Chapter 61 Clarification, Reconciliation

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  Chapter 61: Clarification, reconciliation

  This is not a problem.

  If someone invites you, go ahead and make the appointment.

  What's more, the appointment is in a public place like the library.

  Link was also quite curious as to what kind of trouble Mina Hafchuk was going to cause.

  But that was at noon, so don’t worry about him now.

  Instructing Jasmine not to be distracted and read with peace of mind

  , Link also took out his notes and pondered the possibility of "double casting" or even "multiple casting".

  This is the real thing, everything else is just a cloud.

  Compared with pseudo-natal witchcraft, "double casting" or "multiple casting" is undoubtedly less difficult to achieve.

  The former is the difference between existence and non-existence, a breakthrough from 0 to 1; the latter two are the difference between 1 and 100 growth.

  The difficulty lies in grasping the timing.

  Nesting must be done with precision, neither too fast nor too slow.

  (1 silk = 0.864 seconds, 1 sudden = 0.0864 seconds)
  Even if it is slightly faster or slower, "double casting" or "multiple casting" cannot be achieved, and it will become "parallel casting".

  That is, one water shield is covered with another water shield to enhance defense, so that two water shields appear at the same time and fight side by side.

  Link currently has two plans:
  one is to cast both water shield spells in the form of pseudo-natal witchcraft;

  the other is to first construct the water shield spell model normally, and when casting the spell, use pseudo-natal witchcraft at the same time. cast in the form of a spell, connecting two water shield spells together.

  If the first solution can be realized, it will undoubtedly be more convenient and efficient.

  But it is difficult and prone to mistakes.

  The second option is slightly more complicated, but easier to implement.

  Once you become familiar with it, there will be no inconvenience.

  After much thought, Link decided to try the second option first.

  It was not a good time or a good place right now, so Link could only hold back his thoughts and wait until he returned to his dormitory to practice at night.

  The morning class ended successfully.

  Faced with a lot of strange looks, Link and Jasmine enjoyed lunch in the cafeteria uncomfortably.

  Along the way, while eating, there were more and more people staring at them, and Jasmine had already stopped staring back.

  The main reason is that if you stare too many times, your eyes will become sore.

  Seeing Link turning a blind eye, Jasmine simply treated those people as nothing and ignored them.

  The person involved at the forefront of public opinion can be calm, so why can't she?
  calm down!
  There was a clang...

  Jasmine threw the dinner plate on the recycling table, much more violently than usual.

  Dishes danced and knives and forks flew around.

  Link put the plates, knives and forks away for a while and walked out of the cafeteria.


  Mina Havchuk waited in the lobby for a long time.

  As soon as she saw Link and Jasmine approaching, she motioned to go to the second floor corridor.

  There are seats there for people to rest and chat.

  "Those rumors on the 'forum' were not spread by me."

  The three of them sat down, and Mina Havchuk got straight to the point and immediately clarified one thing, "Including the part about Rivers and Enrique."

  She said. Anxious!

  "Then what?"

  Link's face was expressionless, not surprised at all.

  "I'm worried that you will blame me for this, so I'd like to explain it to you."

  Mina Hafchuk continued, with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face.

  This sentence is undoubtedly showing cowardice.

  It showed her fear and even fear of Link in her heart.


  Link nodded, cherishing his words like gold and looking cold.

  Anyway, it was Mina Havchuk who sent the invitation.

  It was Mina Haverchuk who was anxious to explain and clear up the relationship, not him, Link Grande.

  The advantage is mine!

  Mina Haverchuk saw that Link was not getting along well.
  Jasmine Kidman, who was standing beside her, had kept a straight face since they met and was unwilling to say a word.
  She knew that she would not let out some shocking news this time. It will definitely not achieve the goal.

  She bit her lip, a troubled look flashed across her face, and she said with a heartbeat,

  "Enrique did ask me something, related to you, but I really don't know that he actually wanted to kill me. You guys."


  A hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of Link's mouth, "You really don't know?"

  A seriously injured and disabled person, a person who you said shouted for revenge during treatment, and you said you didn't know He actually wanted to kill someone?
  Are you lying to a three-year-old?

  Do you not know, or do you know but are happy to see it happen?
  Whether Enrique succeeds or not, you can take away a major thorn in your side, right?

  Link cursed endlessly, and then continued to apply pressure to see if he could squeeze out some oil.

  "Okay, I know."

  Mina Havchuk had been mentally prepared for a showdown before, simply admitted, and later defended,

  "But so what? He threatened me with my life, I can What should I do? I can only send him away first and then inform you."


  Link nodded again, but did not comment on these remarks.

  Nothing good to say either.

  With people's hearts separated from each other, Link couldn't tell what Mina Haverchuk was thinking at the beginning.

  However, the maliciousness I perceived before was real.

  "I don't ask for your forgiveness."

  After saying this, Mina Havchuk relaxed a little, leaned her upper body back, leaned on the back of the chair, and talked eloquently,

  "I will take out a few and share them with you. , especially the news related to you, Link Grande, in exchange for reconciliation between us.

  From now on, I will no longer target you.

  You are not allowed to retaliate against me!"

  "I have always loved peace."

  Link shrugged He shrugged and started doing Tai Chi, "I never fight with others or care about others." He didn't

  say anything, but the details depended on whether the news you broke was of sufficient weight.

  Mina Havchuk didn't get the promise in advance, and she wasn't annoyed. She directly broke the news: "It was originally ordered by Antoine Hilton, the president of the 'New Blood Mutual Aid Association,' to spread news about you on the 'forum'. ."

  "What happened next?"

  Link showed a slight expression of interest.

  He was indeed interested.

  "Then it was another person who was fanning the flames, trying to distort your image and make you a public enemy."

  Mina Havchuk said this and fell silent.

  Link knew what she was waiting for, so he stopped chasing each other and simply said: "We will go our separate ways from now on. As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke me, I will never target you." "Is it a deal

  ? "

  "It's a deal!"

  After hearing Link's words, the stone hanging in Mina Hafchuk's heart finally fell to the ground.

  The whole person is completely relaxed and there is no need to hold on any longer.

  She didn’t delay, and immediately broke the news:

  "I found out that there is a man named Harold Andrews in your class. He has been asking for information about you in the past few days. He also went to the black market to buy a brain that can contact others anonymously. According to reliable

  information , there were five people he contacted anonymously, and they were the five people who made the rumors about you on the 'forum' more popular.

  In addition, he also took the initiative to request to visit Rivers on Antoine Hilton's behalf."

  " Harold Andrews?"

  Link knew this name, he was the first "warrior" to eat crabs.

  "Thank you."

  Link got the news he wanted and didn't want to stay any longer, so he stood up and left.

  Before leaving, he made a promise:
  "The past has been wiped out!"

   Thank you for the reward from the book friend Yi Yushuo, thank you!
  (End of chapter)

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