220. Chapter 220 Falling to the ground

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  Chapter 220:
  Fight as hard as you can.

  Since the client, Christina, is willing to take risks, what should Link have to hesitate?

  Wizard Seren didn't care even more.

  At least, there is still a little bit of friendship between Christina, Link, and Jasmine.

  To Wizard Selin, he is a real stranger and should be ignored at all.

  If necessary, even if he directly kills, Wizard Serin will not hesitate at all.

  "Do you have enough time? This is not a problem that can be solved in a short time."

  Link glanced at Christina's belly that was not yet pregnant.

  She is only three months pregnant now, and it will be at least six months until she gives birth.

  This research requires monitoring various data of Christina and the fetus in her belly every day.

  If Christina wants to go back to Shadow City and cannot stay at the academy for a long time, everything will be in vain.

  "There is plenty of time."

  Christina's answer was outlined in the snake-shaped black smoke, "I have half a year's vacation to use."

  The system of Shadow City is different from Riversoth College.

  The former is similar to a company, while the latter is a school. Naturally, there are differences in the management of members.

  As far as Riversoth College is concerned, wizard apprentices receive education and assessment, and wizards further their education, further training, and go on missions. As long as they do their jobs well, the rest of the time is free.


  If you want to go out for a wander, if you can, it's best to die within the radiation range of the academy's influence.

  In this way, corpses can be stored in time, dismantled and utilized, and resources recycled.

  As far as the City of Shadows is concerned, whether they are apprentices or wizards, their time belongs to the City of Shadows, not the apprentices or wizards themselves.

  Want to do your own thing?

  Take a leave of absence.

  You can’t just take this leave if you want, you can take it as long as you want.

  All decisions rest with the management of Shadow City at all levels.

  You can take as long a leave as the management approves.

  Link had heard about this news.

  I was quite surprised to hear that Christina had taken half a year's leave.

  After thinking about it, I thought maybe this was Shadow City's compensation for Christina's wasted month and a half.

  He didn't dwell on this inconsequential detail anymore.

  After thinking about it, Link said solemnly: "Considering many factors, in order to improve the success rate, we need to conduct comprehensive tests on you, including the souls of you and the fetus. In addition, we also need to sign a confidentiality contract. Everything The research results belong to me and Wizard Serin. You have no rights whatsoever, and you cannot leak them to any existence in any form."

  This condition can be described as extremely harsh.

  From a universal value point of view, it seems that Christina has no human rights.

  However, in the wizarding world, it seems reasonable and even too beneficial to Christina.

  Link did not charge Christina a fee because of the friendship between her hometown and her contribution in providing information and using it as "research material".

  Wizard Seren doesn't mind a little "mosquito leg meat".

  "Okay, I have no objection."

  Christina agreed without thinking.

  After investigating Link Grande's reputation and deeds in the Revosos area in recent years, she made relevant mental preparations before setting off to seek help from Link.

  Through several of Link's deeds, Christina had long realized that Link Grande was not a good person.

  It was impossible to give her free help without asking for anything.

  This situation now has a good outcome that Christina could not even imagine.

  Wizard Serling took out a blank confidentiality contract and filled in the content in front of Christina that was extremely binding on Christina, and stipulated that all the results of this research would be produced by Link and Wizard Serling. The two hold it jointly.

  After confirming the contents of the contract, the three signed their names and left biological information and mental marks.

  The contract was established and was originally kept by the wizard Serin.

  It's getting late today, and I haven't sorted out all the arrangements for the research, so I gave up on it first.

  Wizard Serin had dinner and just returned to his home.

  The next day, Link officially handed over all the work of Grand Pharmacy to Jasmine.

  Including the refining of the "Yiyi" potion.

  Even if Jasmine's success rate and yield rate of refining the "One Yi" potion are lower, which will cause a lot of waste of raw materials, it doesn't matter.

  Apart from being extremely talented and stupid, there is no pharmacist who does not rely on raw materials.

  Link can still afford such a little waste.

  As long as Jasmine can be cultivated, she can earn a lot of magic stones from now on, and she can earn it back at will.

  Link himself, together with Wizard Serin, concentrated on research into creating humans.

  Christina rejected Jasmine's invitation and did not live in Link's North District villa.

  Through the official channels of Shadow City, she rented a high-end apartment with a witchcraft laboratory in the East District and settled down with peace of mind.

  Cooperate wholeheartedly with the research needs of Link and Wizard Seren.

  Not only to protect the pregnancy, but also in the hope of changing some bad things about myself.

  For example, the voice is hoarse and harsh, like two pieces of rusty iron grinding together;

  for example, the snake arms are smooth and creepy, like octopus tentacles.

  time flies.

