Chapter 320 Annihilation of the Sixth Army

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  Chapter 320 Annihilating the Sixth Army
  After listening to the opinions of the officers, Richard weighed the pros and cons and decided against all opinions to lead the coalition forces of the four provinces to shoulder the heavy responsibility. He persuaded him earnestly: "If we withdraw our troops at this time, Steven may not be able to support us anymore. If the Grant royal family loses two main legions, the regime may be unstable, and a new round of civil war may break out in the country." Political struggle.

  Whether it is the Dukedom of Harland or the four provinces of Northern Xinjiang, they are facing the invasion of orcs at any time. We must have a stable environment in the rear. Therefore, it is also in our interests to maintain the political stability of the Grant Kingdom. Moreover We are King Roger's vassals and have the obligation and responsibility to be loyal to the kingdom.

  I have made the above reasons very clear, so I ordered the troops to prepare immediately and launch a full-scale attack early tomorrow morning. Reinforcements will not arrive for two days. , we must annihilate this enemy before reinforcements arrive."

  Although there are some conflicts between the Harland family and the Grant royal family, the royal family, for the sake of its stable status, tried to create some obstacles for the Harland family to maintain the balance of power. But the Harland family and the Grant royal family have far more cooperation than differences. Especially when facing foreign enemies, once Richard chooses to hold back, it will be difficult for both parties to trust each other in future cooperation.

  Years of glorious victories made Richard very prestigious among the officers in Harland and the four provinces of northern Xinjiang. Under Richard's persuasion, the coalition forces from the four provinces unified their opinions and decided to annihilate the Sixth Army first, and then block the reinforcements from the United Kingdom on the east coast, holding the retreat for Steven and shouldering a heavier responsibility.

  Early the next morning, the soldiers began to line up after breakfast, preparing to launch a full-scale attack.

  The camp's heavy trebuchet was the first to launch. After years of development, Harland led a small explosion of mathematical talents. Now, including magicians, the total number of mathematical talents proficient in gravity measurement and ballistic parabola calculations totaled two to three hundred.

  After calculating in advance and using appropriate counterweights, the trebuchet unit struck very accurately.

  Following the orders, the soldiers continued to cut the ropes, and each stone bullet spanned a distance of 200 meters and accurately landed on the camp of the Sixth Army of the United Kingdom on the east coast.

  The stone bullets landed from a high altitude, carrying strong kinetic energy, and hit the tents hard, smashing the unlucky soldiers into meat patties.

  Such a terrifying scene shocked the nerves of the soldiers. Even veterans who had been in the army for many years were frightened when they saw this scene.

  Seeing the stone bullets being thrown continuously, making a harsh sound of breaking through the air, Caesar, the commander of the Sixth Army, turned pale.

  Although many battles broke out between the two sides, Richard used a heavy trebuchet to attack for the first time. The trebuchet only fired a few rounds, and the visual impact it caused to the enemy was already very serious.

  Although Caesar discovered this new type of equipment in the battle report of the Kingdom of Delon, he never expected that in the hands of the army led by Harland, the power of this trebuchet would be so amazing?

  At this moment, the soldiers of the United Kingdom on the east coast must take action to break the passive situation of being beaten.

  "Soldiers, the enemy has launched a full-scale attack on us. The Grants have elite cavalry under their command. Under the impact of the cavalry, it is impossible for us to retreat. Now terrible stone bullets are constantly falling on our heads. The top priority is to improve this situation.

  " In this situation, I decided to lead everyone to charge. Please believe in me, follow me, and defeat the Grant people in one fell swoop.

  I swear to the God of Kingship and Order that after victory, I will treat everyone well and share the honor, gold and silver with everyone.

  Victory belongs to the sixth Legion, belongs to the people of the East Coast!"

  Caesar made the final mobilization to cheer up the soldiers under his command. The soldiers of the Sixth Army on the East Coast quickly adjusted their formation, braved the rain of stone bullets fired by trebuchets, and launched a desperate attack against the coalition forces from the four provinces of Northern Xinjiang.

  The heavy trebuchet is not very convenient to move and is not very useful in field battles. Once the enemy moves quickly and gets within a hundred meters, it will be difficult to aim.

  Under the threat of life and death, the soldiers of the Sixth Legion on the East Coast moved quickly. After the formation, the trebuchets only fired five or six rounds before Caesar led the soldiers through the range of the heavy trebuchets.

  Among the coalition forces of the four provinces, Richard led 6,000 soldiers from Haaland as the center army, 7,000 soldiers from the coalition of nobles from Lach Province, and 2,000 soldiers from the coalition from nobles from Grotta Province as the left camp. There are 5,000 people in the province of Gascoyne and 6,000 people in the province of Geda.

