199.Chapter 197 Songs related to cross talk?

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  Chapter 197 A song related to cross talk?
  After this Weibo was posted, the entire music world was shocked.

  Many singers were shocked after seeing the news.

  "Why is Xu Ye suddenly releasing an album?"

  "Does he want to have a try with those top people?"

  "Wang Cheng Tian is so damn lucky. His album has already been released!"

  These singers have seen this Xu Ye's strength.

  The songs he writes for others are so strong, let alone his own songs.

  Xu Ye has been preparing this album for so long, so the quality is definitely good.

  Everyone wanted to watch Xu Ye and King Cheng Tian fight in the ring, but Xu Ye sent his men to directly defeat King Cheng.

  In terms of wandering music, according to the results of the first period, there is no difference between the top and the bottom.

  Cheng Tianlei has finished releasing his songs now, so he doesn't have to compete with Xu Ye anymore.

  In the subsequent ranking battle, Cheng Tianlei temporarily withdrew.

  But there are still those top-notch ones!
  If a top artist releases an album, he will definitely overwhelm other singers in various data.

  Don't care whether this data is true or not, it's just crushing.

  When the time comes, these top-notch songs will definitely be on the new song chart and the hot song chart.

  In fact, many singers don't care about this.

  Because everyone’s fundamentals are different.

  These singers still speak on their strength.

  So after Cheng Tianlei's album was released, some singers also put their albums on the agenda.

  It didn't matter that they lost to the top team, no one would even say anything.

  But Xu Ye is different.

  He is also known as a top performer in the entertainment industry.

  Even from the beginning, he was a singer who came out of the talent show "Tomorrow's Superstars".

  He and the top players are also on the same battlefield.

  Xu Ye chose to release his album at this time. Obviously, he wanted to rub shoulders with these top people.

  Who is the real top?

  "How about delaying the release of the album further?"

  Many singers have an idea in their minds.

  They are not worried about being top-notch, they are worried about Xu Ye.

  When gods fight, it will be a big loss if it is affected.

  There are only ten positions in the top ten of the rankings. How many positions will be left after being divided by them?
  At this time, many companies held emergency meetings to discuss this matter.

  Postponing the album release is not a problem, but you can’t always postpone it.

  Publicity in all aspects is money.

  A day's delay is a day's waste of money.

  Unlike the reaction of the singers, netizens came to watch the fun.

  After this Weibo post was posted, patients at Huohua Hospital immediately commented on Weibo.

  "The dean is finally going to release an album! Come on! I have a nervous breakdown!"

  "Laughing, do you still remember the people from the Singers Association saying that the dean's songs are vulgar? The dean is so petty that he still remembers it, and the album is actually called "Vulgar music."

  "Don't you think I'm vulgar? Then I'll give you a whole album of vulgar music!" "

  Any hints! What is the style of the dean's song this time?"

  A patient from Huohua Hospital Just like the Chinese New Year, they beat gongs and drums to celebrate the release of Xu Ye's new album.

  But there is really no hint at all about the song style of the album.

  Xu Ye's works have varied styles and cover a wide range of topics. No one knows what kind of song he will come up with.

  But one thing is certain.

  It must be a song that can bring happiness to everyone.

  It’s not even written in the album title.

  After Han Ran, the captain of the Huohua Academy Security Team, saw this Weibo, she immediately began to have a god-level understanding.

  "I remember last time, people from the Singers Association said that the dean's songs were not worthy of being elegant. The dean's first album was called vulgar, so will his second album be called Yale? One vulgarity and one vulgarity. Ya, both refined and popular people appreciate it!"

  Han Ran's comment was quickly recognized by everyone.

  "Waiting for Dean's second album!"

  "The first album hasn't been released yet, but I'm actually looking forward to the second album!"

  "What's so vulgar? Anyway, I know that after the release of Dean's songs, the singer The association is definitely going to bark!"

  The patients at Huohua Hospital forwarded this Weibo post to spread the word.

  Afterwards, many marketing accounts followed suit and publicized the matter.

  Marketing accounts directly brought out the conflict between Xu Ye and the Singers Association again.

  Xu Ye's album "Vulgar Music" is obviously a counterattack against the Singers Association.

  Suddenly, the discussion became louder.

  Xu Ye chose this time to rub shoulders with the top stars, and the album title was a direct response to the Singers Association, with another layer of meaning.

  The melon-eating crowd went crazy.

  That's what's interesting.

  Chinese Singers Association.

  Today, Zhou Mengru just had a small meeting with some people in the association. After the meeting, they were going to do some routine entertainment activities and relax.

  But the people in the association quickly informed the people in the association about Xu Ye's album release.

  After seeing Xu Ye's album title, a group of people from the Singers Association became furious.

  They are not criticizing Xu Ye now. It is definitely not because they have figured it out.

  I just gave in temporarily.

