134. Chapter 133 Why are you inferior to others?

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  Chapter 133 Why are you inferior to others?

  The animation effects on the big screen were produced by people from Xu Ye Studio.

  Especially the word "shaking hands" is so bright that it dazzles the eyes.

  In the audience, the stars' eyes widened.

  Damn it, it is indeed a promotional song.

  Are there words like shaking hands every day and being energetic?
  The word "shaking hands" is directly included in the lyrics, and this promotional effect is also unique.

  But why does this stage feel so weird?

  Some singers can't appreciate this kind of stage. They think the song is a bit weird and a bit ugly.

  In the live broadcast room, when Xu Ye appeared on the stage, the barrage had already exploded.

  "The dean is awesome!"

  "The leader who shakes his hands is definitely a fan of the dean, otherwise he would never allow the dean to do this at the brand ceremony!" "I shake my

  hands every day and feel energetic! This lyrics is so funny!"

  on the stage , Xu Ye continued to sing.

  He sang the lyrics about shaking hands four times.

  If one time is not enough, do it again.

  Four times, completely brainwashed.

  "Okay, I have remembered to shake my hands every day to stay energetic!"

  "I know, as long as I shake my hands every day, I will be energetic!" "

  I played shaking my hands for a day today, and I feel that I am in a very good state of mind! "

  In the barrage, everyone started making nonsense again.

  At this moment, many people thought that this song should be a sand sculpture song composed by Xu Ye.

  It's just a brainwashing advertising song.

  This is also what Xu Ye is good at.

  At this time, Xu Ye continued to sing.

  "Three hundred and sixty lines, each line has its own merit, there are athletes in the Olympics, and there is the monkey king

  in the monkey show." His singing voice was very strange, like singing and speaking.

  If you put it in the rap world, it is also a very explosive singing style.

  "Welcome to the Huaguo Mountain stage. Today's protagonist has made his debut."

  Li Xingchen frowned in the audience.

  "Is this song about playing monkey?"

  However, just when everyone was wondering what Xu Ye's song was about, a suona sound suddenly sounded.

  The folk music teacher, who had not been noticed by everyone, had already raised his suona and started playing.

  When the suona sounds, it means either ascending to heaven or worshiping in the hall.

  The suona in Playing the Monkey is a masterpiece.

  For a moment, the audience at the scene felt goosebumps on their bodies.

  Xu Ye continued to repeat the lyrics of shaking hands and being energetic every day amid the sound of suona.

  In the live broadcast room, after the sound of the suona came out, a bunch of barrages quickly appeared.

  "I was scared! I was watching the video alone at home without turning on the light!"

  "The sound of the suona was so scary! I almost peed myself!"

  "Is it scary? I didn't feel scary at all, it was quite lively. Isn’t the family full of people?”

  “The dean is so awesome at playing the suona again!”

  “The leader shaking his hands must be a fan of Xu Ye!”

  The audience was almost stunned.

  The sudden appearance of the suona made everyone excited.

  This suona melody is simply amazing.

  When the suona ends, the melody changes.

  Xu Ye continued to sing.

  "Whoever said he was acting like a monkey is not an artist."

  "Whoever said he was acting like a monkey is not the quintessence of the Chinese nation."

  "Who said he was playing monkey, he is not an artist."

  "Who said he was playing monkey, he is not the quintessence of China."

  In the audience, many celebrities' faces changed after hearing these lyrics sung by Xu Ye.

  The six vitality girls had finished their performance and returned to their seats.

  Xie Qiong's eyes widened when she heard Xu Ye's singing.

  She hurriedly looked around and found that many celebrities also looked shocked.

  "Xu Ye, you...how dare you!" Xie Qiong murmured.

  Xu Nanjia on the side asked doubtfully: "What did Xu Ye do? Isn't he singing?"

  Xie Qiong shook her head. Xu Nanjia was never very smart, so it was normal that he didn't hear it.

  "Xu Ye is not singing, he is responding to criticism from the Singers Association." Xie Qiong said.

  Playing monkeys is also a national quintessence!

  The monkey charmer is also an artist!
  No one dares to deny this fact.

  In the live broadcast room, many viewers also understood the meaning of the lyrics.

  "Xu Ye responded! He actually responded with a promotional song!"

  "What's wrong with the monkey show? Isn't the monkey show an artist?" "

  I'm sick, and I just love listening to Xu Ye's songs! Do you care about Zhou Mengru? "

  In the barrage, many viewers expressed their opinions.

  On the stage, Xu Ye raised the suona hanging from his waist and started playing.

  Then, Guo Dongqiang, Dong Yukun and others sang loudly together: "Shake your hands every day and be energetic!"

  More than a month has passed since the last time Xu Ye played the suona.

  After the suona sounded this time, many patients felt a little emotional.

  It’s like I’m back on the stage of tomorrow’s superstars.

  When Xu Ye put down the suona, he continued to sing.

  "Climbing the Flame Mountain backwards, somersaulting in the clouds."

  "The Great Sage sweeps the hall's legs, and the iron rod determines

  the world." "One iron rod shakes the world, two iron rods reach the end of the world."

  "The left hand and the right hand move in slow motion, the right hand and the left hand Replay in slow motion."

  Xu Ye's hands were still shaking, comparing his hands shaking every day in the lyrics.

  Shaking hands is also shaking hands.

  "Who said he was playing monkey, he is not an artist."

  "Who said he was playing monkey, he is not the quintessence of the Chinese nation." "

  People compete for a breath, Buddha competes for a stick of incense."

