110. Chapter 110 Just wait for me!

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  Chapter 110 Just wait for me!

  At this time, Xu Nanjia was lying on the bed, with a tablet on her body, which was playing a recently popular TV series.

  Xu Nanjia lives in a large flat in the capital, which was a coming-of-age gift from her father.

  This large flat floor has more than 300 square meters, which is very valuable in a place like the capital where land is at a premium.

  Naturally, Xu Nanjia couldn't live in such a big house alone.

  Team leader Xie Qiong and another girl from the girl group live with her, and they all bear the property and water and electricity bills of the house together.

  Xie Qiong and Xu Nanjia sleep on the same bed tonight.

  It's so normal for these energetic girls to sleep with each other.

  Xie Qiong is lying next to Xu Nanjia reading novels. She usually watches dramas, but Xie Qiong likes to read online novels the most.

  Xie Qiong is different from other girls. What she likes to read most are male channel novels. On the contrary, she is not interested at all in female channels such as those about domineering CEOs and their wives.

  Just as Xie Qiong was fascinated, she heard movement next to her.

  She looked sideways and saw Xu Nanjia holding the phone to her chest, seemingly nervous.

  Xu Nanjia always stayed up late at night and put on the most expensive facial mask. She now had a piece of facial mask on her face.

  "What's wrong?" Xie Qiong asked confused.

  "It's okay, it's okay." Xu Nanjia said hurriedly.

  If it weren't for the mask, Xie Qiong would have been able to see Xu Nanjia's slightly red cheeks under the mask.

  Xu Nanjia is very nervous now.

  In the middle of the night, a boy sent a message to a girl, saying that I wanted to show you something, and he specially asked the girl to see it.

  This is a bit ambiguous.

  "What are you doing, Xu Ye? There's no need to post directly on Weibo. Everyone has seen how embarrassed I am."

  Xu Nanjia felt like her heart was pounding.

  She has a good impression of Xu Ye.

  She was not familiar with the other male celebrities in the circle and was not comfortable getting along with them. On the contrary, she felt comfortable and natural when she was with Xu Ye.

  Xu Nanjia has never thought about relationships.

  But Xu Ye's late-night surprise attack made her feel a little nervous.

  "Xu Ye won't fall in love with me, right? He won't really say anything ambiguous publicly, right? How about this!" "I'm

  your teacher, how about you do this?" "

  But he is so handsome. Ah! He talks nicely!"

  "What on earth did he post? Do I want to read it?"

  Xu Nanjia felt very uneasy.

  Curiosity made her want to take a look, but she was afraid that after seeing what Xu Ye posted, the two of them would not be able to get along normally in the future.

  Her chest rose and fell, and finally she took a few deep breaths and made a decision.

  "Xu Ye usually speaks in a measured manner. He probably won't post anything on public platforms that would embarrass everyone. It should be something that only the two of us understand." Xu Nanjia had already imagined a big drama in her mind

  . .

  She was even thinking about how to reply to Xu Ye later.

  After thinking about it, Xu Nanjia glanced sideways at Xie Qiong and saw that Xie Qiong was reading the novel seriously. She quickly picked up her phone and opened Weibo.

  Because she felt guilty, Xu Nanjia turned the phone screen sideways towards her.

  She opened her list of people she was following and placed her finger on the name "Singer Xu Ye".

  After a pause for a few seconds, Xu Nanjia clicked, but immediately looked away.

  The screen of the mobile phone changed and jumped to Xu Ye's personal homepage.

  Xu Nanjia could already feel her heart beating.

  Finally, Xu Ye's personal homepage was loaded.

  Xu Nanjia withdrew her eyes and looked intently at the screen.

  At this time, she had mixed feelings in her heart, and she had an indescribable feeling.

  Xu Nanjia slid her finger and saw the latest Weibo posted by Xu Ye.

  After seeing the line of text above.

  Xu Nanjia's eyes suddenly widened.

  "Everyone probably goes to bed after eating, right?"

