156. Chapter 156: Pick the soft persimmon

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  Chapter 156: A crazy woman

  is a crazy woman if you pick on the weak ones.

  Just do things for fun, without considering the impact and consequences.

  Whether it’s the consequences for yourself or the impact on others.

  You could say that Iris came prepared, but in fact she had never thought about kissing Link secretly beforehand; it could be

  said that she did it on the spur of the moment, and she specially used lipstick with added ingredients before going out, leaving behind a kiss mark that was difficult to clean up.

  Maybe this is how crazy people think.

  I can't even guess what I will do next second.

  Link took a step back, glared at Iris who was smiling triumphantly, wiped the side of his face with his hand, and found that he couldn't wipe it clean easily.

  This lipstick is not serious.

  "I hope this is the last time."

  Link warned Iris seriously that he didn't like this kind of gameplay.

  sneak attack.

  Don’t talk about martial ethics!


  Iris made a face and didn't take the warning to heart at all. She waved her hand and turned away.

  Very chic.

  Watching Iris walk towards the North District, her back disappeared.

  To be honest, Iris's behavior today really shocked Link.

  Although he has long been mentally prepared, he cannot be the only time traveler in the wizarding world that has been conquering the heavens for so long.

  However, the identity of the time traveler was discovered casually, and that person was just a wizard apprentice, which was not what Link expected.

  Perhaps, Iris's focus on him was the reason why she became suspicious after investigating him.

  Link guessed this, and his mood could not be calm for a long time.

  As for what happened to Iris, Link had no intention of exploring.

  He doesn't like others exploring his secrets.

  I also don’t like exploring other people’s secrets.

  After a long time, Link came back to his senses.

  Without rushing back to the classroom, he went to the laboratory on the fifth floor despite the strange looks of a few passers-by.

  The "potions talent" is triggered by stress, and the knowledge of potions is fully utilized.

  First, take a sample to test the ingredients, then prepare a bottle of potion, dip a "cotton swab" in the potion and apply it on your cheeks to remove red lip marks.

  After doing this, Link just left the laboratory and returned to the classroom.

  It's just...

  Jasmine's face was gloomy and frosty, exuding an icy aura.

  The Friends Group and the Social Terrorism Group shivered in fear and huddled aside, not daring to say a word.

  Not to mention the daily slapstick banter.

  As soon as he saw this situation, Link knew that Iris must have caused some trouble again.

  He glanced at Buck from the corner of his eye and gave a signal.

  Buck shrank his head and brushed his right hand across the laptop on the desk, making a "surfing" gesture.

  Link understood and nodded.

  He sat down next to Jasmine and was not in a hurry to speak.

  Link took out his portable computer and logged into the "Forum".

  There is a post that is pinned to the top of the page and is very conspicuous and very popular.

  When I clicked on it, I saw that the content was two photos of Iris kissing the side of Link's face and Link wiping the kiss mark with his hand.

  One is the first place in the competition between the two districts in the first grade of the South District, and the other is the famous crazy girl in the first grade of the North District.

  Photo content also has highlights.

  Curious people flocked to the place, and the excitement instantly exploded.

  The comment section was filled with astonishment, and the words "I'm sorry" appeared frequently.

  There are also many people who say sourly that Link Grande is unscrupulous and even dares to criticize beauties.

  Seeing this post, how could Link not know what happened.

  Okay, I'm really jealous this time.

  Putting down his portable computer, Link looked at Jasmine, just about to explain the ins and outs of the matter.

  "Turn around!"

  Who would have thought that before Link could speak, Jasmine shouted in a cold tone.


  Link was confused, wondering what kind of trouble Jasmine was up to.

  "I said, turn around!"

  Jasmine said angrily, "Don't look at me, look at your Iris!"

  Well, the jealousy was really overturned.

  A girl in this state cannot be coaxed, nor can she be coaxed.

  The more you coax, the more angry you become, and the more you don't coax, the more angry you become.

  Link decisively chose not to coax, but followed Jasmine's words, turned his head and looked forward.


  Jasmine snorted, then she leaned forward and kissed the side of Link's face hard.

  Then he said bitterly: "Don't remember what it felt like for her to kiss you. Remember mine!"

  After saying that, he sulked alone and didn't want to talk to Link anymore.

  Jasmine didn't wear lipstick, so naturally there was no lip mark left, only a little warmth remained.

  Link sighed quietly.

  He just wants to concentrate on his practice and doesn't want to do any of this.

  The result...

  one on the left and one on the right, both cheeks were secretly kissed.

  What's the fuss about?

  Will it be the lips next time?

  The Friends Group and the Social Terrorism Group watched the interaction between the boss and the eldest sister, and had different reactions.

  Betty, the only girl, not only admires the boldness and bravery of the eldest sister Jasmine, but is also afraid that her eyes will grow "needle eyes" if she sees something she shouldn't.


  The seven boys admire the boss Link.

