247.Chapter 247 Life is like a title, all kinds of choices

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  Chapter 247: Life is as it should be, with all kinds of choices to

  make. It was already evening when I left Wizard Serin’s North District villa.

  Link drove the "Phantom Coupe" back to his villa with mixed emotions.

  He did not expect that the usually calm wizard Serin would be in chaos because of the Paro Sage Legion being besieged by the abyss demons, without his usual calmness.

  It can only be said that everyone has shortcomings, even wizards who claim to have cold-blooded and rational backgrounds are no exception.

  After all, the wizards in this wizarding world do not pursue bottomless indifference.

  The transformation period for a third-level wizard to become a sage requires true feelings and resonance with the will of the world, which is actually preserving humanity.

  Otherwise, under the impact of the vast and complex power of rules, wizards will still be wizards in the end, or become the carrier and puppet of the power of rules like those gods.

  Even one's own human origin can be forgotten, or despised, or hated.

  Link believed that Wizard Seren was simply caring and causing chaos. After he just learned about the incident of the Paro Sage Legion, he subconsciously thought of the worst outcome.

  As a result, I felt anxious and panicked, and my thoughts continued to be confused, not knowing what to do.

  After Link patiently comforted and comforted her for a long time, Wizard Serin finally sorted out her chaotic mood and regained her composure little by little.

  The calm wizard Seren appeared again, and with an extremely calm and peaceful attitude, he officially came forward to preside over all matters of the Paro Sage lineage.

  As a bystander, Link witnessed the entire process of Wizard Seren's continuous fights, gathering people's hearts, and taking control of the situation.

  The direct members who stayed in the mainland to take charge of the legion's logistics work, after experiencing a short period of panic without a leader, quickly united around Wizard Serin and carried out their work in an orderly manner.

  Or counting supplies, or recovering magic stones, or inquiring about information, or raising strategic resources...

  Every member of the direct lineage has been given a specific task arrangement by Wizard Serin.

  Anyway, no one can be idle, they are all preparing to rescue the Paro Sage Legion.

  Regardless of whether this preparation will come in handy, you must get busy.

  Only when you are busy can you stop thinking randomly.

  People's hearts will not fall apart easily.

  "Send Jasmine to Wizard Seren tomorrow and study hard. Then choose a suitable time to send her to a formal wizard-level training secret realm." As he drove into

  his villa, Link had this idea in his mind.

  Although Jasmine is now able to manage "freedom to do anything" very well, she still needs more learning and improvement in all aspects of methods and means.

  "Freedom to do anything" cannot stand still, but must strive to develop and grow.

  This places high demands on the management level of managers.

  Jasmine needs to keep making progress all the time.

  "Link, what happened to Wizard Seren?"

  Jasmine, who hosted "Freedom to Do Anything," finished summarizing the competition and returned to the villa early.

  Except for arranging for the housekeeper Hamid to make something, she didn't go anywhere. She had been sitting in the lobby on the first floor, staring at the door, waiting for Link to come back.

  "Cheer up and take charge of the affairs."

  Link said matter-of-factly, "Starting tomorrow, you will go and help Wizard Serin run errands. While helping, you can also learn the working methods and methods of Wizard Serin. How about it?" "Okay?

  " Ah, no problem."

  Jasmine instantly understood what Link meant, and nodded in agreement without even thinking about it.

  "As long as you are willing. Although it's not a good thing to say, this opportunity is indeed rare."

  Link gave an explanation for his arrangement. "I usually want to learn how to run a mature organizational faction, but I can't find such a good opportunity. ."

  "Well, I don't have to."

  Jasmine nodded, and then said, "You haven't had dinner yet, right? I asked Hamid to prepare some snacks. Do you want to have some?" "


  Link didn't refuse, he agreed directly, and followed Jasmine into the restaurant. .

  Are you having snacks?

  It’s a heartfelt effort.

  How could someone let their careful preparations and expectations come to nothing?

  "Oh, by the way, the college has sent you a lot of precious materials as your reward this time."

