Chapter 115 Opening

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  Chapter 115 opens

  outside the academy gate.

  Dozens of large floating vehicles are parked neatly and orderly.

  Under the support of the intelligent law enforcement puppet, 120 new Storm Sea students from four grades in the southern district walked out of the academy first.

  According to different grades, we boarded four hover cars.

  Afterwards, the local apprentices in the North District filed out of the academy, boarded the hovercar in an orderly manner, and took their seats.

  No official wizard appeared during the whole process.

  The order at the scene is all controlled by the intelligent management center of the junior college through intelligent law enforcement puppets.

  Not long after, all the people participating in the competition got on the bus.

  The hovercars started to move one after another.

  Dozens of driverless hovercars followed the established route and headed for the only cross-border portal in the Reversos area.

  The reason why it is said to be the only one on the surface is of course because there are more than one cross-border portal in Riversouth College!
  About half an hour's drive.

  The destination has been arrived, and dozens of hover vehicles are parked properly.

  There are few people in the southern area, so it is still the arranged new blood of Storm Sea who takes the lead.

  The fourth grade group got off the bus first and entered the seemingly undefended cross-border portal standing naked in a wide square.

  There aren't any special light and shadow effects.

  The new blood of Storm Sea walked into the portal one after another without causing any disturbance.

  Soon, all the third and second graders came through the door, and it was the first grade's turn.

  Under the prompts of the intelligent puppet, the new blood entered in order according to the comprehensive ranking of the three examination results.

  Lanie Taylor was the first to walk into the portal, and her figure disappeared instantly.

  Link followed closely behind, carrying a large and heavy bag, and walked in.

  After entering the door, the sense of tearing apart time and space was very strong, and my eyes instinctively closed tightly.

  Link felt like he was being protected by a stream of water surrounding his whole body.

  The feeling of tearing apart time and space did not have much impact on the body and senses.

  I don’t know how long it took, maybe a second, maybe a long time.

  Link felt that what he was stepping on was no longer a hard and flat floor, but an uneven mud floor with layers of dead leaves.

  He opened his eyes and found himself in a forest.

  This forest is very desolate, and at first glance, Link feels like an old man who has run out of energy.

  Putting aside the slightly weird feeling, Link prepared his defense and observed the surrounding environment.

  The woods are not big, covering about 1 acre of land.

  Dead branches and leaves were everywhere, and many broken branches fell to the ground.

  A few steps away from Link, there was a small, palm-sized bag with the emblem of Riversouth College embroidered on the surface.

  Taking off the heavy bag he was carrying, Link took out four reconnaissance puppets that looked like intelligent law enforcement puppets and laid them flat on the ground.

  Place two standard first-level magic stones on each puppet, and then start them.

  After an inaudible chirping, the reconnaissance puppet took off from the ground and flew separately to guard in all directions.

  Thanks to the reissue of 100 million point rewards from Wizard Seren, Link updated another wave of equipment before the midterm exam.

  These four reconnaissance puppets are all Level 1 witchcraft weapons, and they cost nearly three-quarters of the price to obtain.

  In addition, there are many rune items with different functions in the big bag, as well as three major killer weapons.

  The more good things the better.

  For his own safety, Link purchased another weapon that was said to have a chance of killing a first-level wizard.

  Soon, the feedback from the reconnaissance puppet was conveyed to Link through the bone conduction headset hanging on his left ear.

  After making sure that there were no hidden dangers around him, Link stepped forward and picked up the small bag.

  Opening the small bag, there were only two things inside, a watch and a folded letter.

  Link opened the folded letter and saw what was written on it:

  Main mission 1: Choose your camp (what you do determines your camp, think carefully and act carefully)
  Main mission 2: Camp confrontation (what the enemy wants to do, That’s what you want to destroy)
  Main mission 3: Save the world, or destroy the world (depending on the camp)

  Side mission 1: Investigate the truth about the decay of this world (you can do it or not, it depends on the situation)

  Side mission 2: Draw a world map

  Side task 3: Collect water samples and analyze them into parts. Side

  task 4: Collect soil and analyze them into parts.

  Side task 5: Make various plant specimens .

  Side task 6: Make various animal specimens

  . Side task 7: Find sustainable development strategies for the world.

  Total 3 1 main mission and 7 side missions.

  After reading the contents on the paper, Link was thoughtful.

  Judging from the few traces so far, it seems that this competition between the two districts has a deeper meaning!
  Fold the paper, put it back into the bag, and take out the watch to check its functions.

  After careful operation, Link felt a hole in his heart and didn't know whether to vomit or not.

  The functions of the watch are very simple, there are only three:
  First, contact, there are three modes: public channel, camp channel, and private channel. In
  public channel mode, you can send a message of no more than ten words every day, which can be seen by everyone. In

  the camp channel mode, you can send two messages of no more than ten words per day, which can be seen by everyone in the camp. In the

  private channel mode, you can send three messages of no more than ten words per day to private individuals, which can only be seen by the other party;

  2. It is positioning, searching for names, and after agreeing to bind each other, the positions of both parties can be located once a day;

  The third is the footprint map, which is easy to understand, literally.

  The three functions of the watch are very practical, but the college is so stingy!

  One, two, or three messages a day doesn’t matter, it’s understandable.

  But if each message doesn’t exceed ten words, what does it count?

  Is it a test of your ability to form words and sentences, or a test of your tacit understanding?
  Regardless of whether he complained or not, Link put the small bag into the big bag and then picked up the big bag.

