Chapter 326 Nelson II

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  Chapter 326 Nelson 2
  Although the road from Lothar Basin to Fort William has been repaired and paved with stone roads, once it snows in winter, the snow will still accumulate in the valley, blocking the road and prohibiting the passage of the army. Richard could only take a few professional officers over the mountains.

  On October 28, Richard came to the Nelson area again.

  This year is the second year that the Nelson area was annexed to the Halland Territory. The 20,000 indentured slaves who settled in this area last year have resumed production this year. In addition, thousands of families from the Fort William area have also moved to this area this year. Near Nelson area.

  Leader Harland has always implemented the primogeniture system, and the second son and second daughter have no right to inherit property. When the second son and second daughter grow up, apart from working in nearby towns, factories and mines to become citizens and workers, they can only choose to go to desolate areas to open up wasteland so that they can be allocated fields. Otherwise, they can only stay at home and suffer the consequences of their elder brothers and sisters-in-law. Eye roll.

  Being looked down upon will undoubtedly hurt your self-esteem. Many young people led by Haaland had no choice but to leave their hometowns, open up wasteland under the organization of the government, and work hard for themselves.

  Especially the Nelson area, located on both sides of the Black River, has very fertile land. It is located in the southern part of the Harland territory, far away from the orcs. It is also a popular area for land reclamation. Many people sign up every year.

  This territory is not considered wasteland. The Nelson family has been operating here for decades, cultivating more than 400,000 acres of land, building three castles, and dozens of villages.

  Freedmen who migrated to this area had ready-made houses to live in, and did not need to live in simple shacks.

  Compared to going to the northern front to open up wasteland, going to the Nelson area is undoubtedly a good job. Most of the people who can be assigned to the Nelson region are people near the capital, Fort William.

  Last year, about 600 freedmen were allocated to the Nelson area, and this year, about 2,500 people were allocated.

  Although these newly allocated freedmen were all second sons and daughters and did not have the right to inherit houses and land, their parents would give them some financial support, and each of them could get some cash.

  Although we have just settled down, life has stabilized.

  Richard drove lightly and took more than ten people to Hewan Village again.

  Hewan Village is located at the bend of the Black River, more than ten kilometers away from Felin Castle, and even closer to Tongshan Town, only four or five kilometers away.

  Riverbend Village is under the management of Philling Castle and belongs to Salt Lake County, while Copper Mountain Town is a town under the jurisdiction of Graveson County.

  This area is considered the junction of two counties, but the population is not sparse. There are more than a dozen villages on both sides of the Heihe River, with a combined population of more than 10,000 people within a radius of dozens of miles. With the increase in the
  permanent population and the recovery of production, Richard has already Prepare to adjust the administrative plan and create a new Nelson County. Most of the county's economy has recovered, and its population has exceeded 30,000.

  Salt Lake County is a priority area for development in Harland. Richard has invested a lot of resources in this county. In recent years, he has built several fortresses such as Nitburg, Imburg, Reindeer Fort, and North Boundary Fort.

  At the end of this year, Richard plans to build Nelson County and Im County in Salt Lake County. Nelson County governs the Far Nelson Viscounty, and Im County governs Imburg and Nitburg areas. Counting the garrison in Nitburg, this The county's population also exceeds 20,000.

  Salt Lake County now has four counties: Graveson, Salt Lake, Nelson, and Imam.

  Among them, Graveson County is the most developed. It is a well-known large and rich county in the Harland Territory, with a total population of more than 80,000. The territory not only has good agricultural conditions, but also has very good industrial development, especially Tongshan Town. Rand was a center for copper smelting and copper production.

  Salt Lake County is also developing at a very fast pace. It is the production base of salt industry and natural fertilizers in Harland. Richard is also planning to focus on the development of salt chemical industry in this county. With continuous investment in resource development, the population of Salt Lake County has exceeded 40,000. .

  The statistical population of Salt Lake County as a whole has exceeded 170,000, and there are 14,000 main and auxiliary troops stationed in the county.

  Richard inspected Hewan Village last year. When he came to the village again this year, he found that most of the people in the village were carrying grain on their backs and lining up to grind flour in the mill.

  Being able to eat flour is enough to show that Harland led the free people to greatly improve their living standards.

  The serfs in other aristocratic territories in northern Xinjiang were blessed by the goddess of the morning to be able to eat a meal of wheat. Most of their food is dried sweet potatoes and wheat porridge. In summer and autumn, they dig wild vegetables and eat bark and grass roots.

