Chapter 313 Advancements one after another

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  Chapter 313:
  After talking to Sanders, Richard signed the contract overnight.

  Sanders had prepared the conditions for the transaction in advance and handed over the potion prepared in advance from the space props to Richard. The potion formula and the alchemy bomb manufacturing blueprints were exchanged.

  After the deal was completed, the trade fair continued.

  At this year's commodity expo, Harland Leader not only provided more alchemy bombs, but also placed searing ray guns on the booth.

  Although this weapon is not as cost-effective as alchemy bombs, it is much stronger than explosive arrows and is still a very good magic prop.

  Although there are relatively few searing ray guns on the platform, Harland will only sell 200 guns this year, and they are still welcomed by the nobles of northern Xinjiang. Although the price of the searing ray gun is very high, priced at 120 gold coins each, it has also been robbed by the nobles. This time Richard personally came forward and sold these two hundred scorching ray guns to Duke Edward.

  As for Duke Edward, he did not need to cash out, but instead offered two hundred iron horned horses in exchange.

  Using these two hundred iron horned horses, Richard prepared to continue to expand two squadrons of Warcraft.

  Including these two hundred iron horned horses, Harland already has six iron horned horse squadrons, and the number of Warcraft cavalry has reached 600, surpassing the two Dukes of Guise and Duran in the south.

  If they resort to force and take out all the Warcraft horses from the breeding base, the number of Warcraft cavalry led by Harland will exceed one thousand. More than a thousand Warcraft Cavalry can already pose a very serious threat to the Orc Legion.

  However, Richard naturally would not do anything to catch a fish. The number of Warcraft horses in the breeding base is close to 700, and fifty or sixty Warcraft horses can be replenished every year.

  According to estimates of the Warcraft horses produced by Duke Edward every year, the number of Iron Wild Horses in the Warcraft breeding base controlled by Duke Edward may exceed 3,000.

  The scale of the Warcraft horse farm controlled by the royal family is no less than that of Duke Edward. The scale of the Warcraft breeding base controlled by the Jonathan family is also extraordinary. Coupled with the Warcraft cavalry trained by nobles of all sizes, the Grant Kingdom's Warcraft horses add up to no less than three. All in all. If this power could be gathered together, it would be troublesome for the Orc Empire.

  It's just that the feudal kingdom has serious internal conflicts, its mobilization ability is average, and its power cannot be concentrated, as if there is no threat.

  If the big and small nobles unified their opinions, the Grant Kingdom could also mobilize a lot of power. Back then, Duke Brener commanded the Grant Kingdom army and defeated a million-strong orc army. The main force alone had as many as thirty legions.

  In addition to the arms trade, the civilian goods market in Harland Territory has expanded. Although many nobles were dissatisfied with the outflow of gold coins, they were unable to change in the face of the monopolized goods produced in the Harland territory.

  On November 15th, the fourth commodity expo came to a successful conclusion, and Richard could finally feel a little more relaxed.

  With his free time, Richard sorted out the potions traded with the Church of Dawn and prepared to distribute them to the members of the Harland Mage Association.

  The Dawn Potion is the iconic magic potion of the Church of Dawn and has been invented for more than four hundred years.

  This potion is relatively mild and can increase the probability of a magic apprentice advancing. The price of a morning light potion on the market exceeds one hundred gold coins, making it a very in-demand super magic commodity.

  The potions used by magicians are so expensive, a little more than three times the price of potions used by warriors.

  Starry sky potion, frost potion, and arcane potion are all potions that enhance magic power. After taking them, they can reduce the time of meditation and have different effects. Elemental affinity potions are more valuable and can slightly improve a magician's elemental affinity, which is of great help to a magician like Richard who has average elemental affinity.

  The Holy Radiance Potion is a magic potion invented by the Church of Radiance. Over the years, the potion formula has spread to the hands of major forces in the Dawn Plane. This potion is relatively overbearing and can be used to break through large bottlenecks.

  Because it is a magician-specific potion, its price is much higher than the life evolution potion. Even the dragon vein boiling potion refined by the Jonathan family does not cost that high.

  According to the market price, the price of a Holy Radiance Potion can often reach seventeen or eight thousand gold coins. Most of the time, there is still a price but no market, and they can only be exchanged for equally precious resources.

