207. Chapter 205 "Love without breaking up"

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  Chapter 205 "A Love That Will Not Break Up"

  When I was in elementary school, sometimes when I bought a bottle of drink, I would poke a hole in the bottle cap.

  Then he squeezed the bottle and let the drink inside shoot into his mouth.

  It seems to taste better this way.

  And you can share drinks with good friends without worrying about hygiene.

  This behavior is quite normal for primary school students.

  But you are an adult.

  Cheng Tianlei finally resisted the urge in his heart. Even if he wanted to try it, he would have to wait until he got home and try it secretly alone.

  My majestic king still wants to save face!
  Malu is different.

  After Xu Ye finished, he took an awl and made him a bottle.

  This made Lin Ge next to him a little moved.

  Since Ma Lu was the first to perform, he would soon go backstage to prepare.

  Before leaving, Malu said to Lin Ge: "If you want to drink, open a bottle yourself and don't touch mine."

  Lin Ge's eyes widened, and there was something he wanted to say out loud.

  Am I like that kind of person?
  You kid, this is slander!
  Malu then looked at Xu Ye.

  "Mr. Xu, I'm going."

  Xu Ye nodded and said with a smile: "Come on."

  Ma Lu put away the smile on his face and let his emotions enter the song.

  He must sing this song well.

  There are not many opportunities left for him.

  When Ma Lu left, everyone else in the lounge glanced at Xu Ye.

  Obviously, the song Ma Lu will sing today was produced by Xu Ye.

  No one doubts Xu Ye's strength.

  Lin Ge was quite indifferent. He actually wanted to be eliminated now.

  The couple he observed yesterday were newlyweds. The man's job was in sales, and he was very tired from following them for a day.

  If he continues to wander, Lin Ge feels like he will be lost.

  And the theme of this issue is not what he is good at.

  There are few songs about love among his songs.

  "Xu Ye, do you still need people in your studio? How about I come too?" Lin Ge joked.

  It was a lie to join Xu Ye's studio, mainly because I wanted to sing Xu Ye's songs for free.

  Xu Ye's current songs are really popular.

  "Our studio only needs people under the age of thirty." Xu Ye said.

  Lin Ge's smile froze on his face.

  Damn it, the entertainment industry also engages in age discrimination, right?
  What happened to me in my forties?
  At this point, the stage is almost ready.

  The jury is all present and the audience is seated.

  The female host slowly came onto the stage, welcomed all the audience and guests present, and then began to read the advertisement.

  Backstage, Malu's hand was holding the microphone tightly.

  He was wearing a black suit today, and the shirt underneath was also black.

  After getting the song Xu Ye prepared for him, Ma Lu has been preparing carefully.

  Today comes the final test.

  He is a singer, not a variety show star.

  Even if you follow Xu Ye and gain popularity by fooling around in variety shows, these are limited.

  Work is the most fundamental thing for a singer.

  Malu knew this very well.

  When he heard the sound coming from the headphones, Ma Lu slowly walked towards the stage.

  The female host introduced: "We invite our first singer, Ma Lu to appear!"

  The lights on the stage change, there are no gorgeous colors, just simple lights.

  Malu walked to the center of the stage.

  It's hard to imagine that he always speaks with a Jinmen accent but sings without any accent.

  The people on the jury looked at Malu and felt that Malu seemed a little different today.

  At this time, the song title appeared on the big screen behind him.

  "Love that never breaks up".

  The moment the song title appeared, everyone was shocked.

  Many people showed exaggerated expressions.

  "Ma Lu's song has the same name as the theme of this issue?"

  "Is he too brave? Who gave him the courage? Xu Ye?" "

  The first song at the beginning has the same name as the theme of this issue. Songs, if the quality of the songs is not good, will actually arouse the audience's disgust."

  In the jury, everyone was already communicating with each other.

  After the title disappears, the message of the song emerges.

