257. Chapter 257 Dilemma

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  Chapter 257 Dilemma
  A real man never looks back to see the explosion.

  Link ignored the movement of the portal collapsing behind him.

  The plan to come to the academy should have been successful.

  That Level 5 Yin Demon probably won't understand how he died until he dies.

  Just like Link still can't understand how his knowledge was tampered with by Lysandra.

  The methods of high-level true spirit wizards are really terrifying and weird.

  It’s simply impossible to guard against.

  It’s outrageous!

  Link secretly decided that he must continue to minor in the True Spirit Wizard system.

  Playing with people in the palm of your hand, killing people invisibly, this feeling is very refreshing just thinking about it.

  From now on, he will also be a villain that is hard to guard against.

  The kind that Jie Jie Jie smiles sinisterly. (╯□╰)
  Stopping his haphazard fantasy, Link took out a Level 1 witchcraft level spare transportation vehicle from the "Small World" and drove towards the pharmacy department of the rear camp.

  Old man Murphy said that during the battle on the frontline battlefield, the portal connecting the rear camps to the wizarding world will change from the usual two-way free passage to one-way controlled passage.

  Only with the transfer order approved by the academy and the legion in hand can one return to the wizarding world through the rear camp portal.

  Otherwise, you can only enter from the Wizarding World itself and cannot exit from the camp at the back of the Desolate World.

  Therefore, Link must stay in the rear camp for a while.

  Only when the battle between the Paro Sage Army and the Abyss Demon Army is over and the portal becomes free for two-way traffic again can we return to the wizarding world.

  Just exited the portal square and came to the warehouse area.

  From a distance, Link could see the high-hanging Lucia family emblem and the fluttering flags of the two legions.

  Link decisively set the vehicle's glass windows to matte mode.

  This makes it impossible for outsiders and surveillance cameras to see Link's appearance clearly through the glass window.

  Sage Paro did not tell Link that the legion arranged by the academy to support the fairy world at any time was actually a mixture of elites from the two legions of the Lucia family!

  Maybe he didn't know, maybe he knew but forgot, in short, Link didn't know.

  As he drove to the pharmacy station, Link was speechless.


  What the hell is this?
  Pleasant Goat is a guest at Big Wolf’s house. Should he clean it himself and deliver it to his door?

  Niang Xipi, fuck me!
  While complaining about the academy's arrangements and the unreliability of Paro Sage, Link quickly drove straight into the Pharmacy Department.

  After getting off the car, he tried his best to avoid everyone's sight and surveillance, and quietly entered the dormitory where he lived before.

  It is impossible to disguise, even if the disguise is superb, it will not be easily seen through.

  But doing so can easily attract surveillance attention.

  Sneaky and said, what do you do?

  After closing the door, Link immediately activated the defense mode of the dormitory.

  I don’t know what old man Murphy was thinking, but he didn’t arrange for anyone to move into this dormitory after Link left.

  Link can stay here while staying in the camp at the back of the deserted world, waiting for the battle on the frontline battlefield to end.

  "Link Grande?"

  However, even though Link was already low-key and fast enough.

  The process of him getting out of the car and entering the dormitory was still captured by the ubiquitous surveillance cameras during the wartime situation.

  In the surveillance department of the mixed army station, an old acquaintance of Link, Sophie Lucia, recognized Link.

  Hearing Sophie's voice, Tracy Lucia, who was also responsible for monitoring the rear camp, turned her head and warned sternly: "Don't mess around at the critical moment!" "Yes


  Sophie Lucia nodded, but her eyes were dead. Staring at the empty area on the surveillance screen.

  His eyes flickered, his thoughts were dark, and he didn't know what he was planning.

  After entering the dormitory, Link's eyelids jumped wildly.

  Intuition and premonition are triggered, and I always feel that I am about to be in disaster.

  "Is it possible that Sauron Lucia is also there?"

  When Link was attacked, he did not find out that the person who attacked him was Sauron Lucia. Now he does not know about the collective defection of the core members of the Lucia family. , so this guess came into mind.

  Among the entire Lucia family, the one Link fears the most is Sauron.

  This man is flexible and flexible. He is a character and very difficult to deal with.

  "It seems that we have to find a way to leave here as soon as possible."

  With his mind turning, Link made a decisive decision.

  It is better for a gentleman not to stand behind a dangerous wall but to reach a safe area as soon as possible.

  "Come out, Flandre."

  Link summoned Flandre and ordered, "Scout the surroundings carefully, and return to the 'small world' as soon as possible when encountering special circumstances. Don't take risks, understand?" "Understood, sir

  . ."

  Flandre responded sweetly, transformed into an elf in the wind, and flew away gracefully.

  Sitting on the bedside, Link shared Flandre's vision.

  He quietly observed the slight changes in the layout of the rear camp, as well as the deployment of the Lucia family's mixed army.

  Even if he had a premonition of crisis, but the situation was unknown, Link did not dare to act rashly.

