142. Chapter 141 Drink water, tea, or coffee?

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  Chapter 141 Water, tea, or coffee?

  Goose City, Dream Animation Studio.

  The owner of the studio, Gao Leyong, leaned back on his chair with a tired look on his face.

  Gao Leyong is already in his forties and can be considered an old man in the animation industry.

  He has also produced several good children's animations and is quite famous in the industry.

  But Gao Leyong has pursuits, and he is not satisfied with just making children's animations.

  Many times he wanted to add something profound to the children's animation, but it would be changed during the later script discussions.

  Gao Leyong had no choice but to listen to Party A's opinion.

  So every time he makes some money, he will invest in his dream.

  It’s just that every investment failed.

  After repeated failures, some investors who were close to him were no longer willing to invest money in him anymore.

  Nowadays, the animation industry is already in a slump, and the studio he opened is no longer able to operate.

  For Gao Leyong, the loss of the studio is a small matter. With his level, he can get a good salary from a company in the industry.

  It's just that this is not his pursuit.

  He wants to do what he wants to do.

  "But you still have to live first."

  Gao Leyong looked at his phone. He saw an advertisement for a large studio on Weibo's hot search.

  He didn't know much about the entertainment industry. After seeing this studio, he thought it was also a studio in the animation industry.

  When he figured it out, he was a little surprised.

  "Xu Ye, who sings Little Apple, actually wants to be an animation? It's a children's animation."

  After seeing the introduction of this animation, Gao Leyong felt that it matched his style very well.

  Maybe this animation is also the kind of animation that treats children as fools, but the studio can't survive now. As long as it can make money, it can do this kind of animation.

  Even people may not necessarily choose Dream Studio.

  Gao Leyong doesn't care about celebrity crossovers or anything like that. Now he just wants to take on a project for the company to continue his life.

  He immediately turned on the computer and opened the PPT introducing the studio in the folder.

  The contents in this kind of PPT are all the main creative staff of the studio, introducing their excellent works, areas of expertise, etc., which is equivalent to the resume of the studio.

  Gao Leyong carefully checked the document several times, modified a few places, and then sent it to the email address on Weibo to a large studio.

  As soon as he sent it, he received an automatic reply from the mailbox of a large studio.

  "I have received your email and will reply within 24 hours. If you need manual service, please press 1."

  After Gao Leyong saw this reply, he subconsciously pressed the number 1 on the computer keyboard.

  He waited for a while after pressing the button, but there was no change in the mailbox.

  Two seconds later, Gao Leyong reacted.

  "This is a mailbox, not a phone call. Why should I press 1?"

  Gao Leyong was a bit dumbfounded. He was amused by his behavior.

  "There's something wrong with this automatic reply." Gao Leyong muttered.

  He suddenly became interested in this studio.

  This doesn't look like a serious studio.

  He immediately checked Xu Ye online.

  Although he had heard Xu Ye's songs, he was not very familiar with the singer.

  After checking it, Gao Leyong was shocked.

  He immediately understood why this was the style of the automatic reply from a large studio.

  He matches Xu Ye very well.

  "This man is seriously ill!" Gao Leyong exclaimed.

  In the evening, Gao Leyong received a reply from the studio and added the studio director as a friend.

  The two directly made an appointment to meet in the studio at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

  Gao Leyong was not sloppy at all. He prepared carefully for a long time and bought a ticket to fly to Ancheng.

  "There must be many people who want to cooperate with this studio. I must show my competitiveness."

  Early the next morning.

  This is a big studio.

  Contrary to what Gao Leyong expected, many big companies in the industry had no intention of cooperating with Xu Ye.

  On the contrary, many animation studios that submitted resumes were fake.

  There are only a few studios that ultimately make it to the interview.

  Zheng Yu, who was in charge of the final screening, felt like he was digging for gold in shit.

  When he saw Gao Leyong's name appearing on his resume, he was very surprised.

  And told Xu Ye about it immediately.

  Many of Gao Leyong's works have accompanied many children today as they grow up.

  Zheng Yu is no stranger to it.

  At nine fifty, Gao Leyong arrived at this large studio.

  He knocked on the door nervously and asked, "Is this a big studio?"

  After saying this, he always felt a little awkward.

  This name is also sick!

  Soon the little girl at the reception came forward and took him to Xu Ye's office.

  Yes, Xu Ye has his own office. After all, he is the owner of the studio.

  When Gao Leyong met Xu Ye, she was shocked by Xu Ye's appearance.