  The commander of the left battalion is the eighth-level gold knight Viscount Raphael, and the commander of the right battalion is the seventh-level silver knight Viscount Roman.

  Because the last time he formed an intervention army, Richard led the northern Xinjiang nobles to a brilliant victory. After the war, the four noble officers achieved a class jump and were promoted to the hereditary noble class.

  This time, the northern Xinjiang nobles invested almost all their money in forming the intervention army. The participants were basically elite soldiers. Important nobles such as Viscount Raphael and Viscount Luomen all brought their elites to join the intervention army.

  Counting the soldiers from Harland Territory, the northern noble coalition has a total of 26,000 soldiers, while Caesar's command only has more than 15,000 soldiers.

  Seeing that the left and right wings were outflanking, Caesar quickly issued an order, and the soldiers of the United Kingdom on the east coast adjusted their formation. Two brigades were separated from the left and right wings to block the left and right battalions led by Raphael and Viscount Romen.

  Seeing Caesar's change of formation, Richard rode on the iron horned horse and smiled at the officers beside him: "It seems that the enemy wants to break through from the center camp. I order the soldiers led by Harland to defeat the enemy from the center." The order was given

  . After that, the soldiers of the first brigade took the lead and bravely launched a countercharge against the enemy.

  Even on the way forward. The archers of the first group also shot arrows one after another. Although these arrows looked sparse, they were very accurate. More than a hundred arrows were shot over, and each one almost hit the enemy accurately.

  There are a lot of veterans in the first brigade, and there are more than 100 people who have reached the third level of archery. Everyone among these 100 people is an expert archer and can accurately hit the enemy's vital points within 100 meters.

  The kills of each archer in the battle were astonishing. In just a few rounds of arrows, Caesar's soldiers suffered hundreds of casualties. The casualties were much higher than those killed by trebuchets.

  In addition to precision shooters, the rest of the soldiers in the first group, except for the searing ray gunmen, are equipped with bows and arrows. Their long-range projection capabilities are very powerful.

  The regular army of the United Kingdom on the east coast is almost unable to compete with it.

  Seeing that the casualties were getting heavier and heavier, Caesar had no choice but to bite the bullet and launch an attack.

  Caesar is a ninth-level epic knight with a very brave character. With his lead, the soldiers of the United Kingdom on the East Coast mustered up the courage to charge against the Grant Kingdom army.

  In less than three minutes, the two sides rushed over a distance of more than 100 meters, collided fiercely, and a fierce hand-to-hand battle broke out.

  Caesar's power is astonishing, and he can kill or seriously injure an elite veteran with every blow.

  In less than a minute, Caesar had taken six shots, killing a junior officer, seriously injuring two professional veterans, and also killed an archer and two advanced warrior student soldiers. Relying on his own bravery, Caesar easily opened a gap and rushed into the first army formation. Even low-level professionals wearing brute armor are hardly the enemies of Caesar and cannot compete with him.

  Seeing how brave Caesar was, Richard was about to kill the man himself. Martin, the captain of the First Battalion, and Jennings, the captain of the Sixth Battalion who was transferred, took the lead and began to surround and kill this person with officers such as Sula, Tyron, and Julian.

  Martin and Jennings are both sixth-level warriors. Sulla, Tyron, and Julian have also been promoted to fourth-level warriors, and have been promoted to the captain level in Haaland. Five mid-level warriors joined forces, wearing brute force armor that increased strength, and bravely blocked Caesar's attack.

  There are many high-level professionals in the headquarters of the Sixth Army of the United Kingdom on the East Coast. Two deputy army commanders command the soldiers on the left and right wings. The third deputy commander of the legion, the director of logistics, the captain of the magic team, the chief military judge, and the army chaplain all participated in the raid war.

  Harland also led the army with many high-level professionals. Seventh-level Soros and Sophia, fifth-level Wendy, and fourth-level Anne and Butler also followed the headquarters. The mage support force in the Harland territory is far stronger than the mage accompanying the United Kingdom on the East Coast. Among the officers at the headquarters, there are more than ten fourth- and fifth-level warriors in total.

  After the two armies fought, officers and professionals immediately targeted magicians and priests because everyone knew how destructive the magic profession was to the war.

  Generally speaking, a dozen magicians joining forces and releasing a large joint magic can break the balance of the war.

  Sophia's opponent is a five-ring magician who is the captain of the Sixth Legion's magic support team.

