Chapter 40 A flood of news

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  Chapter 40: News pouring in.

  A large group of people began to review their homework.

  Link is happily learning the newly purchased six-door 0-level witchcraft.

  Even Jasmine put more energy and time into witchcraft, instead of being influenced by the trend and reviewing the courses she had already taken.

  With the very considerable dividend given by Link, Jasmine not only purchased the secondary mist and rain spells and birthing spells that she had already decided on, but also purchased a level 0 earth magic spell, the secondary mud and stone spell. Model reel.

  This witchcraft is very interesting. It can turn fossils into mud and mud into stone.

  However, there is a reason why it has the prefix of "secondary".

  It cannot act on soil and stones constructed with magic and sorcery.

  Therefore, Link prefers to call it "Artificial Extraordinary Plowing Technique". The effect of plowing fields is really good.

  Because of Link's untimely jokes, Jasmine gave him a few eye rolls.

  Even if what you say makes sense, please don't let Jiang Zi talk about it.

  Even the enthusiasm for secondary mud and stone magic has dropped a lot.

  If she didn't need Link's experience sharing and guidance on the secondary mist and rain technique and the birthing technique, Jasmine would really want to leave Link alone for a day or two.

  Professor Flitwick is indeed a dean-level figure and a master of Charms. With the blessing of "Filius Flitwick's talent for Charms", Link soon began to train and teach Jasmine on his own. , practice the secondary mist and rain technique and the birthing technique to perfection.

  The sign of perfect mastery of a witchcraft is instantaneity.

  Of course, this instant actually refers to performing witchcraft within 1 second.

  Jasmine also learned two witchcrafts in one day with Link's help.

  This was certainly due to Jasmine's adequate preparation, but also due to Link's careful help and no secrets.

  As for the secondary mud and stone technique, because Link does not have an affinity with the earth element, he cannot give much help. He can only rely on Jasmine's own efforts.

  This is good for Jasmine.

  After all, she wants to be independent. It is far more appropriate not to form dependence from the beginning than to get rid of it after becoming dependent in the future.

  Link himself, with the triple blessing of his own qualifications, the highest level of "Occlumency" and "Filius Flitwick's talent in Charms", quickly learned the Water Purification Technique and Water Shield Technique.

  This speed, this feeling, this change is just like the J20 fighter jet has been replaced with a new generation of engines.

  My thoughts are in one word, cool!



  There is only one day left until the midterm exam.

  Link also learned the remaining four level 0 witchcrafts one by one, advancing his mastery level in an orderly manner.

  The atmosphere among the first-year freshmen became increasingly tense, and some of them even stayed up all night studying in the teaching building and library.

  A piece of news from an unknown source suddenly spread gradually.

  Every semester, the college holds two exams, one midterm and one final.

  Based on the scores of these three exams, including the midterm, final of the fall semester, and midterm of the spring semester, the
  college will select the top 30 students from each new generation of Storm Sea to represent the South Campus and have a comprehensive meeting with the local apprentices from the North Campus. aspects of the game.

  It should be emphasized that only the top 30 students from the South Campus can participate in the competition, while all members from the North Campus participate.

  This means that only the top batch of new blood from the Sea of ​​Storms are qualified to compete with local apprentices!

  This is unabashed contempt, even contempt!
  It was only then that many of the first-year new bloods learned their identity—part of the true meaning of the new bloods of the Sea of ​​Storms.

  The so-called new blood is the labor supply and consumable reserve for the main continent of the wizarding world, the whetstone for local wizard apprentices, and the catfish to promote competition. They have never been the masters of the main continent of the wizarding world!
  From the day they were born on the many islands in the Storm Sea, their starting point in life was naturally far, far behind the natives of the main continent.

  Being detected as a wizard is just a turning point in life.

  Promoting to an official wizard within four years is the only way to change their destiny!

  The naked and bloody facts were before our eyes, and the learning atmosphere of the new first-year students was instantly clear.

  Those new blood who used to be keen on socializing and entertainment, especially the fifth-level geniuses who later returned to their old ways, no longer rely on their qualifications to look around, neglect their studies, and hang out in various entertainment venues in the college all day long.

  The reading room of the library and the classrooms in the teaching building suddenly became crowded and all seats were occupied.

  Link was also very concerned about the news that suddenly spread about the competition between the North and South campuses.

  According to the information he collected, each of the top thirty new bloods who represented the South Campus in the competition were eligible for free redemption of 0-level witchcraft.

  The top ten are eligible for free redemption three times, the top twenty are eligible for two free redemptions, and the top thirty are eligible only once.

  But what Link cares about is not the free redemption qualification for witchcraft.

  If they perform well in the competition and rank among the top five in their grade, they will each receive generous rewards.

  What Link was eyeing was the reward for the first place, a one-year right to use a large laboratory.

  After experiencing the dissatisfaction of having his research results almost intercepted and having 30% of the rights to the results eventually divided, Link wanted to own a dedicated laboratory.

  A laboratory that allows him to concentrate on experiments without worrying about data leaks or interception of results!
  The opportunity is now.

  What Link has to do is to perform well in all three exams and ensure that he ranks among the top thirty in his grade.

  Although this is not in line with his principle of keeping a low profile, the benefits are huge. There is no need to worry about it, just do it.

  Jasmine had been by her side the whole time and felt the change in Link's attitude towards the exam.

  But she did not ask about this, but told the news she had just received: "Enrique has finished treatment." "


  Link didn't react at first, but he immediately remembered the other person's identity, and asked Asked, "Did Mina Havchuk tell you?"


  Jasmine nodded, looking a little worried, "Mina Havchuk said that Enrique kept shouting about revenge while receiving treatment. It seemed that They came for her and us."

  "That bitch is not a good person. What she said may not be false, but her intentions are hard to tell."

  Link said seriously, "Soldiers will stop us, water will cover us, let's be ourselves, Duoduo Just be vigilant. There is no need to do other unnecessary things."

  The unnecessary things he meant were to act in advance and nip the danger in the bud.

  This is too impulsive, too blind, and too easy to unintentionally become someone else's gunman.


  Jasmine nodded, reaching a consensus.

  She also remembered that Link had asked her to pay attention to the follow-up of that incident and inform her in time if there were any changes, so she never blocked Mina Havercek.

  Otherwise, all contact with the other party would have been severed long ago.

  For a person who is trying to trick you into death, the sooner he can be blocked and deleted, the better.

  Keep it to disgust yourself?
   Thanks for the tip from book friend 20230504164852745, thank you!

    PS: This book friend can only see your digital ID in the background.

  (End of chapter)

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