Chapter 101 Hot searches and hot discussions

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  Chapter 101 Hot searches discuss
  What a bully!
  Sophie Lucia's silver teeth almost shattered.

  At this moment, Sophie Lucia hated Link Grande, this bumpkin new blood from the Sea of ​​Storms.

  If it weren't for the mental witchcraft effect of wizard Peter Lionel, she would have completely broken through her defenses and had an attack on the spot.

  A country bumpkin, he bullied others over and over again, and it was extremely abominable.

  However, Sophie Lucia had to admit that Link Grande, a bumpkin, did really well this time!

  leaving her speechless.

  "Don't be proud, you won't be able to dance for long."

  Sophie Lucia was forced to accept this so-called "apology" under the pressure of Wizard Paro, otherwise she would be contemptuous of Wizard Paro.

  By then, not only will wizard Peter Lionel no longer stand up for her, but even her cousin Soren Lucia will probably not be able to speak.

  She could only grit her teeth and respond in a low voice.

  Link smiled, said no more, and returned to the east booth area.

  With so many wizards present, no matter how quietly the two of them communicated, they would still be heard.

  How could Link leave something to say?

  However, on the way back, Link also reminded himself secretly.

  The limelight today is really too big, and we must stabilize it in the future and not let it drift.

  Low-key life, high-profile work.

  You cannot do things in a high-profile manner and be a high-profile person at the same time.

  That would be too jealous.

  "Peter, Sauron, am I not bullying the small now?"

  Wizard Paro smiled. He was very satisfied with Link's words and deeds just now, so when he spoke to his nemesis, his tone was much softer and less angry. rush.

  Peter Lionel did not answer, but looked at Soren Lucia.

  Today is Sauron Lucia's home court. He should be in charge of what to do and how to deal with it.

  This is the most basic respect for the host. No matter how close the relationship between the two is, there will be differences in certain interests and positions.

  You can't just add seasonings or operate randomly when the chef is cooking without permission!
  Peter Lionel came forward to protect Sophie Lucia before, purely because the Paro wizard was targeting him, so he used Sophie Lucia as a trap, and it was a last resort.

  Sauron Lucia is not like Wizard Paro and Peter Lionel who are in the stage of transformation. Except for her face changing when she is affected by the "regret" potion, she remains calm the rest of the time.

  He nodded to Peter Lionel to express his understanding, and then told Sophie Lucia: "Sophie, thank you, and then continue to host the press conference. Remember, our press conference is just like our Potion, there are not so many weird things, it is very pure!"

  After a pause, Sauron Lucia emphasized: "As for comparing sales and evaluation, let's go on. A person who can't even recognize the raw materials of potion What kind of good medicine can a new blood in the grade make? Unless we find someone to make it!"

  This sentence was directed at Link Grande, questioning Link's ability and paving the way for possible failure in the future. Then there will be an excuse to explain.

  After all, the Paro wizard is coming fiercely, and Sauron Lucia doesn't want to say anything, lest she be embarrassed later and be unable to stand down.

  "Thank you Wizard Paro for your kindness, but I really don't have any use for it. This gift can only be thrown in the corner to collect ashes."

  Under the influence of mental witchcraft, Sophie Lucia completely regained her composure and said loudly, "Lu Qia Pharmacy has been based in the East District for nearly a hundred years, and its reputation and reputation are very strong, and cannot be defeated by one or two strange tricks. I solemnly introduce to all distinguished guests, the sixteen products launched by Lucia Pharmacy this time The new products, they are..."

  Wizard Paro's goal has been basically achieved, so he stopped messing with it.

  The press conference still needs to be completed.

  You can't really bully people too much, right?
  After that, the press conferences on both sides entered a regular rhythm.

  Each of them sent a beautiful wizard or a beautiful wizard apprentice to explain and recommend various potions to interested guests.

  But it is obvious that the flow of people on the east side is much greater than that on the west side.

  The reason is very simple. The strange trick that started the game worked.

  The appeal of wizard Serin was greatly improved instantly with the help of the "Remorse" potion.
  Many wizards cannot afford the "Remorse" potion even if they can't afford it. They also want to take a look at the other six products for first- and second-level wizards. For potions, ask about the effect and the price;
  secondly, many people are indeed attracted by the gimmick specially designed by the Paro wizard, and

  want to see what kind of aromatherapy essential oils, fragrances and perfumes the first-year new blood has developed. It makes the Paro wizard value it so much that he thinks it can compete with the new fragrance of Lucia Pharmacy.

  The sharp contrast between the flow of people on the east and west sides was captured by a "reporter" from the "River South Forum".

  Sauron Lucia saw this scene, but couldn't stop it.

  "River South Forum" is a high-level forum, covering senior colleges and River South City, with a large number of users and profound backgrounds.

  The Lucia family and Lionel together did not dare to target the "Riversos Forum".

  Now it's too late to bribe him.

  The Paro wizard must have made a deal with the forum staff long ago.

  Sure enough, the press conference was still in progress, and the "River South Forum" used this photo as the cover and published a special post to report in detail what happened at the press conference.

  There are articles, pictures and videos. The writing is sophisticated and the wording is sharp. He directly uses "being knocked down without any struggle and being beaten without the ability to fight back" to describe the overall performance of Lucia's Pharmacy.

