218. Chapter 218 Almost Got Knife

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  Chapter 218: Almost Got Knife
  "Have you thought it through?"

  Wizard Cody said, his tone a little more serious.

  As for pure profit compensation, no matter how we discuss it, it is all a matter of numbers.

  When it comes to apologies, especially academic ones, the nature is different.

  "Think it over carefully."

  Link replied decisively.

  He is a generous man.

  Sophie Lucia relied solely on her own wisdom to complete the experiment first and published the "paper" first, but Link had long since ignored it.

  After all, I have already taken revenge.

  However, the "paper" and patent on the new germination method of Silver Star Flower have not been published yet.

  Until now, Sophie Lucia is still enjoying the dividends from that patent.

  It was like a thorn in the flesh. Although it didn't hurt or hurt much, it was uncomfortable.

  If you don't remove the thorn, you will feel uncomfortable.

  Now that he has seized the opportunity, Link will certainly not be merciful and must take some small revenge.

  Doing this also tells the Lucia family that Link Grande is still weak, but he is not a "softhead" who they can kill whenever they want or reconcile when they want.

  Link Grande has his temper.

  Although forced by various circumstances, this reconciliation must be reached.

  However, Link must make his voice heard.

  Let me tell the Lucias that Link Grande is not just a piece of dough that is kneaded randomly and has thorns.

  Wizard Cody felt the firm attitude in Link's words and admired this temperament and style.


  Wizard Cody clapped his hands hard and praised, "That's what you should do! Don't worry, this condition will definitely be implemented!"

  Wizard Serling also echoed: "When it comes to reconciliation, we really can't just talk about interests, we must show our position and principles. This is very good." "Thank you, Wizard Serling, thank you, Wizard Cody." Link


  sincerely Open your mouth and say thank you sincerely.

  He knows that many things cannot be taken at face value.

  On the surface, the leaders of the lineage such as Sage Paro, Wizard Serin, and Wizard Cody did not protect Link very well.

  Either they were recruited or suggested to become the team leader, and they used various methods to let Link run away and avoid the limelight.

  In fact, they did a lot of things secretly.

  For example, why the top management of the college noticed this and why they chose to hit the Rukia family in this way is the result of their upward efforts.

  In terms of the order of address, Link is still the same as before, with Wizard Seren in front and Wizard Cody in the back.

  Nothing has changed because Wizard Cody is about to try to enter the transformation period again and is expected to be promoted to a sage.

  Wizard Cody didn't feel angry or anything because of this.

  Instead, he liked Link's persistence.

  Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal.

  Although the word "loyalty" cannot be used in the relationship between Link and Wizard Serin and Sage Paro.

  But we cannot be a snob by "loving the new and hating the old", "dislike the poor and loving the rich".


  Link's portable brain suddenly vibrated.

  This was specially set up before he came over, so that he could find the announcements from the college as soon as possible.

  I took out my brain and clicked on it. It was indeed a notice from the college issuing team leader benefits, with a detailed list attached.

  "Benefits issued by the academy to the team leader."

  The prophet informed Wizard Seren, Wizard Cody, and Jasmine. Link opened the list of benefits, projected it, and watched it together.

  "Oh! Not bad."

  Wizard Serin glanced at it, quickly read the content, and exclaimed, "The academy is really generous this time." "

  This benefit is indeed good, it is equivalent to one and a half months for a first-level wizard. The loss is more than enough."

  Wizard Cody had the same attitude after reading it.

  Jasmine stared at the projected list with envy, unwilling to move her eyes for a long time.

  There are only three items on the list:
  the first is a villa in the North District, the second is the number of uses of the official wizard-level practice secret realm, and the last is the latest "Hummingbird" class star battleship.

  The one who can take over immediately is the North District Villa.

  What can be used at the right time is the Secret Realm of Cultivation.

  What needs to wait for delivery is the interstellar battleship.

  With Link's current grade, status, and income level, he can barely afford the villa in the North District.

  For Link, who has already perfected the Apprentice Chapter and Wizard Chapter of the "Great Universe Meditation Method", the Secret Realm of Cultivation can be entered or not, and it is not particularly necessary.

  Even if it could speed up a lot of training progress, Link didn't want to go in.

  He has made too many improvements recently and it's time to settle down and consolidate his foundation.

  However, for a first-level wizard like Jasmine who has recently been promoted, if she can enter the secret realm of practice, the benefits will be very huge.

  The most valuable one is, of course, the star battleship.

  Even the smallest "Hummingbird" class is still a star battleship.

  Moreover, "Hummingbird" is small, but fast and flexible. It is especially suitable for first- and second-level official wizards who follow the legion to conquer the heavens.

  If Link wanted to buy it himself, he would have to open Grande's Pharmacy for at least a year to save up enough magic stones.

  That's it, I guess you can only buy the standard configuration.

