180. Chapter 179 is not just a children’s song

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  Chapter 179 It’s not just a children’s song. As

  soon as these words came out, the audience in the audience was also a little surprised.

  For ordinary people, a song actually only has two types: good and bad.

  When people listen to music, they don’t analyze a song clearly.

  Everyone thought the Lanting preface was very nice.

  But at what level, I don’t know.

  After this member of the jury spoke, everyone immediately realized that this song was so awesome!
  The person who just spoke is called Zhang Yao. He is a behind-the-scenes staff member, mainly responsible for composing and arranging music.

  When Zhang Yao listened to Lanting's preface, he paid great attention to the music.

  After hearing this, he was just shocked.

  This kind of use and integration of various musical instruments made him feel that he should not sit here and comment. He should listen to Xu Ye's lectures.

  After Zhang Yao finished speaking, he put down the microphone.

  His words directly shocked the jury.

  In fact, at the beginning, the members of the jury did not dare to praise blatantly.

  After all, Cheng Tianwang is still sitting in the waiting room. Everyone looks up but doesn't look down. It's a good idea to give him some face.

  It is different from the Xian'er that Xu Ye sang in the first episode.

  Xian'er's personal style is too outstanding, you can say you don't like it.

  Because this song is not meant for everyone.

  But Lanting Xu almost crushed Cheng Tianlei's ancient song in all aspects.

  Cheng Tianlei and Xu Ye are currently making a fuss about their fight in the ring.

  It’s hard for everyone to praise directly.

  Now, Zhang Yao took the lead directly.

  Damn your worldliness, I just want to praise you!

  I just want to speak my mind!
  When they saw someone taking the lead in the charge, everyone let go.

  Anyway, the bowl of water was level last time.

  If that's the case, then King Cheng Tian, ​​I'm sorry!
  "The preface to Lanting is really well written! The lyrics are also very beautiful. I like the line 'It has nothing to do with the romance, I'll wait for you to reply' the most." "The overall composition of this song tends to be graceful

  . Even when it reaches the climax, it still stays on the bass. When it finally stabilizes in the high range, it gives people a stronger feeling, which is also a little trick." "If you want me to say the lyrics are the best, this

  song The lyrics seem to be about the love between men and women, and have nothing to do with the preface to the Lanting anthology. However, the core emotions in the lyrics are joy and sadness, which are thought-provoking. Just as it is said in the preface to the Lanting anthology: When you are happy with what you encounter, you will gain it temporarily from yourself, and you will be happy. Naturally self-sufficient, not knowing that old age is coming... There are too many original texts. I hope everyone can read the original text and compare it with the lyrics, and you must have a deeper understanding." ... The


  jury has directly turned into a praise group.

  This is the first time this scene has appeared on the wandering music stage.

  In the performances of several singers just now, some members of the jury still came out to point out some shortcomings.

  It's gone when I get to Xu Ye.

  It's not that no one said it, it's just that these few people who wanted to talk about the shortcomings couldn't get the chance.

  Yu Wei in the background listened to what these people said and was a little unable to react for a while.

  "Are Xu Ye's songs so good?"

  If she hadn't known that she had invited these jury members, she would have doubted whether Xu Ye had bribed them.

  "Okay, let's continue with the process." Yu Wei said slowly.

  After receiving the order, the female host found the right opportunity to bring the topic back to the stage.

  This also made those on the jury a little unhappy.

  You haven't finished speaking yet, why don't you let me say it?

  The female host smiled and said: "Excuse me, Xu Ye, how are you feeling now?"

  She handed the microphone to Xu Ye's mouth.

  However, Xu Ye did not speak, but picked up the erhu and the bow.

  The host was stunned for a moment and quickly moved the microphone to the erhu position.

  Then Xu Ye opened the door.

  The erhu made a "giggle" laugh.

  The host was stunned.

  what's the situation?
  This sound can actually be produced by the erhu?
  The audience in the audience was also stunned.

  No one reacted for a moment.

  So, Xu Ye continued to pull up.

  The laughter made by the erhu is really magical, and it sounds like it has a sense of ridicule.

  Xu Ye didn't say a word, but he seemed to have said everything.

  In the waiting room, Lin Ge pointed at the screen and exclaimed in surprise: "You can still play the erhu like this!"

  Lin Ge's movements have always been exaggerated, and he knows how to steal the spotlight.

  But Xu Ye really made him happy this time.

  Lin Ge felt that he had learned something again.

  The potential of the erhu as an instrument has not yet been fully exploited by the current music scene.

  After Xu Ye finished laughing for a long time, the host also understood what Xu Ye meant.

  She smiled and said: "You can tell that Xu Ye is in a very good mood now. Thank you again Xu Ye for the performance. Please go back to the lounge and take a rest."

  Xu Ye came off the stage with his erhu.

  However, the female singer at the stage entrance was almost crying.

  She thought she was in a good position by being the last one to play.

  But now that Zhuyu is in front, how can she still play?

  After all, the one who leaves the deepest impression is not necessarily the one who enters the body last, but the one who enters the deepest.

  Xu Ye's "Lanting Preface" is already at its peak today, and it is almost impossible to surpass it.

  At this time, it was the female singer's turn to come on stage. When she arrived on the stage, Xu Ye also entered the lounge.

