178. Chapter 177 has nothing to do with Fengyue

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  Chapter 177: Nothing to do with Fengyue
  Not long after, the host completed the process.

  Then the first singer came on stage to perform, a female singer.

  When the two female singers drew lots at the end of the first period, one won the last place and the other won the first place.

  The first female singer to take the stage was naturally under great pressure.

  However, as a professional singer, his psychological quality is still good.

  When she came on stage, Xu Ye's eyes lit up.

  The female singer was wearing a short cheongsam. Xu Ye personally felt it was a bit like the style worn by Chun Li in the Street Fighter game, but the color was different.

  Wearing a pair of black boots on her feet, her overall look is sexy and capable, with a Chinese style.

  Anyway, it looks very eye-catching.

  The second singer to take the stage was Ma Lu, followed by the unnamed male singer and Lin Ge.

  Finally, it’s time to reach fifth place.

  At this time, Cheng Tianlei was already standing at the entrance of the stage. He was wearing a Tang suit and looked very dignified.

  Cheng Tianlei is very confident about today's song.

  He had already watched the performances of the previous four people, but in his mind, the performances of these four people were far behind compared to his.

  It can be said that it is not on the same level.

  Sure enough, after he finished his performance, the entire venue burst into warm applause.

  Even the jury, which was stingy with praise, applauded.

  After reaching the review stage, these people started to praise it even more.

  Cheng Tianlei always had a faint smile on his face.

  In the waiting room, Lin Ge and Malu were already sitting together.

  Lin Ge said with some worry: "Cheng Tianlei has amplified his moves, Xu Ye is a bit difficult."

  The better Cheng Tianlei's song, the more disadvantaged Xu Ye will be when he performs behind him.

  The two songs are right next to each other, and the audience still remembers the feeling brought by the previous song, so it is easy to compare them.

  This song produced by Zhou Mengru was very good in Lin Ge's opinion.

  At this time, the camera showed a group of old men sitting in the auditorium.

  Lin Ge knew these people, they were all from the Palace Museum.

  Qi Dongxiang and his party came to the scene to watch the performance.

  However, their faces were not as excited as others. Even when they applauded, it was just a symbolic applause.

  "Cheng Tianwang's song seems to have failed to impress Dean Qi and the others." Ma Lu said.

  "We don't and we don't," Lin Ge said with a smile.

  Qi Dongxiang and others were guests outside the venue and did not participate in the voting, but it did not affect the results.

  It's quite difficult to sing a song to impress these big guys.

  After a while, Cheng Tianlei's session ended.

  The host announced: "Now we invite singer Xu Ye to the stage!"

  As soon as the words fell, the audience burst into applause.

  Qi Dongxiang and others applauded vigorously.

  After this day's discussion, they already had a broad framework for the content of the Forbidden City's cultural and creative activities. All senior officials of the Forbidden City agreed that the Forbidden City's cultural and creative projects have great potential.

  Their favorability towards Xu Ye immediately doubled.

  This kid really helped them this time, and he was a big help.

  "Get ready to close your eyes and listen to music!" Lao Zhang said with a smile.

  In the private room, Xu Nanjia and Xie Qiong both put down the snacks in their hands.

  Since you are watching Xu Ye's performance, you have to pay full attention.

  This is special treatment for Xu Ye.

  The camera focuses on the stage entrance.

  Staff members have already prepared chairs and stand boxes.

  Everyone was a little confused after seeing the chair. Could it be that Xu Ye wanted to sit and sing?

  When Xu Ye came out, everyone's doubts disappeared.

  Xu Ye held the erhu in his hand and walked slowly towards the center of the stage.

  "He actually wants to play the erhu?"

  In the waiting room, Lin Ge and others were a little surprised.

  If Xu Ye could really play the erhu, he would really be considered a treasure boy.

  So far, Xu Ye has demonstrated two musical instruments: suona and guitar, and three instruments including erhu.

  Cheng Tianlei's face was as calm as water, looking at the screen not knowing what he was thinking.

  At this time, Xu Ye was already sitting on the chair.

  His appearance today is completely different from his appearance in the first issue.

  If he looked like a crazy immortal in the first issue, then he has an elegant temperament today.

  Coupled with his handsome face, some of the audience in the audience cheered.

  Everyone is very familiar with Xu Ye.

  But Xu Ye's dress today made everyone a little uncomfortable.

  This is too serious!

  On the stage, the lights began to change, the surrounding area gradually dimmed, and the spotlight shone on Xu Ye.

  The big screen behind was also pitch black.

  Xu Ye, who was sitting on a chair with an erhu in his hand, paused for three seconds, then moved his arms to pull the bow.

  At this moment, the accompaniment and the sound of the erhu sounded at the same time.

  The somewhat melodious sound of the erhu reached everyone's ears.

  This prelude alone has already drawn everyone's emotions into the song.

  "It sounds great!" Xu Nanjia said excitedly.

  "It's obviously a sound made by the erhu, but why does it sound so popular?" Xie Qiong also exclaimed.

  The two of them felt that Xu Ye was extremely handsome on the stage.

  Along with the sound of the erhu, changes appeared on the originally dark big screen.

  The black on the screen began to flow like ink stains, and white appeared in the blank spaces where the black flowed.

  The black and white colors are constantly intertwined, and the picture on the big screen has a sense of movement.

  It seems as if someone is writing vigorously and splashing ink.