  Link sat down at the dining table and began to eat snacks. Jasmine mentioned something again,
  "If you are not here, I will accept it on your behalf. I'll give you snacks when you finish eating. I took a look and saw that the supplies were divided into three parts. There are rewards for team competition, individual competition and catching a few Rukia in time." "Well, don't worry, eat first

  . "

  Tasting the soft glutinous dumplings made after sesame glutinous rice balls, Link was really not in a hurry to check the academy rewards.

  If those supplies are placed in Jasmine's necklace pendant, they will not grow wings and fly away.

  After patiently eating all the soft glutinous meatballs in the bowl, Link and Jasmine arrived at the empty warehouse.

  There is a lot of space here, making it easy to store and retrieve a large amount of supplies.

  Jasmine took out the rewards given to Link by the academy one by one from the necklace pendant.

  After a cursory look at the types of supplies, Link knew that when he met the dean, the method of using "Small World" in person had another effect.

  All material rewards issued by the college can be used to cultivate the "small world".

  Link didn't hide anything, and fed boxes of precious supplies to "Little World" in front of Jasmine.

  "No wonder you always call yourself poor."

  Looking at the materials being swallowed up by the small world like running water, and looking at the empty boxes left in the warehouse, the little rich woman Jasmine couldn't help but complain.

  According to the never-ending "appetite" of the "small world", when can it be fed?

  She suddenly had the absurd feeling that she was the little one and that the "little world" was the real one.

  Link was not as generous to her as he was to "Small World".

  "Where's Flandre? Call her out and ask her to sleep with me at night."

  Jasmine, who was jealous for no reason, grabbed the soft flesh of Link's waist with her right hand, as if she would strangle you to death if you didn't agree.

  Link couldn't figure out why Jasmine's temper suddenly changed so drastically.

  What could he do?

  He could only summon Flandre, and then watched Jasmine happily holding Flandre's little hand, turning around and walking to the bedroom upstairs.

  Link was left alone in the warehouse without any attention.

  "Really, those who are close are not inferior, and those who are far are resentful!"

  With a sigh, Link continued to feed "Little World".

  After feeding "Small World", I saw that half of the remaining progress of the third phase of cultivation was suddenly filled up, and even a little more.

  Link thought to himself that the academy was really generous this time.

  If Link were to accumulate these resources on his own, he would have to work hard to run the Grande Pharmacy for more than a year.

  During this period, we must maintain the rhythm of releasing one or two high-quality potions every one to two months to attract traffic.

  But Link's performance definitely deserves the academy's generosity.

  Not to mention the massacre in the team competition, after shocking everyone, he single-handedly forced four wizard organizations to abstain from the individual competition; he single-handedly
  forced the leader of the University of Mesobrada to retreat, and then captured Lu The Qiyas led three teams to block the Mesobrada University team, thus saving enough dignity for the college.

  Let the academy not lose face on the surface because of the defection of the Lucia family.

  Thinking of the defection of the Lucia family, Link felt it was necessary to know more about it.

  Back in the study, Link began to browse various forums, trying to find some gossip and formal reports about the defection of the Lucia family.

  Perhaps because the family scandal should not be publicized, the college has completely blocked the news in this regard.

  I can't find any information about this on the forum.

  Even posts that are vaguely worded and alluding to this matter will be blocked as soon as they are posted.

  Through some means, Link entered the relevant forums of Mesobrada University.

  I found that there is no information about this here either.

  From this point of view, Reversos College and the University of Mesobrada have the same stance and handling method on this matter, which is to treat it coldly.

  "It seems we have to try other channels."

  With this thought in mind, Link sent inquiry messages to Lanie Taylor and Tiffany Colonna respectively.

  His alliance with Lanie did not end with the end of the Zerg World mission.

  The two maintained this relationship in a tacit understanding.

  Help each other.

  As for Tiffany, she blackmailed the leader of the Mesobrada University team, so she had to accept some favors.

  Soon, replies from Lanny and Tiffany arrived one after another.

  Lani replied like this:

  "After Sandora went to see the dean, she didn't say a word about this matter, and told me that if I find that you are inquiring about this matter, I will remind you that the key is not Lucia. It's up to Lionel. Also, you should pay more attention to Wizard Cody's movements. If something happens, don't come back."

