224. Chapter 224 Just one word, trench!

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  Chapter 224 Just one word, trench!

  What is domineering side leakage?

  This sentence is domineering and leaky.

  All were in favor and no one was against.

  Link focuses on two things, one is the elimination system, and the other is the accountability system.

  In addition, judging from the three original goals and three additional goals of this mission, biochemical research is the key.

  The only people responsible for biochemical research are Link himself and Tiffany Colonna.

  Is it understandable that the main targets of this mission are Link and Tiffany Colonna?

  At this time, Lanny cast a seemingly casual glance, briefly looked at Link, and quickly looked away.

  How much information can be contained in a quick glance?
  Link could only see shock.

  Obviously, even if Lanny came into contact with Shandora earlier than Link, and learned about this mission earlier than Link, she would not be clear about what Shandora just said.

  At least not that clearly.

  This is normal.

  After all, Shandora was the great-granddaughter of two great sages, and she should have received education in managing people since she was a child.

  For whatever reason, Sandora was willing to let Lanie get close to her.

  It is impossible to let Lani know everything in detail.

  No matter how much you value him, no matter how much you treat him as a direct descendant, he is still just a subordinate.

  There are distinctions between superiority and inferiority, and differences between high and low.

  Link understood this.

  I don't blame Lanie, as an ally, for not telling her this ahead of time.

  Sandora looked around at the 11 carefully selected quasi-direct team members in the camp, and smiled sweetly: "The rules are up front, and that's for business. But when we get along, we still do whatever we want. Don't let the atmosphere of the team get lost. Be stiff and lively."

  With that said, Sandora turned around and pointed at the holographic projection:

  "Let's get down to business.

  We have not established a forward base in the mission world, and there is no portal available.

  Therefore, we have to start from the camp below and reach the mission world through interstellar navigation.

  The interstellar voyage time, calculated according to the local time rules of the wizarding world, takes about 3 days. We will

  set off on time tomorrow, and everyone should prepare well for the rest of the day."

  After clapping her hands, Shandora asked: "Does anyone want to say something? What?"

  Link waited quietly for a while. Seeing that everyone else remained calm, he suppressed the question he wanted to ask.

  In an unfamiliar team, I still don’t want to be the leader.

  Unexpectedly, Sandora actually turned her attention to Link and Tiffany and said, "You are responsible for biochemical research, which is very important. Come and talk about it. Speak boldly. You can say whatever you want. Tiffany, you go first." "Yes.


  Tiffany nodded, stood up, and said loudly: "I would like to ask, should we do our own thing in this biochemical research, or should we cooperate throughout the process."

  Sandora did not answer directly, but looked at Link: "What do you think? Link immediately stood up and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone: "

  I think we should each do our own thing. If we are not familiar with each other, if we cooperate, there will be no tacit understanding, and it is easy for mistakes to be made. Work efficiency may not be improved, but it may be delayed. Delaying the progress of the mission."

  "What do you think?"

  After hearing this, Sandra turned to ask Tiffany for her opinion.

  "Everyone does his or her own thing, I have no objection."

  Tiffany responded decisively.


  Sandora made a decision, "Then let's each do our own thing. But since everyone does their own thing, we have to add a comparison. Whoever does it faster and whoever does it better must have someone. Compare."

  She did not continue to elaborate.

  But everyone present knows that this has formed a kind of competition.

  And it must be healthy competition.

  Both of them can only immerse themselves in research in order to surpass the other in terms of research progress and research results.

  Rather than dare to play tricks on each other, delay each other's progress, and destroy each other's achievements.

  Shandora had set the rules in advance.

  The eight people responsible for reconnaissance and combat, whether subjectively or objectively, must be held accountable if they make mistakes and cause casualties.

  Why is biochemical research an exception?

  This is true for the children of the big family in the academy.

  How can the new blood of the Storm Sea and the pure blood of the West Coast receive special treatment?
  After thinking about it, Shandora said with a smile:
  "Biochemical research, if done by one person, the workload is too heavy, so you still have to have an assistant to share it.

  Logistics and medical care are not much.

  In this way, Lani, as Link, As Tiffany's assistant, Fried will be Tiffany's assistant, 2 to 2, that's enough!" In

  a few words, Sandra made another personnel arrangement.

  After such an adjustment, the situation becomes very interesting.

  Two new blood from the Storm Sea VS two pure blood from the West Coast, the next competition.

  Eight children from the big families of the academy, including Shandora herself, were "watching from the sidelines."

  The sense of déjà vu of the interview + practical assessment came out instantly.

  Lanie + Link and Fried + Tiffany are the two groups that received interviews and assessments.

  Shandora is the chief judge, and seven children from the academy's big families are the judges.

  Comment, rate and comment.

  Link had a feeling in his heart that he was a young man from a wealthy family who was modest on the outside but still aloof in nature. He very generously gave up a "precious" opportunity to become her follower, and then smiled as the two groups of people tried to grab it.