  The eldest sister's head is tied tightly here, and colorful flags can be provoked outside.

  Simply a role model for our generation.


  Link was speechless, ignoring these trivial matters and reviewing the relevant knowledge of level 0 rule runes with peace of mind.

  Jasmine was sulking for a while, and then she relieved herself.

  Return to normal and read the book carefully.

  The Friendship Group and the Social Terrorism Group felt the no longer high-pressure and cold atmosphere, and tacitly breathed a sigh of relief.

  Fortunately, there was no quarrel.

  In the next few days, except for another wave of heated discussions about Link on the "forum", nothing special happened.

  The lives of Link, Jasmine, the Friends Group and the Social Terror Group return to normalcy and regularity.

  Dormitory, canteen, laboratory, classroom, canteen, laboratory, dormitory.

  From morning to night, I walked back and forth between these buildings.

  Research and experiments related to ecosystems are progressing rapidly under Link's leadership.

  The experimental materials sent by Iris and the experimental materials distributed after the college approved the project application are really not bad at all in terms of quantity and quality.

  Delivered in the same batch as the experimental materials, there were also 300 standard first-level magic stones.

  Link distributed these 300 magic stones to Jasmine, the Friends Group, and the Social Terrorism Group as subsidies and benefits.

  Jasmine alone received 60 yuan, and each of the friend group and social terror group received 30 yuan.

  The Brotherhood and Social Terrorism Group had no objections to Link's assignment.

  After all, Jasmine was better than them in terms of experience and ability.

  The group of friends called the big boss extremely angry.

  The Social Terrorism Team thought they had followed the right person.

  Jasmine, on the other hand, accepted it with peace of mind.

  The money earned through hard work of brain and body is not shabby.

  Link spends Iris' money to gain the hearts of his team.



  The first weekend after the two-district competition.


  After all the work was finished, Link gave the Friends Group and the Social Terrorism Group a holiday.

  They have worked overtime these past few days and are exhausted. Let them go back and have a good rest.

  Only Jasmine was left to help polish the seven completed papers.

  After careful consideration, in order to ensure quality and collect more "credits", Link still did not pour too much water into it.

  A big topic, "only" 7 "papers" were published, that's all!

  7 "papers", the main content of which is water sample detection and analysis, soil detection and analysis, evolution and special properties of plants, universal commonalities of herbivorous animals and characteristics of some mutated populations, universal commonalities and characteristics of carnivorous animals. Characteristics of different mutated populations, causes and characteristics of ecosystem imbalance, feasibility plans for reconstructing the ecosystem, preliminary experiments and conclusions.

  Link originally wanted to write about thoughts and reminders caused by ecosystem imbalance, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

  This kind of "paper" is not interesting to write.

  After a lot of work, the two confirmed that the seven "papers" had no wording or grammatical errors, and the data were all verified one by one, and they were completely ready for submission.

  Jasmine put down the pen and paper and asked casually: "You are going to contact that bitch Iris later to confirm the location of their signatures, right?" "Yes."


  responded calmly.

  He did make an appointment with Iris to meet and discuss.

  This is nothing shameful.

  The relationship between him and Iris was innocent and there was nothing messy about it.

  "I'll go too."

  Jasmine bit her back teeth, as if she had to agree.

  "Then let's go together."

  Link agreed without any scruples.

  After a while, the two left the laboratory and walked to a leisure cabin on the lawn by the lake.

  Looking at the pink-themed leisure cabin from a distance, Jasmine's breathing involuntarily became heavier.

  On purpose, absolutely on purpose!

  She was sure that Iris had definitely guessed that she was going to come with her, so she specially booked a place like this.

  There are obviously so many leisure cabins nearby where people can have serious conversations.

  I chose pink!

  Iris deliberately stood by the door to greet her. She was a drama queen, holding up a piece of silk silk in her right hand. She waved it slightly and said in a pretentious tone, "Isn't this Sister Jasmine? What's the wind?" Brought my sister here?"

  At this moment, Iris was not alone.

  Concubine Hua's possession, from her tone of voice, to her eyes, to her demeanor, to her actions, are exactly the same.

  The madness is on the rise again.

  It's a pity that Link turned a blind eye.

  Jasmine didn't understand the joke and didn't give the response Iris expected.

  Iris's coquettish operation was a wink for a blind man.

  "It's boring."

  She curled her lips and rolled her eyes. Iris returned to her own state, turned around and walked into the house.

  "Go in."

  Jasmine tilted her head and urged.

  She has accumulated her "anger" and is ready to have a good fight with Iris, a crazy woman.

  Link had no objection and walked into the leisure hut first.

  Jasmine followed closely behind.

  The cabin is not only pink on the outside, but the interior decoration style is extremely ambiguous.

  Iris, however, was sitting very seriously. When she saw Link and Jasmine coming in, she immediately made a request in a serious tone: "One article for one article, two articles for two articles, three articles for three articles, one article can be a non-core 'thesis', this requirement is no more than Let's divide it."

