179. Chapter 179 Epidemic? distortion? It’s biochemical modification!

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  Chapter 179 Epidemic? distortion? It’s biochemical modification!

  "No problem, you can go about your business."

  Someone took the initiative to provide logistical support for the research, and Link accepted it without hesitation.

  It just so happened that he could devote himself wholeheartedly to the study of goblin diseases and aberrations.

  Old man Murphy downloaded the comparison report from the public computer to his own portable computer and left thoughtfully.

  This was a serious matter. Now that he had discovered it, he couldn't hide it. He had to report it to the top.

  The rear camp is no better than the frontline battlefield.

  High importance, but few powerful characters.

  Once a riot occurs, if it is not handled promptly or appropriately, it can easily shake the overall morale of the military.

  Not to mention the possibility of losing stable logistical supplies on the frontline battlefield and even becoming a lone army.

  When he thought of this, old man Murphy's pace involuntarily accelerated a lot.

  Return to the office, lock the door, check for eavesdropping, turn on anti-eavesdropping, and cast an isolation barrier.

  After making all preparations, old man Murphy took out an encrypted communicator and issued a communication request.

  There are many ways to report upward.

  What Mr. Murphy adopted was an informal approach that was both public and private.

  "Is something wrong?"

  A hoarse voice came from the other end of the communicator.

  "Find a convenient place to talk."

  Old Man Murphy deliberately lowered his voice.

  "Wait a moment."

  The other person said and hung up the communication.

  After a while, a communication request was sent over there. It seemed that I had found a place where I didn't have to worry about the conversation being leaked.

  "Why are you so cautious?"

  the hoarse voice asked in confusion.

  "What's up?"

  Old man Murphy no longer suppressed his emotions, raised his voice, and cursed, "It's about your life! How the hell did you do things and make such a big mistake?" "Say." The hoarse voice suddenly became



  "All the deformed goblin corpses and living goblins sent to the rear camp have been inspected by your inspection team to confirm that they do not carry diseases and will not be deformed, right?" "Yes, don't you still ask me for help today

  ? Have you walked away? Why, did you find any problem?"

  The hoarse voice first answered the question, and then asked with concern.

  "Haha, what problem did you find?"

  Old Murphy's tone was a little sarcastic, "The problem we found is huge. The

  living goblins you sent carried the disease and have begun to become deformed.

  Fortunately, my department's men discovered it first. I will tell you as soon as possible.

  Otherwise, if someone else discovers it and stabs the Paro wizard directly, you will be punished.

  If it gets worse and something happens, you may be punished again and again. There is no chance of approval, and the ashes have to be raised."

  "Hey! Old man Murphy, don't scare me."

  The hoarse voice was very shocked, and some didn't want to believe what old man Murphy said.

  But he knew that old man Murphy would not tease him about such a big thing.

  So, something really went wrong.


  Old Man Murphy just sneered.

  This gesture directly shattered the luck of the hoarse voice.

  The hoarse voice immediately fell silent.

  After a long time, he still couldn't help but asked with a hint of luck: "Is there any evidence? I want to see the evidence."

  Old man Murphy knew that the other party would not believe it easily, so he downloaded the comparison report.

  If the other party hadn't saved his life, he wouldn't have bothered to wade into this muddy water.

  Reported directly to Wizard Paro.

  Why would you specifically remind the other party to make amends quickly?

  It’s so troublesome.

  However, Mr. Murphy did not directly send the comparison report.

  After all, this is the research result of Link Grande.

  It is already inappropriate to use it for personal matters.

  If it is leaked out so easily, there is no academic ethics at all.

  Everyone is knowledgeable. Old man Murphy took out the comparison report, selected some key points, and dictated some findings.

  The person on the other side immediately understood that Old Murphy was not lying to him.

  There was indeed a serious flaw in their work.

  It is necessary to recall all the deformed goblin corpses and living goblins sent to the rear camp before Lou Zi is exposed.

  And check the previous testing procedures to determine whether the flaw was man-made or caused by unreasonable and loose testing procedures.

  Just hope it's the latter, not the former.

  The hoarse voice hung up the communication, with such expectation in his heart.

  Immediately, he started to act vigorously and resolutely.

  First, the detection of all deformed goblin corpses and living goblins was suspended, and all staff were disarmed, banned, and put under centralized supervision.

  The sudden change immediately caused an uproar.

  After that, a notice was immediately issued to recall all the corpses of deformed goblins and living goblins.

  Inform the relevant agencies in the rear camp to closely guard the corpses and living bodies before the recall team arrives, and increase the alert level to prevent accidents.

  The detection team station is located in the east corner of the frontline headquarters.

  But no matter where you are in the corner, making such a big noise will attract attention.

  The guard captain who was responsible for the security of the entire headquarters came over and asked: "Cole, what are you doing? Are you making it so lively?" Cole, the leader of the

  detection team, had a hoarse voice and laughed at himself: "Lively? I can't I don't want this fuss! My subordinates made mistakes in their work and are trying to make up for it. I just hope they don't create a big mess."