  The mill was built by indentured servants last year and was driven by water power. In order to repair the mill, the local government built a stone canal at the entrance of the village and built a large mill driven by water power. In terms of productivity at this time, it was undoubtedly huge. project.

  Now we are about to enter November. According to the climate in previous years, the Heihe River will freeze in early November and freeze in late November. Seeing that the water-powered mill in the village will soon be out of use, people in the village are queuing up to take advantage of the Heihe River. The water was not frozen, so I took the time to grind the wheat at home into flour.

  Richard had a very good memory and found Clayton again in the crowd.

  After a year, Clayton's living conditions have undoubtedly improved a bit. This person is the mayor of this village. He can still wait in line when he becomes the village chief. Richard undoubtedly has more confidence in the village that Clayton governs. .

  Clayton's eldest brother had served in the military and had made meritorious service, and his second brother was also a member of the public family. This kind of family was well-established and prosperous in Harland, and their career paths were much higher than those of new immigrants.

  After meeting Richard and others, Clayton thought for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed. He said a few words to the villagers around him, handed over the food on the wheelbarrow to his companions, and trotted over.

  As soon as Richard and his entourage dismounted, they saw Clayton bowing and saying breathlessly: "Master Duke, the weather is cold. Come to my house for a cup of hot tea!"

  Richard waved his hand and said very politely: "Clay Dun, we meet again. How many people are there in your village this year?"

  Clayton replied skillfully: "Dear Duke, there are sixty-five households of free people in the village this year, including the twenty households last year. , there are now eighty-five free households in the village, with a total of 384 people." "

  I remember that there were more than 500 indentured slaves living in your village last year. Why can't you see them this year?" "

  Reporting to the Duke, The village has a sufficient population this year and has resumed production, and most of the indentured slaves have been transferred to other places."

  Richard thought for a moment and continued to ask: "I remember that your village has a total of 3,000 acres of cultivated land and a working population of more than 100. Can it be cultivated?" Clayton replied: "Because part of the land needs to be left fallow, our village actually needs to cultivate two thousand acres of land. On average, each laborer needs to cultivate more than ten acres, and agricultural production is inseparable from big livestock. This spring, the government rented a large number of draft animals to the villagers, and we barely completed the spring plowing. This year's harvest was very good. Many families sold their grain and bought large livestock from the government. My family also purchased a pack horse and a farm ox. "

  Seeing that Hewan Village's economy was developing well, Richard had a smile on his face. "It seems that your harvest this year is very good!"

  Clayton replied: "Thanks to the Goddess of Dawn, and to the Duke, the average yield of our village's paddy fields this year is 320 kilograms per mu, and the average yield of dry fields is 180 kilograms. In the village Most of the land can be irrigated by water from the Black River. There is very little dry land. After the food harvest, everyone has a very high income level. I have made simple statistics and found that the average income of each free citizen household is more than six gold coins. I am this For the head of the village, the government also issues a subsidy of four gold coins every year, and his income level has exceeded that of the soldiers of the main army."

  Clayton is considered a new generation of grassroots cadres led by Harland, and his speech is already at a certain level. These Young cadres have all read books, and their quality is far superior to that of the elderly.

  Haaland leads the first generation of grassroots cadres, many of whom are from serfs. The cadres transferred from the army have been tempered by war and have slightly better literacy training. Many local grassroots cadres are uneducated and dare not speak when they see Richard. They have a little power. , all like to bully the people they lead.

  Over the years, Richard has patrolled everywhere and dealt with many people personally. An Inspectorate was also established, with Hayden appointed as Chief Inspector, to supervise the conduct of officials. Although they tried their best, the administration was still somewhat poor, and they were unable to deal with the shortcomings of the bureaucracy.

  When Richard came here last year, the villagers in this village still needed relief funds. Only one year later, the villagers in this village were already eating flour. Richard looked around and found that most villagers had purchased coal in their yards for the winter. A few poor families also have enough firewood in their yards. Even if there are no big animals, they can still have enough to eat and avoid freezing to death.

  Seeing that the territory was developing very well, Richard was very happy.

  After leaving Hebend Village, Richard inspected several villages along the Black River and found no major problems, and then rushed to Feiling Castle before dark.

