114. Chapter 114 I also have something to say

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  Chapter 114 I also have something to say.

  Xu Ye put the lid on the pot and said, "Let's wait for the water in the pot to boil."

  Jiang Ziwei and Lin Ge were both a little confused now.

  Lin Ge's cooking skills are excellent, and he is usually the one cooking in the show.

  From his perspective, it was obviously a mistake for Xu Ye to put the ingredients into the pot without even cutting them.

  "Xu Ye, what you're doing is wrong, isn't it?" Lin Ge couldn't help but said.

  "Just wait and see."

  Xu Ye was confident.

  "Okay, I'll wait and see."

  Lin Ge hurriedly went to do other things.

  Jiang Ziwei stared at the uncut ingredients in the pot, with a little worry on her face.

  Even though it’s the last period, we can’t waste food.

  But looking at Xu Ye's appearance, he was very confident.

  Outside the yard, Yao Zhi looked at Zheng Yu.

  Several celebrity assistants or agents will basically follow you around.

  Zheng Yu is no exception. If anything happens, he can communicate with Xu Ye and the others immediately.

  Yao Zhi asked, "Can Xu Ye really know how to cook?"

  Zheng Yu frowned and said, "Does cooking instant noodles count?"

  "It doesn't count," Yao Zhi said angrily.

  This group of staff members were also confused.

  Xu Ye can't waste food on the show, but there is obviously something wrong with your approach.

  After a while, the water in the pot boiled.

  Xu Ye did not open the lid of the pot in a hurry, but simmered it for a while before opening the lid.

  Everyone in the kitchen looked at him.

  Especially Lu Yaoyang, he was ready to say a few words after Xu Ye failed.

  Jiang Ziwei stared at Xu Ye curiously.

  At this time, Xu Ye came to the stove with a spatula.

  He directly inserted the shovel into the ingredients in the pot, first mashing the tomatoes, then the boiled potatoes, and finally the meat.

  These ingredients have been cooking in the pot for a long time, and they are all cooked through. They can be easily cooked with a spatula.

  Everyone was waiting to see Xu Ye's joke.

  After all, this is also the effect of the program.

  At first, everyone was laughing and watching how Xu Ye handled it, but the further they looked back, the bigger their eyes became.

  Until the last thing in the pot completely changed and turned into a pot of beef brisket stewed with tomatoes, all the smiles on everyone's faces disappeared.

  Good guy?
  What happened just now?
  Xu Ye finally grabbed a handful of chopped green onion and sprinkled it into the pot, stirred it for a while and then turned off the heat and took it out.

  The whole set of movements is smooth and smooth.

  After putting the stewed beef brisket with tomatoes on the plate, Xu Ye smiled and said: "How about Sister Wei? Is it easy to make the stewed beef brisket with tomatoes?"

  Jiang Ziwei squeezed out a smile on her face: "It seems to be quite simple. "."

  This is not only simple, it is simply mindless cooking.

  Lin Ge was the most confused.

  Xu Ye's entire cooking process was wrong, but why was the result right?

  He felt that the cooking skills he had learned all his life were being overturned.

  There is a kind of fairy novel in which you work hard to practice a certain spell. You practice it in the winter and in the summer, but someone tells you that you can learn it by eating the jade slip on which the spell is written.

  I have to say that the plate of stewed beef brisket with tomatoes made by Xu Ye looks very good and smells delicious.

  Lu Yaoyang smiled and said, "Can I have a taste first?"

  He really doubted Xu Ye's cooking skills. Will the food you make taste delicious?
  Xu Ye said: "Try it."

  Lu Yaoyang quickly took a spoon, took a bite and ate it.

  Everyone else looked at him, waiting for a reply.

  Finally, Lu Yaoyang spoke. "It tastes good."

  It was impossible for him to tell lies. The dish Xu Ye cooked did taste good.

  Did this make him even more depressed?

  If you can do this, I feel like I can too!
  Lu Yaoyang now felt that he thought cooking was too complicated, but it was actually not difficult.

  Outside the yard.

  A group of program staff were all in a state of sluggishness.

  Xu Ye's operation is really amazing.

  Can this make the meal ready?
  Yao Zhi was silent for a moment and then said: "Awesome!"

  I have to say that the recording lasted only about two hours today, but the program was much better than before.

  Yao Zhi can't wait to start a live broadcast right away so that the audience can appreciate Xu Ye's performance in real time.

  In the kitchen, everyone has already prepared all the dishes.

  There is a shed in the yard with a big table underneath, where we usually eat.

  Everyone sat around the table and continued to chat while eating.

  There is a short segment arranged by the program team, which is not complicated at all. The guests are asked to say their favorite sentences.

  The sentences don’t have to be quotations from famous people or sentences from famous books, they just need to be interesting to you.

  This section is quite popular with the audience at country concerts. In previous episodes, the sentences spoken by guests in previous episodes have been trending, causing a lot of discussion.

  Cui Hao, as the big brother here, started by saying something he personally liked.

  Cui Hao is now no longer in the mood to fight for fame and fortune, and his sentences also have a sense of floating dust, which is to persuade people to be indifferent to fame and fortune.

  But when he said this, it sounded like a rich man named Ma said, "I'm not interested in money."

  When it was Lin Ge's turn, Lin Ge said something inspiring, something like "I am determined to reach a thousand miles."

  At over 40 years old, he is considered older in the music industry. Nowadays, all the powerful singers active in the music industry are in their thirties.

  And with the entry of capital in recent years, the path for talented singers has become narrower and narrower.

  This makes Lin Ge sometimes feel that he is no longer popular.

  When he said this, he was also motivating himself.

  When it was Jiang Ziwei's turn, the sweetheart princess smiled and repeated what she had been saying in previous episodes.

  It is a more literary statement, similar to "Facing the sea, spring flowers are blooming".

  Xu Ye has been listening by the side, thinking about all kinds of dirty things in his heart.

  It would be a big loss if this didn't happen.

  After Jiang Ziwei finished speaking, she looked at Chen Yuxin: "You tell me."

  Chen Yuxin smiled slightly, she had already thought about what she wanted to say.

  "One of my favorite sayings is, if you like butterflies, don't chase them. Go plant flowers."

  After this sentence came out, everyone exclaimed.

  This is also a compliment.

  The meaning behind the words is quite obvious, it feels like you are in full bloom and the breeze comes naturally.

  It's heartwarming and inspiring, and it matches well with Chen Yuxin herself.

  "Sister Chen, if you say so, I have something to say!" Xu Ye said immediately.

  Lin Ge smiled and said, "You have similar words?"

  Chen Yuxin also asked curiously: "What words?"

  Xu Ye cleared his throat and swept around the table.

  Well, everyone has finished eating and has no intention of using chopsticks again.

  Xu Ye was relieved.

  He said slowly: "If you like flies, don't catch them, just pull them."

  As soon as Xu Ye finished speaking, Chen Yuxin punched them.

  "You're going to die!"

  Xu Ye was on guard and blocked Chen Yuxin's attack with one hand.

  (End of chapter)

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