  It would be embarrassing if the evasive measures he took in a hurry just forced himself into danger and happened to respond to the premonition of crisis.

  Let’s investigate first before talking about anything else.

  Flandre kept Link's advice in mind and only went to explore places where she felt there was no danger, or where there was slight but manageable danger.

  After walking around, Flandre didn't find anything special.

  "Master, master."

  Flandre called from the bottom of Link's heart and asked, "Would you like Flandre to go to those places?"

  The places she mentioned were exactly where the mixed army was stationed. Several huge tents in the core area.

  Judging from the layout of the forward base of the Paro Sage Legion, it is probably the headquarters, attendant's room, staff office, monitoring department, guard office, and guard regiment headquarters, which are the office spaces of these functional departments.

  Not to mention the tight defense, most of the permanent residents are third-level wizards or senior second-level wizards.

  The only requirements for wizard level are the Monitoring Department and the Staff Office.

  The former requires vision, care and patience, while the latter requires resourcefulness, tactical literacy and commanding ability.

  Even these two functional departments are also staffed by senior second-level wizards or third-level wizards.

  If Flandre rashly goes in to investigate, there is a high probability that she will be caught.

  Never underestimate the ability of a wizard!

  "Forget it, Flandre, don't take risks."

  To be on the safe side, Link not only rejected Flandre's proposal, but also recalled Flandre directly.

  The external environment is unstable and we are still in a "small world", which can better protect Flandre's safety.

  "Humph! I look down on Flandre."

  She is young but has a big temper.

  Since "hanging out" with Jasmine, Flandre actually learned to get angry and fight in a cold war.

  With a cold snort, Flandre hid in a corner and drew circles, ignoring Link.


  Link smiled and didn't take this episode to heart.

  He began to think about the origin of his sense of crisis.

  The more I think about it, the less stable I become.

  So I fully operated the "Occlumency Technique", activated the "multi-threaded thinking" state, mobilized the source of blessing from the "small world", and cooperated with the true spirit wizard's mental state self-examination method to check my own sea of ​​consciousness and cognition over and over again.

  Once bitten, twice shy.

  After being fucked by Lysandra Diomande once, he almost lay down and couldn't get up. Link felt a shadow in his heart.

  Therefore, I took out the strongest combination, the most prosperous state, and examined my own mind.

  Until it was confirmed that with his current level and ability, no trace of cognitive tampering was found, the stone hanging in his heart became slightly higher.

  From an altitude of 10,000 meters to an altitude of 10,01 meters.

  The perception has not been tampered with, proving that this premonition of crisis is true.

  He is really about to encounter a fatal crisis!
  "I am examining a loneliness."

  Exiting from his peak state, Link spread his hands, looked left and right, and let out a sigh. Soon, Link calmed down his distracting thoughts and seriously thought about the current situation and the strategy to break it.

  First, he had to find a way to determine where the fatal crisis came from.

  Secondly, he had to weigh his strength and whether he could eliminate the fatal crisis in its infancy.

  Finally, he had to consider clearly whether he should leave the camp at the back of the deserted world now, drive the "Tissot", enter the vast sea of ​​​​stars, and start an interstellar trek.

  However, after Link thought about these three aspects one by one, he could not come up with any results.

  Link suddenly found that he seemed to be trapped in an information cocoon.

  Nothing I do feels right, but I can't find any useful information.

  Like a headless fly, spinning around.

  Taking a deep breath, Link chose to draw a card!

  After this period of accumulation, the operation of the Grande Pharmacy, the patent transfer of the "sublimation" potion, and the patent authorization of the "empowerment" potion, Link has accumulated enough 10,000 standard second-level magic stones.

  Finally, I can take the eighth draw, which is not easy.

  "Death to the European gods!"

  This time, Link had the consciousness of a wizard. He no longer hoped for the blessing of the gods who were the mortal enemies of the wizard, but issued a curse!

  "System, pump!"

  Link muttered silently in his heart, and called out the plain and simple panel.

  [Link Grande

  Wizard Qualification: Unknown, affinity to all elements (completed later)
  Wizard Level: Level 1 Official Wizard, Mental Power: 399 (in the process of liquefaction)

  Level 0 Witchcraft: (omitted)

  Natal Witchcraft: Warframe (expandable)
  1st level witchcraft: (omitted)

  Card pack: "Multi-threaded thinking" status card, designated talent upgrade card
  Used: "Occlumency" learning card, "Severus Snape's Potions Talent" talent card, "Witchcraft Specialization" talent card, "Material Specialization" talent card
  Number of card draws: 0 (1 standard third-level magic stone)]


  Link felt like he was lonely. .

  He wanted to draw something that could change the current predicament, not a designated talent upgrade card that had appeared twice.

  Now only the "Severus Snape's Potions Talent" talent card can be upgraded.

  Using the upgrade card and upgrading the "potions talent" will indeed help Link.

  The problem is that this helps but not that.