  Hearing this, the captain frowned and immediately asked: "Is the problem serious? Do you need help?" "

  Currently . It's not serious."

  Cole thought carefully and said, "If you can, please guard the portal." The

  guard captain's brows became more and more frowned.

  Guard the portal?

  This statement is anything but simple.

  This means that the detection team has caused quite a lot of trouble this time, and the worst expected result will actually affect the portal.

  In this case, the nature is completely different.

  It’s no longer just an internal matter within the detection team.

  It is about the safety of the entire frontline command and the entire legion.

  His face softened slightly, and the captain gave advice: "Cole, report to Wizard Paro quickly, don't delay things."

  After saying that, the captain secretly made preparations.

  Take the advice and say something kind.

  If you don't listen, then you have to change from friendly suggestions to forced orders.

  With the important responsibility of security at the command headquarters, the guard captain has the right to do this.

  "Well, I'll go right away."

  Cole had this plan himself, and he happened to have all the work arranged.

  He immediately set off and followed the captain of the guard straight to the tent where the Paro wizard was.

  The Paro Wizard is the supreme leader of the Wizard Legion.

  The place where he is located is the core of the entire frontline command and even the entire legion.

  People from different departments come in and out, reporting work, giving feedback, filing applications, debriefing...

  each has their own demands.

  What the Paro wizard has to do is to make various decisions with the advice of the staff office.

  The security work of the top leader of the legion is naturally no child's play.

  It's not something that just anyone can see if they want to.

  You have to go through security first and then apply.

  Even though the captain of the guard who formulated the security plan came in person, the guards still meticulously carried out eight security inspection procedures before letting him go. The two of them approached the tent, were stopped again, registered and applied, waiting to be approved.

  After the announcement, after waiting for a few minutes, the guard captain and detection team leader Cole were allowed to enter.

  "What's going on?"

  Wizard Paro looked at the holographic map of the known boundaries of the goblin world, thinking about how to march and advance the third battle, and asked directly without raising his head.

  The captain of the guard remained silent.

  Cole, the leader of the testing team, did not dare to hide anything and told the truth.

  However, he only said that he had received a tip and concealed the existence of old man Murphy.

  After hearing this, Wizard Paro walked a few steps, as if he thought of something happy. A smile appeared on his lips that the captain of the guard had not seen for a long time, and said: "Old man
  Murphy should have given you the information. Otherwise, I can't think of anything." Is there anyone in the rear camp who is willing to communicate with you in advance after discovering a flaw that you were not aware of, instead of directly reporting it to me." After a pause, Wizard Paro stopped his smile and stared into

  Cole's eyes. He slowly said: "This mistake is really low-level. As the leader of the testing team, how did you check it? You actually need someone else to remind you?"

  Cole pursed his lips a few times, not daring to mention what he was preoccupied with these days. In order to solve the problem of 'banned drugs', the management of the testing team was neglected.

  I can only bow my head and admit my mistake, pretending to be scolded and punished.

  "Okay, go back and do some self-examination and self-correction. Then write a review and post it on the legion's intranet. Don't cause such embarrassing things again!" Upon seeing this, Wizard

  Paro suddenly lost his good mood and punished him.

  He waved for the guard captain and Cole to leave, with no intention of pursuing further.

  Right now, he doesn't have enough people he can trust, there are powerful enemies outside and spies inside, so it's not appropriate to cut off his own limbs.

  When employing people, make use of their strengths and tolerate their weaknesses.

  You can't give up completely just because you made a mistake.

  After the punishment is over, give it a chance to see the effects.

  I believe that after such a lesson, similar mistakes will not happen again in the future.


  Cole was overjoyed to have escaped, breathed a sigh of relief, and then responded loudly.

  The captain of the guard just bowed silently.

  The two exited the tent, walked a short distance, and stopped a little further away.

  The captain of the guard looked at Cole, who was looking happy, and reminded in a deep voice: "Take care of the beginning and end as soon as possible, and don't let any problems happen again. Otherwise, Wizard Paro will spare you once, but will not spare you a second time."

  "Yes, I will, thank you for reminding me."

  Cole wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead.

  I couldn't help but imagine what would happen if this flaw was not discovered, and I felt guilty for a while.

  Saying goodbye to the captain of the guard, Cole returned to the detection team and began a new round of more detailed investigations.

  It is necessary to find out the link and cause of the problem.

  Link didn't know about the turmoil caused by one of his discoveries and a comparative report in the frontline command.

  He is busy exploring the effect and mechanism of distortion on the elf's talents.

  First, the remaining two rainforest goblins in the first batch were fully tested and inspected.

  The results show that:

  The rainforest goblin who eats normally has a mild disease and the deformation is not obvious;
  the starving rainforest goblin has a severe disease and the deformation is quite obvious. The three points in the pupil have been enlarged and can be clearly distinguished from the appearance. .

  It can be inferred that the distortion speed and degree of distortion may be strongly related to vitality.

