Chapter 328 Promoted to the Seventh Ring Magician

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  Chapter 328: Promotion to the Seventh Ring Magician

  Not long after the product expo ended, Richard began to frequently join the newly formed brigades.

  The new brigade's combat effectiveness is not strong, and many soldiers have not yet integrated into Harland's territory. In order to improve his combat effectiveness, Richard thought of many ways.

  The first is to ensure logistics. Regardless of weapons, armor, clothing and food, we must do our best to ensure that the soldiers are well fed and clothed without discrimination, and the logistics support of the newly formed brigade is raised to the level of the main force.

  The second is to ensure the morale of the soldiers. Half of the ten newly formed brigades are prisoners of war from the United Kingdom on the East Coast. These soldiers were far away from their parents, wives and children and became slave soldiers. Their morale was very low. But among the newly formed brigade, they have the best grasp of techniques and tactics, and their combat effectiveness exceeds that of the new recruits who have never seen blood.

  In order to stabilize the morale of the army, Richard selected a group of female slaves from the indentured slaves captured this year, and married the better-performing captured soldiers to form new families. This method works very well, allowing the captive soldiers of the United Kingdom on the East Coast to quickly integrate into the Harland Territory.

  The third is to transfer key personnel from the old army to lead these people. When war comes, whether an army can fight depends on its backbone veterans. An excellent squadron leader can lead dozens or hundreds of people, and sometimes can even determine the outcome of a war.

  When he went south, Richard had already transferred 300 people from several old troops and incorporated them into the new troops. After returning to Harland Territory, Richard transferred 300 veterans from the remaining troops and organized them into ten new brigades.

  In order to help the new brigade form combat effectiveness as soon as possible, Richard successively transferred 600 veterans and integrated them into the new brigade. On average, each new brigade had 60 veterans.

  The fourth is to strengthen training, speed up the running-in, and uniformly teach the first three levels of breathing techniques to soldiers to improve their technical and tactical levels.

  Although many methods have been devised, the combat effectiveness of the newly formed soldiers is still slow to improve.

  The biggest problem is that the soldiers of the new brigade are located in three countries. They do not understand each other's language and need translators to help communicate. The illiteracy rate among soldiers is very high. The illiteracy rate among soldiers recruited from the Kingdom of Delong is 100%, and there are very few literate soldiers among the captive soldiers. Only among the 4,000 recruits trained by Harland, there were 100 primary school graduates.

  But it was difficult for Richard to make up his mind to give up the United Kingdom's captive soldiers on the east coast. After all, these soldiers have completed recruit training and can master combat skills proficiently. If they are integrated into Harland's leadership, the training cost will be greatly reduced.

  In addition, Haaland's army also needs a group of people who master the language of the United Kingdom and are familiar with the internal affairs of the United Kingdom.

  During this southern expedition, Harland led many soldiers from the Kingdom of Delong. These people were familiar with the geography of the Kingdom of Delong, easily adapted to the local environment, and were able to communicate with the local people skillfully, which played a great role in the war. role.

  This year, a war broke out between the United Kingdom on the East Coast and the Kingdom of Grant. In the future, great conflicts and contradictions will inevitably break out between the two countries. If the territory integrates a group of captured soldiers from the Delong Kingdom, it will be able to take the lead in future wars and play a very important role.

  The soldiers mix together every day and have a very good environment for learning the language. After several months of running in, the captive soldiers from the United Kingdom on the East Coast have mastered a lot of Northern Xinjiang language vocabulary and can carry out simple communication. At least they can understand it. Military orders.

  After Richard entered the new brigade, he mingled with the soldiers all day long, ate and lived with them, trained with them, and came forward to solve some minor problems for the soldiers. It was easy to gain the soldiers' military morale.

  Richard's learning ability is very strong. In just a few months, he mastered the language of the United Kingdom on the East Coast and could communicate with the captive soldiers without any barriers. His performance won the respect and recognition of the captive soldiers.

  After spending a month in the military camp, it was already mid-December.

  After one more month of running-in, Richard feels that the morale of the newly formed brigade has become more stable and the combat effectiveness has also improved slightly.

  According to the plan, the ten newly formed brigades will be distributed to the frontline counties after the goddess's birthday.

  Including ten new brigades, Harland's territory already has 25 infantry brigades, two cavalry reconnaissance brigades, two Warcraft cavalry brigades, plus headquarters personnel, the regular army has more than 40,000 to 3,000 people.

  There are more than 40,000 regular troops, enough to organize two legions.

  There is currently no legion in the Harland Territory, and soldiers are mainly distributed in three areas, namely the Grotta River area, the Tani Gorge area, and the Losa Basin-Fort William area.

