144. Chapter 144 There is a mushroom cloud in the sky

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  Chapter 144 There is a mushroom cloud in the sky.

  Isco did it on purpose.

  It wasn't because I was nervous or didn't understand the order.

  He had had enough of Link Grande being arrogant and bossy.

  I was even more fed up with Lanie Taylor's submissive attitude and her obedience to Link Grande's words.

  Thinking about him, Isco Alex, no matter what, he has a fifth-level qualification and is fifth in grade.

  After being so attentive, Lanie Taylor actually still ignored me.

  Unless I have something to do with him, I never communicate with him much at other times.

  The contrast between the two was so huge that Isco was very unhappy.

  Moreover, no matter whom he faces, no matter what happens, his opinions will be ignored.

  Not once or twice, but every time.

  Yes, he admitted, he had selfish motives.

  But his selfish motives were never directed at Lanny, he just wanted to show off and win face.

  In addition, he opposed teaming up with Link Grande from the very beginning and strongly opposed it.

  He was ignored by Lanie Taylor again, and even asked him to obey Link Grande's command unconditionally.

  What made Isco most angry was that this guy Bamir Valvez actually "knelt" down.

  Not only was he willing to accept team formation and command, but he also cooperated with Lutz Berry and convinced others.

  Isco had no choice but to give in and accept the team formation on the surface.

  Those few days without rendezvous were fine, out of sight and out of mind.

  Just do something as "instructed".

  These things can promote the progress of main tasks and side tasks. Isco tolerated it without getting angry.

  However, after the rendezvous...

  why do women come to Link Grande one after another?

  Especially Lanie Taylor.

  You are a fifth-level super genius, number one in your grade, and the dream lover in the hearts of so many people in the "New Blood Mutual Aid Association"!

  Why are you not reserved at all?
  For the sake of the competition between the two districts, for the mission of the camp, for what bet, could you put down your body and become a thief?
  There is already a Jasmine Kidman who is clinging to me!
  Isco couldn't figure it out.

  Isco was furious.

  Isco doesn’t want to be a licker anymore.

  Isco is ready to show off.

  Isco wants to make his voice heard.

  His rationality collapsed, his emotions were extreme, and his mind fell inexplicably. Only then did he make a move that surprised both warring parties.

  Howling, looking like crazy, charging forward fiercely.

  Iris praised: "It's so fierce!"

  Munro yelled: "Is it a bad thing?"

  The pursuers asked: "Who is the person on the other side? He is so brave. Is it possible that he is more vicious than that crazy woman Iris Clark?" For

  a moment, , Isko's momentum alone was able to suppress the pursuers of more than 60 people.

  Even the fierce offensive has been slightly reduced in intensity.

  The dense and dense offensive wave was sluggish, leaving a tiny gap.

  Link seized this fleeting opportunity.

  He threw three self-destructing fire mines in a row to open up a path.

  At the same time, he jumped out of the trench, activated maximum acceleration, and launched a charge even more fiercely than Isco.

  Run "Occlumency" at full power and activate the "Multi-Threaded Thinking" status card.

  Instantly transform into a humanoid supercomputer equipped with top-level AI.

  The limit is 8 seconds!

  Pseudo·natal witchcraft, "continuous casting", "parallel casting", "triple casting".

  Immediately transformed into a humanoid voodoo machine gun.

  Under the red light of the fire, Link seemed to have three heads and six arms.

  While cutting along the weak points of the offensive, dodging attacks, charging at high speed, constantly throwing self-destructing fire mines, and infinitely casting the same level 0 witchcraft: water ball.

  Bang, bang, bang...

  the self-destructing fire thunder kept exploding.

  Biu, biu, biu...

  there is a continuous flow of fist-sized water balls.

  Shooting mercilessly.

  The pig lurches forward.

  The attack power of the Water Polo Technique is seriously insufficient and cannot break the defense at all.

  But the main thing is the ultimate pouring in a very short period of time.

  The target is the eyes of the pursuers.

  Even if it is avoided, intercepted, or crushed, it doesn't matter.

  The steaming water vapor can greatly interfere with the vision of the pursuers, even if it is only for a second.

  The effect Link wanted was to take advantage of the moment when the pursuer's attack slowed down to disrupt the pursuer's attack rhythm.

  Buy time for Team Iris and Team Munro to adjust, and then launch a counterattack.

  As for the follow-up, Link believes in the power of the team.

  The pursuers were completely stunned by Link's Gatling gun-style strafing attack.

  They were worried, so they struck hard and easily killed the guy in front of them who had surprised them by charging forward.

  My tense heart relaxed and I just breathed a sigh of relief.

  The other party unexpectedly showed up with another guy who was also charging fiercely.

