Chapter 63 Experiment Speed ​​Up

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  Chapter 63: Experiment to Speed ​​Up

  Jasmine didn’t know who Sophie Lucia was.

  She was even less aware of the conflicts and entanglements between the other party and Link.

  All she knew was that all her efforts in the past two weeks had been in vain, and more than half of the "thesis" she had written was in vain.

  She even knew that the other party followed the ideas mentioned in Link's "paper" on the new germination method, carried out research, conducted experiments, and produced results.

  Ever since she was little (?), Jasmine has never wanted to accomplish something like this time.

  It's a pity that someone still took the lead and it was not completed.

  All I can do is cry and sigh, nine times out of ten things will go wrong in my life.

  Jasmine also knew that Link couldn't handle this kind of thing.

  So she sniffed, suppressed her sadness, took back the portable computer from Link's hand, and squatted in a corner to relieve her emotions.

  I didn't hang out in front of Link too much, as I didn't want to convey too many negative emotions to him.

  Well behaved.jpg.

  Link's eyes were dark, and his heart was filled with anger.

  It's so shameless.

  Even if you are a habitual plagiarism offender, you can't catch one person endlessly, right?
  There must be an explanation for this matter.

  Link activated "Occlumency" to calm down the anger in his heart, took out his portable brain, and carefully read the "essay" published by Sophie Lucia in a neutral and objective manner.

  If one were to evaluate this "paper" without any emotion or emotional stance, even if he was reluctant, Link could only give a favorable review.

  The argument is clear, the evidence is sufficient, the data is solid, the analysis is in place, and the results...

  hey, there seems to be something wrong with the results.

  Sophie Lucia has considered every conceivable factor, including the control group, experimental group, independent variables, dependent variables, and irrelevant/extra variables, very well.

  Her experiments, covering the first to fourth generation seeds of all groups of Silver Star Flowers, fully proved the positive impact and scope of the new germination method on the yield rate of Silver Star Flower seeds.

  This "paper" will undoubtedly promote the transformation of economic benefits of new germination methods.

  Even if Sophie Lucia only takes 30% of the rights to the new germination method, the input-output ratio may seem a bit low, but it is actually still profitable.

  She earned both "credits" and magic stones, and she was able to add color to her research resume.

  Such a harvest can be described as a huge profit.

  After all, this experiment, the most important research direction, did not require her to explore and trial and error on her own, but it was something she had already picked up.

  The only thing that could make Sophie Lucia feel unhappy was just one thing.

  That is, Link can sit back and enjoy the results without doing anything, and his income from the new germination method will "automatically" increase.

  Link concluded that there was a problem with Sophie Lucia's experimental results because she did not solve the fundamental problem of the Silver Star Flower seeds.

  Explain with numbers.

  Assume that the rate of good seeds after the Silver Star Flowers are matured and dropped by no special method is 50%. The rate

  of good seeds after the Silver Star Flowers are matured and dropped by the ordinary method is 65%. The

  Silver Star Flowers that are germinated by the new germination method are mature and dropped. The rate of good seeds after planting is 75% to 80%.

  The improvement range of 10% to 30% in the rate of improved seeds is very considerable in terms of economic benefits.

  But the vitality problem of Silver Star Flower seeds still exists and has not been solved!
  Therefore, Sophie Lucia has achieved results, but the results are not strong.

  Academically speaking, this is an opportunistic approach.

  If Link's upcoming Silver Star Flower hybrid breeding research experiment is successful, its results can completely overtake Sophie Lucia's.

  The new germination method itself will not be affected.

  Because before carrying out cross breeding, new germination methods need to be used to cultivate and screen seeds.

  Link carefully looked at the data in Sophie Lucia's "paper" and combined it with the records in his own experiment log, and he suddenly had an idea.

  Jasmine has done two rounds of breeding and screening of Silver Star flower seeds, and has obtained third-generation seeds of various varieties of Silver Star flowers.

  Going forward, the impact of the new germination method on the yield of good seeds has been minimal.

  They can completely cancel the third round of breeding and screening and enter the formal experiment of Silver Star flower hybrid breeding in advance.

  Link purchased 5 varieties of Silver Star flower seeds, which must be divided into 9 experimental groups according to the monohybrid method of cross-breeding between the two varieties.

  This step in the entire hybridization process is called parental selection.

  Then comes germination, which takes 6 days.

  It only takes 3 days to grow to maturity.

  During these three days, emasculation, bagging, and pollination must be carried out in a timely manner.

  When bagging, it must be strictly marked and labeled, and write concise but necessary content: emasculation date, hybridization date, female parent name * male parent name, such as A * B.

  A is the female parent and B is the male parent.

  Then it’s time to harvest the seeds, the F1 generation.

  This F1 generation is called a single cross, represented by A*B.

  If among the F1 generation seeds of the 9 experimental groups, the seed rate is above 80%, it can barely be regarded as a success of the experiment.

  If you are not satisfied with the experimental results, that is, the single cross cannot achieve the desired traits required by breeding,

  you can use the compound cross method, that is, use more than two varieties and more than two times of cross breeding to screen out better ones. More qualified individuals.

  Compound crosses can be divided into triple crosses, double crosses, etc.

  Triple cross is a cross between a single cross breed and another breed, that is (A*B)*C;
  A double cross is a cross between two single crosses, that is (A*B)*(C*D) or (A*C)*(B*C).

  All in all, it is necessary to screen out the F1 generation Silver Star flower seeds that have hybrid vigor and solve the vitality problem.

  In terms of time, Link optimistically estimates 9 days and pessimistically estimates 27 days. In fact, he thinks the most likely time is about 18 days.

  This is a project with a lot of work, and one person will definitely be too busy.


  "Jasmine, come here."

  Link waved to Jasmine, who was squatting in the corner and grieving alone, "I have a way to help you get revenge!" "


  Jasmine jumped up and walked out immediately. He was in a sad state, full of energy and will to fight, "What can you do? Tell me quickly, I must teach that bitch a lesson!"

  Once a girl's aggressiveness is stimulated, the power she can unleash is terrifying. of.

  "Personal attacks are definitely not allowed. Academic matters should be resolved academically."

  Link drew a red line in advance and defined the tentative scope of revenge, and then continued, "I have mentioned to you before, what you are doing is Preliminary work for the cross-breeding experiment. Now, we are officially conducting the cross-breeding experiment."

  After that, Link briefly explained some matters related to cross-breeding.

  "No problem! Let's start!"

  Jasmine didn't understand very well, but she only knew a little bit.

  If cross-breeding is successful, then you can slap that bitch in the face.

  So why are you hesitating?
  Here comes Ori!
  (End of chapter)

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