Chapter 6 Choice

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  Chapter 6: Choose
  the main body of the thinking palace is a lakeside library.

  The surface of the lake is calm, blue and pure, reflecting the library in it.

  The reflection of the library under the lake hides all the real memories, including the past life, the existence of the krypton gold card drawing system, and the traces of "Occlumency" itself.

  What remains in the body of the lakeside library is the original life experience, and Link's behavior and thinking that fit the character of the Blacksmith's Son on a remote island after his soul traveled.

  Everything that would expose Link's identity as a time traveler was hidden by Link in the reflection under the lake.

  After completing the construction of the Thought Palace, Link also discovered an additional benefit: he gained the ability to remember photographs.

  Hmm... To be precise, as long as Link sorts out all the experiences of the day in time every day and hides them in categories in the library, he can remember all the pictures he has seen, the sounds he has heard, the textures of objects he has touched, and the things he has smelled. the smell.

  And because "Occlumency" has been practiced to the highest level by Link, he doesn't have to worry about overloading his brain due to too many stored memories.

  In short, "Occlumency" is good, whoever uses it will know!


  Five days passed.

  The White Sail arrived at the main continent and anchored at a pier in the port of Manham in the Tudor region on the west coast.

  Link finally meets the Paro wizard again.

  However, it was only a quick glance. From a distance, I saw Wizard Paro and several other wizards disembarking from the ship in advance and boarding a small aircraft parked at the port pier, heading to an unknown destination.

  Yes, the aircraft, a very beautiful aircraft, much more beautiful than all the sci-fi fighter plane images that Link saw on the Internet in his previous life.

  The smooth lines, beautiful shape, and elegant posture made Link deeply fascinated by it at first glance.

  It was an eye-opener to say that, and the possessiveness was instantly over the top.

  Link felt like a Shaanxi version of himself had lived in his heart, shouting crazily, "Eudi, Eudi, it's so funny."

  "What are you looking at?"

  Big-Eyed Jimny asked curiously when he saw Link was lost in thought.

  When the White Sail was about to enter the harbor, five people from the Quete Islands gathered together on the deck in advance.


  Link shook his head and looked away. The aircraft had already disappeared.

  "I just saw Wizard Paro."

  Christina, who had a very low sense of presence, whispered at this time.

  "I saw it too."

  Chris and Jasmine agreed at the same time.

  A look of astonishment flashed across Jimny's face. He had been attracted by a beautiful woman with an extremely foul figure.

  Seeing Link in a daze, he thought Link was also looking at the beautiful woman and wanted to test Link's vision.


  Jimny opened his mouth slightly embarrassed and quickly changed the subject, "Let's go forward. There are too many people. Walk faster so we can get off the boat early." There are indeed

  a lot of people.

  During the five days of sailing at sea, Link became an otaku and didn't know how many new blood the White Sail carried.

  Only now did Link discover that the White Sail carried at least 2,000 people.

  It took one Kuite Islands and eight noble territories to select five new bloods that met the requirements.

  Even if the proportions of each island are different, there are more and less, but the difference will not be too big.

  Link made a rough calculation and found that there were at least more than 400 islands in the Storm Sea.

  This is a rough estimate based on the average unit area and population of the Kuite Islands, and the resulting figures should be relatively reliable.

  However, this is only the number of islands in the Sea of ​​Storms corresponding to the west coast of the main continent. There are also the Endless Sea corresponding to the east coast, the Northern Ocean corresponding to the north, and the Southern Ocean corresponding to the south.

  A peek inside the tube shows that the surface area of ​​the wizarding world is far larger than most people imagine. "Everyone has read the brochure. Is there any wizard organization you want to join?"

  Link asked casually as he moved slowly among the crowd and had nothing to do.

  "I'm going to the Metal and Flame Trading Company to become a wizard apprentice specializing in manufacturing machinery."

  Jimny responded first.

  He has a high-level affinity with metal elements and fire elements, which is quite suitable.

  It's just that trading companies are no better than colleges. Although the economic benefits will be better in the short term, in the long run, the upper limit of personal development will be lowered.

  It can only be said that there are gains and losses.

  "We plan to go to the Shadow City."

  Chris continued. Their brother and sister are familiar with the rare shadow element.

  The "Overview of the Wizarding Organizations of the West Coast Tudor Region" records that there are only three places suitable for shadow elements and new blood, one is the City of Shadows, the other is the Dark Veil Society, and the third is Darkness University.

  The requirements for joining the Black Veil Society are very high. It only recruits new blood with qualifications above the fourth level.

  Chris and Christina's wizard qualifications are both third-level and above, not up to the standard of Curtain of Darkness.

  Darkness University has new blood who may need to cooperate with the instructors' requirements for human experiments.

  Due to personal safety concerns, Darkness University was excluded by the Chris siblings.

  Shadow City became the best and only suitable place to go.

  "What about you, Jasmine?"

  Link turned to look at the little rich woman Jasmine Kidman.

  Jasmine wrinkled her nose and was a little confused. She was familiar with the three elements, so she had a wide range of choices.

  But because there are so many choices, it’s harder to decide.

  After a while, Jasmine's eyes lit up, and she suddenly remembered that Link had high-level affinities with the water element and the wood element, which overlapped with two of her three affinities.

  Perhaps Link's choice can serve as a reference for her?
  Jasmine then asked, "Where are you going, Link?"

  "Riversoth School of Biology and Medicine."

  There was nothing to hide, so Link simply stated his decision.

  Jasmine continued to ask: "Can you tell me the reason?"

  "I don't like to fight and kill. I think growing flowers and plants, raising animals, and treating people are very suitable for my personality."

  Link shrugged and said your true thoughts.

  "Ah, this..."

  Jasmine didn't expect Link to answer like this.

  But she thought about it carefully, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that Link's idea made sense.

  Born into a noble family, Jasmine knew more about the wizarding world than ordinary civilians. She knew that fights between individual wizards and wizard organizations were very common.

  But fighting and killing is very dangerous, so being a logistics and medical worker is a good fit for her.

  The corners of Jasmine's mouth raised, she was in a happy mood, and she smiled and said, "I'm also going to Riversouth School of Biology and Medicine."

  Link raised his eyebrows, a little surprised by Jasmine's decision, but not surprised.

  With affinity to the three elements of water, wood, and earth, Jasmine is actually the most suitable to enter Riversouth School of Biology and Medicine, more suitable than Link himself.

  He just didn't expect that Jasmine vaguely made up her mind because of what he just said.

  Fortunately, Link was not a real young man, and he did not have the illusion of "does she like me?"

  (End of chapter)

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