  I couldn't help but feel extremely depressed.

  Is this scaring the monkeys?

  If one is not scared, another one?
  They became angry and immediately faced Link.

  He was immediately beaten and was unable to fight back, losing the perfect and intensive offensive.

  Iris, who was flying in the air, saw Link leaping out of the trench, and her whole body instantly lit up.

  Crazy energy immediately came to mind.

  reason? What bullshit is that!
  "Come on!"

  Iris screamed strangely and adjusted her direction.

  Two streams of flames suddenly spurted out from under the boots, the speed increased to the maximum, and the dive accelerated.

  The two little hands were as fast as afterimages, and like running water, from the small bag placed on the chest, they took out various self-exploding explosive mines with added materials, as well as big killer weapons!

  Munro, who had just completed the turn in an arc, couldn't help but cursed.

  Is it possible that madness is contagious?

  But the matter has come to this, and there is no other way.

  Munro also shouted "Come on" loudly and launched a counterattack in advance.

  The people following Iris and Munro were the best of the best.

  Cooperation is tacit and the reaction speed is super fast.

  He was almost half a body behind the two of them, and followed them in a desperate countercharge.

  After being chased for nearly two days, several friends chose to sacrifice themselves in order to break up the rear cover.

  These people have long held back a raging anger in their hearts.

  Isco's charge had no effect on them.

  Because this is obviously a brainless move and makes no sense.

  Link's charge instantly ignited their spirits.

  Damn, why are there such powerful new blood from the Storm Sea?

  One person can produce tons of damage, which makes more than 60 people unable to lift their heads.

  He is truly a macho man.

  That's awesome.

  Jasmine knew what Link wanted to do when she saw the look Link gave her before leaping out of the trench.

  "Throw out all the self-destructive fire mines! Use all attack methods!"

  She made a prompt decision, bypassed Lanny Taylor, decisively took over the command of the battlefield, and issued the order with a firm tone that left no room for doubt.

  The Friendship Group and the Social Terrorism Group immediately carried out the order without saying a word.

  Each and every one of them was like a chicken blood, self-exploding fire thunder and throwing them out for free.

  As for the assigned attack rune items and your own rune items, it doesn't matter whether they are activated or not, just use them with your eyes closed.

  The reaction from Lanie's team was strange and unsurprising.

  The nine players who were shocked by Isco's behavior all looked at Lanny Taylor.


  Lani ordered, and she took the lead in obeying Jasmine's order.

  Is now the time for a power grab?

  Now is the moment of life and death!
  Why can't I figure everything out clearly?

  The four waves of attacks led by Link, although the interval between each wave of attacks is very short, less than 1 second, they also form a sequence of attacks.

  The entire mountain basin was filled with the roar of explosions.

  Fire reflected the sky, and the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked.

  Wails filled the land, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

  The pursuers suddenly encountered such a powerful counterattack, just like Munro's team encountered their high-intensity surprise attack at the entrance of the basin, and they couldn't bear it for a while.

  Unable to defend effectively, we can only fight with human lives!

  Combat attrition quickly occurred.

  8 seconds seems to pass in the blink of an eye.

  In order to maintain the state, Link must turn off the "multi-threaded thinking" state card.

  Iris, a battle geek, had seen Link's "Witch Machine Gun" mode once and had a cooperative experience. She kept hovering near Link during dive bombing.

  Seeing Link's "witchcraft machine gun" stopped, he began to jump into the sky, trying to escape from the encirclement.

  She took immediate action.


  Iris took out the two killer weapons at the bottom of the pack, and threw them directly into the crowd regardless of whether the power of the explosion would affect herself or her teammates.

  At the same time, she lowered her altitude as much as possible and flew over at a low altitude, allowing the rising Link to grab her ankle.

  "Crazy woman!"

  Munro led several partners to launch a counterattack on the ground. Seeing Iris doing such a crazy move to save Link Grande, he couldn't help but cursed.

  He did not dare to delay, and immediately took out the life-saving magic weapon from the cowhide bag at his waist, and activated a movable bowl-shaped shield to protect himself and his companions.


  "Defend with all your strength!"

  Many people in the pursuit reacted in time, activating various defensive measures and alerting their companions.

  There were also some people who were so jealous that they simply ignored the two deadly weapons falling from the sky, staring at Link and Iris who had not yet reached sufficient height and speed, and launched an attack.

  When a person is in the air and is locked by an attacking magic weapon, it is not that convenient to dodge.

  Iris was carrying one person, and her speed and agility were greatly affected.

  Many tactical moves cannot be performed.

  Link gritted his teeth and tried to destroy the "Defender 3202" suit, over-stimulating the defensive effect, and activated the crude one-time life-saving magic weapon, surrounding him with three layers of water shields on all sides, and then took the initiative to face the extremely fast attack

  . Several powerful attacks.

