Chapter 322 Edmund

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  Chapter 322 Edmund

  "Good news!"

  "Good news!"

  "Good news!"


  The good news sent by Richard was delivered to the Nolan Palace at a speed of eight hundred miles.

  After receiving this good news, King Roger opened the map, carefully studied the situation on the battlefield, and became a little happy.

  As the war situation evolved and the United Kingdom increased its troops on the east coast, the situation in the Grant Kingdom became increasingly tense. In order to expand its territory in the south, the Grant royal family invested three legions, which was a considerable investment.

  Before the good news came, the situation on the front line was already very serious.

  Near the Dukedom of Hubble, the United Kingdom on the East Coast has successively invested three legions. If their retreat is cut off by these three legions, Steven's troops will be attacked from both sides.

  Once something goes wrong with the Royal Guards led by Steven, it will greatly damage the prestige of the Roger Kingdom.

  Now Richard bravely took on the responsibility, annihilated the Sixth Army of the United Kingdom on the east coast, blocked the enemies of the two legions in the Dukedom of Hubble, and maintained the stability of the front.

  If the battle line can be stabilized, the Haaland family will probably be able to gain a count when rewards are given after the war.

  After all, the effect of this battle is much greater than the expansion of territory.

  Moreover, the battle in which Richard led the coalition forces of the four provinces was the first to annihilate the United Kingdom army on the east coast.

  After the United Kingdom of the East Coast joined the war, they had the upper hand in several battles with the Grant Kingdom. They not only captured Silver Moon Island, but also occupied half of the Earl of Marcel.

  The nobles of the Grant Kingdom also valued the United Kingdom on the East Coast far more than the Kingdom of Delon. Annihilating one legion of the United Kingdom on the East Coast is equivalent to annihilating three legions of the Kingdom of Delon.

  The feudal system of the Grant Kingdom is very rigid. Only by expanding the territory, defeating the enemy, and achieving military exploits can one be promoted to a hereditary noble and obtain a fiefdom.

  This kind of system is to maintain the martial spirit of the Grant Kingdom. It is stipulated in the form of a system that if you want to achieve a class jump and get ahead, you must establish meritorious deeds on the battlefield.

  Along with the good news, there was also a letter from Richard asking for help. King Roger attached great importance to this letter.

  King Roger is also a general who rolls from the battlefield and can clearly grasp the key points of the battlefield without the guidance of his staff. Since the East Coast United Kingdom has chosen to increase its troops, the Roger Kingdom must also mobilize reinforcements for Richard.

  Fortunately, Steven, the commander of the intervention army, had already prepared and communicated with King Roger, and mobilized five large groups of soldiers on the border of Illinois Province. This force comes from the Duchy of Duran.

  There are two legions of soldiers in the Dukedom of Duran. One legion has already participated in the war in advance, and the remaining half of the legion needs to sit in the rear and bear the responsibility of taxing and transporting grain. These five brigades were thrown into the battlefield, and the power of the Dukedom of Duran was about to be completely exhausted.

  The Duke of Guise has already sent two legions into the battle, and only a few city defense troops are left to undertake the second-line tasks. The territory is extremely empty, and there are no elite soldiers in the several central provinces in the south of Nolan.

  Now if you want to maintain the front line, other big nobles in the country need to take responsibility. If the great nobles want to send troops, they must provide benefits to the great nobles in the territory. Only then can it be possible to arouse the enthusiasm of the great nobles to send troops.

  Now the four Marquises in the East and the Four Earls in the South are all being restrained by the United Kingdom on the East Coast. The Jonathan family has just swallowed the Grand Duchy of Stanik and has severe indigestion. It has made it clear that it will not participate in the southern war. Apart from the royal family, the only ones with remaining power are the five duchies of Lorraine, York, Fox, Edward, and Harland.

  The Harland family has sent six thousand people into the war, and King Roger can only focus on the other four dukes for the time being. After many letters of communication, the four great dukes decided to send 5,000 soldiers each to form a legion and join the war.

  The Duke of York's cousin was appointed as the commander of the regiment, which would not be mobilized until June for the Duchy of Hubble.

  The coalition of four dukes cannot enter the battle for a short period of time. The only reinforcements that Richard can count on now are five large groups of soldiers from the Duke of Duran. This army was very close to the battlefield. After receiving clear transfer orders, it entered the Dukedom of Hubble four days later and was organized into the front army commanded by Richard.

  Including this army, the number of soldiers under Richard's command already numbered 40,000. Among them, there are about 19,000 allied forces from the four provinces of Northern Xinjiang, 5,600 soldiers from Harland's command, 8,000 soldiers from five brigades from Duke Duran, 5 soldiers from Steven's province and 5,000 soldiers from Illinois province. Thousands of people. In recent times, Richard has used the remaining weapons seized to recruit about 3,000 new soldiers.

