Chapter 59 Reasons and Public Opinion

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  Chapter 59 Reasons for Public Opinion
  Harold Andrews has always had a high opinion of himself.

  He was born on Mettler Island, the largest island in the Sea of ​​Storms. His wizard qualifications are above the fourth level, and he almost reaches the standard of the fifth level.

  But among the twenty-three selected new blood, they seemed to be neither good nor bad, which was very embarrassing.

  The only fifth-level qualification in this class of the academy is among the new blood from Mettler Island.

  Mettler Island also has two geniuses with lower-level qualifications.

  On the way to the port where the ship docked, it took a relatively long time because of the long distance and the wizard who was recruiting new blood was not in a particular hurry.

  As time goes by, there are more stories.

  The other new blood always surrounds the three fifth-level geniuses, saying all kinds of flattery.

  There was no one around Harold Andrews.

  The two new bloods, both with fourth-level qualifications, didn't think Harold Andrews was that good.

  The new bloods with the fourth-level and lower qualifications think that since they have to fawn over, they must fawn over someone more powerful.

  The remaining third-level qualifications are of course just following the crowd.

  Harold Andrews has been ignored, intentionally or unintentionally.

  This made Harold Andrews, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, feel extremely humiliated.

  He vowed to make these guys who praise others look at him differently!

  Therefore, after entering Riversouth College of Biology and Medicine, Harold Andrews must make himself more dazzling than Lanny Taylor, who also chose to enter the college, the top genius with fifth-class qualifications!
  Let the other guys who have also entered the academy look up!
  Therefore, Harold Andrews studied meditation method desperately, and practiced deep meditation as long as his spirit could bear it.

  Only Harold himself knew how many hardships it was, how many times he was retching, nauseated, and dizzy because his heartstrings were too tight.

  If you pay, you will be rewarded, and your efforts will eventually pay off.

  Finally, Harold mastered the first level of meditation, was promoted to a first-class wizard apprentice, and became the first handsome young man of this generation to report to the academy.

  Fame and fortune are obtained at the same time.

  Harold felt like he was at the top of his life.

  However, before Harold could enjoy the public praise for too long, news came one after another that stole his limelight.

  How about Link Grande's little plan to instigate the vice-president and core members of the "New Blood Mutual Aid Association" to infighting and fight; how about
  Link. Grande's calmness in the face of danger and counterattack to kill Enrique who was ambushing beside the road? .Bernalis;

  why Link Grand surpassed a group of fifth-level geniuses and won the first place in the midterm exam...

  For a time, the "forum" was full of rumors about Link Grand.

  Nine times out of ten, the target of gossip that the new bloods talk about on weekdays is also that guy.

  Link Grande, Link Grande, you can hear this name everywhere.

  What Harold Andrews couldn't stand the most was that guy Link Grande was arrogant (never socialized) and arrogant (never formed a clique).

  Moreover, everyone has beautiful fellows. Why is it that Harold Andrews has a hard time talking to Lanie Taylor, but you, Link Grande, have Jasmine Kidman clinging to you.

  Even though Jasmine Kidman's qualifications are two levels lower than Lanie Taylor's, she is more beautiful.

  She is a soft and waxy, cute and cute loli who likes to act coquettishly and clingy. She hangs around Link Grande all day long, constantly trying to find ways to please him. Link Grande always looks high-spirited. What man looks at that cold look and doesn't want to kill him with a knife?
  Harold Andrews has long hated Link Grande because of this.

  The reason that made Harold Andrews make up his mind to take action against Link Grande was that people have been comparing him to Link Grande recently.

  With the same fourth-level qualifications and the same new blood among the first five to report to the academy for promotion, Link Grande is much better than Harold Andrews... blah blah blah, a lot of

  bullshit, all in all Drill into his ears.

  Harold Andrews couldn't help but feel angry.

  It was both out of jealousy and wanting to clear obstacles in advance to prepare for the two-district competition.

  After patient observation and careful planning, Harold Andrews decided to start with five brothers and gradually shape Link Grande into a thorn in the flesh and eyes of most of the new blood.

  His father used a similar method to get rid of the family's biggest competitor.

  The reason why he hid in the dark and used some means that were difficult to track to remind the five brothers who had been beaten up by Fatty was

  because Harold Andrews felt that he could not see through Link Grande, and he also had a vague feeling in his heart. Some fear.

  This guy is really capable of revenge, and he really dares to kill someone with his own hands!
  On the way back to the dormitory after leaving the solitary room, Harold Andrews kept thinking about the process of his dealings with the five brothers.

  I was sure that I had not made any omissions. Even if my intentions were seen through, Link Grande would not come to my door. I couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

  Harold Andrews was a little hesitant whether to continue targeting Link Grande.

  He suddenly felt that he was in danger.

  It seems that the road has been narrowed.


  the next day.

  Thursday of the eleventh week.

  The news that five geniuses with fifth-level qualifications were beaten and then defected to Link Grande on their own initiative spread as expected.

  The dormitory is not a single-door villa.

  There are a total of twenty rooms on both sides of the entire corridor on each floor.

  The appearance of the five dear friends last night was so conspicuous and the momentum was so great that it was difficult not to attract attention.

  As more people noticed, the news spread like wildfire.

  Link once again became the subject of discussion among many newcomers, and the target of strange gazes.

  There were not many people in the cafeteria at this time, but those glances that looked like substance also troubled Link, who had a keen sense.

  Although he can use "Occlumency" to block strange feelings, this will prevent him from being alert to his surroundings.

  If someone was peeping, filming, following, or making a surprise attack at this time, Link's reaction would definitely be several beats slower than usual.

  Even Jasmine looked at Link with strange eyes for a long time while eating breakfast.

  On the way to the laboratory building, after Jasmine glared back at a few new bloods who were blatantly talking about Link, she finally couldn't help but asked: "Link, do you really want to be the boss of our generation and lead everyone?" , overthrow the 'New Blood Mutual Aid Association'?"

  "It's nothing, don't talk nonsense."

  Link clarified decisively.

  "But I saw that everyone on the 'forum' said so."

  Jasmine tilted her head, looking very confused, "They said that you have good grades, high ability, responsibility, responsibility, dare to kill, and have many leadership qualities. His qualities. The most important thing is that he is handsome and popular with girls..."

  Public opinion is really getting more and more outrageous.

  The direction he was guided was even more off the mark, tending to forcibly portray Link as a careerist.

  The reason why he was so low-key in the past was to accumulate strength and wait for the opportunity.

  It seems that Link is about to rise up and rise up, start a rebellion among the senior students, and revolutionize the "New Blood Mutual Aid Association"!
  Link was speechless and annoyed at the same time.

  Obviously, this wave of public opinion was deliberately stirred up.

  He really didn't have any good way to deal with it.

  (End of chapter)

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