  Six months passed suddenly.

  In the past six months, neither Link nor Wizard Serin could actually devote all their time to research on human creation.

  Each of them still has a lot to do.

  Wizard Serin has to manage various industries and deal with interpersonal relationships for Sage Paro. He also has to open his own shop, develop and refine potions, and is very busy.

  How can I devote myself wholeheartedly to this research?

  The same goes for Link.

  After less than half a month of vacation, Link returned to the Advanced Academy to continue his studies.

  The elemental wizard courses as a major and the true spirit wizard courses as a minor have both entered the "deep water zone".

  The knowledge involved becomes more and more advanced, and the witchcraft recommended to be mastered becomes more and more complex.

  A lot of time and energy must be invested in learning and absorbing new knowledge every day.

  Not to mention, Link also needs to seek opportunities to expand his natal witchcraft "War Armor", and he must continue to combine various witchcraft and improve the combat system based on different versions of "War Armor".

  Therefore, the time Link and Wizard Seren actually spent on this research was less than 3 hours a day.

  This is actually enough.

  The difficulties in research and the difficulties that need to be overcome are all concentrated in the early stage.

  The first is the cutting of the fetal soul.

  That is to say, Wizard Serin has specialized in the plan to improve wizard qualifications, and his attainments in the soul are not to mention high, at least above the average third-level elemental wizard;

  and Link has minored in the course of the True Spirit Wizard, which is also not soul-related. noob.

  The two of them worked together to cut off only a few bits of the shadow snake part of the fetus's soul without any difficulty.

  After that, there is the processing of the physical body of the fetus.

  The inheritance of the Shadow Demon Snake is still very strong.

  Even if the fetus is only three months old, it has already begun to show a tendency to transform into malformations.

  Wizards Link and Seren extracted some biological tissues of the fetus and quickly cultivated, studied and experimented;

  they extracted biological tissues of Christina and carried out the same project;
  Through special channels, a shadow demon snake was purchased as a control group.

  After a lot of hard work and twists and turns, a highly targeted potion was finally refined, which

  successfully removed the five-month-old fetus in Christina's belly from the racial ability of the Shadow Demon Snake from the soul level. The witchcraft-like abilities are transformed into fairy-like innate abilities and integrated into the fetal body.

  From now on, it's mainly Christina's business.

  She had to carefully nurture the fetus, help the ignorant fetus' soul adapt to the overly strong body, and struggle to survive. The main job of Link and Wizard Serin at this stage is to use various methods to ensure the safety of mother and daughter.

  With reference to the practice methods of omnic wizards and the integration of some methods of true spirit wizards, a set of special methods is designed that is suitable for the soul and body of the fetus to be inseparable and almost disconnected.

  This method is operated by Christina in the early stage. When the fetus has a certain amount of wisdom, it will be taught to her.

  Through a lot of research, Link and Wizard Seren each made good gains.

  By analogy, Wizard Serling found the unknown influencing factors of the "Bone Worm" plan, and after improving the plan, restarted the in vivo experiment.

  The experimental material was based on Link's approach, using low-level gangsters in the West District.

  Two rounds have been carried out, and the process and results are all under control and have not exceeded expectations.

  After a few more years of tracking, we will make sure that there will be no other problems with the in vivo experimental materials.

  This "bone worm" program for improving wizard qualifications can be used as one of the core competitiveness of the Paro Sage faction.

  It can give the members of the direct lineage who are not yet highly qualified but loyal enough the hope of continuous improvement.

  The haze hanging over Jasmine's head finally dissipated.

  Just keep checking at a certain frequency in the future, just in case.

  No more worrying about big problems happening at any time.

  Link further improved the effect of the "Fairy" potion.

  Even if it's still not as good as Wizard Serin's "Bone Worm" plan, it's still enough.

  In addition, Link also developed two new potions by combining the respective characteristics of Shadow City's cross-species transplantation and the original goblin biochemical transformation and enhancement plan.

  The first potion is called "Empowerment", and its effect is to give the racial abilities of extraordinary creatures to humans with wizard qualifications, forming superpowers similar to the talents of fairies.

  In other words, the "empowerment" potion is actually the wizard's version of "gene fluid".

  The disadvantage of this potion is that it consumes part of the subject's potential and limits the subject's development limit.

  It is suitable for maturing thugs and cannon fodder, but not suitable for cultivating direct members of your subordinates.

  The second potion is called "Sublimation", which completely eliminates all the flaws and sequelae of the original goblin biochemical transformation and enhancement plan, and can greatly improve the goblin's natural abilities without damage.

  It will neither change the appearance of the goblin nor affect the goblin's sanity.