  Then the six goblins from different ethnic groups sent in the latter batch were given physical examinations and biochemical tests.

  Not surprisingly, all six goblins carried the source of the disease.

  Perhaps they were just captured, but these six goblins were in good physical and mental condition.

  Continuously tried to resist during the inspection.

  But they don't behave like beasts at all, but rather like a typical intelligent race.

  Through physical examination and observation, Link made several relatively superficial discoveries and inferences:
  First, it can indeed be judged through the pupils whether a goblin is infected with the disease, the degree of the disease, and the degree of deformation;

  secondly, the transmission route of the disease is not Conventional channels such as air and body fluids are based on some extraordinary mutagenesis;

  Link has not had time to fully understand the specific mechanism, and initially believes that it is somewhat similar to genetic mutations under radiation;

  in the end, from the six new fairies, there is no Fearing the deformed rainforest goblins, and even showing faint anticipation, one can boldly speculate that they seem to be actively accepting the disease infection.

  Considering that the goblin world is undergoing a conquest by the Paro wizards, it is at a complete disadvantage, with cities and lands abandoned and heavy casualties.

  For the purpose of resisting, defending homeland, and ensuring continuation.

  It is entirely possible for a force to arise within the goblin world that hopes to strengthen its combat power through biochemical means and reverse the situation of the war.

  It is entirely possible for warriors to emerge who are willing to sacrifice themselves and serve as experimental subjects for the sake of the continuation of the race.

  The aberration of zombies may be a toxic side effect.

  The strengthening of innate abilities is the real goal of "epidemic".

  Link suddenly realized that he had been misled by the wording of the frontline medical department.

  The word "disease" is just the wizard's definition of large-scale deformation of goblins.

  As soon as his ideas became clear, Link immediately changed his research methods.

  He plans to actively stimulate a goblin "distortion", observe the entire change process, and compare the amplitude of changes before and after the "distortion"?

  In order to ensure the smooth progress of the research, Link chose to shake people first.

  "What's the matter?"

  Old man Murphy rushed over immediately after receiving Link's request for help.

  "I want to record the combat power and talent data of a fairy before and after its 'deformation'. I need your help and care."

  Link made a request.

  The upper limit of the fairy world is level 5, which does not mean that there are fairies equivalent to level 5 sages.

  Most adult goblins are equivalent to third-level wizard apprentices. A small number of talented ones have combat power close to first-level wizards, a very small number have combat power close to second-level wizards, and some super small ones have combat power close to third-level wizards.

  There is only one person in the entire goblin world who can rival a fourth-level sage, and he was injured by the Paro wizard.

  None of the eight goblins held in the isolation room had a combat power close to that of a first-level wizard.

  Logically speaking, even if a riot breaks out, Link can easily suppress it without asking for help.

  However, a gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall.

  There is a strong foreign aid willing to help, why not use it.

  Old man Murphy did not refuse, and seriously escorted Link from the side.

  Link picked the healthiest goblin and threw it into the wizardry laboratory.

  First, the vitality is fully replenished to restore the goblin to its peak state,
  and then the emotive potion is sprayed to arouse the goblin's anger, causing him to launch an all-out attack.

  Various facilities and equipment took the opportunity to collect data and record all aspects of the goblin's data.

  Data to determine normal status have been collected.

  Make another backup later.

  Link continued.

  First provide this goblin with excess vitality, and replenish it as it is consumed, as long as the goblin can bear it.

  Then anger the goblin again and induce an attack.

  A different kind of fairy "aberration" happened under the noses of Link and Murphy.

  This verified Link's guess that there is a strong correlation between distortion speed, degree of distortion and vitality.

  The reason why it is called an alternative "distortion".

  The reason is that the vitality is replenished in time and fully, the goblin's "distortion" speed is super fast, but the "distortion" amplitude is extremely low.

  The appearance still undergoes the typical zombie transformation, but the body is not shriveled and the sanity is not lost much.

  On the contrary, the innate abilities have been greatly strengthened.

  The combat power after the "distortion" has jumped directly from the level of a third-class wizard apprentice before the "distortion" to a level that is considered powerful among first-class wizards.

  Therefore, it is really not an “epidemic” and should not be called an “aberration.”

  This is an attempt at biochemical transformation and enhancement that has not yet been successful in the fairy world and is still ongoing.

  Moreover, they are very close to success.

  As long as it fills the vitality lacking in the "distortion" process and solves the problem of loss of sanity, it is perfect.

  At that time, the wizard army will face countless enhanced goblins with first-level wizard combat power.

  Old man Murphy watched the whole process and couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

  If a weirdo like Link Grande appeared in the fairy world, this battle might still be successful, but the losses would definitely be heavy.

  I've only been here a few days, and I've already studied the "epidemic" and "aberrations" of goblins so deeply.

  We even vaguely found out the key to solving the shortcomings of "distortion".

  Thinking like this, old man Murphy's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Link.

  Like looking at a monster.

   In the future, each chapter will be released regularly at least 6 minutes apart to allow some reaction time.

  (End of chapter)

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