Chapter 106 Reunion on the roadside

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  Chapter 106 Reunion on the roadside

  "Thank you, Link."

  Jasmine closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and suppressed all the tumbling emotions.

  In a very short period of time, she flashed back from leaving the Quete Islands, arriving at the academy, indulging in social entertainment, changing her mind, following studies, conducting research experiments, improving her grades, working part-time, and finally witnessing it with her own eyes today.

  Then, as if the sword had withstood the scorching flames and countless blows, and was quenched in water and then directly formed,

  Jasmine's whole body suddenly became much more mature.

  When he opened his eyes, the aristocratic lady who liked to play tricks, had a taste for tea art, and was accustomed to dependence completely disappeared. What appeared in front of Link was a truly qualified wizard apprentice.

  Be rational, self-interested, and focus on climbing up.

  Whether it is the pursuit of knowledge, truth and power, or power and status.


  Wizard Serin looked back and exclaimed in admiration.

  At first, Sorcerer Paro sent Jasmine Kidman to work as a part-time shopping guide. After Sorcerer Celine read the file, she actually didn't want to accept it.

  His qualifications are not very good, his temperament is delicate, and he can't stand being wronged very easily.

  Seeing that Jasmine Kidman had followed both research and development processes, Wizard Celine reluctantly agreed.

  Later, during the contact process, Wizard Serling discovered several shining points of Jasmine Kidman, and his impression of her changed.

  That is to listen to advice, be able to reflect, learn to make progress, and learn from each other's strengths.

  It only took two days for Jasmine Kidman to go from being a newbie to being a proficient person in her position as a shopping guide.

  Wizard Celine noticed that Link Grande did not give any explicit help except introducing Jasmine Kidman to Salia.

  This is completely a reflection of Jasmine's personal ability.

  That’s why Wizard Celine brought Jasmine Kidman with her today.

  Originally, I wanted Linke Grande and Jasmine Kidman to experience the large-scale mass production of pharmaceuticals in real life, so as to accumulate some experience in designing industrial production processes for laboratory products in the future.

  Unexpectedly, this aspect has not yet begun, and Jasmine Kidman actually received a spiritual baptism.

  This is good for Jasmine Kidman now and in the future.

  "Test your mental strength when you go back, you will be surprised."

  Wizard Serin reminded.

  Jasmine, who felt that her mental state was much better than before, couldn't help but look happy when she heard this.

  Soon, Jasmine calmed down her emotions and kept up with Wizard Serin.

  The main business today was to debug the new Hemerocallis series production line, not to change her mood and improve her strength.

  Being aware of current affairs is another advantage of Jasmine.

  Know when to do something and never mess around.

  This is very important, whether you like it or not, at least you are not annoying.

  The debugging of the new production line is actually not complicated, and it is far from the point where Wizard Seren needs to personally take action.

  It's just that the surge in orders has made the factory really busy.

  And Wizard Serin valued Link Grande's talent in potion and alchemy, so he thought of playing around to develop it, which is why he took this trip today.

  Throughout the whole process, Wizard Serling did not take any action at all, but continued to dominate Link and Jasmine, especially Link.

  Running around, jumping up and down.

  Stumbling and stumbling, making mistakes several times, and starting over again.

  It took the two of them a whole morning to complete a task that an experienced person could do in less than half an hour.

  After leaving the "workshop", I changed into protective clothing and left the factory.

  Wizard Seren flicked his fingers, and the sweat and dirt on Link and Jasmine disappeared instantly.

  She didn't want her car to get dirty.

  Link looked down at his clean and dry body, and an obsession he had had since the beginning of school suddenly came to mind.

  After boarding the hover car, after the hover car came out of the acceleration phase and the speed stabilized, Link couldn't help but ask: "Wizard Seren, do water and wood types have instant cleaning witchcraft similar to the one just now?" "Why are you doing this

  ? Interested?"

  Wizard Serin asked curiously.


  Link pondered for a moment, then told the truth, "I think it's such a waste of time to wash up every day." "


  Wizard Serin laughed so hard when he heard this.

  Link really didn't know where his simple words hit wizard Serin.

  It actually caused such a big reaction.

  Jasmine also spoke at this time: "Wizard Serin, I really want to learn this, could you please give me some advice."