  After Wizard Serin tested various data on the "sublimation" potion, he immediately sent the test report to Sage Paro.

  The fairy world is the first source of servants for the Paro Sage Legion.

  From now on, Sage Paro will fight in the heavens and will continuously recruit servants from the fairy world.

  There is no need to buy or rent from the college.

  If the quality of the servants can be fundamentally improved, it will have many benefits for the legion's campaign.

  Paro Sage's response was very decisive.

  He directly bought out all the rights and interests of the "sublimation" potion and all the original materials in the name of the legion.

  It is a pity that Sage Paro did not pay Link the magic stone.

  Instead, a piece of world core taken from the exhausted world was used instead of payment.

  If the "small world" hadn't shown a strong desire for the core of the world, Link would have had to ask Sage Paro to pay some magic stones.

  He is now using magic stones in more and more places.

  To cultivate direct members of your subordinates who are "free to do anything", you need magic stones;
  to cultivate a "small world", you need a lot of resources, especially magic stones;
  you also have to save magic stones to earn gold and draw cards.

  In fact, Link had a vague hunch that he would save more magic stones in the future to buy more villas and seek peace.

  The four months between Iris finishing her internship and returning to her hometown and before Jasmine went out for internship.

  The two of them were entangled together all day, sometimes kissing and sticking together, sometimes fighting.

  Link was caught in the middle and his head got big!
  However, Link has no feelings for Iris at all.

  I clearly want to avoid it, but I still can't.

  Iris has been pestering Link, but in fact there is not much love between men and women.

  More importantly, I am looking for solace.

  In the vast sea of ​​​​people in all the worlds, it is not easy to find even half of the same kind.

  People who have been lonely for a long time are very eager for companionship.

  Once you find it, you won’t want to let go.

  "Small World" absorbed the core of the world and advanced by one-third in the third phase of cultivation progress.

  Seeing this result, Link felt that he still had to develop more potions.

  Suffering from the pockets of other wizards, feeding the big-bellied "small world".

  In addition to Jasmine completing the first stage of further studies and going on internships, the Friendship Group and the Social Terrorism Group have also undergone changes.

  They were promoted to official wizards one after another and came to the advanced academy in advance.

  There was also news that surprised Link. Lanie Taylor was missing.

  No one knew where she went, but the college never announced her death.

  Regarding this question, Link once asked Wizard Seren and Wizard Cody who was already in the transformation stage.

  Both of them looked secretive and did not answer Link directly.

  This made Link secretly worried.

  Summer passes and autumn comes.

  Another fall semester is about to begin.

  Link officially ended his further studies at the Advanced Academy, rejected the academy's invitation to teach and the position of assistant researcher, and prepared to concentrate on running the Grande Pharmacy for a period of time.

  Earn more magic stones.

  On this day, Link was in the laboratory on the second floor of the pharmacy, determining the final taste of the tea series.

  Suddenly, Christina sent a message saying that her water broke.

  Link quickly put down the work at hand, drove the "Phantom Coupe" to Christina's residence, and informed the wizard Serin.

  By the time Link picked up Christina and returned to the North District villa, Wizard Seren was already ready to deliver the baby.

  There is no such thing as caesarean section when a witch gives birth, it is all vaginal birth.

  And the process is not difficult.

  After all, with the wizard's physique, it is almost impossible to have an accident such as massive bleeding.

  The only thing that might go wrong is that during the witch's birth process, her brain would subconsciously mobilize more life force to protect her body.

  The supply of the fetus is ignored, resulting in fetal congenital defects.

  What Wizard Serin has to do is to provide enough life force from the outside world to supply the fetus that strives to cross the life channel and come to the human world.

  Link was waiting outside the laboratory, still looking quite nervous.

  After six months of busy work, it depends on whether Wizard Serin's research on human creation can be brought to a successful conclusion.

  Not long after, Link heard a loud cry.

  That is the first cry of life, announcing the arrival of a new baby to the world.

  After waiting patiently for a while, Christina, who had cleaned herself up, hugged the infant baby and followed Wizard Seren out of the laboratory.

  Link leaned over and saw that the baby's skin was wrinkled and its head hair was sparse.

  It's a humanoid shape, nothing unexpected happened.

  The only remnant of the Shadow Demonic Snake's bloodline is the pair of snake eyes that look very similar to Christina's.

  Successfully created man!

  "Very good."

  Link said seriously to Christina, "After you go back, you must insist on using that method to protect your daughter's soul."

  Christina nodded, and then bowed to Link and Wizard Serin each. Bow, thank you.

  Snake-shaped black smoke outlines the glyph.

  "Thank you!"

  Link accepted the gift calmly and reminded:
  "Don't stop taking the medicine."

  (End of Chapter)

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