Chapter 98 Banquet

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  Chapter 98 Banquet
  Liquor is sold at a low price. Although the poor cannot drink it often, people with higher incomes such as soldiers, mercenaries, butchers, hunters, etc. can drink a pound and a half in a tavern every day at this price.

  As the sales of liquor become higher and higher, it gradually surpasses that of steel.

  By December, the sales of liquor had reached 460 gold coins, and the net profit exceeded 300 gold coins.

  In order to open up the market and expand sales, Richard set a low price for liquor. Mrs. Olaf also established a chain of taverns in Black River Fort based on her uncle Powell's original tavern.

  In just one or two months, the Haaland family opened six taverns in Black River Fort.

  As the industry in Black River Fort increases, more people can be arranged, and the tavern clerks can also work part-time as spies to gather information.

  As the industry increases, the Haaland family's influence on Black River Fort will also increase.

  After the winery was put into production, the income of Harland Territory increased a lot, and Richard was able to withdraw some funds to replace his debts.

  Uncle Thoros and Lady Ola's brother Landmasal both received the money owed from William's loan a few months later.

  In the morning light, before the goddess's birthday in 3256, Richard calculated that the Harland family controlled three territories, with a population of more than 20,000, and there were also 2,000 orc slaves in the territory.

  Relying on the steel and liquor trade, the territory earns a net profit of more than 500 gold coins every month.

  Including food, grazing and some income, it is already very considerable.

  The annual cash income is slightly worse than that of the baronies in the south. After all, the south has been developed for hundreds of years, and there is a large population in the noble territories. They can get tens of thousands of gold coins every year from agricultural cultivation.

  Compared with the successfully developed baronies in the northern region, the income of the Harland Territory is slightly higher. If compared with the baron who had just been granted a territory, there was no comparison at all.

  In addition, William and Mrs. Olla also have properties in Black River Castle. Together with the income from the tavern and house rent, they will have a profit of fifty gold coins every month starting from this year.

  The daily expenses of the Harland family are basically made of cash in the hands of Mrs. Ola.

  The Harland family controls three baronies. The three baronies have trained seven infantry squadrons. The number of regular troops exceeds a thousand. The combat effectiveness of the army is somewhat stronger than that of the southern viscounts, but not as good as the viscount families in the northern region. .

  After hunting the wyvern, Richard asked his second uncle Powell to take people to the Duke of Jonathan and send a letter to Duke Jonathan.

  Duke Jonathan's family has been purchasing dragon marrow liquid from nobles all year round.

  After receiving the letter from the Harland territory, Duke Jonathan's sixth son, Stareno, came to Black River Castle with a large group of people including the housekeeper, appraiser, and escorts to trade dragon marrow liquid with the Harland family.

  Duke Jonathan's son came to Black River Castle. Spencer Allen, the mayor of Black River Castle, did not dare to neglect and held a grand banquet to welcome Stareno.

  In aristocratic life, banquets were very common.

  Many nobles have a tendency to compare themselves with each other and are willing to spend money at banquets.

  The cost of a banquet held by a great noble can often reach several hundred gold coins. In extreme cases, it may cost thousands of gold coins.

  Anyway, Richard doesn't like to socialize very much. He is a first-generation military aristocrat. He has not fully integrated into the aristocratic circle, and his life is relatively simple.

  The reputation of the first generation of military nobles in the aristocratic circle was not very good, and they were often labeled as barbaric, rough, and tough.

  But the royal family often pays more attention to the first generation of nobles.

  These new blood in aristocratic society are more like the backbone and backbone of a kingdom. Nolan's Grant family often places great importance on the first generation of military nobles.

  Richard and Sophia are both hereditary barons. They both received invitations and came to the reception banquet.

  The banquet was magnificently decorated, with colorful carpets covering the auditorium and new silk tablecloths covering the table tops.

  The table is filled with exquisite food, and the more expensive red wine is available for guests to taste.

