it yourself. Don't make it yourself next time!"

  "This thing can play music and I'll stand on my head to wash my hair!"

  Everyone was left speechless by Xu Ye again. .

  This "instrument" of yours can no longer be described as rudimentary, it is simply a rag among rags.

  Even if it is thrown on the ground, no one picking up rags will even look at it.

  "I will use this instrument to play Canghai Yiyixiao for everyone."

  After Xu Ye finished speaking, he adjusted the camera of the mobile phone used for live broadcast and pointed it at the pill box in his hand.

  He himself sat on the chair.

  Everyone can clearly see that Xu Ye is holding the instrument in his left hand and the index finger of his right hand is pressing on the rubber band.

  The so-called rubber bands are the strings.

  "It's begun."

  After the words fell, Xu Ye's fingers started to move.

  His index finger plucked the rubber band, like pulling a string.

  After his series of movements, these rubber bands actually produced a pleasant melody.

  It is the melody of a sea of ​​laughter.

  Xu Ye even strummed the strings on the rubber band when he reached the middle of the string.

  The strumming strings in the guzheng can produce unique musical effects.

  Xu Ye's strumming is somewhat similar to the guzheng playing.

  He was really swept out!

  In the barrage, the audience went crazy.

  "Strong people never complain about the environment!"

  "Awesome! Can this thing also be used as a musical instrument?"

  "That person who said he was washing his hair upside down, you can get ready."

  Everyone actually thought Xu Ye was joking. After all, Xu Ye It's not the first time I've done this.

  If it really couldn't come out, no one would say anything.

  But the problem pops up!

  After Xu Ye played for a while, he returned to the camera.

  "What do you think?"

  In the barrage, everyone started saying the same sentence again.

  "It sounds good, but it's a bit unpleasant."

  Director Du rubbed his face vigorously and sighed: "Xu Ye, can we not use instruments? Let's just sing."

  Du Chonglin really couldn't stand it anymore.

  This is not a movie promotion, this is a weird performance award.

  However, there are more and more people in the live broadcast room now, and they are basically people attracted by Xu Ye.

  Zhou Yuan and Zou Gang also tried to persuade him.

  Only Tang Siqi remained silent because she noticed the problem in the piece Xu Ye just played.

  "The sound used in this piece is actually Gong Shangjiao Zhengyu."

  Tang Siqi naturally understood music theory, and she could also hear the secrets in it, not to mention Xu Ye played it for her.

  Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu is the name of five different tones in the Chinese pentatonic tones, corresponding to 12356 in the simplified musical notation.

  The ancients also sang and wrote songs, and the tones were all interoperable.

  The two tones of 47 were called modulations in ancient times.

  This piece by Xu Ye only uses the pentatonic scale.

  This is not the most distinctive feature.

  The most important thing is that he played Gong Shangjiao Zhengyu in reverse and it became the beginning of this piece.

  In the song, 65321 is also used extensively, but it just sounds good.

  "The dean is so awesome." Tang Siqi thought to herself.

  She was somewhat looking forward to the official version of this song.

  Xu Ye smiled, this time he sat on the chair and picked up the microphone.

  "Director Du has spoken. No need for musical instruments. Please listen to the promotional song for the movie "The One-Armed Sword", "A Laugh in the Sea."

  After Xu Ye finished speaking, his live broadcast assistant began to play the accompaniment.

  The accompaniment sounded, and the chilling feeling intertwined with the sound of piano and flute came.

  The Jianghu style is too strong.

  This is a completely different feeling from when Xu Ye was recuperating just now.

  Zhou Yuan and Zou Gang's eyes changed.

  This song is quite interesting!

  (End of chapter)

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