  Just like in "Tang Bo Hu Spots Autumn Fragrance", if a book boy is found in Washington, he can attract a large group of scholars and talents, who will make all kinds of fools and have to fight for him.

  But, but, kids from rich families never ask those two groups for their opinions.

  Maybe there are people who are very willing to fight for it, like those scholars and talents.

  After all, this is a smooth road to progress.

  Attached to the tail, this has been the case at home and abroad since ancient times.

  Some people don't want to.

  But no matter how unwilling he is, what can this person do?
  Fenran leaves the table?

  Status does not allow it, strength does not allow it.

  Or release the water halfway?
  No one is a fool, and they can clearly see what is happening under their noses.

  How can you not tell the difference between a real dish and a fool's errand?

  Dilemma, no choice.

  Link's thoughts are dark, so let's take a step at a time.

  "Nothing else. The meeting is over!"

  Sandora waved her hand and walked out of the tent first.

  Link stood still and didn't move until everyone else left.

  Seeing Link like this, Lanny had already walked out of the camp, returned to Link, and asked doubtfully: "Is there anything else? Stand here still."

  Link pointed to the holographic projection of the terrain of the mission world: "Put the map on Remember, what if your brain fails and you can't see the map when you reach your destination?"

  This is not alarmist.

  It is an accident that often occurs when fighting against the heavens.

  This is a point that the college has repeatedly emphasized and should be paid attention to.

  In remote and unimportant corners, it is very likely that the world will of the wizarding world will respond to the wizard's prayers with delay.

  The manifestation is that the witchcraft is malfunctioning and witchcraft cannot be performed.

  At that time, it will be necessary to rely on the wizard's own comprehensive ability to tide over the difficulties and persist until the will of the wizarding world responds again.

  In the final analysis, great power belongs to oneself, and everything still has to depend on oneself.

  Link stared at the holographic projection, carefully writing down the topography of the mission world, including the underground tunnels discovered through previous monitoring.

  The thinking palace constructed by "Occlumency" + Memory Palace theory has also been upgraded after the apprenticeship and wizard chapters of "Macrocosmic Meditation" were completed.

  From the lake and the lakeside library to a skyscraper on "It's a Small World"/Earth.

  Memorizing the map of the mission world, although time-consuming, is not difficult.

  Lani also tried to remember it, but finally gave up.

  Her memory is actually pretty good.

  However, it is still quite difficult to memorize the topography of a moon-sized planet in a short period of time.

  "This one depends on you. I didn't fully remember it."

  Now that we have formed an alliance, Lani is not trying to be strong. She still has to rely on her, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

  As allies, we learn from each other's strengths and help each other.

  "Yeah." Link nodded and continued to memorize the terrain.

  This movement between the two people was not concealed.

  The curtain of the tent was also open.

  The other 10 people saw it clearly and had different reactions and perceptions.

  Sandra is appreciative, while others have their own thoughts.

  Someone quietly took out a special magic weapon and copied a mission map.

  Some people curled their lips in disdain.

  Most of them just ignore it and do their own thing.

  None of this has anything to do with Link.

  After a while, Link finally memorized the entire map.

  "Let's go back to rest and recharge our batteries."

  After saying hello, Link walked out of the tent and walked straight to his tent.

  Walking outside the door curtain, he stopped and asked softly, "Who's inside?"

  The tents in this camp were all good, but the only drawback was that they were not locked and outsiders could come in and out at will.


  Tiffany Colonna's voice came from inside.

  After thinking about it, Link didn't avoid it, raised the curtain and walked in.

  Tiffany sat on the soft cushion outside the low table, facing the door curtain.

  "Is something wrong?"

  Link sat cross-legged on the soft cushion inside the low table, taking the initiative to ask as a "host".

  "Let me tell you a few words."

  Tiffany said calmly, "I never paid attention to Scotty's matter. It's good that he can learn a lesson. I'm very satisfied. There is no hatred between us. So, here During this mission, I won't do anything bad to you, and you don't have to be wary of me."


  Link said with a smile.

  The tone was quite playful, and I didn't know what he wanted to express.

  Maybe he didn't express anything, just to interrupt Tiffany's speaking rhythm and prevent her from arbitrarily controlling the conversation.


  Tiffany actually confirmed it seriously, and then continued, "Whether you want to accept the recruitment of Sorcerer Sandora or not, I would like to ask you to go all out in this mission. Not only to complete the mission, but also to compete. High or low."

  "So what if it's high? So what if it's low? Is it that important?"

  Link asked with a smile.

  "It's very important."

  Tiffany replied, "You have progressed so fast that no one in your generation, local purebloods and half-bloods can compare with you. We can only look up from generation to generation to find out who can suppress Come with your people. Just like the academy headquarters, we always want to find people who can suppress outstanding children from local families."


