Chapter 1 Detection

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  Chapter 1 Detecting

  the Wizarding World.

  Sea of ​​Storms, Isles of Quete, Viscounty of Holiday.

  The outside of the castle hall, which was usually inaccessible to the citizens, was now overcrowded.

  All the teenagers over the age of 12 in the territory were summoned here by Viscount Holiday. They lined up in several rows and waited neatly to enter the hall and undergo the wizard qualification test.

  Before entering the castle, the teenagers had been told that wizard qualifications were divided into grades one to five, with grade one being the lowest and grade five being the highest. Each grade was divided into upper, middle and lower.

  If you want to get a precious ticket to follow the wizard to the main continent, you must have a physical qualification of at least third level.

  After the test is completed, if the conditions are not met, you cannot cry or make trouble, otherwise the Viscount will be very angry and the consequences will be serious.

  Of course Link wouldn't be deterred by words that scare children.

  As a time traveler, he has the standard golden finger, which is his confidence.

  Along with his soul travel, there is a krypton gold card drawing system, and the interaction method of the system is a simple panel.

  The content presented on the panel is not fixed, but changes with his cognitive changes.

  [Link Grande

  Qualification: Level 4 Medium
  Card Pack: None

  Used: None
  Number of Card Draws: 1]

  In the past, Link did not know how to distinguish the levels of wizard qualifications, and there was no "Wizard Qualifications" on the panel. One item of content.

  After learning the information, the panel updated his wizard qualifications.

  After not long waiting, we were about to enter the hall.

  "Forget it, just draw the card and be safe."

  Link was heartbroken. He no longer waited for the chance to redeem the first draw after saving more than a year of money. He called up the system and roared in his heart: "Ou Shen Possessed!"

  The system's card drawing does not have any special effects, only slight changes have occurred on the simple panel.

  [Link Grande's

  qualifications: Fourth-level medium
  card package: "Occlumency" learning card (one click, introduction to the speed of light)
  Used: None
  Number of draws: 0]


  Link felt that he was temporarily It seems that I haven't grasped the Buddha's feet.

  "Occlumency" does not seem to be of any help in testing wizard qualifications.

  "Forget it, I just want peace of mind."

  Soon, Link no longer bothered about this point.

  He simply chose to use the Occlumency study cards.

  He shuddered slightly, and a burst of information appeared in his mind out of thin air. In a very short moment, Link learned the "Occlumency" technique.

  The next second, Link felt like he had changed.

  Become more rational and in control of your emotions and memories.

  Before Link could reflect on the changes, the butler came and led the teenagers into the hall quietly and orderly.

  In the hall, sitting on the top seat was a wizard wearing a hooded gray robe.

  Viscount Holiday, who controls the life and death of everyone in the entire territory, sits under the wizard's left hand, showing no signs of his usual domineering demeanor.

  Link is in the middle of the third column from the left.

  He tilted his head and secretly looked at the wizard who had alarmed the entire territory yesterday when he arrived. He saw a cloud of ever-changing fog and couldn't see the wizard's appearance clearly.

  After looking at it for a few seconds, my eyes felt stinging, and tears flowed down unsatisfactorily.

  Link quickly lowered his head and avoided looking.

  "Is this a wizard? It's really extraordinary!"

  Link was a little excited.

  The soul traveled through this world for more than a year, and while carefully playing the role of his original self, he heard many legends about wizards who mastered mysterious and extraordinary powers, and also saw with his own eyes the astonishing destructive power of the knight system, which was known as the unexpected product of wizard experiments. Link then He developed an extremely strong curiosity about wizards.

  Now, the opportunity to become a wizard is before him, and Link wants to seize it.

  Knowing that he would definitely pass the test, Link certainly would not seek death, but would rather keep a low profile and be stable.

  So he did not dare to look at the wizard again, but observed the upcoming wizard qualification test ceremony.

  On the square table in front of the wizard, there are two crystal balls on the left and right.

  The crystal ball on the left is colorless and transparent, and the crystal ball on the right is black and transparent.

  "Let's get started."

  When the teenagers waiting for the test were sweating on their foreheads and almost like ants on a hot pot, the wizard finally spoke.

  The four boys and girls standing behind the wizard looked at each other.

  After a while, a blond girl with blue eyes walked to the square table, turning her back to the wizard and facing everyone.

  Her voice was clear, generous and natural, and she said, "Wait a moment, just like me, put your hands on the two crystal balls. No matter what happens, don't let go until Master Paro, the wizard, confirms the test results." As she spoke

  , , the girl demonstrated.

  She placed her hands on the crystal ball, and after a while, the crystal balls each emitted different lights.

  The light emitted by the colorless and transparent crystal ball is mainly cyan, with a small amount of blue and yellow embellishments.

  The black and transparent crystal ball emits dazzling white light.

  "What are these different measurements?"

  Link looked a little confused and confused.

  At this time, Wizard Paro spoke: "Innate spiritual power 13, high-level affinity with wood elements, intermediate affinity with water elements and earth elements, and a comprehensive wizard qualification score of above three."

  The blond girl obviously knew her qualifications for a long time and did not react much to the result. After bowing to the Paro wizard, she returned to her original position.

  Link thought carefully after hearing this, and a look of confusion flashed across his face.

  Obviously, the black transparent crystal ball measures the innate mental power, and the colorless transparent crystal ball measures the affinity of elements.

  It's just that I don't know the specific criteria for the comprehensive score of wizard qualifications.

  Just as Link was thinking, the boy ranked first in the first row from the left had already stepped forward to take a test.

  He was a little nervous and restrained. He rubbed his hands hard on his clothes, wiped off the cold sweat on his palms, and carefully placed them on the crystal ball.

  The colorless transparent crystal ball emits a faint yellow light and a darker black light, while the black transparent crystal ball emits an almost invisible white light.

  "Unqualified, next one."

  Wizard Paro spoke in an indifferent voice.

  The young man looked depressed, grinning, and tears fell silently.

  He was very sad that he could not seize the opportunity to change his destiny and stop being a fisherman, but he did not dare to cry loudly or make trouble.

  The young man turned around and left lonely.

  But the other boys and girls lined up behind the boy were all excited and impatient before the same result happened to them.

  But, destiny never changes by one's own will.

  "Unqualified, the next one."

  "Unqualified, the next one."

  "Unqualified, the next one."

  There were two rows of twenty people, and no one could get a "passed" comment from the Paro wizard. A person can know what his innate spiritual power is and what his elemental affinity is.

  For the Paro wizard, there is no need for him to waste his saliva on an unqualified person.

  As people left one after another, the remaining teenagers who were still waiting for the test were no longer as excited and looking forward to it as before.

  The atmosphere gradually became heavy, and many people sighed from time to time.

  Link's originally calm mind also became tense.

   Let me explain in advance that the settings of this book refer to the settings of some high-quality wizard novels. Please don’t be too surprised if there are similarities or even the same places in the following chapters. Thanks!
  (End of chapter)

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