  Far water cannot quench near thirst!

  With an angry mood, Link used the designated talent upgrade card that cost 10,000 standard second-level magic stones to upgrade the "Severus Snape's Potions Talent" talent card to "Alchemy Specialization" Talent card.

  Hey, "Alchemy Specialization", I thought something big would happen.


  alchemy specialization?

  Is the improvement span so big?

  the pharmacy in the wizarding world does intersect with the alchemical pharmacy to create a sub-discipline, the alchemical pharmacy.

  It is not too outrageous to upgrade from the "potions talent" corresponding to potions to "alchemy specialization".

  Think about it this way, logical closed loop.

  Link quickly accepted this.

  I feel that these 10,000 standard level 2 magic stones are not a waste of money.

  I closed the panel and was not in a hurry to experience the changes that the "Alchemy Specialization" talent brought to me.

  Link found that the eighth draw not only did not help him break the game, but also added a new trouble.

  The ninth draw requires a standard third-level magic stone, which seems to be a small amount, but is very difficult to obtain.

  Standard level three magic stone, also known as the magic stone mother mine!
  The so-called mother ore is a strategic resource that can derive an entire vein of magic stone, absorb free magic power, and continuously produce standard first-level magic stones or standard second-level magic stones.

  Every wizard organization will not give out even one piece of magic stone mother lode easily.

  Where can Link get this?

  Shaking his head, Link put the new worries behind him and continued to think about ways to break the situation.

  "Master, master."

  Flandre suddenly shouted in Link's heart at this moment, "Flando has thought of a way."

  When they shared the vision before, the two of them had the same mind, and Flandre was very clear about Link's predicament. .

  After returning to the "small world", on the surface he was angry, but in fact he was using his little brain to think of a solution for Link.

  "Oh? What can I do?"

  Link asked curiously.

  "If it doesn't work, let's go back to the fairy world."

  Flandre tilted her head, and Kazlan's big eyes blinked, innocent and cute.


  Link smiled awkwardly, and then gave a compliment, "Flando is really smart as ice and snow."

  This method is so simple, of course Link has thought of it!

  The problem is, this is a last resort only if there is no real last resort.

  Retreat before the war, yes.

  After all, you are not a member of the Paro Sage Legion.

  Come back after the war, what kind of trouble will it cause?

  When the fairy world is your back garden?
  Come when you want and leave when you want?
  According to the rules of the wizarding world and the regulations of the academy, the fairy world has officially become the residence and legion asset of the Paro Sage Legion!
  Link's behavior, strictly speaking, is illegal immigration and a "home invasion crime."

  If we really want to strictly enforce the rules of the wizarding world and the regulations of the academy, the Paro Sage Legion can definitely punish Link!

  Even if Sage Paro won't punish Link, he won't even give him a bad look.

  However, Link’s face can’t be saved.

  Flandre is still a bastard and doesn't understand the ways of the world.

  However, Link did not dampen Flandre's enthusiasm and explained seriously: "Flandre, of course you can hide back in the fairy world. It is a very good way to break the situation. But in this case, when can we return to the wizarding world? What?"


  Flandre scratched her head and said in frustration, "In that case, Flandre will not be able to see the master and his wife for a long time. The master and his wife promised Flandre to take Flandre out shopping and buy beautiful little dresses." Thinking of it

  . Master, Madam, Flandre suddenly remembered something and shouted immediately: "Master, Master, Master and Madam asked Flandre to remind Master, remember to contact her in time to make sure she is safe." "Yes, I understand.


  Link expressed his understanding, but made no move.

  Not to mention that Jasmine didn’t know whether she had left the secret cultivation realm.

  Shan said that his portable computer was destroyed, and he did not have a backup device, so he couldn't contact him even if he wanted to.

  The wizard's portable brain cannot be configured casually.

  It requires a series of identity verification and binding.

  In a situation like Link's, you have to go to the academy's main tower to report it, so that the newly purchased portable brain can inherit all the permissions and data of the original brain.

  Seeing this, Flandre also thought of this, and suddenly muttered: "It's all the fault of that Lucia named Sauron. She didn't know the virtues of witchcraft and attacked the master in a sneak attack." "Huh?

  Sauron Lucia? Attacked me in a sneak attack? Link

  was slightly shocked and asked quickly, "Flando, are you sure?"

  Flandre blinked and asked, "Didn't the master notice it?"


  Link answered calmly.


  Flandre raised her chin slightly and hummed, "At that time, there was only the aura of Sauron nearby. Flandre thought that the master knew about it, so she didn't mention it to him. It turns out that the master didn't know."

  Lin Ke smiled awkwardly: "Yeah, I don't know."

  Is this being looked down upon?
   Sorry, everyone!

    Chapter release time is wrong.

    Chapter 147 was released in advance.

    I urgently replaced the contents.

    Now this chapter is

    the content of Chapter 146 Dilemma
  (End of Chapter)

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