Chapter 98 Success

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  Chapter 98: Successful
  women naturally love beauty.

  This is true even in the wizarding world where great power belongs to itself.

  For example, Wizard Seren pays great attention to her own appearance, including her hairstyle, eyelashes, lip color, makeup, accessories, and outfits.

  However, Link discovered that there were only a few stores in the East District that specialized in women's clothing, accessories, personal care products and cosmetics.

  Fragrances, aromatherapy essential oils, and perfumes are only sold in pharmacies.

  Fragrances, whether they are purchased from the outside or are featured in various pharmacies, are all practical. They highlight the
  functions of calming, soothing, and soothing the mind, helping to relieve fatigue after a day of study, research, and work.
  In terms of fragrance, they are almost all of the same fragrance type, with no change.

  Link was wondering whether there would be a market and popularity if one or several fragrances were developed that were still effective in terms of practical effect, but more prominent in fragrance and set off charm.

  There are still many differences between fragrance and perfume. The scent is light and elegant, not so strong, and is more suitable for most female wizards to use in their daily lives.

  Instead of rushing to communicate with Wizard Seren about this idea, Link decided to conduct a round of research and development first. With the phased results, he could come up with some samples, and then make comparisons and make market estimates.

  After the hard work of the past few days, the laboratory preparations for fragrance research and development have been completed.

  Everything is ready, now it’s time to start the research and development of the fragrance.

  As a result, the laboratory, which had been idle for a few days, became operational again.

  This time, unlike before when he developed Hemerocallis aromatherapy essential oil, Link had not yet begun to learn pharmacy and alchemical pharmacy, and many advanced pharmacy methods and alchemical pharmacy techniques could not be applied.

  After listening to Wizard Seren's half-hour lesson, and after so many days of review and advanced study, coupled with the bonus of Potions talent, Link has become more proficient in using advanced Potions in research and development. methods, as well as some basic techniques of alchemical pharmacy.

  And because there were several finished fragrance products in the pharmacy as a reference, the research and development of fragrances based on extracts of several aromatic plants progressed very quickly.

  In less than three days, phased results are about to be produced.

  This day is the Wednesday of the fourth week of the holiday.

  At night, on the third underground floor of the experimental building, laboratory.

  Jasmine, who was packaging the fourth sample, suddenly remembered something and said: "Link, this afternoon, Wizard Seren gave me several bottles of Hemerocallis fulva aromatherapy essential oil. She asked me to tell you that the trial production of Hemerocallis fulva aromatherapy essential oil has been completed. Success."

  Being busy with research and development work these days, Link didn't wait for Jasmine to get off work like before, but hurried back to the academy after lunch.

  Unless Jasmine specifically mentioned it, Link really didn't know that the Hemerocallis aromatherapy essential oil optimized by Wizard Seren had already been put into production.


  Hemerocallis aromatherapy essential oil...

  Link couldn't help but think of his exploration into fragrance when the research and development of aromatherapy essential oils encountered setbacks, and inspiration suddenly came to his mind.

  Perhaps, at the beginning, I felt that Hemerocallis fulva leaf extract was not suitable for developing into a fragrance. It was most likely because I did not have a broad and deep knowledge accumulation.

  It's not that Hemerocallis fulva leaf extract is not suitable for making a fragrance, it's just that I didn't have the ability to make it into a good fragrance at that time.

  If the auxiliary ingredient Somnifera pollen is removed, some of the positive effects on meditation are subtracted, and one or two aromatic plant extracts are added, it is completely feasible to make it into a liquid fragrance.

  As soon as this inspiration came, Link felt that there was a lot to do.

  He didn't bother to reply to Jasmine. He took out the pen and paper, sketched and smeared, and designed the material ratio, the pharmacy methods to be used, and the alchemy pharmacy techniques on the paper... Seeing this, Jasmine did not disturb Link and left the unsaid words

  . When finished, swallow it back in your stomach.

  She originally wanted to ask, if from now on, she uses Hemerocallis aromatherapy essential oil and other medicines every night during deep meditation, how soon will it take to reach the standard for promotion to the second-class wizard apprentice.

  This afternoon, Wizard Serin not only gave her several bottles of aromatherapy essential oil, but also told her a piece of news.

  That is, Link Grande should have become a second-class wizard apprentice a long time ago, but it has not been publicized.

  Jasmine didn't know why Wizard Serin told her this news.

  But after listening to it, she couldn't help but feel depressed.

  Even though she tried so hard to catch up, the gap only widened.

  She doesn't want the gap between the two to continue to widen!
  Therefore, she planned to use the half-purchased magic stones of the Hemerocallis aromatherapy essential oil patent and the first season dividends from Silver Star flower hybrid breeding to purchase potions that could promote the effect of meditation.

  With a multi-pronged approach, even if all the magic stones are used up, Jasmine will be promoted to a second-class wizard apprentice in the shortest possible time!
  Having made up her mind, Jasmine gave up the idea of ​​asking Link.

  Just do it.

  After all, this is your own business.

  As Link often said, you decide your own affairs.

  Your own choice, your own responsibility.

  Link finally stopped writing at this time, ignoring Jasmine, and plunged into the pile of bottles and cans to start a new round of experiments.

  With the dual blessing of botany talent and potion talent, Link's inspiration just now was like a torrential river, continuous.

  If everything is as deduced from the brainstorming of inspiration, hemerocallis leaf extract is used as the main material, and a plant spice called bitter root is added as an ingredient. It is first processed by advanced pharmacy methods, and then alchemical potions are used. The skills he learned were sublimated, and the final finished fragrance product perfectly met Link's expectations.