  The conflict between Link and the Lucia family is obvious.

  It seemed unusual for Link not to investigate when he learned that Rukia's family had defected.

  It's not unusual for Sandora to guess this.

  Moreover, she was also using this method,

  Tiffany replied:
  "According to reliable information, there is a hidden reason for the defection of the Lucia family. It seems that they were forced to do it.

  The various properties of the Lucia family have not been transferred. Only the patriarch, the group of elders and some core clan members have been accepted by the University of Mesobrada. Many direct clan members have been abandoned, and even the two legions have not been recovered.

  The academy's attitude towards the remnants of the Rukia family is also very unclear, and it seems that they have no intention of punishing them.

  This matter is in deep water, and I personally recommend you not to get involved. "

  Listen to others' advice and have a good meal.

  After reading the two replies, Link decided to stop investigating the defection of the Lucia family.

  In the near future, he will concentrate on assisting Wizard Seren and do some things.

  It is more important to rescue the Paro Sage Legion. .

  “Master, master. "

  The quirky Flandre, while playing with her master and his wife, spoke in Link's heart, "'Small World' has evolved so quickly this time, it is complete. "

  Really?" What abilities have you gained this time? "

  Link suppressed his thoughts and communicated with Flandre seriously.


  Flandre sensed it carefully and said excitedly, "Sir, Flandre can now be a cool phantom like master! And, hey... what is this? "

  Flandre, who was counting her third evolution with the "small world" and the additional abilities she had gained, seemed to have discovered something extraordinary. She didn't even care about

  playing with her wife or talking to Link. He returned to the "small world" in a swish.

  "Link Grand!" Jasmine

  's shout came from her bedroom to the study, "Where did you summon Flandre?" "

  As soon as she finished speaking, Jasmine appeared at the door of the study, angrily, with her hands on her hips: "You pay me Flandre.

  Link explained calmly: "'Small World' has completed its third evolution. Flandre went back on her own, it's none of my business. "

  "I don't care! " " Jasmine rushed not far in front of Link.

  He suddenly jumped into the air and hit Link hard. He lowered his head, opened his mouth, and bit hard, biting the shoulder he bit last time.

  After a long time, Jasmine finally let go. Looking at the tooth marks that would soon disappear, she asked with a little sadness in her voice: "Tell the truth, are you going to leave me and 'Freedom to Do Anything' again and leave alone?" ?"


  Link was silent for a moment, thinking about his recent itinerary, and said with a smile, "How come I don't know about this? Don't think about it."

  Jasmine raised her head and looked at Link's face steadily. Eyes: "You promise!"

  Link opened his mouth and was about to speak, but was tightly covered by Jasmine's little hand.

  "Forget it, don't make promises you can't make."

  Jasmine took her little hand away, stood up from Link's arms, sat aside, and said dullly:

  "I don't know why, after I came back today, when I looked at the empty villa, there was always a feeling , I have a strange premonition that I am about to lose you for a long, long, long time.

  My perception is not as sharp as yours, and I have never had a more accurate intuition or premonition before.

  However, this premonition, even if I don't want to I believe it, but I just somehow know that it is right."

  As she spoke, Jasmine sniffed: "Especially when you came back, you didn't say anything else and just arranged for me to study with Wizard Serin. This It makes me feel even worse."

  Link really had no plan.

  But he didn't regard Jasmine's premonition as a fantasy, but took it seriously.

  It makes no sense that only his intuition and premonitions worked, while Jasmine's premonitions would definitely fail.

  After pondering for a while, Link said seriously:

  "I really have no relevant arrangements, but your premonition must also be taken seriously.

  My original arrangement for you was to study with Wizard Seren for a period of time before going to practice in the secret realm.

  In case I am suddenly recruited by the academy, or other emergencies arise, how about you skip studying with Wizard Seren tomorrow and go directly to practice in the secret realm?

  In case your premonition comes true and I really have to leave alone for a period of time because of some things, you can also concentrate on improving quickly in the secret realm during this time.