  After a while, Wizard Serin stopped laughing and said directly without being pretentious: "This is not witchcraft. It's just a simple technique for using mental power and magic power. But if you want to master this technique, you must first be promoted to an official wizard." "Oh, so

  that's it."

  Jasmine suddenly lost interest in this witchcraft technique.

  Link calculated how long it would take him to learn this sorcery skill.

  If all goes well, maybe next year, I won't have to worry about washing and cleaning anymore.

  "Work hard."

  Wizard Serin encouraged the two of them and then concentrated on driving her car.

  She liked this feeling of being so fast and in control.

  Not long after, the pharmacy arrived.

  The three of them got out of the car and just happened to catch up with the restaurant's smart kitchen to prepare lunch.

  After being busy all morning, I not only consumed a lot of mental energy and magic power, but also consumed more physical energy.

  It was rare for Link to experience the feeling of hunger again.

  Even Jasmine stopped paying so much attention to etiquette when eating.

  The two of them finished off more than half the food than usual, leaving Salia, Tina, and Ella stunned.

  It’s just that I haven’t seen you all morning. Your appetite has increased so much?
  Fortunately, the smart kitchen provides only a lot more food, otherwise it would not be enough.

  After lunch, take a short rest and start working.

  The plants and herbs that were not processed in the morning are waiting for Link's processing.

  Another busy afternoon.

  When the sky glowed with red sunset, Link had just finished processing all the plants and herbs.

  The business has been very busy these two days, which affects all aspects.

  The six potions launched at the press conference for first- and second-level wizards are already selling like crazy.

  Link's workload has increased a lot.

  In other words, Link has been working for more than a month, and practice makes perfect. Compared with when he first started working part-time, his efficiency has improved so much that he can sustain it.

  However, Wizard Serin still needs to consider recruitment.

  After next week, Link and Jasmine will no longer be able to work part-time in the store.

  After two days of rest, the spring semester is about to begin.

  New Year?

  The Wizarding World doesn't celebrate this, just an update on the calendar.

  Facing the sunset, Link and Jasmine left the pharmacy and walked to the platform.

  "Jasmine Kidman, Link Grande, it's really you, wait, wait a minute."

  Just as he was about to get in the car, Link suddenly heard someone calling him and Jasmine, and the voice was still Quite familiar.

  After a quick search in the Memory Palace, Link immediately identified the owner of the voice, Jimny Hendrix.

  One of the five people who came out of the Kuite Islands and later went to the Metal and Flame Trading Company. (See Chapter 6)

  "Why is he here?"

  Following the sound, he found Jimny Hendrix, who was raising his right hand high and waving. Link had doubts in his heart.

  At the same time, he waved to Jimny Hendrix and walked towards him.

  "Jimny, long time no see."

  Link said hello and extended his right hand.

  "Yeah, it's been almost half a year!"

  Jimny clasped his hands tightly and refused to let go for a long time.

  It was obvious that he was really excited to meet Link and Jasmine.

  "Jimny, are you okay?"

  Jasmine followed up and said hello warmly.

  In a strange place where you are not familiar with, even if you have been there for a while, you are still a foreign country. It is a rare blessing to be able to meet friends from the same place.

  "Hello, Jasmine, I'm very happy to see you again."

  Jimny let go of Link's right hand, wiped his hands vigorously on his clothes, wiped away the sweat on his palms, and then carefully shook Jasmine's hand.

  "Are you free now? Let's find a place to get together and have a good chat." After

  the greetings were finished, the street was not a place for talking and reminiscing, so Link suggested.

  Jasmine's green eyes also fell on Jimny.

  "Yes, yes, yes!"

  Jimny nodded repeatedly, "I came out with a transportation team from the trading company. I have finished my work. It is free time now. Just go back and sleep at night." "Okay." Link looked


  . After a moment, he sifted through the map in his mind and picked a direction. "Let's go. I know a small shop that's pretty good and suitable for chatting." "Okay, okay, okay.


  Jimny agreed repeatedly.

  This state kept Link secretly in mind.

  On the way to the west coast after leaving the Quete Islands, Link didn't have much contact with Jimny, but he remembered that Jimny's speaking style was not like it is now.

  It must have been some strong stimulation that caused such a big change.

  The small shop is not far from the platform, just a few minutes' walk away. It specializes in hot drinks and snacks. It falls into the category that Link was reluctant to go in when he first visited the East District.