  Adjust the mode of the reconnaissance puppet to accompanying alert. Link is not prepared to stay here for a long time and is ready to leave.

  But before leaving, there is one thing that needs to be done.

  Wizard Ella’s emphasis still rings in my ears:
  solo action is far more dangerous than team action;
  the first thing to do after confirming safety is to find teammates!

  Link entered Jasmine Kidman's name into the positioning function of his watch.

  Only one person can be located every day, and the first choice is of course Jasmine, who has the highest trust level.

  I just hope that Jasmine’s surroundings are safe and that she can find her little bag as soon as possible.

  After a while, the watch responded, and Jasmine agreed to the request to bind each other.

  Carefully considering his words, Link entered a concise message: Locate each other and pay attention to danger.

  Not even a punctuation mark.

  After waiting for a short while, a reply came from the watch: Don't worry about the danger of the river beast for now.

  Link took a look and immediately translated the specific meaning:
  Okay, don't worry, it's safe for now. I'm by the river and was blocked by a dangerous beast. I'm trying to figure out a way.

  The college that is indifferent does not handle personnel matters!
  I was given a watch for communication, but there were still such harsh restrictions.

  Link cursed secretly and issued a request for mutual positioning.

  Jasmine quickly agreed.

  Two small arrow-shaped light spots immediately appear on the watch.

  But it only flashed for less than 5 seconds and disappeared immediately.

  Fortunately, Link remembered the location of the two light spots and the direction of the arrow.

  What is unpleasant is that there is no reference, no scale, no way to tell how far apart they are.

  Without too much entanglement, Link took action, supported by four reconnaissance puppets, and headed towards Jasmine's location.

  When traveling in the wild, especially in an unfamiliar wild place like this where you don't know anything about the situation, you can't go fast, and you can't go fast.

  Link simply walked while carefully observing the surrounding environment.

  From time to time, he takes some water samples and soil, and picks some roots, stems, leaves, and fruits of plants that are completely different from those in the wizarding world, and quickly makes specimens with the help of witchcraft.

  The big bag he was carrying contained a set of simple pharmacy equipment.

  It's just taking samples and making some specimens, no problem at all.

  What worries Link is that the capacity of the large bag is limited and must be considered for the future, so he cannot save all the samples and specimens that Link is interested in and feels the need to keep.

  "We must find Jasmine, Buck and the others as soon as possible."

  With this thought in mind, Link was not impatient and continued to move at a steady pace.

  We walked for more than two hours and covered about 10 miles.

  Link found that the "sun" above his head showed no signs of moving, and he became confused.

  Is it possible that there are no changes in day and night in this world?

  With this doubt, Link walked for more than an hour, paying attention to the relationship between the "sun" and himself.

  From various signs, Link can initially conclude that the "sun" of this world is hanging in the "sky" and will not move.

  "It's a bit interesting."

  Link deliberately remembered this discovery, thinking about it and realizing something.

  As for what he realized, Link said that this is just a guess and cannot be determined yet.

  "Is there anyone? Help me!"

  Suddenly, Link heard shouts coming from the front.

  Question: What should I do if I hear a cry for help in the wild?

  Link's choice was to instantly activate the active defense mode of the "Defender 3202" suit,

  and then command two reconnaissance puppets to patrol within a radius of 100 meters around him.
  The other two reconnaissance puppets detoured from the left and right directions, heading towards the person who was shouting. Local reconnaissance.

  He swiped his left hand to his waist and took off a flashing self-destructing fire mine, ready to be fired at any time.

  He took out the black lenses from his breast pocket with his right hand and clamped them on the bridge of his nose to the gold-rimmed glasses that he had exchanged for 2 points of "credits".

  This lens is linked to the reconnaissance puppets, and you can see the real-time images of the four reconnaissance puppets.

  Using mental control, you can switch between different detection puppets, and you can also zoom in/out the screen.

  A moment later, Link saw a well-equipped but immature girl surrounded by a group of beasts that looked like gray wolves but were much taller.

  There is no such girl among the 30 new blood of Storm Sea in the first grade.

  So, this is a North End local apprenticeship.

  Regardless of caution or prejudice, Link was not prepared to interfere in this matter.

  Even though he vaguely guessed that the key to distinguishing camps lies in these choices of good, evil, or indifference.

  Link is not an evil person who loves destruction, nor is he a good person who does good without principles.

  He has no sense of responsibility for this world. There is no need to worry about saving or destroying it. It doesn't matter.

  After identifying the direction, Link decided to take a detour.

  Avoid the girl in front and the group of hungry "wild wolves".

  But before Link could take action, the girl from the North District who was trapped on the little bumper discovered Link.

  Obviously, Link is not the only one who possesses reconnaissance and detection witchcraft.

  Like a drowning person grabbing for life-saving straw, she shouted loudly towards Link's position from a distance: "Friends of witches, help! Get a hand! The little girl is very grateful!" Link immediately stepped back

  . Stop.

  He was recognized!


  a witch's friend?

  The other party actually knew this title which only appeared sporadically on the "Riversos Forum" a few times!

  It's obviously impossible to know anything about Link's situation.

  In this case, taking a detour is not the best option.

  Gotta find another way.

   The day before yesterday and yesterday, the two days of explosive updates ended. It will be updated normally starting today. If you write more, I will update more. Just keep up with the latest news normally.

  (End of chapter)

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