  Among them, heavy troops are stationed in the Grotta area. According to the headquarters' plan, three new brigades will be stationed in the Grotta River area. By then, there will be ten infantry brigades, three magic hot air balloon squadrons, and one garrison stationed on both sides of the Grotta River. The Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, a reconnaissance brigade, plus headquarters staff, guards, and logistics personnel, totaled 18,000 regular troops.

  There are six infantry brigades, a magic hot air balloon squadron, and 9,000 regular troops stationed in the Taney Canyon area.

  In the Losar Basin-Fort William direction, there are nine infantry brigades, one reconnaissance cavalry brigade, one Warcraft cavalry brigade, four magic hot air balloon squadrons, and 16,000 regular troops.

  In the direction of Platos, we can now only rely on the territorial vassals and the coalition of nobles from the province of Geda.

  Richard thought for a long time and believed that the time was ripe to establish a legion. The garrison in the Grotta River Basin would be organized into a legion, and the commander of this legion would be handed over to Soros.

  Thoros is only at the seventh level, and according to the unspoken rules of the Grant Kingdom, he cannot hold the position of legion commander. However, Harland did not have enough high-level talents to lead. William was originally a very suitable person, but William was unwilling to retire from the Central Army and come back to obey Richard's orders, so the army commander could only let Soros, the most senior person, act as his deputy.

  The Taney Canyon regular army was organized into a detachment, with Jennings as the detachment leader.

  The troops in the Losar Basin-Fort William direction were also organized into a corps. There was no suitable person to lead the corps, so Richard was appointed concurrently.

  At the end of the year, the army organization was completed. Harland led the regular army and organized it into two legions and one detachment.

  After entering December, Harland leader received good news again. Richard was successfully promoted to a seventh-ring magician before the goddess's birthday, becoming the second high-level spellcaster in the Mage Association.

  Berika and Bonova were also successfully promoted and became three-ring mages.

  Although Harland leads the Mage Association this year, there are not many breakthrough potions, and the Mage Association also has six advanced apprentices who have successfully advanced.

  During the Southern Expedition, only one official member of the Harland Leader Mage Association was killed. The number of magicians increased by five, and the number of apprentices increased by 27 this year.

  Nowadays, more than a dozen new primary schools have been built in Harland Territory, and more than thousands of new students are admitted every year. These freshmen need to pass qualification tests, and the Harland Master Association recruits a large number of new blood every year.

  According to statistics from the year-end roster, there are more than 200 preliminary members of the Mage Association, including 47 official magicians, three intermediate magicians, and two high-level magicians.

  This scale is far greater than the mage tower where Sophia worked back then. When placed in Markholm Magic Kingdom, it is considered medium-sized. New territories have been expanded this year, and hospitals and schools will be expanded significantly. With Harland’s current talent base, it will be very easy to build several new primary schools every year.

  According to Richard and Rogge's plan, three new primary schools and one middle school will be built in the Grotta River area in the spring of next year. Now the simple schools have been built and teachers have been dispatched, waiting to recruit students next year.

  After his magic level was promoted to the seventh level, Richard's mental power improved again. Through the attribute panel prompts, Richard found that his mental power attribute had increased to 52 points, and his magic attribute reached 1248 points. By reading the magic notes of his predecessors, Richard knew that this level of mental power and magic power was no less than that of a magician who had just been promoted to legend.

  Richard had several adventures that greatly improved his mental power. The average seven-ring magician only had 24 points of mental power, which was less than half of Richard's level.

  Even a highly talented mage like Sophia had an adventure in Markholm Magic Kingdom, used a high-level potion, increased her mental power by four points, and wore a star necklace, but her mental power was only three. At sixteen o'clock, the magic power is only one third of Richard's.

  If encountered on the battlefield, it would be very easy for Richard to defeat a mage of the same level.

  When his mental power exceeded 20 points, Li Zhan awakened his danger perception talent. When his mental power exceeded 30 points, Li Zhan awakened to powerful spell casting. When his mental power exceeded 40 points, Li Zhan awakened and his magic power doubled.

  Under the influence of the three talents, Richard's combat effectiveness was doubled.

  This time, his mental power exceeded fifty points. Li noticed that he had awakened his flame body talent. Awakening this talent not only doubled his fire-attribute magic resistance, but also doubled the speed at which he could refine the fire element. When the fire attribute magic is released, the power will be increased by 30% out of thin air.

  Richard has done experiments and consumes the same mental power. The three-ring magic fireball he is releasing now is somewhat more destructive than the five-ring magic fire cage released by Sophia.

  After being promoted to the seventh ring, it is already the end of the year. All departments are doing year-end statistics, and the year-end meeting is also being prepared.

  Although he is very busy every day and needs to attend various meetings and coordinate various conflicts, Richard tries his best to spare time and visit the research institutes in his territory to see if there are any new inventions this year?
  He spent most of this year participating in the war in the south, and only returned to Harland Territory in October. After returning to the territory, I was either inspecting local areas or staying in the military camp. I had no time to care about scientific research institutes.

