Chapter 34 Royal Capital Nolan

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  Chapter 34 Royal Capital Nolan
  When Richard joined the Mad Lion Army, a very important reason was for the subsequent breathing method.

  Now the attribute panel has a new function. If you kill professionals, you can get experience points as rewards. As long as you continue to gain experience, your skills can continue to improve.

  Although I don’t know if there is no follow-up breathing method, I can advance to the fourth level professional by relying on experience points.

  But with the complete meditation method, Richard can already take the path of a more powerful magician.

  Although there are many benefits to joining the Mad Lion Legion, you can exchange your military exploits for some precious medicines. But relying solely on pharmaceutical resources, the Mad Lion Legion has lost its appeal to Richard.

  The most critical issue is that the property panel is very special.

  What the essence of this thing is, Richard still can't figure it out. Richard didn't dare to reveal anything unusual about such mysterious things.

  There are gods in this world, although the Seven Gods are still sleeping. If the attribute panel is known to a force like the Church, Richard is not sure what the result will be.

  So he didn't dare to gamble and had to keep this secret.

  As an officer in the army, your personal space is very small and you are stared at by many people every day.

  Richard's career and skill improvements cannot be hidden from anyone who cares.

  Last year, Richard improved many skills and was promoted to professional level twice, which caused a lot of discussion.

  Taking advantage of the fact that the current professional level is not high and he is not yet attracting attention, quitting the Mad Lion Legion as soon as possible will be more beneficial to the subsequent development.

  In his own territory, there are not only very few restrictions.

  As a northern nobleman, there are many opportunities to achieve military exploits. There are more choices than civilians.

  Besides, Richard is also an excellent officer. As long as he is willing to join the army, the Mad Lion Legion welcomes him to join at any time. At that time, you can also obtain subsequent breathing techniques from the Mad Lion Legion.

  After William returned from attending the baronetship ceremony, Richard resigned from the military in mid-December and returned to Black River Fort.

  December 29th is the birthday of the Goddess of Dawn, and it is also the most important festival in the Dawn Continent.

  Because there are real gods, their status is far more important than the birthday of the Western Goddess in the previous life, and the festival celebrations are very grand.

  After spending a full Goddess's Birthday with his family in Black River Castle, Richard and the men of the Harland family began to get busy.

  Sister Wendy's marriage has ended before it even begins.

  Kevin from the Ronald family was lucky. During the war, he joined the Grant Kingdom Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment and survived the war safely.

  But his father, Richardson Ronald, was unlucky and was severely wounded by orcs during the war and retired from active service. His maternal grandfather, Baron Barton, died in battle, and the successor baron was Kevin's uncle.

  If Wendy was married to Kevin before the war, it was the Harland family's high hopes.

  The Harland family is now a hereditary baron, and Wendy is the baron's legitimate daughter. Marrying Kevin is undoubtedly a second marriage.

  The two parties were not engaged before the war. Although the elders of the two families had such awareness, the Ronald family did not have a unified opinion.

  Now that Richardson's client came to propose marriage, William was a little unhappy and expressed his clear refusal.

  Returning to Heihe Fort this time, Richard brought a large number of books with him. By the way, he told the rest of the family what he had learned from Vic Castle.

  When she heard that Richard had obtained the magical magic book, Wendy was very excited and took a quill to copy it down on the spot.

  Without anyone's guidance, Wendy actually learned the meditation method and became a junior magic apprentice.

  Now that Wendy is gifted with magic, she can make her own decisions about her marriage.

  This world is so realistic.

  Now that Wendy has extraordinary power, even William must carefully consider her opinions. Although Wendy's combat effectiveness is still very low, her potential has been revealed. In the family status, she is second only to Richard and surpasses Hayden and Ron. From now on, Wendy is no longer a marriage tool for the Haaland family. Rather, he is a family member with inheritance rights and an important figure in a noble family.

  After receiving the document conferring a noble title, Richard filled in his name in the heir column.

  The Law of Succession of Noble Titles is a very important law in the Grant Kingdom.

  According to this law, only those who become professionals and master extraordinary powers will have the right to inherit noble titles.

  Hayden has not yet become a professional, Barron died in the battle, and Richard has been promoted to the second heir of the Harland family.

  Powell is third in line, and Bernie is fourth.

  When Hayden and Wendy become professionals, Richard will be further down the line of succession.

  Among the nobles of Dawn Continent, not only the legitimate sons have the right to inherit, but also the concubines.

  Although because of the Church of Dawn, all major kingdoms on the continent have a monogamous system. However, the power of the royal power is not weak. Hereditary nobles have legal palace maids around them, and the children of palace maids also have inheritance rights.

  Female nobles will have guardian knights around them, and they can also legally have lovers.

  Only illegitimate children born secretly will not be protected by the law.

  William has just been promoted to baron, and there is no palace maid around him yet. In fact, the current life of the Harland family has not changed much, not much different from the past.

  The goddess's birthday festival has just passed five days, and the kingdom's envoy has arrived at Black River Castle. This time the kingdom's special envoy entered the northern border, and his main task was to divide the territory for the new baron and set up boundary markers.

  After the territorial division is completed and the boundary markers are laid, some paperwork still needs to be processed. Only after all procedures are completed can the Harland family take over the territory, develop the territory's resources, and use the territory's wealth.

  Powell was mainly responsible for dividing the territory, and William was responsible for handling the paperwork. Richard was not doing nothing, but took a caravan to the royal capital.

  When running a territory, the most important thing is the population.

  The Barony of Harland is still deserted, and there are probably only a very small number of mountain hunters living in the territory.

  The humans living in the primeval forest were either runaway slaves from nearby territories or criminals from the Grant Kingdom. Such people would not easily obey the control of their lords.

  There is a lack of population in the north, and if you want to develop the territory, you must buy a large number of slaves.

  To purchase slaves on a large scale, you can only go to the royal capital. The slave market in Black River Fort only has a few hundred slaves at most, which is far from enough for the Haaland family.

  With the seal proving his identity and the customs clearance documents, Richard arrived at the royal capital Nolan smoothly. Accompanying him are the mercenary regiment under his uncle Soros, who are responsible for protection along the way.

  Compared to the deserted Black River Fort, Nolan is a larger city.

  Counting the suburbs, Nolan City has a population of hundreds of thousands.

  From a distance, you can see the towering walls of Nolan. In the center of the city, there is also a mage tower dozens of meters high.

  Nolan's city defense is well-equipped and very strong.

  There are not only two complete legions in the city, but also a powerful Royal Knights garrison. There has been no war in hundreds of years.

  Richard was just the son of a baron. When he came to the royal capital of Nolan, he could not see the big shots of the Grant Kingdom at all.

  But he was already a noble and received a lot of preferential treatment along the way.

  Especially for the hereditary nobles in the north, the kingdom has given them a lot of financial subsidies and reduced many taxes. The tax soldiers at the city gate were obviously polite to Richard.

  (End of chapter)

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