  There are twelve people in this magic support team. Among them, the captain and deputy captain are all mid-level magicians. The remaining ten team members are all low-level magicians. Among the ten members, one senior magician is a third-level magician, and the rest are all First- and second-level mages.

  According to usual combat experience, once the magic team takes action, it can often have an immediate effect. Harness the diversity of magical powers to help infantry defeat their enemies.

  However, Caesar never expected that the number of battle mages accompanying the army led by Harland would exceed sixty. The official mages had two teams of nearly thirty people. The remaining auxiliary personnel are basically high-level mage apprentices, and their combat effectiveness is stronger than the three mage support teams.

  After using two magic spells, Sophia had successfully broken the enemy's magic shield.

  Sophia's magical talent is superior, and her spiritual talent far exceeds that of ordinary people. Coupled with wearing a star necklace, her magic lethality has exceeded that of an eighth-ring magician and is close to the standard of an ordinary nine-ring magician.

  I saw her releasing a powerful immobilization technique, easily immobilizing the enemy.

  After being hit by a powerful immobilization spell, and seeing that he could not save himself from the damage, the captain of the Sixth Army's mage team immediately prepared to open the dimensional door and use the dimensional space to escape.

  As a result, Sophia took the lead and released a four-ring magic dimensional anchor, which anchored the extra-dimensional space and rendered the enemy's magic useless.

  Before Sophia could take action again, Richard and Wendy teamed up to deal with the vice-captain of the magic team and successfully captured the four-ring magician. Wendy just freed up her hand and used the lightning staff to release a powerful lightning spell, easily killing this person.

  The captain of the magic team died in the battle, the vice-captain was captured, and the fate of the remaining magicians was determined. Four magicians died on the spot, and the remaining six were captured alive by Harland's leading professionals and became prisoners.

  After solving the magic team, Harland led the magician to free up his hands and released a large-scale grease spell, which instantly enveloped the two squadrons of enemies within the spell's range.

  In the fierce battle, more than three hundred soldiers were instantly slipped, and their fate was determined in an instant.

  Seeing that the army was about to be defeated, Caesar was extremely sad. Although Caesar's family is a ducal family of the United Kingdom on the East Coast, there are actually only two hereditary legions.

  This time the Sixth Legion was completely wiped out and annihilated in the Kingdom of Delon. The Caesar family suffered heavy losses, and its influence in the United Kingdom on the east coast will be greatly weakened.

  But when the situation has developed to this point, regret and grief are of no use. Caesar's only option was to escape.

  Caesar struck with all his strength, causing severe pain in Sulla's hands and a gap in the enchanted sword. Although Sulla was very brave, the gap in strength between him and Caesar was too big. Once Caesar became violent, he immediately fell into passivity.

  Caesar struck hard and knocked down Sulla's weapon. Seeing that Sulla was in danger. Jennings and Julian rushed forward bravely, protecting Sulla behind them and blocking Caesar's continuous attacks.

  In order to protect Sulla, Jennings and Julian left a gap in their positions. Caesar rushed forward with all his strength and broke through the siege of the five people in an instant.

  Just as Caesar was about to escape, Wendy had already released a chain of lightning, hitting the man hard.

  At this moment, the magicians led by Harland had their hands free, and Richard, Sophia, and Wendy all targeted this person.

  Seeing a series of lightning strikes, Caesar hurriedly raised his magic shield.

  A blue light bloomed on the shield, releasing a powerful body-protecting fighting spirit, blocking Wendy's attack. Before Caesar could breathe a sigh of relief, Sophia released a five-ring magic ice storm, and a powerful ice energy enveloped the man.

  Caesar was born in the warm southern region, and his knight bloodline did not have strong cold resistance properties. He was enveloped by the ice storm and was instantly injured by this magic. Severe frostbite appeared on his body, and his vitality was extremely damaged.

  Caesar endured the severe pain, moved his legs vigorously, and finally broke through the scope of the ice storm. He was just about to draw his bow and arrow to kill Sophia, this annoying enemy.

  Martin and Jennings had already raised their enchanted shields, blocking Caesar's shot.

  Martin and Jennings were both sixth-level warriors, wearing brute armor. They could already pose a certain threat to Caesar in close combat. They held a shield in one hand and wielded an enchanted sword in the other, and launched an attack on Caesar.

  Caesar endured the pain and bravely forced the two people back. Before Caesar could continue to attack Sophia, Richard had already released a powerful three-ring magic human immobilization spell on her.

  Being targeted by the immobilization spell on the battlefield, Caesar's defeat was doomed.

  (End of chapter)

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