201. Chapter 199 In order not to cry lol!

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  Chapter 199 In order not to cry lol!
  At two o'clock in the afternoon, Pidan got up after sleeping all day.

  Preserved Egg is his nickname on the Internet. Fans call him Danzi and his friends call him Dandan.

  He had just graduated from college for a year. Later, he simply resigned because he couldn't stand the troubles in the workplace.

  His current job is to be an UP host, posting videos on a website in this world called Xiaolanzhan.

  In recent days, I feel like I've been hollowed out. I've been waiting for a video for fans for several days.

  The videos he made have three sections, one is a video about movies and TV series, one is a dance video, and the last one is a video about ghosts and animals.

  What can be stably output are complaints about movies and TV series. There is no way, there are too many bad movies now, and there is no end to complaints.

  As for the dance video, it’s because Pi Dan himself once learned hip-hop.

  Just because he stayed at home for too long, his figure gradually swelled.

  But precisely because of his swollen figure, he has a different kind of charm when dancing.

  This type of video is actually difficult to make. The dance moves need to be designed, and they have to be able to do them with his body type.

  So he updates less dance videos.

  If it’s a ghost video, then you just need inspiration.

  Sometimes when I see something, an idea suddenly pops up in my mind, and the ghost animal video can be completed in one go.

  If you don’t have a good idea, it’s better not to do it.

  Last night, Pi Dan was making a ghost video. In the end, he stayed up all night, but the video was not finished.

  This video is what he promised to his fans, so he must make it.

  He felt very ashamed and felt sorry for the fans who were waiting for the update, so he slept a little longer to make him feel less ashamed.

  There are already several half-finished ghost videos on the computer.

  But these video preserved eggs are very dissatisfying.

  After getting up and washing up, Pidan ordered a takeaway and then sat in front of the computer.

  Following his daily usage habits, he first logged in to the chat software, then opened the browser and entered the Xiaolan website, and then opened Penguin Music.

  He was going to look on Penguin Music to see if there were any songs that could inspire him.

  As soon as he opened Penguin Music, he saw the big banner on the homepage.

  "Xu Ye's new album Yayue has been released?"

  Pidan immediately became interested.

  He was particularly impressed by Xu Ye, especially Xu Ye's two songs "Little Apple" and "Swell". He had recorded dance videos for both of them, and they were on the popular list of Xiaolan Station.

  In particular, the dance video he recorded of Little Apple is still his most played video so far.

  Pi Dan is not a fan of Xu Ye. He doesn't watch variety shows. Most of the time he listens to songs either by himself on the software, or by reading Weibo hot searches and recommendations from friends.

  When many variety shows are broadcast, there will be some related hot searches, such as the god-level stage of music variety shows.

  If he hears something good, Pidan will add it to the playlist, if not, forget it.

  He is a complete stranger in the entertainment industry, but he has a very good impression of Xu Ye.

  Even after Xu Ye became the spokesperson for Shakeshou, many UP owners of Xiaolan Station said privately that the owner of Xiaolan Station should ask Xu Ye to endorse Xiaolan Station.

  In the end, it turned into a verbal and verbal attack by the UP owners on the boss of the bad website.

  Preserved eggs are also one of them.

  "Let's listen to the new song when it comes out."

  Pi Dan clicked into Xu Ye's album, and then he saw the title of the song.

  "Poor and Happy".

  "Damn it! Xu Ye, you've gone too far! Are you trying to comfort me?"

  Pidan was stunned.

  In today's society, it is difficult to move without money.

  What young people shout the most is that I am poor and have no money.

  I sneer at feudal superstition, and I cannot afford to kneel before the God of Wealth.

  How can you be happy if you are poor?

  Of course, Piedan doesn't agree with this statement deep down.

  In his opinion, there are still many happy things that can be done in this world, even if you don't have money.

  But he will still cry with everyone about poverty.

  It's lively.

  Pidan put on his headphones and clicked play.

  The intro of the song sounded.

  In addition to the sound of the instrument itself, there are also the sounds of children babbling.

  This makes Pi Dan feel a little interesting.

  Soon, the drum beat of the song became louder and the whole song became cheerful.

  Xu Ye's singing voice came.

  [You little person, as things get better and better, I love being poor and happy every day. ]

  [Happy soul, don't be serious, we are laughing and joking, we are poor and happy!

  The first two lyrics made Pidan's legs start to sway when he heard them.

  The sense of rhythm is really too strong.

  This melody is also very brainwashing and ear-catching.

  "As expected of Xu Ye!" Pi Dan praised.

  This kind of brainwashing song is the favorite of the UP master in their ghost district.

  Xu Ye's singing continued.

  [I am a child from whose family I am, and I am stronger than Li Kui.

  【The handsome appearance is better than the fierce Zhang Fei, and the felt hair is shiny and black.

  After hearing these two lyrics, Pidan became even happier.

  "What kind of weird lyrics are these?"

  Pidan didn't quite understand the meaning of this rolling felt.

  He is the kind of person who must understand the lyrics when listening to a song.

  He quickly clicked pause, took out his phone and searched for what it meant.

  "It turns out that the hair is too dirty and clumps on the scalp."

  After understanding the meaning, Pidan felt that these lyrics were really funny.

  If you put it into the lyrics and become the protagonist in the lyrics, then this person is really a bit slovenly.