  The longest time to practice in the secret realm of formal wizard level is three months.

  Jasmine muttered, "I will obey your orders for these arrangements. " "

  Then it's decided. " Link

  touched Jasmine's head and said with a smile, "Don't be so depressed. Think about it differently. No matter where I go or how long I leave, don't I have to come back?" "

  Humph! " "

  I don't know why this sentence offended Jasmine. She snorted coldly and suddenly left in anger.


  Link scratched his head in embarrassment, "Is it possible that I am really a straight man? "

  Just when Link fell into self-doubt, Flando's voice sounded:
  "Master, master, there are two strange doorways at the origin of the 'Small World'. I communicated with the origin of 'Small World' and found out that these two caves are very similar to the teleportation gates that I often go through. You can go to other places. "

  Link's attention was instantly attracted.

  With a thought, he directly entered the "small world" and appeared at the origin, next to Flandre.

  Two black doorways as tall as one person came into Link's eyes.

  Feel it carefully. After some time, Link discovered that these two doorways were indeed very similar to portals.

  Without any hesitation, the "multi-threaded thinking" state was turned on, and with the blessing of source power, Link entered the state with the strongest thinking ability and went all out to analyze. These two doorways.

  It wasn't until the limit of his brain's endurance that Link came up with a relatively complete analysis result.

  These two doorways are indeed the prototype of a relatively special cross-border portal.

  The current teleportation capability is extremely limited. It cannot teleport living creatures, nor can it teleport a large amount of materials at once.

  Even what kind of world is across the two doorways is unknown.

  The driving energy of the door opening is the source of the "small world", or the magic stone that is re-stored through the energy storage device.

  If he really had to use the door opening, of course Link would choose to use energy storage magic stones to provide energy.

  "Flando, pay more attention here in the future to see what changes will happen."

  After thinking about it, Link gave Flando an order.

  "Okay, Master, Flandre will definitely take good care of this place, and there will definitely be no problems."

  Flandre patted her chest and said in an arrogant tone, "Flandre is so powerful now, Master knows so much witchcraft." , Flandre can use it now."


  Link couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard this.

  Flandre's existence is extremely special. She can be both virtual and real. She can not only walk in the real world, but also survive in Link's sea of ​​consciousness.

  The second upgrade of "Small World" gives Flandre the ability to become invisible and become an elf in the wind.

  Is it possible that this third upgrade has made up for Flandre's elemental affinity deficiencies?
  After carefully sensing Flandre's body, Link suddenly discovered that Flandre was now in a state of affinity with all elements.

  In addition to the witchcraft of the true spirit wizard, Flandre can really further master the witchcraft of the elemental wizard.

  It can be regarded as a female version of the smaller version of Link.

  "That's right, that's right. From now on, the safety of the master will be left to Flandre's protection."

  Link did not hesitate to praise him and even entrusted him with important tasks.

  "Don't worry, master. Flandre will definitely protect you." Flandre

  became even more arrogant after hearing this, and her breasts smacked loudly, "There is also master and his wife, Flandre will protect you together."

  "Okay, it's settled."

  Link gently patted Flandre's little head and said, "My wife was still blaming me just now, thinking that he called you back." "


  Flandre covered her face with her little hands and was very surprised, "Flandre actually forgot to sleep with the master and his wife. It's really... so rude." As soon as the words fell,

  Flandre disappeared from the origin and went to the wizarding world. , continue to accompany Jasmine.

  Link was stunned when he saw this.

  In the past, Link had to be in the wizarding world so that Flandre could walk in the wizarding world.

  But now, Link's true body is in the "small world".

  Is the third evolution bringing so many improvements to Flandre so terrifying?
  Flandre is still just the "spirit" of the "small world".

  As a Realm Master, wouldn't the feedback he received be even more horrifying?
  Returning to the study in a swish, Link began to check himself, from top to bottom, from inside to outside, and finally found three obvious improvements: First, his

  mental power has reached the limit, which is exactly 399;

  the next stage is to increase his mental power. The power is liquefied.