  Among these chaotic troops, only the army led by Harland, the coalition forces of the four northern Xinjiang provinces, and the soldiers of the Duke of Duran are regular troops with strong combat effectiveness.

  In the southern province's city defense army, the newly expanded 3,000 soldiers were slightly more powerful than the recruited serf soldiers. As long as they went into battle, they would basically collapse at the first touch. The frontal battlefield had no effect except killing people.

  After the reinforcements arrived, Richard and his soldiers stayed at the army camp led by Duke Duran. After all, he didn't know much about this army and it was difficult to set combat missions for them.

  As a general commanding operations, it is important to know oneself and the enemy. If you can't even figure out the situation of the troops under your command, how can you arrange your troops on the battlefield?

  As his understanding deepened, Richard gradually became aware of the combat effectiveness of this army.

  After all, the regular army of the Duke of Duran is not on the front line of Northern Xinjiang. Although Duke Duran will also contribute when the orcs invade, sending family members and legionnaires on a small scale to participate in the war in Northern Xinjiang. However, the combat experience and willpower of the soldiers of Duke Duran's Legion are far inferior to those of the soldiers from Northern Xinjiang.

  Although this army has good equipment and a large number of professional officers, its actual combat effectiveness is not as good as that of Edward, Fox and other Northern Xinjiang Dukes, nor is it as good as the Royal Guards, and it is even less likely to compete with the four main armies of Northern Xinjiang.

  Generally speaking, the combat effectiveness of this army is not much different from the main army of the United Kingdom on the East Coast, and it can go into battle when the large army is fighting.

  While Richard was busy, the United Kingdom military camp on the east coast, which was in stalemate with the Grant Kingdom army, also welcomed a distinguished guest. This person is Edmund, the deputy speaker of the East Coast United Kingdom’s Noble Parliament.

  Edmund was appointed as a special envoy with authority to investigate the reasons for the failure of the Sixth Army.

  In the political system of the United Kingdom on the East Coast, all rights belong to the parliament. Even the king is elected by the parliament through voting, and he is often replaced.

  The authority of Parliament is far greater than that of the Grant Kingdom.

  Edmund, the deputy speaker of the Parliament of Nobles, is already a decision-making figure in the East Coast United Kingdom, and his status may be somewhat more important than Richard's in the Grant Kingdom.

  "After receiving the news that the Sixth Army was completely wiped out by the enemy, the parliament entrusted me to go to the front line to investigate the details of the failure of this battle. The intelligence of this battle will affect our next decision-making. You are all front-line commanders. I hope I can see the real situation. I heard that you gathered a lot of defeated troops of the Sixth Army, and I asked to see these people in person."

  Edmund was a man of resolute action. Even though it was already evening when he arrived at the military camp, he did not They did not ask for a banquet, nor did they discuss the enemy's situation with frontline officers. Instead, they interrogated the defeated soldiers of the Sixth Army who had returned overnight.

  Edmund asked very detailed questions, and asked repeatedly about some details. Edmund quickly figured out the story of the two battles.

  Edmund looked at the time and questioned the eleven fleeing officers and twenty-two soldiers overnight. It was already ten o'clock the next day.

  Edmund is a very energetic person. Even if he hasn't slept all night, he still looks very energetic. He summoned the commanders of the 7th and 13th legions to the military tent. When everyone arrived, Edmund said straight to the point: "How has the situation on the front line been recently?" Seeing Edmund ask about the situation on the front line

  . Simeone made a rough summary of the recent battle situation.

  "Because the Sixth Army was completely wiped out, our two armies did not advance rashly after they merged. During this period, no major war broke out on the front line, and only the scouts of the two armies fought.

  The enemy has magic creation reconnaissance troops and a small number of gryphon cavalry, which have the advantage of aerial reconnaissance. Our losses are heavier than the enemy's. Even though the council sent us additional magicians, the losses during this period were not light.

  Six days ago, Master Saren was ambushed by the enemy and died in the battle. Enemy air reconnaissance losses occurred, reducing the frequency of reconnaissance. "

  Mage Saren is an eight-ring magician. After arriving at the front line, he attacked Harland's airspace scouts twice. The Griffin Cavalry used its flexible flight advantage to successfully return. The magic hot air balloon was shot down by Saren. In order to capture the magic heat, After the wreckage of the balloon, a fierce war broke out between magicians on both sides.

  Sophia and Wendy led the Harland Wizards Association to personally participate in the battle and killed Saren before reinforcements arrived.

