Chapter 80 Richard’s Marriage

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  Chapter 80 Richard’s Marriage
  As long as Richard nods, there are hundreds of noble ladies in Northern Xinjiang who are willing to marry the Harland family.

  If you wait a few years and Richard grows into a high-level magician, even members of the Grant royal family may be willing to marry him.

  Now Richard is very popular in the aristocratic marriage market in the northern part of the Grant Kingdom. He can be called the most popular young man in the province of Geda. He is a matchmaker and a prostitute. Every day, old comrades and senior officers come to William to send messages, hoping to marry the Haaland family.

  On the Dawn Continent, low-ranking aristocratic families basically get married around the age of twenty.

  Ordinary people also consider love when getting married, while marriages between nobles are mostly determined by interests.

  Although there is a saying about monogamy in this world, the teachings of the Dawn Goddess also advise everyone to be loyal to their partners and treat their families well.

  But in a world where extraordinary power belongs to oneself, the system of monogamy is simply impossible to implement.

  Male nobles are accompanied by court ladies, and female nobles can also have guardian knights.

  Strong professionals, regardless of gender, can have multiple legal partners.

  If two barons, Richard and Sophia, get married.

  Richard can find the palace maid, and Sophia can also find the guardian knight.

  Children born have the right to inherit the territory of direct blood relatives, but the order of inheritance is later than that of legitimate children.

  The combination of two barons involves very complex issues that are related to the interests of everyone in the territory.

  Marriage between lords is essentially the merger of territories. In the history of Dawn Continent, there were rarely marriages between hereditary nobles with titles.

  William is not optimistic about their relationship, and this is the main reason.

  After returning from Black River Fort, Richard went directly to Vicksburg and met Sophia. He directly raised the topic.

  "I went to Black River Castle the day before yesterday. My father asked me to attend a party and marry a noble lady from Count Martins' family."

  Before Richard could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Sophia: "What do you mean by saying this to me?" "

  I want to tell you that I rejected William on the spot and told him that I had someone I liked. You know, the person I like is you. If you don't object, I will come to Vicksburg to get engaged as soon as possible."

  Richard was so direct, which caught Sophia off guard.

  When she was in Markholm Kingdom, Sophia had a secret crush on a talented magician. But she needed to shoulder family responsibilities, and this secret love ended in vain after inheriting the territory.

  During the time she spent with Richard, Sophia also had some affection for him, but it was not yet in love.

  It wasn't until Richard led the troops to defeat the orcs and rescued Vicksburg from the predicament that Sophia had a different feeling about him.

  Although the subsequent relationship between the two was not made clear, they felt like a pair of lovers.

  Sophia has lived in a noble family since she was a child, so of course she understands marriage between nobles.

  Her parents are just a combination of interests and don't have much affection.

  My father also had four palace maids who competed with my mother for favor.

  Of course, Sophia is a powerful magician, just like her father in status.

  She can also choose to marry a noble who has not inherited the territory, and then find a few guardian knights. This is completely in line with the laws of the Grant Kingdom and the conventions between nobles.

  But the days spent with Richard were so sweet that emotionally she couldn't let go of her sweetheart.

  Richard is mentally mature and not a love brain.

  Although Sophia is a few years older than Richard physically, she takes relationships very seriously.

  Faced with Richard's proposal, she readily agreed without discussing it with anyone else in the territory.

  The Stopa territory was severely damaged in the last orc invasion, and Sophia almost started from scratch. She personally organized and trained the army, and she personally purchased the people in her territory. Her prestige in the territory was very important.

  Even though some people in the Stopa family objected, with Sophia's insistence, the marriage of the two was quickly settled. After settling on the marriage, Sophia used some of the middle-level skills she had accumulated, and with the addition of the middle-level skills that Sophia had accumulated, the Harland territory could gain another barony.

  After obtaining the territory, William hurriedly went to Fort Wright to find someone to clear the way, hoping to obtain the unclaimed land in the east of Harland's territory and in the north of Stopa's territory.

  If the event is successful, the three territories can be connected into one.

  When Richard and Sophia's children inherit the territories, they can be merged into a viscounty.

  In other areas of the Grant Kingdom, this kind of incident would be difficult to handle.

  The royal family has always been committed to suppressing the influence of the great nobles and is very disgusted with the merger of territories.

  Every time I merged my territories, I had to shirk it for a long time. Only when I couldn't stand it anymore did I agree to the title promotion.

  However, in the northern region, the royal family needs the big nobles to shoulder important responsibilities. Naturally, it will not limit the influence of the big nobles, but will support the development and growth of the small nobles.

  After the orc invasion, the royal family directly granted two hereditary counts in the north.

  The current real environment in northern Xinjiang is far from the time to restrict hereditary nobles.

  As long as William persuades the provincial officials, this can be done.

  Not only did William find Martins, the old chief, to help smooth things over in the Parliament of Nobles, he also found Zachary, the new commander of the Northern Army, and asked him to be a go-between and send it to the provincial consul Jerram Holland. A generous gift.

  Jerram is a court baron with a not very high background. He comes from an ordinary baron family in the east of the kingdom.

  But his sister was a lady of the Grant royal family. She was very favored by King Charles and gave birth to Prince Felix.

  With this relationship, Jeram could reach the high position of provincial consul.

  However, to serve as a provincial governor in northern Xinjiang, one must obtain the support of the main army commander.

  The relationship with the noble lords should not be too tense.

  Insufficient ability and simply incompetent.

  Zachary is the commander of the Northern Army and the most powerful person in the province of Geda. He and Jerram were also old acquaintances in the royal capital, and both were close associates of King Charlie.

  Zachary was invited, and the matter went very smoothly.

  More than 1,900 square kilometers of territory in the northeastern part of Harland's territory were granted to Richard, an area equivalent to a viscounty in the south.

  The Richard family has three territories, and the Stopa territory covers an area of ​​1,200 square kilometers. William's territory covers an area of ​​1,400 kilometers. Richard's territory covers 1,900 square kilometers.

  The total land area of ​​4,500 square kilometers is less than 20,000 people. With such a small population density, it is naturally difficult to develop the territory.

  The aristocratic wedding in Dawn Continent involves a series of tedious procedures.

  But Richard and Sophie are hereditary lords, so they don't have to worry about messy little things. The new housekeeper Bernard Luca has arranged everything in an orderly manner, and they don't need to worry about tedious things.

  Although it seemed rushed, Richard and Sophia were willing, and they did not care about the opinions of others. They decided to hold a simple wedding. The invited guests were no outsiders, only blood relatives and in-laws of both parties.

  The nobles of Dawn Continent all like to show off their pomp and ceremony, and the waste in weddings and funerals is astonishing.

  Nowadays, although Sophia and Richard have made war fortune and have a lot of funds in their hands, they have already decided to invest and manage their territory and will not waste their gold coins on weddings.

  Richard has a modern worldview and is very good at weighing pros and cons. Sophia has studied magic in the Kingdom of Markholm for many years. The study of a magician consumes a lot of gold coins, and Baron Stopa's support alone is simply not enough. This experience has led to her habit of calculating money. The cruel war in northern Xinjiang and the responsibilities of Baron Stopa in the Territory have made her pragmatic and cannot vanity.

  Therefore, regardless of the criticism of other nobles, the two behaved somewhat uniquely.

  On August 13th, the day when the two got married, Richard and Sophia went to the Dawn Church together. They exchanged tokens of love, received the blessing of the church, completed the wedding, and became a family.

  (End of chapter)

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