  Pidan clicked the play button.

  [He has traveled south and traveled north, and his temperament is outstanding and outstanding. ]

  [I drank water from the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, and kissed firecrackers and landmines.

  Hearing the last line of the lyrics, Pidan couldn't hold himself tight anymore and he laughed again.

  "What kind of words are you using? You kissed a firecracker and mine, didn't you just get blown up! Xu Ye, what's wrong with your brain?" The

  singing continued.

  [But Anger is very haggard, and his face needs a beating. ] [Have you dug coal in the west mountain, or have you seen ghosts in the east mountain?

  After the lyrics ended, there was a voice in the accompaniment that said it in a cross talk tone.


  Pidan giggled and made a goose call.

  [This life is short and tiring. If you have wine now, you will get drunk now.

  Then some naughty voices rang again.

  【Ah yes!

  This reminded Pi Dan of a famous word related to Xu Ye.

  Ah, yes, yes.

  The next moment, new lyrics appeared.

  [laugh loudly in order not to cry, bah loudly in order not to be annoyed.

  After hearing these two lyrics, Pidan had a smile on his face.

  These two lyrics actually have a bit of philosophy in them.

  Then we entered the chorus part.

  I have to say, this song is really catchy, especially the chorus.

  When Pi Dan listened to the chorus, his legs kept shaking and his body even swayed.

  After the chorus cycled twice, a new section arrived.

  This time, the protagonist of the lyrics becomes a girl.

  [She is the younger one from whose family, and her figure is better than that of Concubine Yang.

  【She is as beautiful as the Seven Immortals, and as graceful as emerald.

  Pidan became interested. This is much better than the male protagonist just now.

  [It’s a male and a female, both in their twenties. ]

  [Pursue pure happiness bravely, and you will not be discouraged even if you get beaten.]

  I know the word beat. It is in some film and television works, and netizens often say it.

  It means to be reprimanded or blamed.

  [But she has low self-esteem and looks like she is unlucky.

  【Have you been a thief during the day or a thief at night?

  At this time, the voice in the accompaniment said two words.

  【Too tired.

  These two words gave Pi Dan a different feeling.

  After this section ends, the song repeats the previous section.

  Then comes the chorus again.

  After repeating the chorus twice, the melody of the entire song changes again.

  Xu Ye's singing voice full of sunshine and vitality came.

  [In order not to lose, win the battle,

  not to surrender, to brag loudly,
  not to cry loudly, to not cry loudly,
  not to be annoyed.

  When these few lines of singing appeared, the smile on Pi Dan’s face did not fall.

  The smile this time was not because the lyrics were funny, but because he was in a very happy mood at the moment.

  Even the frustration of not being able to make videos these days has disappeared.

  Being a UP owner is not a simple matter, and creative work itself is very demanding.

  He is an individual UP owner and does not have a company yet. He is responsible for all aspects including material selection, copywriting and production.

  On the surface, a video may have hundreds of thousands or even millions of views, but only you know how much effort goes into it behind the scenes.

  Sometimes, even if I’m making videos late at night, I’ll also be thinking about one thing.

  Is it really the right decision to choose to resign and become a UP owner?
  Will he regret this choice one day?

  Post a video, I will be particularly anxious when the data is not good.

  When his parents called to inquire about the situation, Pidan did not dare to tell the truth, lest his parents worry.

  Looking at the glamorous lives of the classmates in his circle of friends, Pidan felt envious in his heart.

  But he still had to face reality with a smile and keep going.

  Life is stressful, so everyone might as well be happy.

  Xu Ye's singing continued to sound.

  [In order not to lose and win the battle...in order not to cry lol...]

  ​​The corners of Pi Dan's mouth curved up.

  To not cry lol!
  At this moment, his mind was bursting with inspiration.

  The song "Poor and Happy" is so magical!

  You can totally make a ghost video out of this song!
  You can even do a dance that matches the happiness of the poor.

  The dance moves don’t have to be complicated, just simple and fun for everyone to watch.

  Thinking of this, Pidan directly purchased Xu Ye's album.

  Xu Ye has two ways to purchase. One is to purchase the songs in the album, one by one, and the other is to purchase the entire album directly, which offers a discount.

  Pi Dan bought the album without hesitation.

  Hesitating for even a second is disrespectful to Xu Ye.

  As for those top-notch songs, anyone can listen to them, but he doesn’t listen to them anyway.

  After buying the album, Pidan played the song on a loop and then opened the document.

  The desire to talk is now very strong in his mind, and he feels like he can write the copy in one breath.

  As I was writing, the phone rang.

  His takeaway order arrived.

  Pi Dan was reluctant to leave his seat, even if he ordered his favorite meal.

  After getting the takeout, Pidan put it on the table and continued writing.

  Complete it in one go, without changing a word.

  After he finished writing, he started making videos again.

  It took until 6 pm to complete the video production.

  After checking it once, Pidan released it on the Xiaolan website and let out a sigh of relief.

  Until this moment, he felt hungry in his stomach.

  The food on the table has already become cold.

  At this time, Pidan suddenly realized a problem.

  "This song is called Poor and Happy, but according to the meaning expressed in the lyrics, being poor does not mean being poor. So what does being poor mean?"

  (End of Chapter)

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