Chapter 109 Potion Packaging

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  Chapter 109: Potion Distribution

  Wizard Seren calmly accepted Link's salute.

  She stopped making any sound, picked up the cup, and took a sip of the refreshing hot drink in the cup.

  Seeing this, Link stopped disturbing Wizard Seren and went into the men's locker room to change into uniform.

  About fifteen minutes before the normal working hours, a tall man with a sinewy appearance walked into the store.

  He is over two meters tall, his elbows are thicker than Link's thighs, his bulging chest muscles, his upper body is an inverted triangle, and his thighs are as close as Link's waist, all of which prove that he is a little giant.

  "Boss Serin, I'm here to report for duty."

  The giant man shouted angrily. His voice was obviously lowered on purpose, but it was still very loud.

  Link could hear it clearly in the backyard.

  "Lorken, how many times have I told you to lower your voice and speak!"

  Wizard Seren specially stayed in the front hall today and did not go to the second floor early just to wait for the giant Loken.

  As soon as they met, the giant Loken made a noise attack, and his mood suddenly became unhappy.


  Giant Han Loken smiled honestly, raised his hand and scratched his head, and said apologetically, "I have lowered my voice, but I have a natural voice, so there is nothing I can do about it." "


  Wizard Serin glared at Giant Han Loken . , said angrily, "You have the most excuses. Okay, don't talk nonsense here and go to the backyard to take over. I'm warning you, don't scare little Link." "No, I, Lorcan, like to make friends the most

  . ."

  The giant man Loken patted his chest and gave assurance with bang bang bang.

  Wizard Celine was too lazy to pay attention to this hypocritical idiot and went upstairs.

  This idiot, the more you talk to him, the more excited he becomes.

  If you ignore him, you can be at peace.

  It was obviously not the first time for Loken, the giant man, to come to the pharmacy. He was familiar with the way. He skipped the stairwell and restaurant and walked into the men's locker room.

  There is a cabinet inside, and uniforms that fit the figure of the giant Loken have been prepared.

  After changing into his uniform, the giant Loken came to the backyard operation room.

  "Hello, I'm Loken."

  After receiving the instructions from Wizard Serin, I also learned about a series of incidents recently, and knew that Wizard Paro valued Link Grande. The giant Loken did not look down on a small wizard. The apprentice, as a second-level wizard, actually extended his huge right hand to express friendship.

  This is an extremely rare thing.

  Link didn't know the wizard level of the giant man in front of him, but he could call Wizard Serin the boss. Considering the background of Wizard Serin who recently retired from the front line, there was no need to guess too much, he must be an official wizard.

  As for whether it is level one, level two, or level three, Link doesn't even know.

  However, this did not prevent Link from correcting his attitude. He quickly put down what he was holding, wiped his hands clean, and held it.

  When people give you face, you have to keep it, right?

  "Hello, Wizard Loken, I am Link Grande."

  While shaking hands, Link introduced himself.


  The giant man Loken let go of Link's hand and nodded in praise, "I know you are outstanding, much better than me before." "

  Where, where,"

  Link had to be humble at this time, He quickly said, "No, no."

  "Don't say these polite words."

  The giant man Loken waved his hand and said with a heroic smile, "If you keep talking, the little guy's legs will probably weaken from fear. Well... Boss Serin asked I'll hand it over to you, let's start now."

  Link heard this and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  Faced with an unfamiliar official wizard who he had never dealt with before and whose temperament he didn't know, Link was under a lot of pressure.

  Everything you say and do must be carefully considered.

  Link didn't think he could offend an official wizard just by relying on Wizard Paro's favor.

  The more approachable the other party is, the more cautious Link will be.

  I'm afraid that if I don't say a word well, I'll offend the other person.

  Just talk about business, just talk about business!

  Link immediately showed off his professional style and introduced all aspects of pre-processing and finishing of plants and herbs.

  After being reminded by Wizard Serin, Link started drafting early.

  Now the handover begins, without any delay, the two tasks are introduced comprehensively, deeply and smoothly.

  "Okay, leave this to me!"

  The giant Loken was very satisfied after hearing this. He got a little excited and slapped Link on the shoulder.

  There was a crunching sound.

  Link's right shoulder immediately collapsed, and then his whole body fell sideways.

  If Link hadn't reacted in time, he would have fallen to the ground by now.

  The "Defender 3202" suit is useless at all.

