169.Chapter 168 Huohuayuan does not support idlers

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  Chapter 168: Huohua Courtyard Does Not Raise Idle People

  In the barrage, a group of spectators were speechless.

  Thanks to the barrage automatically blocking some overly intense language, otherwise, the barrage would definitely be full of Chinese quintessence.

  God damn, do aerobics online.

  "Brothers, I want to join you, I'll withdraw first!"

  "I can only do half of sit-ups, and I still do aerobics?"

  "Xu Ye, you don't deserve to be a man!"

  At this time, as the live broadcast From the beginning, the popularity of the live broadcast room was also rising rapidly.

  There were only a few hundred thousand people at the beginning, but after Xu Ye appeared, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded one million.

  Millions of viewers, something that was unimaginable in previous eras.

  But in this era, the Internet is developed and almost everyone has a smartphone.

  This is all normal too.

  Xu Ye's live broadcast is at his home, and he vacated a bedroom specifically for the live broadcast.

  As the spokesperson for Shakeshou, he certainly cannot start live broadcasting casually.

  After he had the idea last night, he communicated with Doushou, and Doushou began to make arrangements for him.

  Specialized staff were also asked to connect with people from Xu Ye's studio.

  Now, in this room, in addition to Xu Ye and Dong Yukun, there are several staff members of a large studio outside the camera.

  After Xu Ye said that the online audience was doing aerobics, they all rolled their eyes.

  While preparing for the live broadcast during the day, Xu Ye told his plan, but all the studio employees refused.

  Xu Ye directly used his boss's privileges and veto power.

  This matter was implemented so smoothly.

  This made Xu Ye feel that it would be good to open an independent studio. He could do whatever he wanted without anyone else telling him what to do.

  If he was still an artist of Sound and Light Entertainment, Zheng Yu would definitely kill his idea.

  Now, Zheng Yu can only stand and watch.

  "What a sin!"

  Zheng Yu looked at Xu Ye helplessly.

  At this time, Xu Ye said: "Let's start connecting now."

  The staff responsible for backend management immediately operated in the backend and randomly selected fans to connect.

  In the barrage, everyone started to refresh the screen.

  "Let's see which lucky person gets the opportunity to do aerobics with Xu Ye!" "

  Don't bother me yet, I'm going to change into JK uniform and black stockings right away!" "

  I'm going to change into yoga clothes right away! I want to Let the dean look at me and drool!"

  Not all viewers don't want to do dance exercises. You can't understand the brain circuits of the patients.

  After a few seconds, the staff member raised his head and looked at Xu Ye: "The first viewer to connect refused." "

  Hahaha! The dean's first live broadcast to connect with the audience was actually rejected!"

  The audience suddenly said Just happy.

  Xu Ye was stunned for a moment and said: "Change to the next one."

  The staff did not waste any time and immediately went to connect to the next audience member.

  "Connected!" The staff member gestured to Xu Ye.

  Xu Ye was also looking at a large screen placed in front of him, which displayed his live broadcast.

  At this time, a window appeared in the upper left corner of the live broadcast screen.

  As soon as this window appeared, the sound came out.

  "Dean! Dean! Dad! Dad!"

  This shouting was heartbreaking.

  Dong Yukun couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

  The other staff members also suppressed their laughter.

  This is so outrageous.

  No one calls me daddy when he comes up.

  In the barrage, a group of patients flooded the screen.

  "This is connecting to one of our own!"

  "This person is very ill."

  "When did the dean have an illegitimate child?"

  Listening to this voice, Xu Ye said loudly: "Son, please tell your mother. , ask her to call me, I can't find her."

  The audience on the opposite side said with a cry: "I don't have a mother... I don't have a mother!" "

  It's nothing, replace it with the next one." Xu Ye Not in a good mood.

  This live broadcast is different from what he thought.

  What kind of audience are these people connected to?

  The staff hung up on this person and started connecting to the next one.

  Soon, a new window appears.

  Connection successful.

  However, the camera on the other side seemed a bit blurry and I couldn't see clearly what was happening on the other side.

  "Hello?" Xu Ye shouted.

  Only the sound of gurgling water came from the other side.

  After a few seconds, a hand seemed to reach out and wipe the lens. The picture became clear, and a man appeared in the picture.

  There was white foam on this man's head. Looking at the surrounding scenes, he was obviously taking a shower in the bathroom.

  When the man saw the screen, he said in surprise: "Dean! Dean!"

  After two sharp shouts, the man rubbed the foam on his head and began to sing.

  "Love is just a bubble. If you can see through it, why be sad..."

  Xu Ye was stunned.

  He quickly looked at the staff and asked: "The live broadcast room of this scale will not be blocked..."

  Just as he was about to say it, the screen of Xu Ye's live broadcast room went black, indicating that the live broadcast had ended.

  The staff looked at Xu Ye helplessly.

  "Boss, it's closed."

  The staff were all suppressing laughter.

  They made a lot of plans for this live broadcast, but they never thought that the live broadcast room would be blocked.

  Who are the boss’s fans?
  In the courtyard of the capital.

  Cheng Tianlei and Zhou Mengru were stunned when they saw the message on the screen that the live broadcast had ended.

  The two of them didn't know much about live broadcasts and weren't sure why the live broadcast stopped suddenly.

  Is it just because someone took a shower just now?

  Cheng Tianlei laughed and said: "I see, Xu Ye's live broadcast this time is probably going to be messed up."