  Crystal clear glasses are used as drinking utensils, and there are also performances by dancing girls.

  Huge candles were lit, illuminating the banquet venue as brightly as day.

  In the middle of the auditorium, a colorful magic lamp was also lit, consuming precious magic crystal resources.

  The overall layout makes people feel luxurious and restrained at first glance.

  Richard didn't like attending banquets very much. He exchanged a few words with the nobles from Heihe County and then sat alone. His father, William, was socializing with others and seemed to be enjoying the conversation. Although the Harland family has been a hereditary noble for a short time, it is very powerful in terms of strength. Richard himself has made many military exploits and is already a heavyweight noble in Heihe County, serving as a commander in a combat direction.

  When he reaches his status, whether he can communicate or not is no longer very important.

  After all, the foundation of the Harland family is military exploits.

  Stareno, the son of Duke Jonathan, is tall and elegant, very much in line with the aristocratic aesthetic.

  More than a dozen noble ladies came up to him and kept showing their courtesy. It seemed that they had fallen in love with the Duke and wanted to marry into Jonathan's court.

  Even if there is a big difference in status, it is impossible to become the official wife of a duke, and it is better to be the maid of a big noble than to be the wife of a small noble.

  Seeing that Stareno had no intention of talking to the Harland family, Richard stood up and immediately left the auditorium and returned to his home in Black River Castle.

  In the sky, the silver moon is blurred, and a few floating clouds are floating in the deep blue sky.

  I haven't lived in Black River Castle for several years, but my room is still kept spotless by the servants.

  In the past few years since William was granted the title of hereditary baron, there have been few changes in the Black River Castle family.

  The only change was that there were more servants.

  Mrs. Ola's child is eight or nine years old. When he is playful, he is still running around in the yard.

  Seeing Richard come back, he became a little nervous, as if he didn't recognize his brother.

  After being granted the title of hereditary noble, Richard left Black River Castle and did not return for almost four years.

  After several years at Grant Knight Academy, Richard only stayed home for a dozen days.

  To the brothers and sisters, Richard was like a stranger.

  In their childhood memories, there was no picture of Richard, the fourth brother.

  On the contrary, Ron and Barron's children are slightly younger than them and are their little friends. The uncle and nephew are more like family.

  Mrs. Ola enjoyed the party very much, and William has not returned yet.

  In the past few years, she has been reluctant to go to the desolate Fort William. William also mentioned it several times. Mrs. Olla always said that it was safer to stay in Black River Fort.

  It seems that he covets the prosperity of Black River Fort and is unwilling to live in Fort William.

  After staying in a prosperous place for a long time, living in a military castle like Fort William is very inconvenient and difficult to adapt to.

  On the contrary, Wendy has moved the family library to the Baron's Mansion in Fort William to keep company with her second uncle Powell's family.

  Third uncle Bernie still lives with William. Bernie's eldest child, Don, is already eighteen years old and has not graduated from Grant Knight Academy.

  In recent years, the Harland family's financial resources have been very tight, and they have no money left to provide tutors for their children. Compared with hiring tutors, going to Knight Academy can save a lot of money.

  Among Mrs. Ola's three children, George, the boldest, stared at Richard and asked doubtfully: "Who are you and why are you here?"

  Just as Richard was about to speak, a tall, very beautiful woman opened Wen's door. Wendy opened the door of her room and asked with some confusion: "Is this Master Richard?"

  There was a strange woman living in Wendy's room, which made Richard confused. Before he could speak, a familiar voice came.

  "Is Richard back?"

  The person who spoke also came out of Wendy's room, and it was Bielsa, the wife of third uncle Bernie.

  Bielsa has been married to Bernie for almost twenty years. Although she has rarely seen each other for several years, she is still very familiar with Richard.

  "Where's Third Uncle? Didn't you come back today?"

  "I don't know if I went to some wild woman's house to fool around. I don't want to interfere with her affairs."

  (End of Chapter)

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