  The ones given by the academy are the latest model and the highest configuration.

  Not to mention the compensation for the loss of a month and a half, even in a year and a half, there are a lot of first-level wizards or second-level wizards crying and begging the academy to give them a chance.

  Link has been to other worlds several times, and he has always been active within the world.

  In fact, when fighting in the heavens, more time is spent traveling or fighting in the starry sky.

  Having your own interstellar battleship not only improves your combat power, but also increases your life-saving error tolerance.

  "The villa is not far from here, let's go take a look together?"

  Link looked at the information about the North District villa that had been sent and sent out an invitation.

  "I can."

  Wizard Serin agreed first.

  "It's no problem for me either."

  Wizard Cody nodded.

  So the four of them got up and left the wizard Seren's Villa. Without driving, they walked for a few minutes to the North District villa assigned to Link by the academy.

  Link worked on the closed villa door, verified the security information, and slowly opened the villa door.

  Viewed from a high altitude, the layout of the villa is the same as many villas in the North District.

  In the front is a yard with flower beds, paths paved with soft stones, a circular fountain landscape, and a parking lot; in the middle is the

  main building of the villa, a small castle with three floors underground and three floors above ground;

  behind is a large lawn. and a ring of trees that serves as a fence.

  The four of them walked into the villa gate, walked from the soft stone path to the miniature castle, and entered the first floor of the castle.

  A smart butler immediately came to greet them and provided services to the four people.

  The arrangements of the college are very detailed.

  The smart butler of the North District Castle and the smart butler of the college's lakeside villa are the same in terms of "software".

  "Welcome home, sir."

  The smart butler first saluted Link, then looked at Wizard Seren and Wizard Cody, bowed and said, "Welcome, two distinguished wizards, to Grand Castle as guests. I am Hamid. If you have any needs, please contact me." You can call me at any time."

  Next, under the leadership of the smart butler Hamid, the four of them walked around the miniature castle.

  Wizards Seren and Cody tasted a cup of tea specially brought by the smart butler Hamid from the college's lakeside villa, praised Link's fantastic idea, and then left.

  Wizard Cody is going to take over that special world.

  Renee Clark didn't just sit around and ask him to meet at the wizard Seren's villa, but informed him of the matter on behalf of the college.

  Wizard Serin returned to his villa to prepare for negotiations with the Lucia family.

  It was getting late, so Link simply didn't go back to the academy. Stay at the villa in the North District tonight.

  There was no need to bother Hamid, the smart butler, to collect daily necessities from the college's lakeside villa. Link directly took out some reserves from the "small world" and quickly arranged the two bedrooms.

  After having a simple dinner and chatting for a while, Link and Jasmine went to wash up and rest.

  Entering the bedroom, after deep meditation, fatigue suddenly emerged.

  It was as if he had not rested for a month and a half, and his eyelids were very heavy.

  Link fell asleep and soon began to snore lightly.

  No matter how much the World Will Mother loves him, she will not let go too much on such a rule-based matter.

  The time deviation feedback that should be provided is still given.

  Physical fatigue is just the most inconspicuous and least important feedback.

  The most "fatal" thing is to "age" for a month and a half out of thin air.

  These one and a half months are directly removed from the upper limit of life span and are permanently lost.

  No matter how much you replenish your vitality, it's all in vain.

  After waking up the next day, I felt refreshed.

  After stretching his body, Link began to get busy.

  He first went down to the laboratory on the underground floor and checked the configuration of the facilities and equipment. He found that it was exactly the same as the configuration of the college's lakeside villa.

  The college is indeed very generous materially.

  If you can give to the good, you will not give to the poor; if you can give to the whole, you will not give less.

  The second underground floor is a witchcraft laboratory, not much to see.

  It is estimated that when Iris finishes her internship and returns to her hometown, it will become a good place for the two girls to enhance their friendship.

  Link focused on walking around the biochemical laboratory on the third underground floor, and made sure that the security, disinfection, and isolation were in compliance with the standards in all aspects, and even far exceeded the standards before returning to the underground level.

  Jasmine is very hostess conscious.

  I went to Grand Pharmacy early in the morning and convened a meeting with the three members of the social terrorism team responsible for managing the pharmacy.

  Even though it was not stated explicitly, how could the three members of the social terror team not know that this was the eldest sister emphasizing her status as the "boss lady".

  While accepting the certification, I couldn't help but secretly laugh in my heart. When encountering matters related to the big boss, the eldest sister always seems to be a little "unable to advance and retreat" and pays too much attention to it.

  After a brief meeting, Jasmine personally delivered all the raw materials needed for refining the "Ichidashi" potion to Link.

  At this time, Link had activated the facilities and equipment and made preparations for refining. It happened to be a seamless transition and he started refining the "One Will" potion.

  While Link was refining the potion, Jasmine was not idle either.

