Chapter 324: Knighting and Rewarding Merits

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  Chapter 324
  After the conferring of titles, rewards, and redemption of prisoners of war, the relationship between the two armies improved a bit, and the upper-class nobles such as Richard and Simone also had more mutual trust.

  As reinforcements arrived, Richard's strength became stronger and stronger, gradually surpassing the enemy. There was a tacit understanding between the top leaders of the two countries. Richard did not provoke conflicts or expand the war. More than 100,000 troops from the two countries were locked in a confrontation.

  After the war began, Richard recruited 3,000 new soldiers.

  Because these recruits are on the battlefield, they do not have the conditions to complete one year of combat skills training. They can only take on second-line tasks while learning breathing techniques and various combat skills.

  The regular army in the Dawn Plane not only needs to recognize golden drum orders and learn to form formations, but also needs to master a variety of combat skills, such as archery, spearmanship, swordsmanship, fighting and wrestling, and so on. It often takes a long time to train before being incorporated into the regular army.

  The combat effectiveness of soldiers who have not completed training is only slightly stronger than that of serf soldiers. The regular troops led by Harland can defeat these three thousand recruits as long as they dispatch a squadron.

  There are approximately less than 7,000 captive soldiers left behind by the Sixth Army. These people have completed the training of new soldiers. Some of them have made military exploits and exchanged for the fire breathing method of the Younis family. Their quality is better than that of the new soldiers.

  Since the Younis family was unwilling to continue ransoming people, Richard gathered these 7,000 prisoners of war and dispersed them into new soldiers. Seven thousand prisoners of war with combat experience were incorporated, and the combat effectiveness of the new recruits was enhanced somewhat.

  Time entered June, and the second, fourth, fifth, and sixth infantry brigades rushed to the front line. With the addition of four infantry brigades, Haaland's direct troops already numbered close to 12,000 people. In addition, Richard also controlled ten new units of approximately 10,000 people.

  Richard selected 300 officers of all levels from the veterans of Harland's leadership, placed them in ten new brigades, and then taught the apprenticeship breathing techniques to the soldiers.

  Generally speaking, traditional countries such as the Delong Kingdom will strictly limit extraordinary power. Except for nobles and servants who directly serve the nobles, ordinary people have almost no channels to practice breathing techniques. Without mastery of extraordinary power, social status will naturally not flow.

  The United Kingdom on the East Coast has a special system and is relatively more open. Breathing techniques will be taught to soldiers who have made military exploits, and there will also be some flow between classes.

  Facing the invasion of orcs, the Grant Kingdom needed to mobilize all its forces to deal with the racial war. The breathing method spread more widely, and there was even a professional class in the country. Although this class is not a noble, it still possesses some extraordinary powers. Some professional families are even more powerful than hereditary barons.

  Before the Harland family was promoted to the hereditary nobility, it was a typical professional family.

  The Duchy of Harland founded by Richard faced a dangerous external environment, and extraordinary knowledge spread more widely. Anyone who joined violent organizations such as the field army, intelligence office, security army, and auxiliary forces would be taught the first three levels of the breathing method.

  Once this opening is opened, capable people will stand out. Although the Harland family has insufficient background and has only been promoted to the hereditary nobility for more than ten years, it has also trained many people.

  The first soldiers to learn the breathing method, such as Zhan Nings, have been promoted to sixth-level warriors. Compared to other large aristocratic forces, sixth-level warriors can be considered middle-to-upper class.

  In addition to cultivating warriors, the magical power mastered by Harland Territory has also grown by leaps and bounds.

  In just over ten years, the Harland Wizards Association has trained three mid-level wizards, Wendy, Anne, and Butler. There are dozens of low-level wizards in total. Their strength ranks third in the Grant Kingdom, second only to the Grant Kingdom. Royal Grant and Archduke Jonathan.

  The Duke of York has been established for hundreds of years and is still a member of the Grant royal family. Its innate conditions are far better than those of the Harland family, but the magical power it currently possesses is no longer comparable to the Duke of Harland. Simply selecting talents within a family is far less comprehensive than the millions of people in the Duchy of Harland.

  After entering June, the front lines between the Grant Kingdom and the United Kingdom on the East Coast had stabilized, and high-level officials from both sides began to send envoys to communicate. Although the two countries did not sign a peace contract because of the Delong Kingdom, the principle of not expanding the conflict has gained consensus among the high-level officials.

  The East Coast United Kingdom no longer invests its strength, and the Delong Kingdom alone cannot change the situation at all.

  Even if Anton, the legendary knight of the Kingdom of Delon, personally led his troops, he still could not break through Steven's defense line. Instead, Steven gathered seven or eight high-level professionals, almost leaving Anton behind on the battlefield.