  Second, the "solar system" in the sea of ​​consciousness is a little more "vivid";
  the detailed description is like the difference in texture between rough plastic and warm jade.

  Third, the body's ability to bear pressure in space becomes stronger.

  In the past, when entering or leaving the "small world", there would be a sense of time and space that was far beyond that of using a cross-border portal.

  Now it has eased a lot and is no longer so uncomfortable.

  To sum it up briefly, Link has become stronger again and can already attack the second-level wizards.

  "Isn't it too fast?"

  Link murmured to himself, then shook his head and laughed.

  Just be promoted as fast as you can, as long as you have a solid foundation and aren't frivolous.

  Thinking of this, Link took out his portable brain, used up the number of uses of the official wizard-level practice secret realm, made a reservation for the use time, and changed the user.

  After finishing these tasks, meditate deeply and go to bed.

  The next day.

  Early in the morning.

  After having breakfast with Jasmine, the hover car arranged by the college stopped at the door of the villa.

  The location of the secret practice place is a highly confidential secret.

  Regardless of whether they are apprentices or formal wizards, they must take the hover car arranged by the academy to go to the designated location.

  All aspects are arranged by the college, so you don’t have to worry about it at all.

  "Go, don't think too much, and practice with peace of mind."

  After putting Jasmine on the hovercar and watching the hovercar go away, Link just drove out and went to Wizard Seren's North District villa.

  The rescue of the Paro Sage Legion is not a one-time thing and must be advanced every day.

  Therefore, Wizard Serin stipulated that everyone should meet at her villa early every morning to report on their work progress.

  If you encounter a difficult problem that is difficult to solve, work together.

  As a junior whom Paro Sage has attached great importance to in recent years, and who has been promoted by Paro Sage many times, Link must be present.

  Moreover, Link must make great efforts to rescue the Paro Sage Legion.

  When Link arrived, many people were already sitting in the temporarily converted conference room.

  The most familiar ones are Salia, Ella, and Tina. Most of the others have never met or are just acquaintances.

  None of the wizards who once belonged to the Cody Wizards - the Paro Sage Faction, and later officially left the Paro Sage Faction and entered the Cody Sage Legion under preparation when the Cody Wizards entered the transformation period, came.

  Among the Cody wizards, only Wizard Cody himself was present, sitting on one of the two main seats, sitting side by side with Wizard Seren.

  After a while, everyone present arrived.

  Wizard Serin began to preside over the meeting and listen to the report.

  After completing these procedures, Wizard Serin cut to the topic of the first meeting:

  "Last night, the college replied to me, saying that it was studying a plan to rescue the Paro Sage Legion, and asked me not to be too anxious. He

  also said that if you are really anxious, you can Let’s start with material raising and prepare some strategic materials first.

  In this area, the academy has given two suggestions, one is portal construction materials, and the other is interstellar combat magic weapons and supplies.

  Now, everyone is open to talk about it, How should we raise supplies?"

  After the words fell, the short-haired witch in charge of finance stood up and said:

  "Even if we monetize some industries, the magic stones we can raise are not sufficient. We can only choose to implement one of the two suggestions to ensure the financing. If we don't have enough supplies. If we implement them at the same time, we will end up with not enough supplies."

  This situation must be taken seriously.

  Everyone began to discuss with their acquaintances.

  After a while, the wizard responsible for raising strategic supplies stated: "I reviewed the recent bulk material transaction data. From a time perspective, raising interstellar combat weapons and supplies will be more efficient and less difficult." The person in charge said

  . Ella, who was counting the supplies, also echoed: "Our supply reserves are mainly focused on interstellar operations and supplies. The materials that can be used to build portals have all been taken away by the Paro Sage Army."

  Serin After hearing this, the wizard looked around at the people present and asked in a deep voice: "Then we will do our best to raise interstellar combat witchcraft and supplies? Does anyone have other opinions? Agree or object?" Wizard Cody opened his slightly narrowed eyes and spoke calmly

  . :
  "I don't agree."

   There will only be two updates today, but the number of updates is guaranteed.

    It's just the last 20 points left. Pull it and get a premium badge.

  (End of chapter)

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