  This star is really handsome. Xu Ye's appearance is not the style of the popular young fresh meat. His appearance is very in line with the current Chinese aesthetics and has a masculine look.

  After seeing Gao Leyong, Xu Ye stood up and walked over.

  "Hello, Mr. Gao."

  The two shook hands and greeted each other.

  Gao Leyong was also looking at Xu Ye. This seemed quite normal and there was nothing wrong with it.

  Everything mentioned on the Internet was played by him, right?

  Gao Leyong guessed in his mind.

  At this time, Xu Ye asked: "Mr. Gao, do you drink water, tea, or coffee?"

  Gao Leyong said hurriedly: "Don't bother, just drink water."

  "I just bought the tea here, it's very good Drink, are you sure you don’t want to have a taste?" Xu Ye said with a smile.

  When Gao Leyong heard this, he immediately understood what Xu Ye meant.

  It seems that Xu Ye wants to show off his newly bought tea to me. I, Gao Leyong, naturally have to do this well. If I don't drink it, I will be too short-sighted.

  Thinking of this, Gao Leyong smiled and said, "Mr. Xu is too polite, let's try it." "


  Then he saw Xu Ye walking to his desk and picking up a bottle of drink from the table.

  Gao Leyong's eyes immediately condensed.

  No way, no way! !
  Xu Ye came over with the bottle of drink and handed it to Gao Leyong.

  "New product, cold brew green tea, you can try it."

  Gao Leyong looked at the bottle of drink in Xu Ye's hand, not knowing what to say for a moment.

  This drink is indeed tea.

  There are also four words "Cold Brew Green Tea" written on it.

  "It turns out that what I just bought was a drink, not tea."

  Gao Leyong was a little helpless now. He wanted to call the police.

  Xu Ye is not normal at all!

  Totally overthinking it!
  Gao Leyong took the bottle of drink handed over by Xu Ye, smiled and said: "Thank you."

  Then he saw Xu Ye taking a bottle of coffee from the table.

  This coffee is also in a plastic bottle, the kind you can buy in stores outside.

  "So coffee is actually not freshly ground, but also a drink. It seems that my bottle of tea is better."

  Gao Leyong thought to himself, and he opened the bottle cap and took a sip.

  It tastes really good.

  After the two sat down, Zheng Yu also walked in.

  Zheng Yu directly handed the script of Nezha Legend to Gao Leyong.

  "Mr. Gao, this is the script of the first thirteen episodes of the animation. You can read it first," Xu Ye said.

  When you show others the script, it’s naturally impossible to give it to everyone directly.

  After all, the contract hasn't been signed yet.

  "Okay, let me take a look."

  Gao Leyong didn't have high expectations for the script itself. A script written by an amateur would probably have problems with the format, let alone the content.

  But when he opened the paper script and took a look at it, he was a little surprised.

  There is nothing wrong with the format of the script, and the writing is quite detailed.

  "It's actually an animation adapted from a Chinese classical myth."

  Nezha Gao Leyong naturally knew that this was a well-known mythical character in China.

  It appears in Journey to the West, Fengshen and many folklore.

  There were also short animations with Nezha as the protagonist in the past.

  It’s actually quite difficult to create animations with this kind of characters.

  Because everyone has a fixed impression in their mind.

  Your creations either follow everyone's stereotypes or break them.

  Breaking represents innovation and may not be accepted.

  Gao Leyong kept looking down, and suddenly he was mesmerized.

  When he saw the thirteenth episode, Nezha couldn't bear to see the people and parents suffer because of him, and decided to kill himself to quell the Dragon King's anger.

  Gao Leyong's heart twitched.

  When he saw Nezha resurrected later, Gao Leyong breathed a sigh of relief.

  As a result, when I looked down, the bottom was gone.

  Too short and weak!
  Gao Leyong hurriedly looked at Xu Ye and asked, "What's down there?"

  Xu Ye smiled and said, "Mr. Gao, can you do this animation?"

  Xu Ye recognized Gao Leyong's strength, and he also asked someone to inquire about it. Gao Leyong's character.

  This person is also a very good character and is a craftsman who concentrates on animation.

  The Legend of Nezha would be best produced by such mature animators.

  What Xu Ye wants is speed.

  Gao Leyong hesitated.

  Xu Ye and Zheng Yu just looked at him, waiting for a reply.

  After a while, Gao Leyong spoke.

  "Um, Mr. Xu, would you like to consider acquiring our studio?"

  (End of Chapter)

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