22.Chapter 22 Undercurrent

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  Chapter 22 Undercurrent
  The biggest advantage of this part-time job is the freedom of time.

  As long as you complete your job, you can use your time freely. You don't need to spend your time in the botanical garden or in the greenhouse, pretending to be pretentious and wasting your time.

  After inspecting the greenhouse several times and making sure that all the soil where the seeds were spread had been fully watered by rain, Link walked out of the greenhouse.

  After leaving the Third Botanical Garden, Link went straight to the library.

  He found some information about seed cultivation of ordinary plants and extraordinary plants, read it carefully, and prioritized reading information about Silver Star Flower.

  Not long after Link left, local girl and acting director Sophie Lucia opened the curtain and walked into the greenhouse.

  She first sensed the humidity in the air, as well as the changes in elements and magic power, then grabbed several pieces of soil from different areas and rubbed them in her hands.

  "Twice the Secondary Mist and Rain Technique?"

  Sophie Lucia looked disdainful and chuckled, "A bumpkin is a bumpkin!" The

  Secondary Mist and Rain Technique and the Birthing Technique are a good partner, which is true in Rivoso It is not a secret in Si Biological and Medical College, many people know it.

  Link was in the "Essence, Origin and Development of Witchcraft" class when he accidentally heard the teacher mention it, and then he checked the information in the library for a long time before confirming it.

  But for the wizard apprentices in the North District of Junior College where Sophie Lucia is located, this is common sense.

  Moreover, they also know many tricks to use in conjunction with each other, such as the secondary fog and rain technique and the birthing technique.

  For example, for the Silver Star Flower seeds that have such problems with their vitality in the greenhouse, use the secondary mist and rain technique and the birth-promoting technique once a day for seven consecutive days to induce the seeds to germinate.

  The academy does set tests for wizard apprentices in certain part-time jobs.

  As the acting director, Sophie Lucia has certain authority to decide whether to start the test and how difficult it is.

  She set a more difficult test for Link.

  First of all, the information reserved in the greenhouse is very simple. It only has the name and basic introduction of the Silver Star Flower, and does not mention the problem of the Silver Star Flower seeds. Secondly, the seeds were sown into the soil in advance, and people who are not careful may very well risk it
  . Perhaps according to the description of the work content, it is easy to leave after casting the secondary fog and rain technique once, which is prone to mistakes or even mistakes;
  finally, the work content notification received by Link contains a word game. It only mentions that the secondary fog and rain technique needs to be cast, which is not enough There was no mention of using birth-inducing techniques together, but it was just hinted at "awakening vitality".

  Sophie Lucia's purpose is very simple, just to get Link away and not want to work with Link.

  Everywhere in the botanical garden was under the surveillance of the tower spirit in the intelligent management center tower. She couldn't target Link too deliberately, so she played tricks within the rules.

  So far, her little trick should be working.


  Sophie Lucia sneered a few more times, clapped her hands, and walked out of the shed.


  at night.

  Link returned to the dormitory with a notebook full of notes.

  Wash, change and meditate as usual.

  But before going to bed, Link received a call request from Jasmine.

  Jasmine had never contacted Link so late. Even if she got some news from unknown sources, she always chose to communicate in the morning the next day.

  If you contact me suddenly now, something must be going on.

  Link sat down in the study and agreed to the "video call" request.

  Jasmine's delicate face appeared on the screen, her expression slightly panicked. As soon as she saw Link, she immediately said: "Link, I got the news that Rivers Francis has found several fifth-level qualifications in our class. New blood, let them trouble you tomorrow! What should I do, Link?"

  Link heard this and was very confused.

  What grudge?
  That Rivers is still here, right?
  "Don't panic, it's no big deal." Link comforted Jasmine first, and then asked, "Where did your news come from? Is it reliable? Is there any other news?"

  Jasmine took a deep breath, calmed down, and replied: " The little sister who told me about Rivers and Enrique just told me." "Who is

  that little sister of yours who is so well-informed?"

  Link asked in confusion. This is simply like Bai Xiaosheng. A man of god, a master of intelligence.


  Jasmine hesitated for a moment, then said hesitantly, "She...she is the girl who was first pursued by Enrique last year, and then was harmed and abandoned by Rivers, Mina. But she survived, She has not withdrawn from the 'New Blood Mutual Aid Association' and has been secretly obstructing Rivers."

  "Is it her?"

  Link had some doubts in his heart, but he did not tell Jasmine.

  After thinking for a while, Link comforted him: "There's no need to be alarmed. It's not a big deal. Private fights are prohibited in the academy, and I only have a few fifth-level qualifications, so they can't do anything to me." Link said this with confidence


  We are all new blood who have not been practicing for a long time. No matter how talented they are, they are at most a first-class wizard apprentice. How many witchcraft can they learn?

  Even if you learn attack level 0 witchcraft, can you cast witchcraft instantly?
  The requirements for instant casting are too high. Can we change it to complete casting within 5 seconds?
  With Link's current physical fitness, he can run 100 meters away in 5 seconds. He can directly attack his face and use his fists as big as sandbags to do enough damage.

  Unless the other party sets up an ambush attack and kills them ruthlessly.

  Otherwise, Link is really not vain at all.

  Of course, Link would not relax his due vigilance.

  After briefly chatting with Jasmine for a few more words, Link hung up the "video call" after her mood completely calmed down.


  On the other side, Rivers' mood became increasingly bad.

  After finding a soft spot with Jasmine Kidman and Link Grande, Enrique selected a few more blond and blue-eyed girls who fit his fetish.

  But something went wrong. These girls suddenly became more vigilant, causing Rivers to miss repeatedly.

  The "Raging Flame Meditation Method" that Rivers transferred to was not received from the academy, but a fragment of an advanced meditation method purchased on the outside black market. Although the meditation progress far exceeded the meditation method issued to him by the academy, There are two major disadvantages.

  One is that the desire is high and must be vented regularly; the other is that one is easily angry and loses restraint.

  What's even weirder is that this person is not only burning with desire, but also his spirit, consciousness, and will.

  Therefore, Rivers must have sex with a woman who matches his XP once a month in order to solve the side effects of the "Rage Flame Meditation Method".

  Before being promoted to a third-class wizard apprentice, Rivers has been able to maintain his rationality normally and will no longer get angry and act impulsively.

  But after being promoted a few days ago, I feel vaguely unable to maintain my sanity.

  Coupled with the fact that he has not vented his lust in the past month, Rivers can hardly control himself.

  Enrique mentioned it again inadvertently, as if since Link Grande ignored Rivers, these girls' vigilance suddenly became higher.

  Rivers was angry and determined.

  Regardless of whether it is stipulated or not, teach the person a lesson first and then take a breath.

  (End of chapter)

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