  Link put away his fake smile and nodded seriously.

  "Take care of yourself!"

  Tiffany acted decisively. After saying what she wanted to say, she put down a meaningful reminder, got up and left.

  Link watched and then pondered.

  What will an inherent interest class that has already tasted the sweetness do in the face of a new challenger to the order?
  Treat them to guests, behead them, and accept them as dogs.

  It’s nothing more than these three ways.

  During the dinner, we tried to find out our thoughts and positions to see if we were traveling together and if there was any chance.

  If you are not a fellow traveler and have no chance, then behead him to avoid future troubles.

  If you have a chance, just accept him as a dog.

  After training, let it out to bite people.

  Link was very lucky that he could take advantage of Sage Paro's influence from the beginning and was not beheaded or used as a dog.

  The follow-up development was quite good.

  It can be attributed to the lineage of Paro sages while maintaining its independence.

  But now, a new and bigger cycle of treating guests, beheading, and being treated as a dog seems to have fallen on Link's head again.

  This mission, this recruitment, this new blood of the Storm Sea VS the pure blood of the West Coast, the more I look at it, the more I feel like it is a treat, a banquet to find out my intentions and stance.

  Taking a deep breath, Link suppressed the messy thoughts and cleared his mind.

  What can we do if we see through this?

  Don't think about it and rest peacefully.

  Time passed quickly.

  12 people showed up at the camp airport on time.

  A privately customized star battleship of a certain class and model that Link could not recognize was moored at the airport terminal.

  It is about 300 meters long, 60 meters wide and more than 30 meters high. It looks like a naval destroyer from the previous life and is loaded with a large number of witch weapons, including attack, defense, reconnaissance and escape types.

  Not to mention a micro-legion of only 12 people.

  Even if you pull a main group over, you can easily accommodate it.


  Sandora waved her hand, took the lead on the automatic gangway, and boarded the interstellar battleship.

  Everyone followed suit one after another.

  Skipping a number of areas with different functions, Sandora led everyone directly to the cockpit and command hall.

  "Welcome back to the star battleship 'Yuni', respected Captain Sandora Diomande." "

  The entire crew of the 'Yunni' is waiting for your orders."

  Sensing Sandora's arrival, the tower spirit The sound sounds automatically.

  The holographic projection image of Ta Ling is a gentle woman with a soft face and emotional color.

  "Let's go."

  Sandora ordered the tower spirit.

  Link followed the actions of others, chose a seat, sat down, and fastened his seat belt.

  After a while, a low roar sounded.

  The engine of the "Yun Ni" star battleship started, emitting strong power, causing the "Yun Ni" to go from a very quiet parking state to an extremely dynamic lift-off mode.

  In a very short period of time, it accelerates to a state that is enough to escape the gravity of the deserted world.

  Break through the clouds, break through the atmosphere, and come to outer space.

  After a slight pause, he adjusted the coordinates and chose a driving path.

  The engine of the "Yuni" star battleship once again spurted out more powerful power, driving the battleship forward at a speed that was almost sub-light, capable of traveling at warp speed.

  Link looked at the various data on the dashboard with envy.

  The "Hummingbird" class star battleship, known for its fast speed, flexibility, and high concealment, can reach the fastest speed at sub-light speed.

  Moreover, it cannot be used for normal navigation and can only be used at critical moments.

  The normal sailing speed of the "Yunni" is actually sub-light speed.

  It is conceivable that it is not difficult for the "Yunni" to carry out jump travel or warp travel.

  How many magic stones will be burned after this voyage?

  After a little calculation, Link felt a physical pain.

  He was able to draw the eighth and ninth draws together.

  The financial resources are so damn strong.

  Snap, snap, snap.

  As the captain, Shandora commanded the tower spirit. After setting all the parameters for this interstellar voyage, she began to perform the duties of the leader of the micro-legion.

  She clapped her hands, attracted everyone's attention, pointed to the 36 suitcases sent by the smart puppet, and said: "The atmospheric environment of the mission world is very different from that of the academy headquarters and the mainland. Even if everyone is an official wizard, they can Extreme survival, but it is not necessary and is not recommended. I have prepared protective life-sustaining suits for everyone, 3 sets for each person." After saying that, Shandora set an example and picked up three

  suitcases without showing any movement. Store it in the space storage witchcraft.

  Of course, Link would not be polite to the rich, so he picked up three suitcases and sent them into the "small world".

  So does Lanie.

  I just don’t know where her space storage magic device came from.

  It was most likely given by Sandora.

  If it is true, Link can only sigh:
  How damn generous!
  No wonder Lani wanted to hug Sandra's thigh tightly.

  There is huge profit to be made.

   I'm not feeling well today. Chapter 3 may be late. I'll try my best to post it in the morning, otherwise I'll post it in the afternoon. Feel sorry!
  (End of chapter)

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