  Only at the end of the year can we take some time to inspect the research institutes in the territory.

  The Institute of Optics' performance this year was mediocre. Although it produced higher-magnification microscopes, there were no new scientific discoveries, and optical research was temporarily at a standstill.

  The results of the Institute of Chemistry are amazing. The preparation process of three acids and two alkali has been fully researched, and the factory is also under construction. In addition, three types of chemical dyes, yellow, purple and red, have been discovered.

  Most of the researchers at the Magic Energy Research Institute led by Wendy are mages. Many of them participated in the war, and research has come to a standstill.

  The Metal Research Institute produced a new super-magic metal this year. This super-magic metal uses blood steel and orichalcum, and also smelts a small amount of mithril and metallic zinc. The texture is very hard, and its ability to conduct fighting energy is excellent, making it very suitable for making armor-piercing arrows and weapons.

  After the new alloy was successfully manufactured, the formula immediately became Harland's top secret. All scientific researchers studying the new alloy were placed on a confidential list, and the intelligence department specially arranged personnel for protection and monitoring.

  Making this new alloy requires a special alchemical furnace.

  After years of development, Harland has become very good at manufacturing alchemy furnaces.

  With the success of the steam engine, it will also be of great help in the manufacturing of magic alchemy furnaces.

  Researchers at the Alloy Research Institute discovered that the blowing effect of a steam engine far exceeds that of artificial labor. In order to achieve a greater ventilation effect, the Metal Research Institute also found the Mage Association and used super magic metal on the pipes where the steam engines were installed, inscribing the element of wind. Magic circle.

  Blood steel, orichalcum, and mithril have different melting points. In order to fully integrate the alloys, the interior of the new alchemy furnace was divided into four spaces, with different magic arrays drawn inside. After the alchemy furnace is heated, the temperature in each space is different. Because the melting point of orichalcum is very high, high-temperature alloys are also needed to make alchemical furnace materials.

  Now there are more than a dozen middle school students in the Alloy Research Institute.

  The middle school students led by Harland have already mastered a high level of knowledge and are smart people selected from the territory's millions of people. After entering the scientific research institute, they will soon become the core.

  Richard came to the Metal Research Institute and looked at the two-meter-high metal alchemy furnace. He found that this kind of alchemy furnace required the use of magic crystals for energy.

  Richard chatted with the researchers for a few words and soon figured out the reason. Smelting this alloy requires very stable high temperatures. Using coke to smelt the alloy has less stable temperature control, which is inferior to using magic crystals.

  Magic crystals are transformed into flames through the magic circle. The burning process is very stable and the temperature is easy to control. Most high-end alchemy furnaces basically use magic crystals as energy source.

  Today's Harland leader not only has magic crystal charging technology, but also discovered magic crystal mines in the Losa Basin. Although the output of magic crystal mines is not high, less than a thousand yuan can be mined every year, and it has been saved in the treasury. Thousands of magic crystals are enough for magicians and scientific research institutes to use.

  "Salamo, how much does it cost to refine a new alloy?"

  Salamo is the first middle school student in Harland's leadership. He is only sixteen years old and is a famous genius student in Harland's leadership. He has been studying for one and a half years. After completing elementary school courses, he completed middle school courses in one and a half years. Within three years of graduation, he had become the most important person in the Alloy Research Institute. The new alloy was his invention. Salamo also played a very important role in the research of the supporting alchemy furnace.

  In fact, Richard's eldest daughter Margaret is also a gifted child. She is only ten years old and is already a sophomore in middle school. Her magic talent followed her parents, and her magic qualifications are also excellent. She is only ten years old now. She has only studied magic for a few months and is already an intermediate magic apprentice.

  "Reporting to Your Majesty the Duke, excluding the cost of researching and manufacturing an alchemy furnace, refining a furnace of new alloy takes three days and consumes six magic crystals. Since a small amount of mithril is used as raw material, the material cost is about forty gold coins. Each furnace It costs one hundred gold coins to refine an alloy weighing about 12.5 kilograms. On average, one kilogram of new alloy costs about eight gold coins." Richard pointed to the alchemy

  furnace and asked: "It takes investment to make an alchemy furnace. How much money?"

  "Not counting the research cost, manufacturing an alchemy furnace requires the use of 4,000 kilograms of high-temperature alloys, plus labor costs of 1,200 gold coins."

  After hearing Salamo's answer, Richard reacted very quickly and immediately asked Said: "So an alchemy furnace produces 1,500 kilograms of new alloys a year, which requires an investment of 13,200 gold coins. Overall, the output is a bit low, and the cost is too high. It is not suitable for equipping the entire army. A small number of sophisticated weapons can be produced for use by mid- to high-level officers.

  Can the alchemy furnace be expanded, improved, and expanded to increase output and reduce costs?"

  (End of Chapter)

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