Chapter 9 Mad Lion Legion

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  Chapter 9: Mad Lion Legion
  When Richard and others returned, William informed the Northern Legion of the news that they encountered the Snakeman scouts.

  The Northern Legion did not dare to neglect and sent legion scouts into the Eagle Mountains to investigate the enemy's situation.

  Detailed information about the orc army, when will it invade? The senior officials of the Northern Army did not know much about it.

  But the Knight Academy had already received the news, and when Richard returned to the academy, the academy teachers persuaded him to join the Academy Knights.

  Richard already has his own plans for future development.

  He had learned part of the Mad Lion Breathing Technique in advance, and continuing to practice the Mad Lion Breathing Technique was the best choice, so he rejected the teacher's proposal and returned to Black River Fort after receiving his diploma.

  When Richard left, he was not challenged by the college, and the college understood his background.

  Although William is not a hereditary baron, he is also an important officer in northern Xinjiang. Richard is not a professional yet. This is not a wartime emergency. The college will not offend William for a soldier.

  After Richard received his diploma, he immediately went with Hayden to the Flame Castle in the Gascoigne Province, where the Mad Lions were based.

  Flame Castle is one hundred and fifty kilometers away from Black River Castle. The castle stands on the mountainside. The nearby territory has not been well developed and looks relatively wild.

  Compared with Black River Fort, Flame Fort is completely a military fortress.

  There were not many free people in the castle, and most of the residents were families of soldiers.

  There are six hereditary barons near the Flame Keep.

  These six barons are all first-generation barons. They obtained their fiefdoms for a short time and their territories were not well developed. They are all considered paupers among the hereditary nobles.

  But the first generation of barons must have been outstanding talents and powerful warriors. Although the territory is poor, its military strength is not weak and it is very experienced.

  The strongest Baron Harden is a powerful seventh-level silver knight, whose combat power is comparable to that of a ninth-level professional.

  It is rumored that Baron Harden has accumulated a lot of merit and has been granted two baronies. He is not far away from being promoted to a noble title.

  There is also a smaller cavalry regiment under Baron Harden.

  There are more than 30 professionals in this knightly group of more than 100 people, which can rival the main army as a whole.

  After Richard and Hayden arrived at Flame Castle, they did not go directly to the military service office to register. Instead, they found Roland first.

  The main regiment of the Grant royal family is organized into squads, squadrons, brigades, and corps.

  The number of troops under each legion and each brigade is not fixed.

  Normally, a main legion consists of ten infantry brigades, two cavalry brigades, a reconnaissance brigade, and a small heavy knight regiment.

  Including medical, logistics and other special units, the number exceeds 20,000.

  There are frequent wars in the northern border, and many troops are understaffed and their numbers fluctuate greatly.

  Roland serves as the deputy captain of the 8th Battalion of the Mad Lion Legion, with the rank of major.

  Normally, the deputy captains of the main corps have the rank of lieutenant colonel. Roland's qualifications in the army are relatively junior. It didn't take long for him to be promoted to deputy brigade, and he didn't have time to advance to the rank.

  "You brothers came so quickly. I thought you would rest for a while." "

  The orcs may go south this year. I think we should seize the time to familiarize ourselves with the environment and complete the advancement as soon as possible."

  With Roland's leadership, the two quickly completed the military service registration.

  Richard had a diploma from the Knight Academy and was awarded the rank of second lieutenant upon arrival, serving as the captain of the fourth squad of the sixth squadron of the eighth brigade of the Mad Lion Legion.

  War breaks out frequently in northern Xinjiang, and it is difficult for all the major legions to be fully staffed. The Mad Lion Legion was organized into eight infantry brigades, a reconnaissance brigade, and a knight regiment.

  In the last orc invasion war, the Mad Lion Legion lost 5,000 troops, and an infantry brigade was abolished. The cavalry brigade was also added to the knights, and the remaining troops have not been filled up until now.

  The Eighth Group only organized six and a half squadrons.

  The sixth squadron is not yet full, and the eighth squad has just been formed.

  In the past two or three years, the Mad Lion Legion has been short of officers.

  There is a vacancy in the military establishment, so Richard naturally does not need to compete with others. There is no conflict of interest among colleagues, and the relationship is relatively harmonious.

  Not long after entering the Mad Lion Legion, Richard handed four snakeheads to the military judge.

  With Roland's care, Richard was also a junior officer, so he would naturally not be afraid of the squadron's military judge embezzling military merit. Within two days, the military merit was reported and recorded on Richard.

  According to the laws of the Grant Kingdom, once military merit is registered, exchange is not allowed. Unless members of the same family want to be promoted to a noble title or expand their territory, they can combine their military merits to be promoted to a noble title.

  In the Mad Lion Legion, there is only a very low threshold for redeeming breathing techniques. The three-layer breathing techniques during the warrior apprenticeship period can be redeemed for free after the recruits complete their training.

  The fourth level breathing method only requires a small amount of effort to redeem it.

  The fifth level breathing method requires three small skills, and the sixth level requires five small skills.

  To exchange for the subsequent three-level skills of a junior professional, a total of nine small skills are needed.

  Killing three snake-like people is as difficult as climbing to the sky for a junior professional.

  Only nine small meritorious deeds can be accumulated unless there are many opportunities to make meritorious deeds.

  If there is no backing, every step up will be extremely difficult.

  Richard had just joined the Mad Lion Legion and had already accumulated twelve small skills. After coming in, he was already an officer. Compared with ordinary soldiers, he was already far ahead at the beginning.

  Richard took out nine small skills at once and exchanged them for the three-level breathing method that a professional needs in the early stages, and took the time to practice.

  In exchange for the Breathing Method of the Mad Lion Legion, Richard also needs to sign a special contract to ensure that the breathing method cannot be leaked. Even if it is your own brother or son, you cannot teach the breathing method privately.

  The contract was stamped with the seal of order and endorsed by this replica of the Church of Kingship and Order's artifact. Only a legendary professional would be able to survive the artifact's backlash.

  Once a professional who has not advanced to the level of legend violates the contract and leaks the breathing method, he will immediately be attacked by the royal seal. For thousands of years, no one has been immune.

  You can only watch the exchanging breathing method, not copy it. The first level of breathing method has thousands of words, and it takes several days to recite the third level of breathing method. If you meet someone with poor memory, it may take even longer.

  Although Richard's memory was not as good as that of his younger sister Wendy, his mental strength was also very strong. He could memorize more than 10,000 words of breathing techniques in less than half a day, and he quietly wrote it down after returning to the barracks.

  Most of the soldiers of the Mad Lion Legion who practice breathing techniques will do this. After all, human memory is limited.

  What you can memorize today may be forgotten in a few days. If you write it down silently, you can review and figure it out frequently. But you need to keep it carefully. Once the breathing method is lost and leaked, the attack of the artifact will come. The copied breathing method is like your second life. If lost, life is in danger.

  The apprenticeship breathing method collected in Richard's home is from this source.

  His uncle Powell had destroyed his copy of the Breathing Technique after retiring from the army and would not practice it deliberately on weekdays. I have forgotten most of the breathing techniques I have practiced for many years.

  However, the physical fitness strengthened by practicing breathing methods has been retained, and the fighting spirit can be maintained in the body for many years.

  (End of chapter)

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