  She directed the smart butler Hamid to quickly arrange the castle.

  Let the North District villa be transformed from a building into a home.

  Full of plain but warm atmosphere.

  the other side.

  Wizards Seren and Cody began to negotiate with the Lucia family through intermediaries to discuss the terms of reconciliation.

  This is not something that can be decided in a short while.

  It takes a lot of back and forth.

  Link waited patiently for the outcome of the negotiation, while frantically refining the potion.

  Within two days, Grande Pharmacy suddenly started an activity to give back to old customers.

  Not only has the threshold for some "yiyi" medicines been relaxed, and the purchase limit has been increased to ten per person per day; it has

  also added many new products and launched promotions.

  If someone is familiar with the main products of major pharmacies in the East District, they will find that the

  new promotional products launched by Grande Pharmacy are competing against the main products of Lucia Pharmacy.

  And they are waging a price war.

  The efficacy of the medicine is no worse than yours. Hey, I don’t make any money, I only charge the cost.

  If you have the ability, just follow.

  Anyway, I am worthy, one person... two people are full, and the whole family is not hungry.

  Your Lucia family has a large number of people, so there are many places where magic stones can be used.

  See who can outlast whom.

  As soon as the news of the promotion spread, a long queue quickly formed in front of Grand Pharmacy.

  The business of Lucia's Pharmacy has plummeted.

  How could the Lucia family not catch such an obvious signal?

  Rukia, who was responsible for negotiating with Wizards Seren and Cody, was very annoyed by this.

  It's as disgusting as eating a piece of cake where flies have been sitting around for a long time.

  But he had to hold back this disgust. Faced with wizards Seren and Cody who were smiling and secretly praising Link for doing a great job, they subconsciously accelerated the progress of the negotiations.

  After receiving such stimulation, the negotiations quickly came to fruition.

  The Rukia family will pay a large sum of magic stones to Link and the faction behind Link.

  At the same time, Sophie Lucia was asked to publicly apologize to Link on the "River South Forum" for academic plagiarism.

  This is the will of the entire Rukia family.

  No matter how reluctant Sophie Lucia was, no matter how much Sauron Lucia took care of her, she could not resist.

  As long as she is still a Rukia, she must openly admit that she has shortcomings in academic ethics.

  This will have a great impact on her future.

  It can even be said that it has cut off more than half of Sophie Lucia's hopes of finding a research position.

  Sophie was aggrieved, but had to record an apology video before the deadline and posted it on the "Riversos Forum".

  As this video spread, the name Link Grande once again entered the public eye.

  Many wizards are speculating on what kind of magic power Link Grande has that actually makes the academy willing to endorse him and "force" the Lucia family to suffer such a big loss.

  Not only did he offer to reconcile and pay for the magic stone, but he also humiliated a member of his direct lineage.

  It’s so bizarre, it sounds ridiculous!
  Link pulled out the thorn in the flesh, but found it boring.

  There is no sense of the pleasure of successful revenge at all.

  It just feels like one of the gravels on the spiritual level has been brushed away, and there is a slight feeling of physical and mental clarity.

  The only gain is precious time for local development.

  You can study hard, open a store, and cultivate direct descendants.

  It was against this background that Christina came.

  She suddenly appeared at Grand Pharmacy with all the information, her flesh and blood samples, and herself.

  Jasmine was a little stimulated when she heard that a pregnant woman came to see Link.

  Only after he forcibly suppressed his turbulent emotions and confirmed the cause and effect of the incident did he change his attitude.

  While rolling his eyes at Link, he warmly greeted Christina to go to the North District villa and treat the guests properly.

  "sorry to bother you."

  North District villa, three floors underground laboratory.

  Link, Jasmine, and Christina looked at the information projected by the office brain together.

  Christina has not spoken since she saw Jasmine, and has been communicating with them by outlining the characters with black smoke.

  "It's okay, no trouble, I'll do some research first."

  Link stared at the research ideas, experimental plan design, experimental records and detailed experimental logs on the projection, and casually replied.

  The academic route of Shadow City, especially the academic route of biochemistry, is not the same as that of Riversoth College.

  Riversoth College pursues screening and optimization, while Shadow City pursues transplantation, "transgenics" and cross-species hybridization.

  The biochemical transformation that Christina received was to implant the "bloodline" of a shadow snake, which changed the wizard's qualifications from the "genetic" level.

  It even gave Christina the racial ability of the Shadow Demon Snake, Shadow Aberration, which allowed her to blend into the shadow plane at the first-level wizard stage, lurking, attacking, and avoiding harm.

  Achieve the physical elementalization effect that only a third-level wizard can have.

  This line of thinking and this result gave Link a sense of déjà vu.

  He seemed to have seen something similar somewhere.

  After thinking about it carefully, Link suddenly realized.

  The goblin’s talent!
  (End of chapter)

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