  Jasmine was caught off guard by this move.

  She was also going to use the yin and yang eccentricity she had learned from childhood to ridicule Iris.

  As a result, the other party didn't give him a chance at all.

  "Okay, you take your pick."

  Link was here to talk business, but he didn't hesitate and immediately placed the final draft of the "thesis" in front of Iris.

  "Okay, wait a moment. You guys sit down for a while and have some drinks."

  Iris stretched out her right hand and pointed to the seat aside, politely.

  "Sit down."

  Link looked at Jasmine's "not angry, not happy" look, suppressed a smile, and reminded her.

  What kind of battle of wits is there with a crazy person?

  Is Batman’s IQ high enough?
  Don't be fooled by a clown!
  This is not a matter of IQ, but a difference in thinking patterns.


  Jasmine sat down blankly, took a sip of the hot drink, and couldn't help but feel doubtful.

  What did she do today?
  Could it be that he just watched the two of them talking about business and then had some drinks?

  However, Jasmine couldn't take the initiative to attack.

  That would make her look petty, looking for trouble, and easily disliked by others.

  After much thought, I couldn't think of any good way to vent my anger.

  Jasmine couldn't help but huffed, her cheeks puffed up like two little buns.

  White, tender, elastic and round.

  "Okay, that's all."

  Iris quickly made a decision, checked a few boxes, filled in the corresponding names, and handed back the "papers" list.

  Along with the directory, a large box was delivered.

  At a glance, one can tell that there are at least 500 standard first-level magic stones inside.

  Without waiting for Link to ask, Iris took the initiative to explain: "This is our practice in the North District. Many people like me who don't like to do research and need 'credits' use magic stones to buy signatures. Generally

  speaking , 200 magic stones to buy three works of an ordinary 'thesis'. If the quality is high, we can make up for it later.

  Considering that we have provided so many experimental materials, the magic stones for you are discounted in half, but it is not excessive."

  It turns out . in this way.

  Link was stunned upon hearing this.

  He put away the list of "papers" and the big box, and replied: "It's not too much, it's very reasonable." "Okay,

  that's it?"

  Iris, who is not crazy and becomes serious, handles things with a strong woman's demeanor and decisiveness. Neat and neat, not sloppy at all.

  "Okay, that's it."

  Link took a sip of his drink and stood up to leave.

  With a bang, Jasmine put down the cup with force and stood up immediately.

  It’s been a long time since we’ve had a fight. Is it raw? It was suppressed from beginning to end and couldn’t find an entry point.

  So angry!


  Iris suddenly called out again.

  "Is there anything else?"

  Link frowned slightly, feeling that something bad was about to happen.

  A lunatic smile appeared on the corner of Iris's mouth: "Tracy Lucia and the others are having a party. Do you want to go over and have a look? Munro's confinement just happened to be over. Call him together."

  With that said, Iris picked up the vibrating portable computer, took a look at it, and laughed: "What a coincidence. As soon as I mentioned him, he sent an invitation and asked me to go with him to find someone to settle the score.

  " They want to regain their place and face from the members of the "Pure Blood Will" who instigated the positive camp to isolate them!

  Iris learned from Wizard Selin that Link was conducting research on the ecosystem of the reference world, and immediately approached him for cooperation, presumably for this purpose.

  "Why do I, a new blood from the Southern District, get involved in your North District affairs?"

  Link waved his hand and refused directly: "I won't go, you can have fun by yourself."

  After the words fell, Link took the Jasmine went straight out and walked towards the laboratory building.

  Iris smiled meaningfully and didn't hold back.

  Some things can't be avoided just by trying to avoid them.

  What is supposed to come will eventually come.

  "What does she mean?"

  Jasmine, who had prepared herself mentally and decided not to meet like a crazy woman anymore, asked doubtfully with her IQ back online.

  Previously, she always felt that Iris was having some bad intentions and wanted to lure Link into the situation.

  Link was silent for a moment, and then said in a heavier tone: "The news that the Lucia family wants to kill me has probably spread. From now on, people or forces who have conflicts with the Lucia family will basically try to kill me. Use it as a knife!"

  Jasmine also fell silent after hearing this.

  This is something that is bound to happen, but cannot be avoided in advance.

  We can only take one step at a time.

  Try to maintain your own pace as much as possible and not be easily taken advantage of.

  "Don't worry too much, I have countermeasures."

  Seeing the worried look on Jasmine's face, Link said a word of relief.

  But as soon as he finished speaking, Link's expression suddenly changed.

  Munro Lionel actually waited downstairs in the experiment, blocking the way of Link and Jasmine.

  Looking at this posture, does he have to be allowed to leave?
  I really think he is a soft persimmon.

  Take it at will?

   Hey, keep asking for monthly votes.

  (End of chapter)

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