  "We rely on our craftsmanship to make a living, why are we inferior to others?"

  Xu Ye The song came again.

  In the audience, the faces of many celebrities changed drastically.

  "This is a direct confrontation!"

  "The Singers Association has encountered a serious problem!" Xu Ye's lyrics are too targeted.

  In fact, everyone also understands that the promotional song should have been prepared long ago.

  It was just a coincidence that I happened to encounter this thing now.

  It wasn't that Xu Ye was deliberately targeting him.

  But I can’t stand the imagination of netizens.

  This song is about playing monkey, but it is not about playing monkey.

  In the barrage in the live broadcast room, patients began to swipe the screen again.

  "We rely on our craftsmanship to make a living, why are we inferior to others!"

  "Xu Ye does not need the Singers Association to judge!" "

  I have listened to all of Xu Ye's songs. How can I not know whether his songs are good or not?" "

  Xu Ye's The song is popular, not vulgar!"

  "Those experts from the Singer Association, do you know what is popular and what is vulgar?"

  "Is the connotation really important? Isn't it good to bring everyone happiness?"

  At this time, even many passers-by joined the queue to swipe the screen.

  Everyone is reminded of their childhood.

  Play a game. Experts say that games are unhealthy and should not be played.

  Watch a cartoon. Experts say cartoons are unhealthy and should not be watched.

  Now when I grow up and listen to a song, a group of experts come out and say that the song is not nutritious and should not be listened to.

  Can the audience not know if there is nutrition?
  Not everyone listens to music to learn something from it or to understand its connotation.

  In this era, life is too stressful.

  Many people just want to relax and have fun after a long day of work.

  They like Xu Ye because Xu Ye brings them happiness.

  Everyone looked at Xu Ye in the video and couldn't help but feel worried.

  They didn't want to see Xu Ye walk off the stage.

  They wanted Xu Ye to stay on the stage.

  Xu Ye sang the next line.

  "Monkey opera is the quintessence of the country, and the incense will never be cut off."

  At the end of the song, his voice became lower and lower until it disappeared.

  At this time, the lights on the stage gradually dimmed.

  All accompaniment sounds also disappeared.

  In the darkness, Xu Ye's voice sounded.

  This time it wasn’t singing, but a voice that sounded like a narration.

  "Aren't you watching the monkey show anymore?"

  came a question.

  "What's there to see about monkey tricks?"

  came the reply.

  One question and one answer.

  The sound spread throughout the audience.

  Li Xingchen and Jiang Sheng's faces were extremely pale.

  They can already predict how big an impact the shaking hands promotional song will have when it is officially released.

  Xu Ye's song will also be interpreted by countless marketing accounts.

  Some people said that Xu Ye never responded.

  Okay now, he responded.

  He responded rationally and even wrote a song about it.

  "Is this something that a rookie in the music industry can do?" Li Xingchen said helplessly.

  He hasn't written a song yet, and he can't write it at all.

  Fortunately for Xu Ye, all the songs he sings so far are written by himself.

  Others can't make a penny.

  "It seems that Xu Ye and I are no longer on the same level now, so I shouldn't worry about this anymore." Li Xingchen thought to himself.

  He relaxed again at the thought.

  It's none of my business, let the people from the Singers Association worry about it.

  I'm not from the Singers Association, I just yelled "666" from the side.

  At this time, the lights turned on on the stage.

  Xu Ye, standing in the center, had a smile on his face.

  He said to Li Mai: "Okay, the performance is over."

  Hearing this, the audience was stunned for a moment.

  Why did you steal the host's job?
  The next second, Xu Ye's voice came again.

  "Please take your personal belongings and trash with you and leave."

  When he said the word trash, Xu Ye emphasized his voice.

  After he finished speaking, he bowed towards the audience, turned around and walked off the stage.

  There was warm applause from the audience.

  Many viewers at the scene didn't care about the content of Xu Ye's lyrics. They only remembered the words "Shake your hands and be energetic every day".

  And the magical suona sound in the middle.

  The audience in the live broadcast room is different.

  "Hahaha! What a waste!"

  "Who is rubbish!"

  "Of course our dean is rubbish! Isn't this a rubbish song certified by the Chinese Singers Association!" The

  patients began to laugh at themselves.

  "I beg for a voiceless version of this song. I feel that this suona sound can help me sleep. I want to listen to it alone!" "

  You want to be sent away, right? It will help you sleep!" "

  I think when I get older, This song is suitable for square dancing in the park."

  "You want everyone to die with you, right?"

  The audience began to discuss this song again.

  After the music was released, the Douishou platform immediately released three versions of the song "Monkey Play" on all online music platforms.

  One is the live version, one is the studio version, and the other is the suona version.

  The arrangements of these three versions are all different, and Xu Ye made adjustments for different situations.

  The scene is lively, the studio version is authentic, and the suona version highlights the suona sound.

  As a result, as soon as the song was released, the most played version was actually the Suona version.

  The promotional song did not hit the new song chart, but the Suona version shot all the way to the top 20 of the new song chart. Looking at this momentum, the ranking will be even higher in a few days.

  Marketing accounts also began to publish press releases on the Internet.

  Xu Ye, as expected, is on the hot search again.

   Thanks to the patients for their rewards and monthly tickets, the Easter egg chapter of the song "Monkey Play" is under review, but to be honest, watch it with caution, click with caution, and listen with caution.

  (End of chapter)

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