  After Duke Brener died in the battle, although the Grant family did not promote new legends, there has been an explosion of talent in recent years. Shane, the deputy speaker of the Magic Council, was promoted to the ninth level, and Heaton, a member of the Grant family branch, was also successfully promoted to the epic knight. Counting the palace nobles and senior officers, there are more than 20 ninth-level professionals serving the royal family.

  In terms of top talents, the Haaland family has almost no background. William, the only one promoted to the rank of ninth-level warrior, serves as the commander of the Central Legion and is considered a person serving the royal family.

  The only one worthy of praise is Richard. Although Sophia and Wendy have good talents, they have not yet fully grown up. The number of high-level professionals led by Harland is somewhat weaker than that of other dukes. Even the Duke of Guise has three ninth-level professionals serving it, far more than the Duke of Harland.

  It takes a long time to cultivate high-level professionals, and it is impossible for outsiders to recruit such talents. It will take another ten years for Harland to make up for this weakness.

  By then, Sophia is expected to be promoted to the ninth ring, and Jennings' strength will be greatly improved. In addition, Wendy and Audrey will also have the opportunity to reach the legendary realm. In ten years' time, both of them are expected to be promoted to high-level positions. Counting Richard, Harland already has quite a few talents in leadership. As long as these people grow up, they will be enough to lead the territory to its peak.

  After entering July, the war has gradually stopped. After Anton was defeated and injured, the Delong Kingdom seemed to have accepted its fate and did not take the initiative to provoke a war.

  The autumn harvest began in August, and the Grant royal family began to count their merits and prepare to award them with titles.

  During this southern invasion, the Kingdom of Grant usurped 160,000 square kilometers of the Kingdom of Delon, but Silver Moon Island was lost and Earl Marcel lost half of his territory. Based on the current control area, the net profit territory is 148,000 square kilometers of land, and seven or eight larger counties can be established.

  The Parliament of Nobles had been consulting continuously since June, and by late August, the benefits had been distributed.

  The Grant royal family will establish two new central provinces in the south, and Commander Steven will leave the royal court, be promoted to a hereditary earl, and become a new great noble.

  In this battle, the power of the Grant royal family once again expanded, and a new branch of the aristocracy, the earldom of Steven, was established, and two southern provinces were established, gaining a total of approximately 60,000 square kilometers of land.

  The three Dukes of Harland, Guise, and Duran, who invested a lot of resources in the war, were each granted an earldom.

  Because Richard took the initiative to take responsibility and saved Steven's army. The Kingdom of Roger reciprocated the favor and spoke favorably for the Harland family when dividing the territory. The territory of the Harland family was included in the former Dukedom of Isaac.

  This territory covers an area of ​​more than 19,000 square kilometers and is still 200 kilometers away from the front line. Not only does it have flat terrain and good agricultural conditions, it is also far away from frontline disputes.

  It's a pity that the Haaland family has no power and is distracted from operating in the south.

  Richard's children are still young and cannot be left here to manage the territory. Although his brothers are adults, Richard would not trust them if they invest a lot of manpower and material resources in the south.

  After discussing with King Roger, Richard made the decision to exchange the southern territory for the northern territory. Exchange the province of Grotta for the new southern county.

  Richard originally planned to exchange Geda Province, but Geda Province has been maturely developed for many years and has the favorable terrain of Dragon Canyon.

  The Grant royal family also invested a lot of resources in the province of Geda and established a knight's academy. Black River Fort has superior geographical conditions and is easy to defend but difficult to attack, but the Roger Kingdom is not willing to agree.

  The royal family is willing to exchange Gascoigne Province.

  There are a large number of local aristocratic territories within the Gascoigne Province. Most of the territories directly under the royal family are in the Flame Castle area in the northern part of the province, with a total area of ​​just over 8,000 square kilometers. To exchange this province, we also need to coordinate internal conflicts among the nobility.

  Li Cha calculated over and over again and felt that he was at a huge loss.

  After many communications with the Roger Kingdom, Richard decided to exchange the southern county for the Grotta Province.

  Although Grotta Province covers an area of ​​26,000 square kilometers, which is larger than the southern territory, more than half of it is mountainous. Its geographical location is still on the front line of northern Xinjiang, and its value is far less than that of the southern territory.

  Although the situation in the southern region is also unstable, the combat effectiveness of the Delon Kingdom is far inferior to that of the orcs, and the pressure they face is completely different.

  The value of the two territories was seriously unbalanced. Richard demanded compensation from the territory of the Roger Kingdom's Narach Province, and merged the Black River Basin of the Larach Province into the Dukedom of Harland.