  However, I met a fellow villager by chance today. The first dividend from the new method of accelerating the germination of Silver Star Flower has been distributed, and there will be dividends from cross-breeding in the future. I don’t miss a few magic stones in my pocket, so why not spend a handful.

  Link was barely the host. After being led by the waiter to sit down, he ordered a hot drink + snack set for each of the three of them.

  "It's so expensive here."

  Jimny watched the waiter go away, twisted his butt uncomfortably, and whispered in a weak tone.

  "This is our first time to come to such a high-end place."

  Link noticed Jimny's embarrassment and expressed relief, "I'm happy today. Jasmine and I can also take part in your glory and experience high consumption."

  " Yes, it’s our first time here too.”

  Jasmine also helped.

  It was indeed the first time for her to come to this small store, and it was also the first time she spent a lot of money since enrolling in Riversouth.

  Magic stones are hard to earn.

  The waiter quickly presented three meals.

  "Okay, it's really good!"

  Jimny picked up the hot drink and carefully took a sip. He narrowed his eyes and smacked it deliciously before letting out a sigh, "This tastes good. It will be even better to see you again."

  As he said that, a hint of sadness suddenly flashed in Jimny's eyes.

  He put down the cup and said in a low tone:

  "It's a pity that Chris is dead."


  Jasmine immediately exclaimed.

  This news came so suddenly.

  Link looked over, waiting for Jimny to say what he wanted to say next.

  Jimny sighed and said sadly: "A month ago, I sent a batch of goods to the Shadow City with the caravan. I searched around and found Christina. She told me that they entered the Shadow City not long ago, probably less than Two months ago, Chris accidentally got into a conflict with someone in order to compete for a resource. He

  originally thought that if he gave up the resource and avoided the other party, everything would be fine. But the other party refused to give up and kept pestering Chris and even harassed Christie. Na.

  Chris was so angry that he made a fight with the opponent, and in the end both lost.

  He had no magic stones and couldn't afford the potion, so he died like this.


  At this point, Jimny's voice choked up, "Not even the whole body was left behind. , was recycled by the City of Shadows!"

  Link knew how Riversoth College dealt with the corpses of new blood from the Storm Sea who died in the West District. Naturally, he had no reaction when he heard the news.

  But Jasmine is different.

  This news had a great impact on Jasmine.

  If she hadn't already received a shock of education in the morning and had a much more mature mentality, it would have been difficult for Jasmine to digest the news in a short period of time.

  "What happened next?"

  Jasmine asked with a little sadness on her face, but still in a calm mood, "How is Christina doing now? Is she doing well?" "

  Christina was not doing well for a while."

  Jimny sighed again and said, "She changed her situation later on when she took refuge with a member of a local big family in Shadow City."

  Jasmine was not an inexperienced fool, so she naturally understood what Jimny didn't say explicitly.


  However, besides letting out a long sigh, Jasmine had nothing else to do.

  Link waited for Jimny's mood to relax a little, and then asked: "What about you? Jimny, how are you doing?"

  Jimny's face suddenly looked unnatural and slightly embarrassed.

  He picked up a piece of snack, placed it with his left hand near his chin, carefully brought the snack to his mouth with his right hand, took a bite, chewed slowly, and enjoyed it carefully.

  When Link saw this, he stopped asking about the current situation.

  This performance obviously has a story, and it has encountered difficulties, or the current situation is not very good.

  Taking a sip of the hot drink and tasting a small piece of snack, Link felt the satisfaction of his taste buds, as well as a slight touch of spiritual power and magic.

  You get what you pay for.

  The price of half a standard first-level magic stone is not a waste at all.

  Jimny carefully finished the snack in his hand, not even wasting the crumbs caught in his left hand. He tilted his head and poured it into his mouth, chewed it carefully a few times, and ate it with a small mouthful of hot drink.

  After savoring the delicious food, he suddenly drank the hot drink quickly.

  Putting down the cup, he picked up the napkin next to the tableware, wiped the stains from the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile: "I have never eaten such delicious snacks, nor drank such delicious hot drinks. It cost you money."

  Link He smiled and said, "Happiness is the most important thing."


  Jimny praised and repeated, "Who says otherwise. Happiness is the most important thing!"

  However, Link saw the bitterness on Jimny's eyebrows and thought, you What I want to say is not this, but...

  living is the most important thing!

  (End of chapter)

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