  It not only has the effect of calming the mind and purifying the mind, but also can calm, soothe and soothe the mind. It also exudes an elegant and timeless fragrance, which brings out the charm of women.

  Link couldn't wait to see the new experimental product.

  Jasmine gathered her thoughts and quickly stepped forward to help.

  After more than half an hour, everything was over.

  Next, it’s time to give it up.

  After packing up the laboratory, Link and Jasmine left and went back to their dormitories.

  On the way, Jasmine was very quiet and didn't say a word, contrary to her liveliness during this period.

  Link sensed something was wrong, but didn't take it seriously.

  A girl's feelings are always poetic, and mood swings are normal.


  The next day, Thursday, was sunny.

  Link came to the laboratory early in the morning.

  He calculated the time, and when the preparation of the Hemerocallis fulva fragrance stock solution was completely completed, he immediately extracted a few drops of the stock solution.

  The original solution is diluted to normal concentration and divided into several small black bottles, which is the sample.

  After walking out of the experimental area with several bottles of evenly mixed samples, Link came to the living/office area.

  Open a bottle of sample, there is no other operation, just let it sit for a while, let the liquid fragrance evaporate, and let the fragrance spread.

  After a gentle sniff, a satisfied smile appeared on Link's face.

  When Link was asked to describe the feeling of this fragrance, the first thing that came to his mind was a poem:

  Sparse shadows slant across the clear water, and the faint fragrance floats in the moonlit dusk.

  Although this poem is about scenery and plum blossoms, the feeling it gives Link is consistent with this fragrance.

  Fresh and elegant, the fragrance is timeless.

  This means that this fragrance has become a success at the research and development level!
  Taking the sample, Link meets Jasmine.

  Take the rail transit train to the East District.


  Wizard Seren leaned on the counter, comfortably sipping a refreshing hot drink similar to coffee.

  Seeing Link holding the cooler in his hand, she immediately became interested.

  How many days has it been since you revealed your idea for developing a fragrance?
  This can produce results, the action is really fast, and the research and development is really smooth.

  "Bring it to me and take a look."

  Wizard Serin put down the hot drink in his hand and greeted him actively.

  Link stepped forward, placed the cooler on the counter, and opened the lid.

  After a burst of air-conditioning, five crystal clear fragrance samples with different labels were presented in front of Wizard Serling.

  "Which one are you most satisfied with?"

  Wizard Serin did not start directly, but asked with interest.

  "This one."

  Link pointed at the Hemerocallis fragrance that was just completed this morning, filled with anticipation.

  Wizard Serin heard this and became more and more interested. He reached out and picked up the Hemerocallis fragrance labeled No. 5, unscrewed the bottle cap, and lightly slapped the top of the bottle with his right hand a few times.

  The fragrance of Hemerocallis is fresh and elegant, and the fragrance of timeless fragrance suddenly spreads.

  The fragrance is fragrant, charming but not vulgar, and refreshing but not evil.

  Almost instantly, Wizard Serin fell in love with this scent.

  Then, Wizard Serin savored the calming and calming effect hidden in the fragrance.

  For her as a third-level wizard, this effect is obviously extremely weak, even close to none.

  But for wizard apprentices, this effect is very significant and can be of great help in daily life.

  After all, whether it is studying or researching and developing, it is a boring job. If you often encounter setbacks, it is very easy to have psychological fluctuations and accumulate negative emotions.

  It’s really nice to have such a fragrance in your room, which can soothe your mind and bring a light and elegant fragrance to your body.

  The only flaw is that it may have a little effect on first-level wizards, but it is better than nothing on second-level wizards.

  But this is a technical problem and there is no way to solve it.

  Link Grande's exposure to pharmacies and alchemical pharmacies was still too short to fully develop his creativity.

  With a thought, Wizard Serin came up with no fewer than ten methods and techniques that could greatly enhance the fragrance of Hemerocallis.

  "Why are you thinking of using Hemerocallis again? Tell me about your inspiration and ideas."

  Wizard Serin screwed on the bottle cap and asked directly without tasting the other four samples.

  "The overall research and development idea of ​​fragrance is differentiated competition."

  Link replied, "The fragrances currently circulating on the market and the specialty fragrances launched by various pharmacies all focus on practical effects.

  And perfumes, fragrances, and aromatherapy, In fact, it is also used to set off the charm of women.

  Based on this idea, without weakening the practical effect of the fragrance, I focused on enhancing the role of the fragrance in setting off the charm." "


  Wizard Serin pondered for a moment and continued to ask. Said, "Since Hemerocallis has developed aromatherapy essential oils and fragrances one after another, have you ever considered extending it and developing a perfume? In this way, a series can be formed with
  different effects.

  Aromatherapy essential oils highlight the effect of promoting meditation. , fragrance is used in daily life, it is both practical and brings out charm, and perfume will further amplify the role of setting off charm."

  The hero sees the same thing.

  Of course Link also had this idea, and responded: "I have considered it. However, I was not sure whether this fragrance could be accepted by the market. It is popular with female wizards, so I did not rush to develop a perfume." Wizard Serin nodded,

  if Thinking.

  At this time, Link promptly handed over the fragrance market research report that he had prepared long ago and planned to invest.

  Wizard Serin glanced at the report that had been written on several pieces of paper, but could actually be summarized in two words: "give money", and couldn't help but laugh.

  The little guy is a big kid and has too many eyes.

  (End of chapter)

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