  Zhou Mengru sneered: "Look at what these connected viewers look like. It's so embarrassing to be connected to these people."

  At this time, after Xu Ye's live broadcast room was suddenly blocked, a group of viewers burst into laughter.

  But since there was no live broadcast room for them to display their talents, a group of people all went to Weibo.

  The popularity of the topic "Xu Ye's live broadcast room was blocked" began to soar.

  "It's so funny, the dean's live broadcast room has been blocked because of the live broadcast of bathing!"

  Some people who didn't know the truth, their eyes lit up after seeing these Weibo posts. "Pass it on, the dean was banned for live streaming his bathing while shaking his hands!"

  "Pass it on, Xu Ye and a certain female star took a shower together!"

  "Pass it on, Xu Ye and a female star live streamed her bathing in the bathroom!"

  On Weibo, Everyone started discussing.

  Some netizens who had not followed Xu Ye's live broadcast immediately went to Doushou after seeing such an outrageous topic.

  Is the scale of Xu Ye's live broadcast content so large?

  Over at Doushou, there is a special team responsible for Xu Ye's live broadcast.

  After being banned from the live broadcast room, they were speechless.

  In Doushou's live broadcast room, certain behaviors will trigger a ban.

  Behavior like live broadcasting of bathing will definitely be banned.

  No manual operation is required, the system automatically detects and closes the live broadcast room.

  This group of people also didn't expect that someone was taking a shower while they were connected to Xu Ye.

  Who are Xu Ye's fans?
  But soon, Xu Ye's live broadcast room returned to normal.

  This time, the number of people in the live broadcast room is even greater, exceeding two million, and the number continues to rise.

  "Come on, come on! I'm here to see Xu Ye!"

  "I almost thought the dean wouldn't broadcast live!"

  "Huohua Courtyard doesn't support idlers!"

  The audience was really happy.

  Xu Ye faced the camera and said with a serious face: "Dear viewers, let's agree first. You are not allowed to call me daddy, and you are not allowed to take a shower while connected. Please be normal." A group of people in the barrage sent "Ah, yes, yes

  " Yes!"

  Some viewers who didn't know what these four words meant also copied and pasted them.

  The essence of human beings is repeaters.

  Patients know this all too well.

  When Xu Ye was facing doubts on Tomorrow's Superstar, he posted these four words on Weibo.

  The barrage was all "Ah, yes, yes!"

  Xu Ye ignored the barrage and said, "Let's continue to connect to the next one."

  Soon, the next audience member successfully connected.

  A scene appeared in the window in the upper left corner of the video.

  The picture shows a living room.

  The cell phone appears to be on the dining table.

  There's just no one in the picture.

  "Hello, are you here?" Xu Ye asked.

  "Okay, okay, I'm here."

  A somewhat old voice sounded.

  Xu Ye asked, "Is it convenient for you to do fifteen minutes of aerobics now?"

  "It's convenient."

  It was still an old voice.

  "Isn't this someone from the Huohua Academy? Are you so cooperative?" "

  I just feel a bit old."

  "The dean has older fans, it's normal!"

  In the barrage, the audience was discussing with each other.

  When Xu Ye heard the reply from the other party, he finally encountered something normal.

  "Why don't you come out and say hello to everyone first?"

  "Okay, okay."

  Along with the voice, a person appeared on the screen.

  An old lady appeared in front of the camera pushing a wheelchair.

  The old lady's teeth were almost gone and her hair was all white.

  The key is still in a wheelchair.

  When the old man appeared, the smile on Xu Ye's face disappeared immediately.

  "Grandma? How old are you this year?" Xu Ye asked.

  "Eighty-two." The old man gestured.

  "Then rest, we don't need to do aerobics anymore."

  The old lady pretended to get up from the wheelchair and said, "I can do it." "

  Hey, hey, you don't have to get up, just sit down and we'll go offline. An audience."

  Xu Ye said quickly, if something happened to the old man, he wouldn't be able to bear it.

  "Okay, okay, then you go." The old man said.

  "Okay, grandma, please take good care of your health. I wish you a long life. Goodbye!"

  Xu Ye waved to the camera.

  The old man also waved.

  Subsequently, the staff cut off the connection.

  At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room was laughing crazy.

  "Hahaha! The dean is an 82-year-old fan!"

  "The dean's expression just now was the same as when I saw my breasts!"

  "I thought I was really going to make the dean start dancing, but I didn't expect it!"

  " I’ve said it a long time ago, Huohua Courtyard does not support idle people!”

  I don’t know who posted the sentence “Huohua Courtyard does not support idle people”, and soon this sentence started to flood the screen.

  All the viewers were reading this sentence in unison.

  Huohuayuan does not support idlers.

  Xu Ye was helpless.

  "Next, connect to the last audience member. If you still can't dance, there will be no dance today."

  This was too different from what he expected.

  Four people are already connected, and no one is normal?

  "Continue to connect."

  This time, the connection was successful.

  This time a chubby little boy appeared on the screen.

  The little boy stared at the screen and laughed: "Dean! Dean!"

  "Calm down your mood," Xu Ye said.

  The little boy looked like he wanted to be beaten and said, "I won't calm down."

  "Then will you do aerobics or not?"

  "I won't do aerobics."

  Xu Ye lost his temper and said, "If you don't do aerobics, do it with me." What?"

  At this time, the little boy cleared his throat and sang: "If I want to be willful, I will be willful, if I want to be stubborn, I will be stubborn, let's see what you can do to me~" (End of Chapter


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