  A violent collision broke out.

  The disposable life-saving magic weapon and the "Defender 3202" suit withstood the direct damage of several consecutive attacks from the magic weapon.

  A strong impact followed.

  It broke through three layers of water shields on all sides and headed towards Link's internal organs.

  Link groaned, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he resisted.

  Not dead, slightly injured, still able to fight.

  This is a good thing!
  Iris took advantage of this powerful recoil to passively accelerate, trying hard to maintain her flying posture and get out of the attack range of her pursuers.


  Jasmine ordered immediately after watching Link escape from danger.

  Lead the Brotherhood and the Social Terrorist Group to evacuate to the underground hidden fortifications.

  Without hesitation.

  Also activate all traps before retreating.

  Including the two killer weapons planted by Link.

  They didn't even care about Munro's team, which was still trapped outside the trap area and had not yet escaped the entanglement of their pursuers.

  However, several people from Iris's team have been hovering near Munro's team to provide support.


  Four deadly weapons were fired one after another.

  The power of the double attack increases several times.

  After the earth-shattering explosion.

  Heaven and earth are quiet, everything is silent.

  A medium-sized mushroom cloud rose in the sky above the basin.

  The low mountains on both sides of the basin shook violently and opened many large gaps.

  Rocks and broken wood rolled down.

  There is a deep pit like a small lake in the center of the basin.

  One after another white light fell.

  Remove dozens of injured and dying apprentices in time.

  Not all local apprentices in the North District are dirtbags who can afford the "Defender 3202" suit and still have life-saving witchcraft.

  The pursuers only have a few purebloods or half-bloods from decent families.

  Just now, he barely managed to survive in the explosion of four deadly weapons and dozens of normal and recharged delayed self-destruction mines.

  But the impact, comparable to that of a mountain, also left those who survived in agony and confusion.

  He didn't pass out on the spot, he just lost the ability to move, which is considered a good thing.

  Let's lie down for a while and then talk.

  Riverside.   Iris put down Link and landed on the ground. She looked at the blood coming from

  the corner of Link's mouth and asked, "Are you okay?


Have Luo and the others withdrew?"

  "I don't know."

  Iris' eyes were also focused in that direction, but she said casually, "Never mind it. You can't die anyway. If you are eliminated, you will be eliminated." At first glance,

  this sentence, It doesn't seem like anything special.

  But Link couldn't help feeling a little chilly in his heart.

  The purpose of that "keychain" was what Iris told him.

  Now Iris said with certainty that Munro and the others would not die. What did this mean?

  This means that the local apprentices in the North District, no matter how serious the conflict between pure-blood and half-blood is, no matter how irreconcilable the conflicts between families are, they have reached an agreement not to actually kill during the competition between the two districts.

  But the "pure-blood will", the Rukia family, can kill Link without any scruples.

  The new blood of Storm Sea has no human rights!
  This is a fact.

  Link had already recognized it, only to recognize it again and more deeply.

  Taking a deep breath and putting aside his thoughts, Link said, "It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Let's go into the underground hidden fortifications."

  When setting up the trap, Link calculated the explosive power of the killer weapon and deliberately set the underground hidden fortifications to be under the influence of the explosion. outside the range.

  A lot of witchcraft, defensive runic items and defensive witchcraft were also used to increase the defense strength.

  But now, Link is not sure whether the underground hidden fortifications can withstand the explosion impact of four lethal weapons and so many delayed self-destruction mines.

  Jasmine, the Friendship Group, and the Social Terrorism Group all withdrew in accordance with the plan.

  Don't be buried alive.
  As for Munro's team and Iris's team, Iris herself doesn't seem to care, so Link naturally doesn't care.

  Let each mind his own business.

  "Go ahead, I'll wait for a while."

  Iris rejected Link's proposal and did not care about the safety of her friends as she did when she spoke.


  Link nodded, found a tunnel entrance, and headed towards the real hidden fortification deep underground.

  Yes, there are two hidden fortifications.

  One is a hidden fortification on the surface that Munro and Iris know, used for rest and preparation for war.

  The other one is located deep underground to resist big explosions, as well as to defend against backstabs!
  Iris waited for Link to disappear and the mushroom cloud to dissipate, then went down to the bottom of the pit and began to clean up the battlefield.

  When you encounter enemies who are still breathing, kill them directly and send them to heaven.

  After searching for a long time, they finally found Munro and others buried by rocks and broken trees.

  Through the crumbling protective shield, Iris couldn't help but let out a long sigh after confirming that Munro and others had not reduced their numbers.

  "It's good that you're not dead!"

  (End of chapter)

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