Chapter 32 "Thesis" and "Patent"

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  Chapter 32 "Thesis" and "Patent"

  Sophie Lucia left in anger.

  Link watched her go away, his eyes dark and thinking about something in his mind.

  Got it wrong?
  No, not really.

  Sophie Lucia's performance made Link understand that his germination method should have certain value.

  I want to buy five standard first-level magic stones, but the price is too low.

  As long as the opponent offers ten magic stones at the beginning, Link will probably sell them.

  After all, he was short of magic stones now.

  Witchcraft model scrolls, rune items, witchcraft, and even the krypton gold card drawing system all use magic stones.

  The reason why you don't bargain head-on is because the other party's attitude is too condescending.

  The contempt that comes from the bottom of his heart is unconcealed.

  "Hey! Come eat!"

  Link seemed to hear this voice.

  A deal is a deal, don't turn it into a charity.

  Therefore, Link did not feel sorry for Sophie Lucia's departure and the failure to complete the deal.

  The only thing he is thinking about now is how to maximize the value of the germination method.

  There must be a certain link that Sophie Lucia knew but he didn't.

  "It seems that I have been visiting the 'forum' more in the past few days."

  Link thought quietly in his heart.

  Just like in the previous life, the messages on the "forum" are all kinds of confusing. Among the large amounts of false and worthless junk information, there are always a few messages of high value.

  Abandoning distracting thoughts, Link gathered his thoughts and turned around and walked into the greenhouse.

  The Silver Star Flower cultivation plan is actually very simple. Its core is the secondary mist and rain technique and a special nutrient solution.

  There are two difficulties. First, the preparation and storage of the special nutrient solution is complicated and the storage time is short. Second, it is necessary to use secondary mist and rain technology to atomize the special nutrient solution first, and then form rainwater to water the silver star flowers.

  Tata Ling, the intelligent management center of the Third Botanic Garden, will deliver special nutrient solution, solving the problem without any problem.

  Atomizing liquid and then making it rain is the highest level technique of the secondary mist and rain technique.

  Fortunately, Link also often practiced the secondary fog and rain technique during this time during his spare time. He has mastered this technique, but he is not very proficient in it.

  Link gathered the three barrels of special nutrient solution that had been delivered from the greenhouse in the center, unsealed them one by one, and then distracted himself while diving into the sea of ​​​​consciousness and quickly sketched out the witchcraft model of the secondary fog and rain technique. , while releasing mental power outwards, forming a grid with evenly distributed grids and covering the soil.

  Soon, the three-way special nutrient solution quickly "evaporated" into mist, and was evenly spread over the soil under the guidance of the spiritual power network.

  When all the special nutrient solution was completely atomized, a light rain began to fall.

  The tender white embryo of the Silver Star flower happily absorbs the nutrient solution and grows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  In just a blink of an eye, the germ turns into a seedling.

  Today's work is completed.

  There is no need for Link to clean up the empty barrels.

  After a brief period of meditation to recover the consumed mental power and magic power, Link left the Third Botanical Garden.

  Library, reading room.

  For the first time, Link sat here but instead of reading and studying, he played with his portable computer.

  Jasmine was a little curious, took a few glances, and saw Link searching and browsing information on the "forum" in a targeted manner, and stopped caring.

  If it's something Link thinks she should know, there's no need to ask, Link will tell her proactively.

  If it was something Link thought she shouldn't know, no matter how much he pestered her, it would be in vain. This dead wood!
  Jasmine hummed a few times to show her presence and continued reading and studying.

  She can now look forward to being promoted to a first-class wizard apprentice, and then learning and mastering witchcraft.

  Link first entered the keywords "Silver Star Flower", "Silver Star Flower Seed", and "Trauma Medicine" to search and browse related information.

  Amidst the huge waves and massive amounts of junk information, Link finally found valuable information.

  Link discovered and clarified the relationship between the Silver Star Flower's improved seed rate, germination success rate, germination duration, and the output of some low-end trauma chemicals.

  "It turns out that the germination method I came up with is quite economical!"

  Link sighed, still feeling very proud.

  Hmm... He selectively forgot the existence of "Pomona Sprout's botanical talent".

  However, if there is economic value, there is economic value. How to realize it?
  There are so many valuable things in the world, how can others notice you?

  How can you negotiate terms with those "capital" and "powerful people" instead of being wiped out?

  These are issues that need to be addressed.

  Link exited the "Forum" and closed his eyes in deep thought.

  After a while, Link jumped through the hidden link of the "official website" and entered the high-level document library.

  This time Link was not here to search or read documents, but carefully checked the "pages" of the high-level document library.

  Sure enough, Link found the "paper publication" entrance in a corner that was more hidden than a jump link.

  "What kind of hobby is this in the academy?"

  Link couldn't help but sigh and asked.

  Starting from the need for new blood to explore on their own on large aircrafts in order to obtain the free portable brain, all
  aspects of the academy require new blood to continue to explore in order to uncover layer after layer of veils and discover one benefit after another. , find one "service" after another.

  After finishing his emotion, Link entered the "Paper Publishing" page and carefully read the "Instructions for Newcomers" with the eye-catching title.

  This "Instructions" is not long. The content is summarized and mainly talks about two key points.

  The first is to emphasize the prohibitions and penalties for plagiarism of "papers";
  the second is to describe the format of "papers" in detail.

  After reading the instructions and writing down the "essay" format in his notebook, Link didn't rush to read the template essay recommended to him by the intelligent system. Instead, he searched carefully on the page again.

  Sure enough, Link discovered another deeply hidden entrance, the "Patent".

  How can you have a paper but not a patent?
  The two work together to form a complete system.

  Link then entered the "Patent" page and focused on browsing content related to "Intellectual Property" in several categories.

  After a long time, Link collected the information he wanted and put away his portable computer.

  Link already knew what to do next to maximize the value of developing the Silver Star Flower germination method.

  First, collect information and improve the experimental plan;

  at the same time, work hard to ensure that the part-time salary paid every half month is received on time and in full;

  secondly, after the start-up funds are obtained, quickly purchase experimental materials, carry out experiments, record data, and write papers;

  thirdly, publish Paper, apply for a patent;

  finally, with the paper and patent, seek out interested buyers and sell.

  Yes, for sale.

  Link never thought about holding the patent in his hands or starting a business with it.

  Selling it in exchange for magic stones to help your own learning and wizard practice is the right way.

  In a world where great power belongs to oneself, strength is everything!
  (End of chapter)

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