  As the erhu played for more than twenty seconds, the ink marks on the big screen kept changing.

  When the erhu sound was about to end, those ink marks finally stopped.

  The ink stains gathered into three large characters on the screen. "Lanting Preface".

  In the waiting room, Cheng Tianlei, who was originally calm and composed, felt as if he was struck by lightning after seeing the title of the song.

  It's actually Lantingxu? !
  How dare he!
  Lanting Preface, one of the pinnacle works of Chinese calligraphy, was written by the famous Wang Xizhi, also known as "the best running script in the world".

  Many people should remember studying a classical Chinese article called "Preface to the Lanting Collection" when they were studying.

  The original work of Wang Xizhi has not appeared today, but even the rubbings are of great value.

  Yesterday when they were recording the program, they were lucky enough to see the rubbings of the Lanting Preface collected by the Forbidden City.

  But he didn't expect that the title of Xu Ye's song was actually called "Lanting Preface".

  Your entry point is a bit tricky!

  Cheng Tianlei didn't know what to say for a while.

  Because if he were asked to write a song, he would have no idea how to create it using calligraphy works as the starting point.

  Even for this ancient-style song composed for him by Zhou Mengru, the entry point chosen was a method commonly used in some ancient-style songs.

  For example, feelings about family and country, or historical figures.

  Taking calligraphy works as the starting point, it has not appeared yet.

  However, Qi Dongxiang and a group of Forbidden City bosses all had smiles on their faces after seeing the words "Lanting Xu" appear.

  "Open your eyes, Lao Zhang. Xu Ye's song today is interesting." Qi Dongxiang patted Lao Zhang beside him.

  As soon as Lao Zhang opened his eyes, he saw the three words "Lanting Preface" on the big screen.

  "Xu Ye's erhu is really nice to listen to." Lao Zhang sighed.

  He leaned back quietly in his chair and stopped talking.

  Strong ancient charm!

  The prelude, which lasted for more than 20 seconds, completely drew the audience into the rhythm of Lantingxu's song.

  This is a pure Chinese style work.

  The original author is of course Jay Chou.

  After the theme of traces of history was created, Xu Ye had several choices in his mind.

  In the end, he chose Lanting Xu purely because he personally liked this song better.

  It also fits the theme of this issue very well.

  To this end, he even went to consult Lin Caixia on how to sing the Peking Opera Xiao Dan.

  The preface to Lanting is the first time he has sung Jay Chou's songs in this world.

  Give Cheng Tianlei a little Jay shock.

  Xu Ye stopped what he was doing and started singing slowly.

  "Lanting is writing the post, and the calligraphy is like running clouds and flowing water."

  "The door is pushed under the moon, and my heart is as careful as your footsteps." "

  I am so busy that it is easy to touch up the thousand-year-old monument, but it is difficult to touch up your beauty." "There is

  no real work, who can I give it to sincerely."

  The lyrics The image is overwhelming.

  A picture suddenly appeared in the audience's mind.

  A person was waiting in the room, and under the moonlight outside, a beautiful woman pushed the door open and entered.

  The last lyric talks about the end of the truth, which is in line with the current facts.

  These four lyrics are so soft and beautiful.

  It's not as soft as the lyrics written by Xu Ye.

  In the waiting room, Lin Ge had already opened his mouth wide with a look of astonishment.

  "Xu Ye actually didn't get his damn job done?"

  Lin Ge's expectations were completely disappointed.

  Ma Lu said lightly: "Isn't this another kind of job?"

  I have to say that Xu Ye's first four sentences have already amazed everyone.

  Xu Ye continued to sing.

  "The flute is playing horizontally, and there are a few dishes of rice wine and side dishes." "The

  afterglow of the setting sun is as shy as your drunkenness." "

  It is easy to copy, but the fragrance of ink will not fade away and leave an aftertaste with you." "

  A line of cinnabar, who has been circled."

  One side is crazy and the other side is tender.

  Xu Ye's performance this time was completely different from his previous style.

  Cheng Tianlei could no longer calm down.

  So far, he can't find anything wrong with this song.

  In the audience, Qi Dongxiang and other Forbidden City bosses looked at the stage with satisfaction.

  Many of the instruments used in Xu Ye's song are Chinese instruments, and the characteristics of Chinese style are too obvious.

  This makes people like Qi Dongxiang who often deal with history feel very comfortable.

  Especially the lyrics can make people think of many pictures.

  The singing continues.

  "It has nothing to do with Fengyue, I am waiting for your reply."

  "With one stroke of pen, there are thousands of waves on the shore." "No

  matter how you interpret the word love, it will never be right no matter how you write."

  "But I am the only one missing, your understanding in life."

  At this time, many viewers have already imagined a back figure in ancient costume in their minds.

  The charm of some lyrics lies in the blank space that allows the audience to figure it out.

  The lyricist of Lanting Preface is the great master Fang Wenshan.

  When he writes lyrics, he likes to add personal pronouns like you, me, and him, which he personally calls "memory points."

  In all things in the world, people are the subject. The lyrics are not historical narrative sentences, but emotional catalysts. Only with human beings can the story be extended.

  This also allows the audience to become more immersed in the song.

  At this moment, Xu Ye played the erhu again.

  When the erhu sounded, he spoke again.

  But when he opened his voice, everyone's faces showed a look of astonishment.

  Because in this section, Xu Ye's singing style changed.

  He used a dramatic tone.

  (End of chapter)

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