  The lyrics, music and arrangement are all written by Xu Ye.

  Everyone was just speculating before, but at this moment, the dust has finally settled.

  Ma Lu joined this big studio, and Xu Ye did prepare songs for him.

  The prelude has already sounded. Malu stood in the center of the stage, a soft light shining on him.

  He picked up the microphone and started singing.

  "Unknowingly and without asking, no pain or itch, how much time."

  "Sometime uncertain, in the alley at night, tears flow quietly." "

  The weather is slightly cool on the street, and there is a faint moonlight. I hum along the road."

  " Looking for what we have been unable to find, fate is bound."

  When Malu's song sounded, all the noise in the scene disappeared.

  "Is this a song written by Xu Ye? Is this a fucking song written by Xu Ye?" "Isn't this

  song too suitable for Malu?"

  "Can Xu Ye write such a song?"

  In the jury, these professionals The people's eyes widened and they couldn't believe it.

  The style of this song is different from Xu Ye's previous songs.

  Audiences and professionals see things differently.

  The audience had only one idea.

  Sounds good!

  This song is so catchy.

  It sounds very comfortable.

  The song reaches the chorus.

  "Your love has been buried, your hate has been collected, and the pain should be forgiven."

  "My love doesn't need to be spoken, and my hate doesn't need to be thought about. My longing is burning." "

  Looking at your face, carrying a bag on my back, I said I was going to a distant place."

  "Who still remembers the time I pulled you and said, love will always be the same?"

  Malu sang this song without any unnecessary movements, and his stage was simple to the extreme.

  In his mind, he thought of his former girlfriend.

  All kinds of emotions were integrated into his singing.

  This song made Ma Lu lose his mind.

  There is a rap section in the song "Love Without Breaking Up". Ma Lu had never been exposed to rap before, so this section took him a lot of time to practice.

  "I don't understand why so many people who truly love each other end up having no choice but to separate." "

  At the beginning, we said that we wanted to have a love that would never break up. Did today's words actually become the difference between us? obstacles."


  On the stage, Ma Lu had completely let go.

  The members of the jury were all stunned.

  Malu performed the emotion contained in this song so well.

  And many young viewers in the auditorium were even more touched by this song.

  People who are on campus, or who have just left campus, are still familiar with the love in campus.

  Many people who have been in society for many years may have forgotten that feeling.

  That was the age when you would blush if you secretly glanced at the person you liked in class.

  I am also an age where I can hardly speak to the person I like.

  This song by Malu gives people a very youthful feeling.

  It seems to bring everyone back to that era.

  At that time, when I liked someone, I really wanted to live with that person for the rest of my life and have a love that would never break up.

  In the lounge.

  Shen Qian glanced at Xu Ye from time to time, and then at Ma Lu on the big screen.

  When this cold-tempered beauty thought of Malu's missing appearance during the day, and then compared it with her current appearance, she felt it was such a contrast.

  The people in this big studio are sick, but they are really capable.

  When the rap ends, the lyrics enter the second cycle.

  Malu, who had already sang once, was completely in the mood.

  When the song came to an end, many in the audience were already singing along with their mouths open.

  "My love doesn't need to be talked about, my hate doesn't need to be thought about, my longing is burning." "

  Looking at your face, carrying the luggage, saying that I was going to a far away place."

  "Who still remembers that I pulled you and said, love will always be the same. "

  When it comes to the last line of the lyrics, the accompaniment weakens, allowing the vocals to stand out.

  The singing ended, and the whole song gradually returned to calm.

  The non-breakup relationship is officially over.

  Under the stage, applause broke out.

  Malu looked at all this, and his mood was different at this time.

  In the past, after the performance, the audience would also applaud.

  He felt that the audience just applauded the singer subconsciously and did not think the song was very good.

  But now, he feels like the audience is genuinely applauding him.

  Because this song comes from Xu Ye!

  (End of chapter)

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