  When Sophia advanced, she did not use potions. Richard was more confident in himself and could advance without using potions. However, if the Holy Glory Potion is stored in a special magic bottle, it can be stored for sixty years. Obtaining this potion can enhance the heritage of the Harland family.

  Indeed, as Sanders said, the chips that Morningside Church is willing to pay are far more sincere than those of Grant and Jonathan. Although Harland did not suffer any loss from the transaction with Grant and Jonathan, the two nobles gained relatively more benefits.

  This transaction with Dawn Church is a true win-win.

  Just over a hundred potions are worth more than 300,000 gold coins, and the formula of the potion is also priceless. To Harland Territory, it may be more valuable than the method of making alchemical bombs.

  Although Sanders is in Northern Xinjiang like Richard, he has access to the Dawn Church's intelligence network and can receive intelligence from other areas of the Dawn plane. He is far better informed than Richard.

  When Richard returned from the Losar Basin, he had no idea that a religious war had broken out in the Holy Glory Empire. After all, the distance was far away, and there were no telegraphs or telephones available, so the news spread very slowly. Coupled with the blockade by local nobles on the way, it may take a year or two before ordinary nobles in the Grant Kingdom can hear the vague news.

  Having received the information in advance, it was natural to make some preparations to avoid getting involved in a religious war.

  After getting more than a hundred potions, except for the Holy Radiance Potion and the Elemental Affinity Potion, Richard was ready to distribute the remaining potions and let the territorial magicians redeem them with their merits.

  After Richard became an earl, he could legally become a hereditary vassal, and Harland's military exploits became equally useful.

  After more than ten years of accumulation, some people have accumulated a lot of merit. Soros, who had the most merit, chose to become a vassal of the Grant royal family. Roland, Martin and other veteran captains also accumulated four or five great achievements. These people are not far away from becoming knights. If they are willing to become vassals of the Duchy of Harland, hereditary territory is also something that Richard should consider.

  However, the magicians in the territory were basically trained later, and their achievements were relatively small, so being knighted was not something they should consider. Especially for high-level magic apprentices, whose combat effectiveness has not yet been formed, it is naturally difficult for them to perform meritorious service in exchange for the Morning Light Potion.

  The system of the Harland Territory is different from other regions. Even if you have no merit, you can still borrow merit from the territory as long as the conditions are met. Many high-level warrior apprentices relied on their borrowed merits to exchange for Tenghui potions and advance successfully.

  Now Harland has accumulated twenty-three high-level magic apprentices, and twelve potions are naturally not enough. In addition to the six magic apprentices who have already performed meritorious service, the Mage Association selected the six with the best foundations from the remaining seventeen senior apprentices, and lent them their meritorious service and gave them the Morning Light Potion.

  With the help of the Morning Light Potion, Harland led seven more magicians at once. Counting these seven newcomers, the number of formal members within the Mage Association has exceeded forty. After the Starry Sky Potion, Frost Potion, and Arcane Potion were placed on the redemption window, they immediately caused a sensation among the magicians.

  More than thirty magicians want to grab this precious potion, but this potion that enhances the upper limit of magic power is very valuable. It takes one medium skill and six small skills to redeem one. It is difficult for a first-level and second-level magician to have enough military exploits. Only a few mages with outstanding military exploits can redeem a few.

  Those who are eyeing these potions are mainly the key executives of the Harland Mage Association.

  Caperson is new here, and even though he is very greedy, he doesn't have many achievements, so he can only stare.

  Roentgen has been in the Harland territory for the third year. He has participated in two wars, and dedicated his own meditation method. He has accumulated one major skill and four medium skills. I redeemed three magic potions at once.

  It's not that Röntgen is reluctant to make meritorious deeds, it's just that the Mage Association stipulates that three-ring magicians can only redeem a maximum of three magic potions, and Röntgen has already reached the upper limit.

  Heath, Butler, Anne, and Adrian all have sufficient military exploits. Although Adrian rarely goes to the front line, he will be rewarded with meritorious deeds for his research results. In addition, he will also perform meritorious service for rescuing people in war. Although he has the least merit, he has not achieved one major achievement in more than ten years, which is enough to exchange for three magic potions.

  After the five three-ring magicians exchanged magic power-enhancing potions, Annie and Butler successfully broke through the bottleneck and advanced to become four-ring magicians.