  Just like that, before the press conferences on both sides ended, what happened in the exhibition center seemed to have wings and spread throughout the city.

  The objects of attention at each level are naturally different.

  The third-level wizards who have never personally experienced the effects of the "Regret" potion are most concerned about the "Regret" potion, and they all follow up and ask questions.

  First- and second-level wizards pay more attention to the six potions also made by wizard Serin.

  A small number of people were attracted by the gimmick and posted to ask what the Hemerocallis series of aromatherapy essential oils, fragrances and perfumes were like and whether they were worth buying.

  Near noon, the press conference ended and everyone returned to the pharmacy.

  On the way, listening to Salia, Tina, and Ella chatting about the contents of many posts on the "Riversos Forum", Link realized that there were people similar to "up masters" in the wizarding world.

  Many wizards who purchased the potion at the press conference immediately posted about their trial experiences and reviews.

  The popularity of the Hemerocallis fulva series was not high at the beginning.

  Especially after several male wizards gave evaluations of "ordinary", "general", and "nothing special".

  It wasn't until a few beautiful wizards came off that they tried the Hemerocallis series with pictures, texts, videos, recordings, or live broadcasts. Only then did the reputation change in one fell swoop and the popularity increase.

  A little while later, the title of the most popular post on the "River South Forum" was "When will the witch stand up?".

  This natural boxing technique has directly confused many male wizards who value cost-effectiveness.

  The fragrances of the Hemerocallis series are indeed not much better than Lucia Pharmacy's new fragrances in terms of effect, they just put more thought into the fragrance.

  How come it has reached the level of wizards suppressing witches?

  A storm is gathering.

  Many witches used the Hemerocallis series, especially the fragrances and perfumes, to complain that the previous ladies' potions were not ladylike at all.

  In the past, few pharmacists, including female pharmacists, would consider women specifically and focus on enhancing charm and highlighting beauty in addition to practicality.

  The fragrance of Hemerocallis is light, fresh and timeless, suitable for daily life.

  After studying, researching, or even fighting every day, it would be great to have such a soothing fragrance at home that makes people feel good when they smell it.

  Hemerocallis perfume has many scents, including passionate, lively, charming, delicate, tranquil, and restrained. You can match it however you want. It can not only match your personality and preferences, but also match different moods and occasions.

  Isn't this more considerate than the "vulgar" perfumes found in other drug stores that have nothing new?
  Link was greatly surprised when he heard this.

  This is not the case. Those witches definitely exaggerated to vent their long-accumulated depression.

  There are indeed relatively few products designed from the perspective of women’s love for beauty, whether they are potions, witchcraft tools, or rune items, but they are not absent.

  After all, from the perspective of R&D personnel, focusing on practicality, as long as the core of the product is done well and the effect is strong, that's it.

  If you pay attention to beauty, or pay attention to both practicality and beauty, but also put a lot of thought into design and carving, then you are just looking for trouble for yourself.

  It's just that this time the situation is more special, there are more people paying attention to the same event at the same time.

  First, I was attracted by another mutual argument between Wizard Paro and Wizard Peter Lionel. I watched the excitement and ate it online.

  Then he was attracted by Wizard Serin's generous work, the famous "Repentance" potion, and asked questions.

  The last ones were attracted by the gimmicks and paid attention to the Hemerocallis series.

  As it becomes more popular, hot searches will come.

  Now that hot searches are coming, there are more people with different positions.

  If the positions are different, the debate will be heated.

  Even Wizard Paro did not expect that the public opinion on the "Rivosoth Forum" would be like this.

  Lucia Pharmacy was indeed flushed, and it was flushed before sales and reviews even started to be compared.

  But the flushed point was a little too strange.

  This was not the effect he wanted.

  The way Paro looked at Link also became a little strange.

  "What did you think at the beginning?"

  This question instantly drew the attention of Wizard Seren, Salia, Tina, Ella and Jasmine to Link.

  Yes, what on earth did Link Grand think that he understands women so well?

  A witch on the "River South Forum" has already claimed that Link Grande is the pharmacist who best understands female aesthetics!
  Link opened his mouth, and for a moment he didn't know how to explain.

  After some research, he found that the number of stores specializing in women's products, including clothing, accessories, personal care products and cosmetics, was a bit too small.

  Aromatherapy essential oils are okay, they are quite practical.

  The fragrances and perfumes circulating on the market, including the specialty products of various drug stores, are too practical from a female perspective.

  Link recalled a certain red book in his previous life. This app had countless posts and videos teaching girls how to dress themselves up. Living a beautiful and exquisite life has become a strong trend.

  Even yoga pants can become sexy and beautiful.

  He just thought that even in the wizarding world where power is attributed to oneself, women's nature should be to love beauty.

  For example, Wizard Seren pays great attention to his appearance.

  She is a pharmacist and can make various personal care products and cosmetics for herself.

  But pharmacists are not a bad profession. There are many other witches who cannot make personal care products and cosmetics for themselves.

  Link just had the attitude of giving it a try. He never expected that it would become the drop of water dripping into the oil pan, causing such a heated public opinion dispute.

  Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw Link looking like he didn't know how to speak.

  Wizard Paro didn't bother with this either.

  Anyway, most of the anger I had held in my heart that night in the arena was finally released.

  Others will be discussed later.

  (End of chapter)

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