  Moreover, Xu Ye’s song "Lonely Warrior" caused a storm at the National Day Gala and is still sweeping across various platforms. The song also received praise from many organizations.

  No one would jump out to criticize Xu Ye at this time.

  Zhou Mengru said angrily: "What nonsense! Returning to vulgar music! Not ashamed of it, but proud of it!" "

  What does Xu Ye mean by this? Is it amazing to be on the stage of the National Day Gala? How dare you use such a name as the title of an album!" "

  This The child is either without talent or has gone astray. If he continues like this, he will really become a shame to our Chinese music scene."

  A group of people sighed, with a feeling that they hate iron and cannot become steel.

  Why can't Xu Ye write songs according to their ideas?

  "President Zhou, do we want to say something?" a director asked.

  On the Internet, many people have brought out the Singers Association again.

  If they don't respond, doesn't it mean that their Singers Association is really giving up?
  Zhou Mengru frowned and thought for a long time.


  Soon, the official Weibo of the Chinese Singers Association posted a message.

  The message is quite simple.

  "The purpose of the Chinese Singers Association is to lead the Chinese music scene to create good music, rather than blindly catering. Songs should not be defined by data, but should be measured by a set of standards. I hope that singers in the Chinese music scene can take this as their goal, and It’s not for the sake of the market to create some vulgar songs.”

  After this Weibo post was posted, it immediately aroused heated discussion.

  At first glance, it seems to make sense.

  But don’t forget, netizens are not fools.

  Again, can we not know whether the song is good or not?
  Don’t we have ears and can’t hear it?
  Now, even some melon-eaters can't stand it anymore.

  "Those experts from the Singers Association, do you dare to stand up and say what the standards are for a good song?" "You are so high-sounding, but aren't you just

  trying to establish rules? If you really believe what you say, will the song be good? Isn't it just you who have the final say?"

  "When did it take your turn to judge whether a song is good or not? If everyone thinks it sounds good and it's a good song, then it's a good song!" "

  I'm so scared! In the future, singers will write songs Do I have to show it to you first?"

  The Chinese Singers Association didn't expect that it just posted a Weibo message, which resulted in a lot of scolding.

  Zhou Mengru was so angry that his chest hurt.

  "If we are not allowed to judge, who will be allowed to judge? What music theory do ordinary people know? Do they understand what rhyme is? It's the other way around!" The

  Chinese Singers Association has never encountered such a thing in these years.

  These people actually don’t even listen to the experts?

  Cheng Tianlei also saw this Weibo and was so stunned that he didn't dare to say a word.

  He is also older, but he has gradually felt one thing.

  That's how times have changed.

  Many things and rules that we took for granted in the past are changing rapidly in this era.

  Especially after he met Xu Ye.

  Xu Ye seems to know what the current audience likes.

  There's always something new to do.

  Wei Qingfeng and several top companies did not have any fear after seeing this news.

  In their opinion, this is a brilliant move!
  With the addition of Xu Ye, everyone fought together.

  In this way, they can better make money from fans' pockets.

  Among these top fan groups, some people are starting to set the pace.

  "Jimeis, Xu Ye actually wants to release an album at the same time as my brother! Our opportunity has come! We must not let him win over my brother!"

  "Xu Ye has gone too far! He used tricks to beat his brother on the list of the National Day Gala, and now he is deliberately trying to gain his popularity!" "It's just a

  popular celebrity. I don't listen to any of his songs, but my brother's songs are still good! "

  Everyone, prepare your little money! Let's let my brother defeat Xu Ye openly!" "

  I'm ready. I'll buy ten of them when I go online!"

  Under the exaggeration of these emotions, these fans are actually united as never before. .

  However, there are some sober fans who are not affected.

  "Just buy whoever's song is good. There's no need to just come up and buy ten copies, right?"

  The fan who sent this message was immediately kicked out of the fan group.

  "At the critical moment, no one is allowed to say anything that disrupts the morale of the army! Come on, brother! Charge!"

  That night, album banners of these stars began to be released on all major music platforms.

  Xu Ye’s album banner is also among them.

  But this time, Xu Ye is working exclusively with Penguin Music.

  Penguin Music was very sincere and they made an offer that Xu Ye could not refuse.

  Penguin Music does not charge a penny for all the proceeds from the song, and Penguin Music bears the cost of publicity and distribution of the song.

  In other words, Penguin Music is betting on Xu Ye this time.

  When you cooperate for the first time, it doesn’t matter whether you make money or not.

  We just fell in love with you.

  Xu Ye really couldn't refuse this condition.

  There seems to be a loss, after all, the song cannot be listed on other music platforms.

  But don't forget, Xu Ye still has a card in his hand.

  This card is called Shaking Hands.

  Many traditional record companies have not yet realized the power of short videos, but Xu Ye, who has experienced it on earth, knows it all.

  That evening, This Is a Big Studio released an image.

  There are only two words on the picture.


  (End of chapter)

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