  After Saren was killed, Dong The magicians of the United Coast Kingdom did not dare to continue to ambush the aerial scouts.

  In this battle, Sophia used the star bomb for the first time, killing Saren with one blow, but it also exhausted her magic power. Wendy took action and killed a The fifth-ring mage himself was also seriously injured.

  After the war, the Harland leader reduced the frequency of aerial reconnaissance, and the aerial battle finally stopped.

  Edmund nodded and said: "We arranged for the military consultants in the Kingdom of Delon to be in Sri Lanka. The enemy's gryphon cavalry was also discovered in Tivin's army. After compiling intelligence from all aspects, we found that the Grant royal family and Duke Harland respectively trained a small number of gryphon cavalry, Duke Harland's army, and magic creation aerial scouts. The advantage of aerial reconnaissance was also the reason why the Grant Kingdom won the war.

  Through intelligence gathered from all directions, in addition to the royal family, the Grant Kingdom already had four marquises, five earls, and three dukes participating in the war. In this war, the Grant Kingdom mobilized sixteen and a half legions, and more than 350,000 regular troops participated in the war.

  Among them, there are ten and a half legions fighting with us, about two hundred thousand people. There are only six legions, about 120,000 people fighting against the Kingdom of Delong. But among these legions, the only ones who are truly elite and good at fighting are the armies of the royal family and Duke Harland. The combat effectiveness of the armies under other great nobles is not much different from our main army.

  By collecting public intelligence, the Grant royal family had a total of eight main regiments, three of which were engaged in the war. The five Dukes of Jonathan, York, Edward, Fox, and Lorraine had a total of fourteen legions, but none of them appeared in the war. The Duke of Harland's army left in northern Xinjiang also numbered more than 20,000 people.

  The Grant Kingdom mobilizes its entire country and can mobilize twenty main legions, more than 400,000 troops. However, their northern Xinjiang region is facing the invasion of orcs, and the most elite 300,000 troops are contained in the northern Xinjiang region. Those who can really go south are There are only 100,000 people.

  We have dispatched nine main legions on the front line, and there are still 300,000 troops that can be put into battle. The Delong Kingdom is also recruiting troops on a large scale, which can expand by hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Because of the war, the country's military tradition is reviving and the army's combat effectiveness is also improving. From the perspective of reserve strength, we have an advantage.

  But we should also be careful. Once we push the Grant Kingdom too hard, make the decision to abandon the northern territory, mobilize the elite of the northern territory to go south, and invade the south with an elite army of 300,000 people, it will be a very scary scene.

  Our national policy is still to stabilize the Grant Kingdom in the northern border and block the orcs on our behalf. Therefore, the war between the two countries cannot expand without limit. The Noble Council has decided not to continue to increase troops. We must negotiate at the right time to restore peace conditionally. "

  After listening to Edmund's long speech, the two army commanders Simone and Larde finally let go of their worries.

  Unlike the Grant Kingdom, the aristocrats of the East Coast United Kingdom could not withstand the intensity of the war as much as the Northern Xinjiang people.

  The Northern Xinjiang region faced an invasion of orcs. , has been fighting brutal ethnic wars for many years, and the special geographical location has resulted in the people in northern Xinjiang being fierce and warlike, with a strong ability to withstand war, and the combat effectiveness of the soldiers far exceeds that in peaceful areas. After the two countries went to war, the pressure on the United Kingdom on the east coast was also

  considerable Heavy, especially after the Sixth Army was annihilated, Duke Eunice lived in fear every day, and repeatedly advocated peace in the Noble Council. The upper echelons of the Noble Council had noticed the

  amazing combat effectiveness of the elite troops of the Grant Kingdom, and were afraid that the Grant Kingdom would give up its northern territory and would War rages in the East Coast United Kingdom.

  In fact, giving up the northern territory is a particularly difficult decision. It is difficult for the Grant Kingdom to make this decision unless it is a last resort.

  The two sides are actually fighting with both sides, and the upper management has the idea of ​​​​negotiating a solution.

  After listening to Edmund's decision, the commander of the Seventh Army, Lald, nodded and said: "Since the noble council has made a decision, of course our frontline commanders must obey. I will express my position here and will not intensify the conflict. But can we sign it? Does the peace contract still depend on the decision of the Kingdom of Delon? I don’t think King Henry will sign the contract easily. If the Kingdom of Delon drags him, the war between the three countries will probably last for many years." Simone also agrees with Lald’s opinion

  . , he continued: "The key is that we must have a tacit understanding with the Grant Kingdom and not expand the scale of the war. This requires high-level communication between the two countries. I think we should send an envoy to talk to Duke Harland, redeem the prisoners, and win the peace of both parties." Mutual trust."

  (End of chapter)

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