  This is not a witchcraft attack at all, but pure physical power.

  Under the stress state of passive defense, the suit is extremely defenseless!
  Link felt an excruciating pain on the right side of his body, but he could do nothing, let alone scream.

  What if this was intentional?

  Know people, know faces, but don’t know hearts.

  The more honest-looking a person is, the more careful he or she must be.

  Who knows if he is really stupid or a hypocrite?
  Gritting his teeth despite the pain, Link put his left hand on his right upper arm and twisted it back and forth to reattach the dislocated shoulder joint.

  At this time, Loken said sarcastically: "Oh, look at my hands. They are neither light nor heavy. I can cause trouble if I am not careful. I'm sorry, little Link!" After the words fell, Loken cast a healing witchcraft


  Brilliant emerald green light erupted from the fingertips of Loken's right hand and landed on Link's painful right shoulder.

  In just the blink of an eye, the cool breath spread over the injured area, the severe pain disappeared, and the swelling disappeared.

  Link released his left hand that was holding his right upper arm, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's just that my body is too weak and I can't withstand the strength of Wizard Loken." Loken seemed to be relieved

  , He praised: "It's good if you think so, I'm afraid you misunderstood. I really didn't mean to get into trouble with you, hey..."

  After saying that, Loken patted his head and said distressedly, "How can I get over it?" The darker the description, the more it looks like I did it on purpose."

  Link didn't want to dwell on this topic, so he said: "Wizard Loken, do you think our handover is complete?" "Forget it, guess it

  , Forget it."

  Loken said with an honest smile, "You said it so carefully and comprehensively, why is it not considered that the handover is completed? You can go about your business, I will take over here." "Okay, Wizard Loken, I

  will Let's go first."

  Link waved his left hand, walked out of the backyard, and changed out of his somewhat dirty uniform in the men's locker room.

  During this period, Link specifically checked his right shoulder.

  After being treated with the healing witchcraft of Wizard Loken, no problem can be seen from the outside, and no trace of injury can be seen.

  Link didn't stay long, put on another brand new uniform, left the locker room, and went up the stairs to the second floor.

  The first and second floors are generally larger in area, but have completely different layouts.

  The entire second floor is open, with only glass curtain walls separating different functional areas.

  Wizard Serling was sitting in the living/office area. When he saw Link, he asked in a calm tone: "Is Loken giving you a hard time?"

  In this pharmacy, nothing can be hidden from Wizard Serling's eyes and ears.

  As long as she thought about it, she could find traces of an ant crawling by.

  There are only two special places, namely the men's and women's locker rooms.

  During construction, special materials were added and alchemy was used, which can isolate the detection of mental power and minimize the detection of the five senses.

  Link shook his head and said, "It's not difficult for me. Wizard Loken is very enthusiastic."


  Wizard Serling squeezed out a question from his nasal cavity, changed his voice and explained lightly, "Loken is very enthusiastic about you." There is no malice, this is his habit. When he sees someone who is more handsome than him, he wants to take a photo."

  Link remained silent.

  Some questions must be answered, and some questions do not want to be answered.

  It is Link's principle not to tell lies.

  He really didn't think that Wizard Loken was making things difficult for him just now, and he did think that Wizard Loken was very enthusiastic.

  But when it comes to that shot, that's when the Loken wizard isn't used to it.

  Sorry, Link was not that generous. He received a slap and suffered severe pain, but he still had to be considerate.

  At best, he doesn't hold grudges.

  And Link really doesn't hold grudges.

  Seeing this, Wizard Serin stopped talking and instead ordered: "Today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, you will follow Tina to do the work of dispensing potions." "Okay, Wizard Serin."


  . Ke responded, turned his eyes, found Tina who was already busy, and walked over.

  Pharmaceutical dispensing is not simply about transferring liquid from a large volume container to a small volume container. This is a position with high technical requirements.

  You must be familiar with the characteristics, packaging techniques, and precautions of medicines. This is a basic skill.

  Some special medicines are very delicate and require harsh storage conditions. If there is a slight mistake, such as not putting them into a dark medicine bottle, they will lose their effectiveness immediately if they are exposed to sunlight.

  There are countless situations like this, and more demanding ones.

  Therefore, if you want to be a good pharmacy dispensing assistant, you must have a good grasp of pharmacy knowledge, be proficient in techniques, and be bold and careful.

  Link came to the second floor with a learning attitude.