  The mayor of Felin Castle is named Parson. He comes from a professional family in Black River Castle. His father is William's comrade in the Northern Army. After the Harland family became prosperous, Parson was one of the first to defect.

  After ten years of development, Parson was promoted from an ordinary civil servant to the mayor of Feiling Township, and his status has far surpassed that of his father.

  Now that Nelson is about to be established as a county, Richard discussed with Rogge and decided to promote local officials to maintain stability in the Nelson area.

  Now Parson's position will also usher in a critical step. Becoming the county magistrate in Harland is regarded as being promoted to the top of the civil service system. The status and treatment are very different from those of lower-level officials.

  After entering the castle, Richard went directly to Parson and praised several village chiefs who performed well, focusing on Clayton.

  "Nelson is about to be established as a county. How much tax will you pay this year?"

  Richard's question caught Parson off guard. He hurriedly flipped through the account books and carefully searched for the data before answering: "Our county only has more than 3,000 free taxes." Citizens, the land tax received this year is 1,086 gold coins, and the house installment payment is 120 gold coins. The total of other taxes is less than 300 gold coins. However, the more than 20,000

  indentured slaves under our management are The territory has brought very large profits. In addition to the rations and grains left behind, our county has sent more than 40,000 tons of grain to the grain depot. Although the

  consumption capacity of the Nelson region is still insufficient, the potential of agricultural production has been demonstrated. In addition, silver mines were discovered during the exploration, and preparations have been made to build a base fifteen kilometers northwest of Felin Castle to prepare silver. I personally think that the conditions for establishing a new county are already met." Seeing that Parson was in a hot mood, he was waiting for promotion

  . After the appointment, Richard smiled, understanding this feeling very well.

  Officials within the Harland Territory cannot be saints. Everyone has their own interests and can maintain the overall development of the territory. Richard is already very happy.

  After inspecting the Nelson area, Richard found that Parson was quite conscientious and conscientious. Although it was unclear how strong his abilities were, he did not have many bureaucratic shortcomings. He was neither greedy nor stupid.

  "Please rest assured that the establishment of the county this year has been confirmed. I have discussed with Governor Rogge that in principle, officials will not be recruited from outside. You will receive a new appointment soon. But please continue your efforts, do a good job, and manage Nelson well." The region must not only develop the economy well, but also maintain the stability of Nelson, and also manage the government well, and cannot allow the bureaucrats to oppress the free people in the territory." Richard gave Parson a reassurance, and rested for a night at the

  Ferienwohnung Castle. We arrived at Tongshan Town the next day.

  During the day, Richard inspected the villages near Tongshan Town, accepted complaints and lawsuits from free people, dealt with two grassroots bureaucrats in the morning, and met with the mayor of Tongshan Town, Rom, in the evening.

  Rom is a transferred military cadre, a former third-level professional, and an acquaintance of Richard. In the battle with the orcs, Rom lost four fingers on his left hand and became a disabled person who could not hold a sword. After the war, Roma retired from the army and moved to the government service.

  Although Tongshan Town is in a mountainous area, it is the center of Harland's copper industry. As long as copper mines can still be mined, Tongshan Town will continue to prosper.

  In recent years, there have been tens of thousands of people near Tongshan Town. A mint has been set up in Tongshan Town since a few years ago, and the annual income from minting is also a large amount of money.

  "How are you doing lately?"

  Seeing that Richard was approachable, Rom was very excited. "Thank you, Duke, for your concern. My health has recovered well after retirement, and it is much easier to work locally than in the military." "How is the

  situation in Tongshan Town this year?"

  Rom replied: "Very good, we More than 200 tons of copper have been mined this year. The mint is in operation day and night all year round. In recent years, copper coins have been minted on a large scale. The territory has no longer suffered from the shortage of copper coins. Relying on mining copper ores, manufacturing copper products,

  opening Mint, the economic development of Tongshan Town has advanced by leaps and bounds. The total number of workers in various copper industries has exceeded 3,000. The income of these people is generally around six gold coins, and they are also considered high-income people in the territory." Tongshan

  Town After many years of development, most of the locals are free citizens. Due to their high income, a large consumer market has been formed. There are various businesses in the castle, which makes it very prosperous.

  Through observation, Richard discovered that Haaland specialty consumer goods such as liquor, brown sugar, and soap have entered the homes of ordinary people. Many people wear colorful dyed fabrics, and the accumulation of wealth among the people has exceeded that of the Nelson area.

  (End of chapter)

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