  "What is this?"

  Xu Nanjia was a little confused.

  She immediately looked at the attached picture below.

  There are a total of nine pictures, all of which are delicious.

  Every photo looks perfect in color and delicious at first glance.

  After seeing these things, Xu Nanjia's stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

  At this time, she already understood the meaning of what Xu Ye sent her.

  The original feeling of anxiety disappeared without a trace in an instant.

  Only anger remained. "Xu Ye, you are sick!!!"

  Xu Nanjia let out a roar from a cute girl.

  Xie Qiong on the side was startled and asked quickly: "What's wrong with Xu Ye?"

  Xu Nanjia was so angry that her chest continued to rise and fall, which was very obvious.


  Xu Nanjia, who was wearing cartoon pajamas, jumped up from the bed and smashed the pillow here and there to vent her anger.

  Xie Qiong was stunned for a moment.

  She picked up Xu Nanjia's phone and took a look at it, then gritted her teeth and said, "Xu Ye is sick!"

  The two energetic girls roared together.

  In the end, Xie Qiong was the first to react, and she immediately sent a message to the Yuanqi Girl group.

  "Everyone, go check Xu Ye's Weibo, there are good things!"

  "Okay, okay, let's go check it out right now!"

  "Wow! Xu Ye finally posted on Weibo, it's Chinese New Year!"

  Xie Qiong knows the members of the girl group well, she must not have slept at this point.

  Sure enough, everyone responded quickly after sending the message.

  After a while, there were some more messages in the group.

  But this time, these messages are not text, but audio.

  You don’t even need to click on it to know that there are definitely not good things in it.

  Xie Qiong did not click on these voices at all, but simply sent a few words.

  "No eating at night."

  After venting his emotions for a while, Xu Nanjia sat on the bed angrily, pouting.

  "We can't just let this matter go!"

  Xu Nanjia said angrily.

  Xie Qiong raised her eyebrows: "Then what do you want to do?"

  Xu Nanjia snorted and said, "I can't suffer alone!"

  "That's what I meant!"

  Later, Xu Nanjia and Xie Qiong both forwarded Xu Ye This Weibo.

  The combined number of their fans is tens of millions.

  This amount of communication is not small.

  "Sister Nanjia! You've learned too much from Xu Ye!"

  "Qiong'er, why have you become like this! I'm still losing weight, why do you want me to see these things! (_)" "

  It's all Xu Ye's fault! It must be It was Xu Ye who led our Yuanqi Girl into trouble!"

  Fans of the girl group Girls trust their idols very much. In their opinion, Yuanqi Girl is so cute, how could she do such a thing!
  They were just influenced by Xu Ye.

  Although everyone in the comment area was complaining, the overall mood was quite stable.

  As for Xu Ye’s Weibo…

  "Do you think we can be fooled a second time after being fooled once? I'm waiting, come and see if my hotpot is delicious! (Picture)" "I've been wary of

  you for a long time! Come and take a look at my barbecue! (Picture) "

  It's just delicious food, no one seems to have the same thing. (Picture)"


  Shadow netizens have the attitude of tricking everyone, even if they shed tears, they have to let others trick them.

  Xu Ye's Weibo has become a food exhibition area.

  Those who go in late at night can only hope for good luck.

  Early the next morning, Xu Ye stretched out happily and got up from the bed.

  He turned on his phone and saw the message from Xu Nanjia.

  The little red dot indicates 99+.

  Xu Ye clicked in and took a look. Most of them were angry emoticons of Xu Nanjia, and there were also several voices in them.

  The audio duration is sixty seconds.

  There is no text message.

  Xu Ye clicked on the first voice to start playing, turned up the volume, and then started washing.

  After he finished washing, all Xu Nanjia's voices had just finished playing.

  The last voice was Xu Nanjia's angry voice.

  "Xu Ye, just wait for me!"

  Xu Ye picked up the phone, pressed the voice input button, and said into the microphone: "Roger, got it."

  (End of chapter)

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