  Therefore, he was not in a hurry to disturb Tina who was working, nor was he in a hurry to start blindly. Link stood aside and quietly watched Tina's operations.

  After a while, Tina finally diluted and packed a large bottle of the refined "regret" potion.

  Looking at the whole ten crystal clear bottles, they still exude an inexplicable attraction through the special glass medicine bottles.

  This kind of attraction is called magic stone, and it is a standard second-level magic stone!
  Link admired Tina very much. She could hold so many standard second-level magic stones with her hands so steadily, and the whole operation was flawless and very smooth.

  "You're here."

  Wizard Tina put ten "Repentance" potions into the refrigerator, said hello, and asked, "How do you feel after reading this?"

  Link thought for a while and replied honestly: "How does it feel?" Very exciting!"

  "How do you say it?"

  Tina was quite curious about Link's statement.

  "I stood on the edge, not daring to take a big breath, for fear of affecting you."

  Link smiled, "If I mess up, I can't afford to pay for so many magic stones! I can't afford to pay for selling them! "


  Tina's smile was very low, and she was actually so amused that she let out a funny laugh like a goose's cry.

  The laughter echoed in the pharmaceutical dispensing room, making it even weirder.

  After a while, Tina stopped her weird smile and said: "Don't worry, when the time comes, I will introduce you to some rich women, and you can still afford to accompany them after selling them." After a pause, Tina said

  that The reason for the strange smile, "After all, several rich women have already asked privately how much it would cost to eat a chicken like you, a 'friend of the witch'!" A black question

  mark face appeared in Link's mind.jpg.

  What kind of tiger and wolf language is this?
  Are witches so fierce?

  I am still underage and very immature,

  how can I do this?
  Regarding this unhealthy topic, Link chose to remain silent.

  Perhaps she felt that speaking pornographically in front of a minor was not a good idea, so Tina promptly changed the subject and asked, "What are you going to do? Watch first? Or start directly?" "I don't dare to start directly." Link shook his head and


  , "I'd better learn from Sister Tina first, and it won't be too late to get started when the time is right." "That's


  Tina agreed, not showing off.

  For the entire morning that followed, Link followed Tina, mainly watching, occasionally hitting her hands and handing over tools.

  Of course, you can't just look at it, you have to compare it with the knowledge and methods of dispensing medicines that you have memorized in your mind.

  Theory connects with practice.

  After finishing my work in the morning, I changed clothes and had lunch.

  Wizard Serin and the giant Loken did not stay in the restaurant to eat, but went out.

  Tina carried the dinner plate to the table of Link and Jasmine.

  She glanced around, looking a little sneaky, and asked in a low voice: "Have you met the new colleagues, are they easy to get along with?" Her

  voice was as low as a gnat, but it was heard by Sallya and Ai not far away. La heard clearly.

  The two of them turned their heads in unison and stared at Link.

  Clearly, the three female employees were concerned about this issue.

  How could Link respond?
  Talk about getting along well?

  Link had only been in contact with Wizard Loken for a short time, and he didn't understand the other person's temperament and style at all.

  If later on, the three of them find that Wizard Loken is not easy to get along with, who is to blame?

  Loken Wizard's, or Link's?
  Are you saying it's hard to get along?
  Doesn't this directly offend people?

  He just smiled, said nothing, and lowered his head to eat.

  Upon seeing this, Tina understood Link's embarrassing situation and did not continue to ask further questions.

  Salia and Ella were both a little disappointed and thought they could hear some inside information.


  After lunch and a short rest, everyone got busy again.

  After walking up to the second floor, Tina raised her eyebrows at Link and asked quietly: "Isn't it difficult to get along with you?"

  Link was speechless.

  Why are you still struggling with this issue?

  Although he can understand Tina's thoughts...

  Among the three female employees, she will have the most dealings with the giant Loken.

  If Wizard Loken was not an easy person to get along with, then she would have been prepared.

  But, can you think about it from his perspective?


  Link looked helpless and wailed, "Please let me go. Don't always ask questions that I can't answer."

  Tina smiled when she heard this, and finally gave up her plan to get to the bottom of it.

  Fortunately, she was very thoughtful, so she didn't take it to heart because of Link's mistake.

  When it comes to dispensing and dispensing medicines, we need to teach them how they should be taught, without any hidden secrets.

  Link was quite grateful for this.

  Study more seriously!

  (End of chapter)

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