  The two of them have been three-ring magicians for more than four years, and their talents exceed those of the other three. Normally, they are not far from advancement. After using precious magic potions, they were successfully promoted.

  Together with Anne and Butler, the Harland Mage Association already has one seventh-level, one sixth-level, one fifth-level, and two fourth-level magicians, finally getting rid of the dilemma of two or three big cats and kittens.

  Although Wendy's promotion to the fifth ring was still short, after redeeming five magic potions, she also lost about one year of meditation effort. Although meditation using potions is fast, the foundation is actually somewhat unstable. Moreover, the Harland Mage Association does not have so many resources to use.

  Thirty-six magic potions were exchanged for twenty-three, and the remaining thirteen were left to Richard and Sophia.

  It also takes four years for Richard to advance to the sixth-ring magician. Through the attribute panel, Richard knows that it will take about two years to advance. In recent years, Richard has not made any major contributions to magic research, and the feedback from meditation has been average. Although he presided over the invention of the steam engine, it unfortunately had little to do with magic, and he did not create new magic, nor did he make any new discoveries about the nature of magic.

  Richard is already a sixth-level magician, and the thickness of his magic power is extraordinary. The effect of using magic power to enhance is far inferior to that of three-level magicians such as Anne and Butler. According to the prompts on the attribute panel, the effect of a magic power-enhancing potion is only equivalent to his fifteen-minute meditation. sky.

  After using six magic power enhancement potions in one month, the progress of meditation was equivalent to an increase of three months.

  On the contrary, the elemental affinity potion has greatly improved Richard's qualifications.

  After detailed inspection, Richard's element with the highest affinity is the soul element, followed by the light element. His elemental affinity between the earth element and the wind element is very average. The highland meditation method absorbs exactly the elements of wind and earth, so the effect of Richard's meditation is relatively average.

  Richard has three views formed in his previous life. Learning soul magic is difficult to understand. The most suitable magic profession for him is to become a Holy Light Mage.

  If he were in a magic organization with a well-established inheritance, with Richard's qualifications, he should learn the holy light element meditation method, and the progress would be faster.

  It's a pity that when Richard started learning magic, he had no one to rely on, and no magic instructor to guide him.

  The Harland family became prosperous during William's generation and achieved a class jump, but it was still difficult to find a magic teacher for Richard to learn magic.

  At that time, I finally found a meditation method from the Stork family, so I naturally practiced it happily.

  Sophia's element with the highest affinity is the water element, followed by the wind element, and Wendy's element with the highest affinity is the earth element.

  Of the three, only Wendy was actually the most suited to the Highland Meditation Method.

  Sophia's adaptability to the Highland Meditation Method is slightly better than Richard's.

  In fact, although Sophia's social class was higher than Richard's at that time, there was actually no difference in learning magic.

  Stowe was afraid that the family would accidentally discover the magician heritage, and it would be impossible for Sophia to provide good conditions for learning magic.

  Sophia also had no choice but to choose the highland meditation method to practice. The only thing Baron Stowe feared was better than William was that he could spend a sum of money to send Sophia to Markholm Magic Kingdom so that she could receive formal magic training and lay a stronger foundation than Richard.

  Among the eight elemental affinity potions, Richard and Wendy shared the earth element affinity potion, and Sophia shared the wind element affinity potion.

  The three of them used twenty-four elemental affinity potions, and the remaining forty-eight elemental affinity potions were collected by Richard in the bottle of starlight.

  Anne and Adrian, who are closely related to Richard, both use the highland meditation method to practice. This meditation method absorbs wind and earth elements. Unfortunately, the two potions of wind element affinity and earth element affinity have been used up.

  Although there are some people who can use other elemental affinity potions, their relationship with Richard is very ordinary. Of course, Richard will not use this precious potion on outsiders.

  Compared with the Holy Radiance Potion, the Elemental Affinity Potion has a shorter storage time. Even if a special magic bottle is used, it can only be stored for about half a year.

  The Harland leader has no suitable candidates, and the remaining elemental affinity potions can only be exchanged for resources with other magician organizations.

  After using twelve high-level potions, Richard's elemental affinity improved immediately, and his meditation speed increased by about half.

  Judging from the comprehensive strength of Richard's innate mental strength and magic resistance, his magic qualifications have finally been upgraded to an advanced level, comparable to Sophia and Butler.

  (End of chapter)

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