  After considering it for more than ten days, King Roger finally agreed to Richard's conditions after discussing with the court nobles, and incorporated more than 9,000 square kilometers of the Heihe River Basin in Lach Province into the Dukedom of Harland.

  After all, after the transaction is completed, the Iron Lion Corps Zackli Division stationed in Grotta Province can be transferred south. Transferring a Northern Xinjiang Legion to the south is equivalent to transferring part of the responsibility for resisting the orcs to the Duke of Harland. The pressure on the royal family will be greatly reduced.

  Zachary was also a famous general of the Grant Kingdom. After transferring the Iron Lion Army to the south, Zachary could command the entire army in an emergency.

  William was Zachary's old subordinate, and it was easier to coordinate his command after Zachley was transferred south.

  The royal family deployed two main northern Xinjiang legions in the newly occupied area in the south, which was enough to deter the army of the Delong Kingdom and maintain the stability of the front. Moreover, the two Dukes of Guise and Duran have expanded their territories and will not choose to retreat. The Royal Guards Corps will also be stationed for several years to help maintain stability in the southern occupation zone.

  After the Black River Basin of Lach Province was assigned to the Duke of Halland, the Eagle Castle and the River Ferry Castle were all assigned to the Duke of Halland.

  The land on both sides of the Black River is fertile and the population is not small. According to rough statistics, including the Grotta Province, there are about 170,000 serfs and more than 60,000 free people included in the Duchy of Harland.

  Of course, the southern region has a larger population. The southern earldom under Richard's name has a population of more than 400,000.

  The royal family and the three dukes joined forces to swallow up 120,000 square kilometers of land in the south, and the remaining 28,000 square kilometers of land were given to other nobles of the Grant Kingdom to divide.

  Although the four Dukes of York, Lorraine, Fox, and Edward sent troops, they had no commendable achievements and could only be given a consolation prize, and their families were granted a barony.

  These four barons were located near the province of Iliano, far away from the front line, and were suitable for the Duke's second son to inherit.

  Of course, the territory in the south is not very large. The barony is only about 300 square kilometers, which is equivalent to one-third of the barony in the northern Xinjiang region. However, the southern territory is a plain area and its economic power is greater than that of the northern Xinjiang region.

  The four marquises in the east and the four earls in the south have restrained the six legions of the United Kingdom on the east coast. Each family has divided a viscounty, covering an area of ​​about one to two thousand square kilometers. The territory is scattered around the provinces directly under the royal family.

  The Earl Marcel family has received special care. The new territory covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 square kilometers. The two territories are not far apart and can be exchanged and merged with the southern nobles. Although more than 6,000 square kilometers of land are occupied by the United Kingdom on the East Coast, comprehensively The losses were not too heavy.

  The Earl family of Silver Moon Island also received a consolation prize and was granted a viscounty territory.

  Compared with before the war, the Silver Moon family had the biggest gap, losing its status as a great noble.

  After all, he lost the battle, lost his territory, and according to the laws of the Grant Kingdom, he normally lost his noble status.

  King Roger is still willing to give him a chance, and the Silver Moon family is already grateful.

  Luo Men and Raphael under Richard's command both achieved considerable military exploits and were granted a barony.

  William led the Grizzly Legion and experienced meritorious service. Six senior officers within the legion were awarded knighthoods. William fought three times, accumulated sixteen great merits, and was awarded the third barony.

  If these three baronies are exchanged and merged, William will obtain the status of viscount.

  It's a pity that the merger is no longer possible. The three baronies are located in different areas, and William chose to hand them over to different sons.

  William communicated with Richard through letters and decided to leave this barony to George to inherit. William married three formal wives, and the descendants of each lady would inherit one of his baronies.

  Richard wrote a letter to communicate with George. In September, George left northern Xinjiang and went to the south to operate with a large amount of funds.

  Compared to Ron, George has his mother's family to rely on. People like Mrs. Olaf have made more than 30,000 gold coins with the help of the Harland family's influence. Including a sum of money funded by Richard, George could use more than 50,000 gold coins. He also used William's relationship with Richard to recruit many soldiers from the Grizzly Legion and Harland Leader.

  Moreover, George's territory is not far from William's station, so he can get help from William in an emergency, and the starting situation is much better than that of Richard and Ron.

  After George went to the south to manage the territory, Mrs. Ola rushed to the south with her children, and the industry of Black River Castle fell into Richard's control. William's commercial channels and intelligence forces left in northern Xinjiang were all integrated into the Harland Territory.

  (End of chapter)

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