  Lin Ge and Ma Lu both came forward to say hello. After Xu Ye sat down, he began to watch the female singer's performance.

  Even though the female singer tried her best to stabilize the stage, she still made several obvious mistakes.

  In the final review session of the jury, everyone spoke out directly without being polite.

  Eventually the singer left the stage looking regretful.

  Not long after, Yu Wei came in holding a card with the final ranking written on it.

  There is always a smile on her face, and it is impossible to guess the final result from her face.

  "Hello everyone, the final results have come out. Before announcing the results, please take a sip of water."

  This is Yu Wei's forced commercial break. Xu Ye cooperated and picked up the soda water on the table and took a sip into his mouth.

  "Gulu gulu gulu!"

  Lin Ge looked at Xu Ye in surprise.

  You are not drinking water, you are gargling!
  Then Xu Ye spit the water in his mouth into the water glass on the table, and then took another sip of water.

  After seeing this scene, Lin Ge's expression instantly turned ugly.

  He suddenly remembered that the last time he entered the lounge after Xu Ye, he drank water from the cup on the table.

  Isn't it Xu Ye's mouthwash?

  For a moment, Lin Ge felt a little nauseous.

  "What's wrong with you?" Xu Ye asked.

  Lin Ge whispered: "The water in the cup I drank last time was not your mouthwash, right?" "It's

  definitely not the case. I didn't rinse my mouth last time," Xu Ye said.

  "Impossible! You must be lying to me! Otherwise, where did the water in the cup come from!"

  Lin Ge was heartbroken.

  Xu Ye was full of questions.

  Is this person sick?
  While everyone was drinking water, Yu Wei began to read the advertisement.

  After the advertisement ended, she said slowly: "Do you want to hear the first place first or the last place?"

  "First place!" Lin Ge shouted.

  He now desperately needs something else to divert his attention.

  Yu Wei didn't show off, she said directly: "Okay, next I will announce the first place in this competition... 90.2 points, Xu Ye!" After the

  words fell, Lin Ge laughed and said: "I'm just saying, it's no problem. !"

  "Second place, 89.6 points, Cheng Tianlei!"

  "Third place, 88.1 points, Lin Ge."


  The rankings were announced quickly, and sure enough, the last place was the last female singer to take the stage.

  There was nothing she could do, she made too many mistakes.

  In fact, her personal strength was pretty good, but she just couldn't withstand Xu Ye's pressure.

  Xu Ye is so fierce, who can withstand it?

  Cheng Tianlei felt a sense of relief.

  However, his face remained as calm as ever.

  A person cannot be defeated.

  At this time, Cheng Tianlei also figured it out.

  If you lose to the song "Lanting Xu", you won't complain. Whoever touches this song will die.

  After this episode is aired, the impact of this song will be even greater.

  Anyway, no one will say why Cheng Tianlei is such a bad guy.

  Everyone would only sigh, Xu Ye is too strong!

  "I don't believe it. If Xu Ye is so fierce in the next issue, won't he be able to pay for it?" Cheng Tianlei thought to himself.

  Next, it’s time for the easter egg of the show, the singing session.

  Still following the previous rules, Lin Ge played and sang a short song on the guitar this time.

  This is still a new song.

  After he finished singing, everyone asked him the name of the song. Lin Ge chuckled and said, "I only wrote this section!"

  His cheerful expression gradually turned brighter.

  When Cheng Tianlei came on stage, he still sang the songs from his new album, a cappella.

  After the two people finished playing songs, it was Xu Ye's turn.

  Xu Ye stood up slowly, walked to the piano in the room and sat down.

  Before the recording of the show, he told Yu Wei that he would use the piano when singing.

  Yu Wei naturally made preparations for him in advance.

  At this time, Xu Ye was sitting in front of the piano, his temperament was completely different.

  Yu Wei asked curiously: "Is what you sang today still a children's song?"

  "It's a children's song, but it's not just a children's song." Xu Ye said slowly.

  Lin Ge and the others still remembered the last time Xu Ye played children's songs, and they were used to it after getting the answer this time.

  But what does it mean that this is not a simple children's song?
  Aren’t children’s songs just children’s songs?

  In another private room.

  Xu Nanjia and Xie Qiong were both staring at the big screen inside. The screen showed pictures of Xu Ye and others.

  When Xu Ye sat in front of and behind the piano, Xu Nanjia had already covered her mouth in surprise.

  "He can also play the piano?"

  As a result, when Xu Ye said the children's song, Xu Nanjia laughed like crazy.

  Who asked you to play songs and children's songs!
  Xie Qiong also laughed and said: "It's too outrageous. I must watch the first episode!"

  Both of them were very curious about what song Xu Ye sang in the first episode.

  At this time, Xu Ye pressed his fingers on the keys a few times.

  The sound of the piano is melodious.

  Xu Nanjia stopped talking and just looked at the figure quietly on the big screen.

  Xu Ye said slowly: "This song is for someone."

  The song he was about to sing was still a song that appeared in Wulin Gaiden and was very popular around the world.

  Almost everyone on earth has heard it.

  Just take it out this time.

  After the words fell, he pressed the keys.

  The sound of the piano came, and it was still a melody that no one had ever heard before.

  With a relaxed and lively rhythm, I am very happy after hearing it.

  After the prelude of more than ten seconds ended, Xu Ye slowly started singing.

  "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

  (End of chapter)

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